View Full Version : China scientists find use for cigarette butts.

13th May 2010, 12:02 PM
China scientists find use for cigarette butts.

HONG KONG (Reuters) – Chemical extracts from cigarette butts -- so toxic they kill fish -- can be used to protect steel pipes from rusting, a study in China has found.

In a paper published in the American Chemical Society's bi-weekly journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, the scientists in China said they identified nine chemicals after immersing cigarette butts in water.

They applied the extracts to N80, a type of steel used in oil pipes, and found that they protected the steel from rusting.

"The metal surface can be protected and the iron atom's further dissolution can be prevented," they wrote.

The chemicals, including nicotine, appear to be responsible for this anti-corrosion effect, they added.

The research was led by Jun Zhao at Xi'an Jiaotong University's School of Energy and Power Engineering and funded by China's state oil firm China National Petroleum Corporation.

Corrosion of steel pipes used by the oil industry costs oil producers millions of dollars annually to repair or replace.

According to the paper, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts find their way into the environment each year. Apart from being an eyesore, they contain toxins that can kill fish.

"Recycling could solve those problems, but finding practical uses for cigarette butts has been difficult," the researchers wrote.

China, which has 300 million smokers, is the world's largest smoking nation and it consumes a third of the world's cigarettes. Nearly 60 percent of men in China smoke, puffing an average of 15 cigarettes per day.
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By Ponce.........To make cigarette poison......place about ten cigarettes in a cup of Acetone...leave it there for about 2 days........get rid of liquid in cup.....squeeze wet cigarettes into a cup (wear rubber gloves).......place liquid in cup in a syringe....use ultra fine needle...inject at base of skull under hair.

13th May 2010, 12:08 PM
I often see teenagers and the homeless searching the ground for cigarette butts long enough to put their fingers on. They light 'em and smoke what little there is. It's pretty gross.

13th May 2010, 12:10 PM
Well, at one time me and my band of "desesperados" used to walk along the roads looking for them..........for me Christmas was when I found a 3/4 full pack.

14th May 2010, 01:44 PM
By Ponce.........To make cigarette poison......place about ten cigarettes in a cup of Acetone...leave it there for about 2 days........get rid of liquid in cup.....squeeze wet cigarettes into a cup (wear rubber gloves).......place liquid in cup in a syringe....use ultra fine needle...inject at base of skull under hair.

What the fuck Ponce thats just creepy. How does your weird comment add to that story in anyway?

Note to self, never meet Ponce in person.

14th May 2010, 05:57 PM
It seems to me that to end the problem of cigarette butts the easiest solution would just be to ban them. Ban filters on cigarettes. What is left after that which won't decompose. People might think twice about smoking if they had all brown goey finger tips from smoking non filter. Camel used to do one IIRC. Don't know who else.

I remember watching a gardening show where they visited this old italian lady's garden to see how she grew her vegetables. They were interested in how she improved the drainage of the heavy clay soil. She had been using cigarette butts. And just any butts as well. Wherever she found them she would collect them and dig them in. The presenter decided that the butts had caused the strange yellow stalks on spinach plus a few other things. Can't imagine what it was like to eat that stuff.

The main thing she grew was tomatoes and it always reminds me of the simpsons tomacco episode.

22nd May 2010, 02:03 PM
I once worked in the lab that has created several compounds over the years that comprise the butt filter of any Phillip Morris cigarette. The same lab designed the process for extruding the material into incredibly small and numerous threads and twirling them; the thing is like a microscopic spinning play-doh spaghetti factory outputting into a column.

The process itself takes place in an isolated chamber with several methods of air evacuation and scrubbing. It was my understanding that the material was a modified polystyrene and was, for all practical purposes, infinitely non-biodegradable.

22nd May 2010, 02:11 PM
By Ponce.........To make cigarette poison......place about ten cigarettes in a cup of Acetone...leave it there for about 2 days........get rid of liquid in cup.....squeeze wet cigarettes into a cup (wear rubber gloves).......place liquid in cup in a syringe....use ultra fine needle...inject at base of skull under hair.


Take a 9mm pistol, place it at base of skull under hair.

All the soaking and syringes not needed.

22nd May 2010, 05:11 PM
By Ponce.........To make cigarette poison......place about ten cigarettes in a cup of Acetone...leave it there for about 2 days........get rid of liquid in cup.....squeeze wet cigarettes into a cup (wear rubber gloves).......place liquid in cup in a syringe....use ultra fine needle...inject at base of skull under hair.Tobacco works as a pretty good poison for poisoned arrows and darts. I believe that was one of the few poisons the American Indians used on arrow tips.

23rd May 2010, 06:32 PM
I believe you are thinking of curare, a poison that binds to the nicotine receptors and causes paralysis. I'm not sure if nicotine its self was ever used by the natives as a poison. I could be wrong though.

23rd May 2010, 07:38 PM
I believe you are thinking of curare, a poison that binds to the nicotine receptors and causes paralysis. I'm not sure if nicotine its self was ever used by the natives as a poison. I could be wrong though.
Well that's what a bunch of hippies (indian and mountainmen wannabes) told me around a campfire at a primitive skills get together, I may be wrong. ;D

But tobacco has a profound effect on someone not used to it. I can only imagine the effects if it was injected even in small amounts.

24th May 2010, 05:01 AM
it's quite easy to extract the nicotine from cigarettes

nicotine does not have to be ingested to be effective

nicotine can still be deadly thru skin absorption