View Full Version : Mossad "predicted" 9/11 in 1979

15th May 2010, 09:18 PM
excerpt from The Final Move Beyond Iraq the Book by 'Mikey' Evans

The MOSSAD "Predicted" 9/11 back in 1979
The MOSSAD's founder predicted Jimmy Carter losing the presidency, the assassination of Egypt's Sadat and the WTC attacks.

Either this man shames Nostradamus or........
The Final Move Beyond Iraq the Book by 'Mikey' Evans

I thought again about the words of Isser Harel, a good friend and founder of Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. On September 23, 1979, I had dinner at Harel's home with Dr. Reuben Hecht, the senior advisor of Menachem Begin, the Israeli prime minister at that time. I asked Isser three questions, and I shall never forget his answers because all three came to pass just as he said they would.

“Who do you think will win the presidential election, Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?”

“I know Carter is ahead in the polls, but the word on the street is Iran will have something to say about that. They are planning on releasing the hostages during the inauguration of Ronald Reagan to keep Carter from being reelected.”

“Will President Sadat succeed with Jimmy Carter in pushing for human rights and democracy in Egypt?”

“We saved his life twice from radical Islamic terrorists. He will not always be there. I fear he will be killed.”

“Will terrorism ever come to America?”

“America is developing a tolerance for terrorism. The United States has the power to fight terrorism, but not the will; the terrorists have the will, but not the power. But all of that could change in time. Oil buys more than tents. You in the West kill a fly and rejoice. In the Middle East, we kill one, and one hundred flies come to the funeral. