View Full Version : Sarkozy Threatens To Pull France Out Of Euro

Large Sarge
14th May 2010, 06:41 AM
Sarkozy Threatens To Pull France Out Of Euro
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/14/2010 07:34 -0500


If you were wondering why the market is spooked by rumors that Germany may be returning to the DM, here is actual fact that French President is on the verge of reinstating the franc. And with that, the euro is nothing more than a political toy for Merkel, Sarkozy and whoever the current non-indicted head of the Italian government is, to achieve their political goals. The currency is now dead. Parity coming within a few weeks.

mick silver
14th May 2010, 06:51 AM
there all screaming for money there all broke ... it look like he needs to get his way

14th May 2010, 07:00 AM
I wouldn't trust that hungarian khazar who's installed as NWO leader of globalist europe and Rothschild-controlled France by his international banker buddies with a penny.

They are up to something.

General of Darkness
14th May 2010, 07:01 AM
I wouldn't trust that hungarian khazar who's installed as NWO leader of globalist europe and Rothschild-controlled France by his international banker buddies with a penny.

They are up to something.


14th May 2010, 07:02 AM
full article:

Sarkozy Threatens To Pull France Out Of Euro

If you were wondering why the market is spooked by rumors that Germany may be returning to the DM, here is actual fact that French President is on the verge of reinstating the franc. And with that, the euro is nothing more than a political toy for Merkel, Sarkozy and whoever the current non-indicted head of the Italian government is, to achieve their political goals. The currency is now dead. Parity coming within a few weeks.

From The Guardian:

The markets were initially unsettled by news that the French president had threatened to pull France out of the eurozone. The startling threat was made at a Brussels summit of EU leaders last Friday, at which the deal to bail out Greece was agreed. according to a report in El PaÃÂ*s newspaper quoting Spanish Prime Minister José Luis RodrÃÂ*guez Zapatero.

Zapatero revealed details of the French threat at a closed-doors meeting of leaders from his Spanish socialist party on Wednesday.

Sarkozy demanded "a compromise from everyone to support Greece ... or France would reconsider its position in the euro," according to one source cited by El PaÃÂ*s.

"Sarkozy went as far as banging his fist on the table and threatening to leave the euro," said one unnamed Socialist leader who was at the meeting with Zapatero. "That obliged Angela Merkel to bend and reach an agreement."

A different source who was at the meeting with Zapatero told El PaÃÂ*s that "France, Italy and Spain formed a common front against German and Sarkozy threatened Merkel with a break in the traditional Franco-German axis."

El PaÃÂ*s also quotes Sarkozy as having said, according to another of those who met Zapatero, that "if at time like this, with all that is happening, Europe is not capable of a united response, then the euro makes no sense".

Well, an epiphany 10 years late is still better than no epiphany. And, of course as many will say, he who panics first, just may salvage something. Which for most American citizens still infatuated with their currency, may mean very bad news.

Link to Article (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/sarkozy-threatens-pull-france-out-euro?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedg e+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+fo r+everyone+drops+to+zero%29)

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

14th May 2010, 08:14 AM
I am thinking they may be building this up on all fronts to the pinnacle, where everything may seem to be "collapsing", the oil, the volcanes, earthquakes etc....So they can get country leaders together for an "emergency" meeting to install one world government and a world currency of some sort.

14th May 2010, 08:50 AM
The imminent demise of the Euro is very bullish for gold and silver, more the former IMHO. The Germans are already buying gold hand over fist. Now Sarkozy is threatening to decouple. If you are an Italian, Portuguese or Spaniard, you know full well that if France leaves the Euro that the Euro is dead and your respective sovereign currencies (i.e. Lira et al.) are coming back. You also know that the restraint on monetary expansion imposed by the Euro has been lifted. So you can be sure that Italy, Spain, Portugal and the rest will be "quantitatively easing" to satisfy the demands of the deficits and the debt markets, rather than face angry workers carrying torches and pitchforks and demanding all the social welfare perks they have been promised. So your currency is going to be massively devalued. Where do you run with your cash shen real estate is overvalued and the economy is mired in recession? Gold! Or, you buy the US dollar in the short term. But long term, the only safe haven left is gold.

14th May 2010, 08:59 AM
Who knows that it's not a delicate show of balance to support the dollar temporarily though?

