12th May 2010, 06:20 PM

No charts are necessary. A thousand words might suffice, rather than six charts showing Gold breaking out to new highs across the world. Some major points scream to be told. Here is a list:

* Gold is rising in every single major currency
* Gold is not a hedge against price inflation, but rather against ruined monetary system
* Gold is making new highs in almost every single major currency
* Gold had consolidated in price for four months, the base for breakout
* Gold will reach $2000 in price within the next two years time
* Gold is desperately needed to anchor the failed fiat paper currency system
* Gold is planned for a component role in the new Northern Euro currency
* The sovereign debt crisis has fueled demand for Gold without the full realization that the central bank franchise system has failed along with the fiat currencies
* Quantitative Easing is monetary hyper-inflation, the fuel of the Gold rally
* Gold is urgently needed as a bank reserve to ensure proper function
* Gold contains no inherent counter-party risk
* Gold is in the midst of vast supply shortages
* The Gold Cartel is seeing defections among its allies, who are buying gold bullion after the cartel knocks down the price
* Nations are hoarding their gold mining output, the latest possibly Venezuela
* Gold is seeing panic buying in parts of Europe, like Austria
* Gold mining output is trending down for the past few years
* Gold was by far the #1 investment asset in the entire 2000-2009 decade
* The US Dow Jones Industrial Average is in multi-year decline, in Gold terms
* Gold is protected from human corruption, except in its theft and hollow replacement
* Gold market is receiving heavy scrutiny for corrupt metal exchanges
* The London Bullion Market Assn has been in default since December, bribing on delivery demands to receive cash settlement with a 25% premium paid
* The GLD gold exchange traded fund is a corrupt diversion from metal ownership
* Hong Kong is soon to offer several exchange traded funds for Gold
* Gold can and does rise in price concurrently with the USDollar
* Future payment for oil shipments will require a gold-backed currency
* New barter systems of trade will contain a gold core component
* Gold is the ultimate safe haven asset
* The USTreasury has no gold reserves, as Fort Knox is empty, since the Clinton-Rubin gang leased it and sold it all
* PIGS nations have more gold reserves than the United States
* Switzerland and Canada have almost zero gold in national reserves
* The IMF gold sales are lies, actually closed out USGovt gold short transactions from past years when the Clinton-Rubin gang leased gold for sale
* Gold leased from the Italian central bank was lost by LongTerm Capital Mgmt
* Bear Stearns was targeted for a kill, since it was long in gold, defying Wall Street
* China participates with the IMF sideshow game in order to buy its gold pledges
* If Gold were revalued at 3x to 5x the price, many national banking systems would be restored to health and solvency
* Price hyper-inflation is the likely next blemish on the US landscape, which will fuel broad public gold demand
* Any attempt by the USGovt to confiscate gold would result in a gigantic backfire, with the gold price doubling in price, and US foreign assets subjected to freezes
* Gold will reach its high range when US bankers along with London bankers face a Nuremberg style criminal trial on the global stage
* Prepare for the arrival of a small group of new Gold-backed currencies, the USDollar death knell
* As John Pierpont Morgan once stated under oath before the USCongress and the Pujo Commission in 1913, "Gold is money, and nothing else"
