View Full Version : I...I...I Don't Even Have The Words

14th May 2010, 11:54 AM
Teenage Yard Apes Brutalize 73-Year-Old Man (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/14/surveillance-video-captures-teens-beating-year-old-elderly-man/)

EDIT: Fixed link. -Gaillo

14th May 2010, 11:58 AM

OK, I am one step closer to wanting a gun in my car. Damn. That was disturbing.

14th May 2010, 12:00 PM

OK, I am one step closer to wanting a gun in my car. Damn. That was disturbing.

You don't already?


14th May 2010, 12:09 PM

OK, I am one step closer to wanting a gun in my car. Damn. That was disturbing.

You don't already?


Nope. My reasons for not wanting to carry on my person or keep a gun in my car is for fear of it getting into the wrong hands. I think the worst thing a gun owner can do is allow their weapons out of their control (and into criminal hands). I consider my concealed carry options often, and I see all sides of pros and cons. It's just not right for me, right now. I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

14th May 2010, 12:10 PM
Black "youths" stomp two White geezers in the video?


willie pete
14th May 2010, 12:12 PM
That reminded me of my old highschool :D, that exact scene played-out on a regular basis...and it didn't help to go to administration, they were eggplants too :lol

14th May 2010, 12:12 PM
Maybe instead of euthanasia, the focus should be on youthanasia???

After all, the edukashunal system has created a horde of monsters who have no ethical or moral basis in their lives... they've been taught that they're entitled to "respect" and "money NOW."

Is there a "generational" bloodbath in the offing??? :conf: I hope not! :o

14th May 2010, 12:14 PM

OK, I am one step closer to wanting a gun in my car. Damn. That was disturbing.

You don't already?


Nope. My reasons for not wanting to carry on my person or keep a gun in my car is for fear of it getting into the wrong hands. I think the worst thing a gun owner can do is allow their weapons out of their control (and into criminal hands). I consider my concealed carry options often, and I see all sides of pros and cons. It's just not right for me, right now. I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

Please, at least some pepper spray and/or a dart firing taser in the car. If you need some, I have some laying around here somewhere. I disagree with your position, but I fully understand your thought process, knowing you personaly and all. But have SOMETHING in the car or on you, since odds are, if you are going to be attacked, it wont be in your home.

14th May 2010, 12:16 PM
Please, at least some pepper spray and/or a dart firing taser in the car. If you need some, I have some laying around here somewhere. I disagree with your position, but I fully understand your thought process, knowing you personaly and all. But have SOMETHING in the car or on you, since odds are, if you are going to be attacked, it wont be in your home.

OK, you are right. I have pepper spray and I will keep it in my glove box. Starting tonight! Maybe at the next gun show I will get a dart firing taser - that sounds cool.

Twisted Titan
14th May 2010, 12:16 PM
Would anybody like to speak on behalf of these chimps opps I mean

Slightly Misguided youths??


14th May 2010, 12:19 PM
Maybe instead of euthanasia, the focus should be on youthanasia???

is that sort of like retroactive abortion ?

14th May 2010, 12:19 PM
Would anybody like to speak on behalf of these chimps opps I mean

Slightly Misguided youths??


Yea, I will bro!

when da wite man walks on by, he deserves to die! He dun my old folks wrong, and I'm gonna f*ck him strong! Word up! Respect! Obamalama rulz! Where's my food stamps???

14th May 2010, 12:20 PM
Maybe instead of euthanasia, the focus should be on youthanasia???

is that sort of like retroactive abortion ?

Don't think of it as "retroactive," think of it as "time-shifted"... especially if you like Star Trek! ;)

1970 Silver Art
14th May 2010, 12:22 PM
HOLY COW!!!!!!

That was very painful to watch. Using the word animal to describe these "teens" would just insult the animals. For a lack of a better word, I will just use "teens". These "teens" are a lot more than just "Slightly Misguided youths". As the OP said in the title of this thread........."I...I...I Don't Even have the Words".

14th May 2010, 12:30 PM
HOLY COW!!!!!!

