View Full Version : The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies. 4 of 4

13th May 2010, 05:06 PM
Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies. 4 of 4
May 13, 10:13 AMLA County Nonpartisan ExaminerCarl HermanPrevious 1 comment Subscribe Subscribe

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We hold these Truths to be self-evident...Tim Madden is an economist with expertise on credit and banking. Tim and I are colleagues in lobbying government for public banking, with concentration in the US for state-owned banks (and here). The good news is that structural solutions to our economic controlled demolition are obvious and simple; and explained beautifully by many of America’s brightest historical minds. The bad news is that we’re still mired in oligarchic looting of our economies.

Tim’s following article explains collusion of government and judicial “leadership” to facilitate criminal looting through parasitic credit practices. This four-part article explains the principle and law, details a legal example of criminal looting with “official” collusion, and applies this to our international economy.

Long article.......http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner~y2010m5d13-Economist-Tim-Madden-The-PIIGS-Brief-understanding-how-oligarchs-rig-loot-our-economies-4-of-4