I'm still waiting for the bomb U.K. to show up and say the will fully adopt & drop the pound back, I can't believe anything I hear from these leaders, though Europe is suprising me more daily.

14th May 2010, 09:10 AM
gee, folks, Sarkozy is NWO puppet. Being installed in the wrong country (not his own, just like Obama), he has nowhere to go but to stay under puppeteer's control. He cannot possibly lead the destruction of Euro (which was designed as one currency for Europe).

I am still saying they are up to something.

I don't have hopes high for Germans either. House of Windsor in England is german. Bauer family is german. They have this old nobility that is just huge...Rothschilds are essentially from germany...yet they have a communist leader Angela Merkel (president of Christian Democratic Union - just tells ya how they value anything christian) as their Chancellor. So it is possible that "red NWO" is in control, but nobility (blue NWO) is fighting them.

I am thinking we are witnessing another "red NWO" vs. "blue NWO" fight. And those fights never end good (World Wars 1 and 2).

14th May 2010, 10:55 AM
Euro is being destroyed to merge the EU and Russia.

14th May 2010, 11:08 AM
The imminent demise of the Euro is very bullish for gold and silver, more the former IMHO. The Germans are already buying gold hand over fist. Now Sarkozy is threatening to decouple. If you are an Italian, Portuguese or Spaniard, you know full well that if France leaves the Euro that the Euro is dead and your respective sovereign currencies (i.e. Lira et al.) are coming back. You also know that the restraint on monetary expansion imposed by the Euro has been lifted. So you can be sure that Italy, Spain, Portugal and the rest will be "quantitatively easing" to satisfy the demands of the deficits and the debt markets, rather than face angry workers carrying torches and pitchforks and demanding all the social welfare perks they have been promised. So your currency is going to be massively devalued. Where do you run with your cash shen real estate is overvalued and the economy is mired in recession? Gold! Or, you buy the US dollar in the short term. But long term, the only safe haven left is gold.


That's the only safe haven there ever was!

14th May 2010, 11:36 AM
Yes, in the end gold (in your hand)will be the only one left standing... However until that happens we will have a lot of volatility in the currency market, sometimes Dollar will be strong sometimes Euro... As the states are about to get bailed out in the US, and the Euro states allready have been, I expect the tide to turn soon. Euro will strengthen IMHO soon... If you don't want to speculate, stay in gold all the time, if you want to speculate go to the Euro. Both the Euro and the dollar will go down long term. Short term there is money to be made...

14th May 2010, 12:01 PM

TPTB got together and agreed to assassinate JFK for almost starting a world nuke war over the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ever since they have instead militarized their internal Police departments with the mutual understanding that all future "wars" will be upon only their own internal citizenry. Notice that while they are talking "national" conflicts they in deed alone only attack their own angry citizenry:


When the Euro crashes the government guns will only be pointing inward at their respective rioting citizenry. That's the NWO deal TPTB made with each other when they offed JFK.


14th May 2010, 12:02 PM
Euro is being destroyed to merge the EU and Russia.

This sounds interesting . . .

14th May 2010, 12:23 PM
Nah, Russia can only merge with Europe in your wildest dreams. russians hate Europe, remember WW2? 27 million dead in Russia. No way Hose russia is ever joining any garbage under a blue flag, even if they have all khazars running the government.

Under a red flag? That MAY BE.

Ask yourself a question: who's under the red flag?

14th May 2010, 01:22 PM
Nah, Russia can only merge with Europe in your wildest dreams. russians hate Europe, remember WW2? 27 million dead in Russia. No way Hose russia is ever joining any garbage under a blue flag, even if they have all khazars running the government.

Under a red flag? That MAY BE.

Ask yourself a question: who's under the red flag?

They'll merge in a few years, at least that seems to be the direction things are heading. I don't know if it'll be the EU flag or some new flag and a new union though. If word on the streets is right, then after the meeting of 31.05 - 01.06 between the heads of EU and Russia, they should announce a plan to get rid of the visa requirements between the two federations.

14th May 2010, 03:43 PM
Was there supposed to be a real BIG announcement made today in either Germany or France. (think Germany if I rember correctly) Anyone on the other side of the pond hear anything??

14th May 2010, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't trust that hungarian khazar who's installed as NWO leader of globalist europe and Rothschild-controlled France by his international banker buddies with a penny.

They are up to something.

You beat me to it and said it better than I would have. +1