That was very painful to watch. Using the word animal to describe these "teens" would just insult the animals. For a lack of a better word, I will just use "teens". These "teens" are a lot more than just "Slightly Misguided youths". As the OP said in the title of this thread........."I...I...I Don't Even have the Words".

You are absolutely right. These punk ass kids are something far worse than animals. I am not sure if there are words to describe them. I guess that's why the OP said "i don't even have the words".

14th May 2010, 12:32 PM
really sad

I would never live anywhere like that...and If i had to go into an area like that, You bet I would be carrying.

14th May 2010, 12:33 PM

K, you need to carry your gun 24/7.

14th May 2010, 12:35 PM
Would anybody like to speak on behalf of these chimps opps I mean

Slightly Misguided youths??


I won't speak on their behalf, but offer an understanding of the problem, and a solution.

These kids are known as rat packs, they are bored, unchallenged, see no future for themselves, and this often leads to attacks like this. These packs are in every major city.

Jail time won't help them, will just put more drain on the system, and turn them into criminals for life.

Personally, I think there should be a special military for them. Send them to the harshest boot camp available, break them down, build them back up...then send them to the frontlines in afgahnistan. The ones that make it back, would be changed for the better. They ones that return would have a different view on violence.

These 'packs', would think twice about the direction they choose beforehand.

14th May 2010, 12:35 PM

OK, I am one step closer to wanting a gun in my car. Damn. That was disturbing.

You don't already?


Nope. My reasons for not wanting to carry on my person or keep a gun in my car is for fear of it getting into the wrong hands. I think the worst thing a gun owner can do is allow their weapons out of their control (and into criminal hands). I consider my concealed carry options often, and I see all sides of pros and cons. It's just not right for me, right now. I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

Fair enough...

It's true - there is a risk of one's gun falling into the wrong hands, but there is ALSO a risk of one getting caught unarmed by a pair of "wrong hands" that already hold a gun.

Personally, I would rather have/carry a gun and take the chance, than to not carry at all and feel helpless. I don't ever leave my gun in my car overnight or anything; I take it out of the house with me every morning, and bring it back inside with me every afternoon.

Since I've started keeping it in my car with me, I feel 'naked' if I go to leave the house without it.

Now, if you are worried about someone physically taking it from you during an altercation or something, that is a little different. Many people might not think they would be able to shoot someone, but I think if the situation called for it, their instincts would take over, and they would defend themselves.

14th May 2010, 12:35 PM
All that you need is wasp spray or bear spray........thy both shoots out for at least 20 feet...........I carry the bear spray myself.

14th May 2010, 12:40 PM
Would anybody like to speak on behalf of these chimps opps I mean

Slightly Misguided youths??


I won't speak on their behalf, but offer an understanding of the problem, and a solution.

These kids are known as rat packs, they are bored, unchallenged, see no future for themselves, and this often leads to attacks like this. These packs are in every major city.

Jail time won't help them, will just put more drain on the system, and turn them into criminals for life.

Personally, I think there should be a special military for them. Send them to the harshest boot camp available, break them down, build them back up...then send them to the frontlines in afgahnistan. The ones that make it back, would be changed for the better. They ones that return would have a different view on violence.

These 'packs', would think twice about the direction they choose beforehand.

At first thats sounds like a good idea....But Im not so sure...

Goggle "Gangs in the military" it is a problem......

I don't want these Punks to be trained and paid.

I think they should make these thugs Break rocks in chains for twelve hours a day for at least 30 years... and live in tents ....and grow there own food...

I am me, I am free
14th May 2010, 12:42 PM
IMO, this is a result of the 'entitlement' culture, much of that being a result of 'insta-bling' via becoming a drug dealer (thanks to the War on Drugs).

"The world owes me, now hand it over!"

I am me, I am free
14th May 2010, 12:43 PM
Would anybody like to speak on behalf of these chimps opps I mean

Slightly Misguided youths??


I won't speak on their behalf, but offer an understanding of the problem, and a solution.

These kids are known as rat packs, they are bored, unchallenged, see no future for themselves, and this often leads to attacks like this. These packs are in every major city.

Jail time won't help them, will just put more drain on the system, and turn them into criminals for life.

Personally, I think there should be a special military for them. Send them to the harshest boot camp available, break them down, build them back up...then send them to the frontlines in afgahnistan. The ones that make it back, would be changed for the better. They ones that return would have a different view on violence.

These 'packs', would think twice about the direction they choose beforehand.

I think your approach is very misguided.

14th May 2010, 12:43 PM
Savages pure and simple. Nothing a crowd of regular old white folks couldn't handle.
Short drop and a fast stop.

I am me, I am free
14th May 2010, 12:53 PM
FWIW, one doesn't need a gun to seriously fuck up some varmint, just a willingness to make that jump to extreme craziness in a nanosecond.

The only kind of varmint that genuinely concerns me are the sociopaths, and sociopaths generally don't travel in gangs (gangs are for your run of the mill cowardly criminals of opportunity).

14th May 2010, 12:59 PM
FWIW, one doesn't need a gun to seriously f*ck up some varmint, just a willingness to make that jump to extreme craziness in a nanosecond.

The only kind of varmint that genuinely concerns me are the sociopaths, and sociopaths generally don't travel in gangs (gangs are for your run of the mill cowardly criminals of opportunity).

Yeah, sociopaths don't travel in gangs, but usually in motorcades and private jets.

I am me, I am free
14th May 2010, 01:01 PM
FWIW, one doesn't need a gun to seriously f*ck up some varmint, just a willingness to make that jump to extreme craziness in a nanosecond.

The only kind of varmint that genuinely concerns me are the sociopaths, and sociopaths generally don't travel in gangs (gangs are for your run of the mill cowardly criminals of opportunity).

Yeah, sociopaths don't travel in gangs, but usually in motorcades and private jets.

Just another variety of sociopath, vs. the street level sociopath.

7th trump
14th May 2010, 01:13 PM
Alright I'm gonna say it! Nobody else will call a spade a spade as I've said it many of times in their faces when they act up.
fvcking n i g g e r s!
To say these idiots are "Unchallenged" and "bored" when the system is in their favor to get an education and do better is totally assinine.
They are not unchallenged or bored............................................. they are fvcking lazy ass pussy punk n i g g e r s.

14th May 2010, 01:21 PM
Alright I'm gonna say it! Nobody else will call a spade a spade as I've said it many of times in their faces when they act up.
fvcking n i g g e r s!
To say these idiots are "Unchallenged" and "bored" when the system is in their favor to get an education and do better is totally assinine.
They are not unchallenged or bored............................................. they are fvcking lazy ass pussy punk n i g g e r s.

B-b-b-b-b-b-but ..... it's whitey's fault!


7th trump
14th May 2010, 01:25 PM
Alright I'm gonna say it! Nobody else will call a spade a spade as I've said it many of times in their faces when they act up.
fvcking n i g g e r s!
To say these idiots are "Unchallenged" and "bored" when the system is in their favor to get an education and do better is totally assinine.
They are not unchallenged or bored............................................. they are fvcking lazy ass pussy punk n i g g e r s.

B-b-b-b-b-b-but ..... it's whitey's fault!


Yep dealt with that too.
You know what their over all response is when you offer them a free ride back to Africa as nobody is forcing them to stay in America and they were never slaves in the first place?

Its "fvck you cracker"...........
They want their cake and eat it to.....................yada yada yada!

Dont get me wrong....................N I G G A S arent just black....day white too!

I little history!
The Irish were called "n i g g e r" way before the black ever were and they were treated worse.

14th May 2010, 01:37 PM
These punk ass cretins need a short brutal end...nothing else.

14th May 2010, 02:00 PM
I just watched the clip.....

.... I'd say it's about time for lynchings to make a comeback.

14th May 2010, 02:08 PM
They need to offer a huge reward and immunity for info on these punks...
then when some one comes forward with info, Re neg on the immunity and the reward if they were involved....I don't see any problem with lieing to lawless punks

I know a lot of you are probably against Big brother watching us.
But I think these cameras that caught this act. are a good thing...It will help convict these punks...and let the jury see what punks they really are.

I think we need more cameras in places like those type cities

14th May 2010, 02:10 PM
That video of "the judge" pistol comes to mind.

14th May 2010, 02:13 PM
Place a legal fifty-cent BOUNTY on 'em and problem solved.


14th May 2010, 02:33 PM
Only a lad
You really can't blame him
Only a lad
Society made him
Only a lad
He's our responsibility
Only a lad
He really couldn't help it
Only a lad
He didn't want to do it
Only a lad
He's underprivileged and abused
Perhaps a little bit confused

I am me, I am free
14th May 2010, 02:41 PM
Only a lad
You really can't blame him
Only a lad
Society made him
Only a lad
He's our responsibility
Only a lad
He really couldn't help it
Only a lad
He didn't want to do it
Only a lad
He's underprivileged and abused
Perhaps a little bit confused

The level of violence captured in that CCTV video could have easily precipitated a death, and may yet still.

There was this elderly woman walking out of a fast food restaurant locally. A 14-16(?) y.o. cholo wannabe knocked her down in order to take her purse as part of a gang initiation. She died in the hospital months later as a direct result of the injuries sustained in that fall - that's at least manslaughter.

14th May 2010, 02:50 PM
That made me sick. I would like to go hunting now.

I am resolved get myself in kick-ass shape for the next occasion.

14th May 2010, 02:51 PM
I keep one of these in my pocket: http://www.1bad69.com/gallery/GunStuff/kel-tec/handalljr/grip-l-bersa.jpg
Very small, would keep bees like this away when they heard the shots...maybe the attackers would get stung with a .380 ACP loaded HOT!

14th May 2010, 03:23 PM
[quote=I am me, I am free ]
FWIW, one doesn't need a gun to seriously f*ck up some varmint, just a willingness to make that jump to extreme craziness in a nanosecond.

Yeah I'M Free (You gotta get shorter name!),
What you said plus a bad-ass lookin Doberman in the car with you.

My (now deceased) Doberman put one on the roof of a Pickup truck one night at a service station ... just by looking at that porch nigger! He was approaching me from behind. My pup never became aggressive...he just looked that way. That's when I learned that Black Folk can jump higher!...And Faster, too.

Really a nice Dob you have there, Free

I'm almost ready to start looking for another...it takes a while ya know

14th May 2010, 04:07 PM
K, you need to carry your gun 24/7.

Certainly you are not talking to me?

I have been carrying for 20 years.

14th May 2010, 05:38 PM
At first thats sounds like a good idea....But Im not so sure...

Goggle "Gangs in the military" it is a problem......

I don't want these Punks to be trained and paid.

I think they should make these thugs Break rocks in chains for twelve hours a day for at least 30 years... and live in tents ....and grow there own food...

The problem is that they don't get 30 years, they get pampered in our prison system. When they get out, they return to crime...and we all end up paying for it.

Unpaid military service, maybe no guns, but cleaning latrines, etc. A separate tough boot camp, that can break these entitled punks down, and perhaps, build a few of them up to be men.

These are kids, they are a product of our societies faults. Sending them to prison, is just like our bank bailouts....it doesn't solve the problem, puts a bandaid on it, to be dealt with later.

These packs of kids is going to get keep getting worse, unless something changes.

14th May 2010, 05:43 PM
These are kids, they are a product of our societies faults.

Nice try. They are the product of their unwed mothers.


14th May 2010, 05:46 PM
Nice try. They are the product of their unwed mothers.


True, but unwed mothers are a product of societies fault, by being encouraged and given too many entitlement programs. ;D

14th May 2010, 05:48 PM
At first thats sounds like a good idea....But Im not so sure...

Goggle "Gangs in the military" it is a problem......

I don't want these Punks to be trained and paid.

I think they should make these thugs Break rocks in chains for twelve hours a day for at least 30 years... and live in tents ....and grow there own food...

The problem is that they don't get 30 years, they get pampered in our prison system. When they get out, they return to crime...and we all end up paying for it.

Unpaid military service, maybe no guns, but cleaning latrines, etc. A separate tough boot camp, that can break these entitled punks down, and perhaps, build a few of them up to be men.

These are kids, they are a product of our societies faults. Sending them to prison, is just like our bank bailouts....it doesn't solve the problem, puts a bandaid on it, to be dealt with later.

These packs of kids is going to get keep getting worse, unless something changes.

ahh Ok...now that sounds good...i agree the jails and prisons do not work

These punks need to be worked... cleaning toilets...digin holes...something...anything....
make em work Teach em to lay brick then they can build a big wall at the border

mick silver
14th May 2010, 05:53 PM
never every leave home with out your gun ... i never leave without my gun on my side . and at home it within my sight . this world is one f up place

14th May 2010, 05:58 PM
Teach em to lay brick then they can build a big wall at the border

Haha...now we are talking. Great idea! Why stop with the punk kids though? We round up all long term prison thugs. Turn our prison guards, into border patrol.

Take all these prisoners and have them laying brick by brick, at gun point, at the border. Here's the catch. Have them laying brick, from the mexican side..so when the great wall is finished, they are stuck over in mexico.

Problem solved. Both at the border and our over-crouded prisons. ;D

I guarantee, the mexican prison system, is a lot less cushy, than ours.

14th May 2010, 06:02 PM
True, but unwed mothers are a product of societies fault...

Nice try...lol.


14th May 2010, 06:05 PM
Nice try...lol.


OK, I'll bite, what part of our "you go girl" society are you ignoring? ;D

14th May 2010, 06:17 PM
OK, I'll bite, what part of our "you go girl" society are you ignoring? ;D


What came first: The unwed mother or da 'Hood...lol.


14th May 2010, 06:17 PM
I really have no use for scumbags of any color, and I am pretty blunt and black and white about the whole thing, useless eaters is what I call kids like that.

Get rid of them there are to many people in the world as it is, get rid of them.

K-os this one is for you, never carry a purse just put what cash you need in your pocket cause you should always have both hands free. ;)

mick silver
14th May 2010, 06:19 PM
in this new world you and i will be the ones there going to get rid of ... the picture done been painted

14th May 2010, 06:40 PM
Just what is strange or unusual here?? All i see is what happens DAILY in EVERY black neighborhood, EVERY black country EVERY DAY!...

Now , for those of you jumping in to defend the "good" blacks, take your daughter and go to nl ALL BLACK neighborhood, unarmed, and...just stroll around for a few hours after dark....c'mon...put your religious new age love-fest to the test!...dont be shy! do it tonight!

14th May 2010, 07:24 PM
"Mayday, Mayday, we're going down..."


When I saw this movie in the 90s it reminded me of a real life story. I worked with an ex-Marine in the 80s who told me something extremely close to this actually happened to him in a bar in the 70s. He went into the place without knowing that it was a hangout for some very tough black dudes. When some of them approached him and wanted to beat this stuffing out of him, a huge black dude came along and saved his ass. It was really strange to watch "Grand Canyon" years later and see this situation play out in a movie.

In re to the trash who beat up that old man, not much you can say, other than lock up the animals. For a long time.

7th trump
14th May 2010, 07:59 PM
Second best way to stop a thug, besides a quick jab to the throat is to grab the bottom lip and jerk as hard and as fast as you can. It rips that little piece of flesh that attaches the gums to the lip. Bleeds and hurts like a mf'er. Its like skinning a rabbit if you've seen that or dont it.
Dont let go if you can help it. Pull them right to the ground where you want them........begging you to let go. Helps to if you have just a little finger nail.
While you are at it take your other hand and put a finger in each eye socket........like you are going to open a beer can. Just need enough pressure in the socket to screw with their vision.
Let go and put one good foot in the lower gut.

1970 Silver Art
14th May 2010, 08:05 PM
Just what is strange or unusual here?? All i see is what happens DAILY in EVERY black neighborhood, EVERY black country EVERY DAY!...

Now , for those of you jumping in to defend the "good" blacks, take your daughter and go to nl ALL BLACK neighborhood, unarmed, and...just stroll around for a few hours after dark....c'mon...put your religious new age love-fest to the test!...dont be shy! do it tonight!

That is not a good idea at all. That is crazy to go into ANY bad neighborhood after dark (or in the daytime) even if a person is armed. That is one risk that is not worth taking for someone that is trying to test their religious new age love fest (your words). I just avoid ALL bad neighborhoods. I do not care if those bad neighborhoods are all black, all white, or all whatever. I am going to avoid bad neighborhoods period.

BTW There are "good blacks" just like there are "good whites" and "good Hispanics". There are "bad blacks" just like there are "bad whites" and "bad Hispanics". There is nothing strange or new here and there is nothing religious or new age love fest about this IMO. As far as I am concerned, the crime statistics speak the truth of how bad the black neighborhoods and they are pretty bad. Can you say Detroit? New Orleans? The crime statistics speak for themselves. The local news stories of crime happening in a certain neighborhood speak for themselves too.

My advice to ANYBODY is to avoid ALL bad neighborhoods.

14th May 2010, 08:41 PM
K, you need to carry your gun 24/7.

Certainly you are not talking to me?

I have been carrying for 20 years.

Was for k-os who said she isn't carrying in her car yet.

14th May 2010, 08:43 PM
Place a legal fifty-cent BOUNTY on 'em and problem solved.


Nah, better make the bounty fiddy-cent.


15th May 2010, 10:41 AM
I wonder how often this type of thing happened in 1950 America with a 90%+ White population and segregation (Btw back then Whites were around 30% of the worlds population, now we are less than 9% with less than 2% being women of child-rearing age). Or how about rapes in 1950s America. Do you think that every year 40,000+ Blacks raped a White woman? Of course not. So whats wrong with this picture?

A culture or society is only as good as its racial stock. Once the people who have created that civilization are gone how can you expect things to continue on as they were before?

It's like making a nice beef stew but instead of beef all you have is chicken. Well it sure as hell isn't going to taste, smell, or look like beef stew because it WON'T be. It will be chicken stew.

Just like with everything in life what you put into things is what you get out. When you put negroes into a city you get a jungle. When you put White people into a city you see it grow and prosper.

This isn't exactly rocket science, in fact quite the opposite as everything I have said can be clearly seen throughout nature. Species and sub-species are all in competition with each other and it is a perversion of nature for a species to help its rivals. In nature we don't see the Black and Brown bears who in some places live in the same general territory, we don't see the Brown bear giving the Black bear free handouts. No of course not that would be absolutely illogical on the part of the Brown bear. Why would he give away his resources and time to his rival.

Race or ones species is simply an extension of ones family. So why wouldn't you help your family above all others?

This is one thing Whites need to learn from the perfidious Jew. They stick to their own kind and play favorites. They realize this basic law of nature and practice it.

16th May 2010, 06:10 AM
Race or ones species is simply an extension of ones family. So why wouldn't you help your family above all others?

This is one thing Whites need to learn from the perfidious Jew. They stick to their own kind and play favorites. They realize this basic law of nature and practice it.

Bingo. Jew nepotism while they sue for goyim Diversity.


16th May 2010, 09:53 AM
Just what is strange or unusual here?? All i see is what happens DAILY in EVERY black neighborhood, EVERY black country EVERY DAY!...

Now , for those of you jumping in to defend the "good" blacks, take your daughter and go to nl ALL BLACK neighborhood, unarmed, and...just stroll around for a few hours after dark....c'mon...put your religious new age love-fest to the test!...dont be shy! do it tonight!

That is not a good idea at all. That is crazy to go into ANY bad neighborhood after dark (or in the daytime) even if a person is armed. That is one risk that is not worth taking for someone that is trying to test their religious new age love fest (your words). I just avoid ALL bad neighborhoods. I do not care if those bad neighborhoods are all black, all white, or all whatever. I am going to avoid bad neighborhoods period.

BTW There are "good blacks" just like there are "good whites" and "good Hispanics". There are "bad blacks" just like there are "bad whites" and "bad Hispanics". There is nothing strange or new here and there is nothing religious or new age love fest about this IMO. As far as I am concerned, the crime statistics speak the truth of how bad the black neighborhoods and they are pretty bad. Can you say Detroit? New Orleans? The crime statistics speak for themselves. The local news stories of crime happening in a certain neighborhood speak for themselves too.

My advice to ANYBODY is to avoid ALL bad neighborhoods.

...why is the n-hood bad in the first place?? the answer in allways EXACTLY where tptb command you NOT to look...race, creed ,religion.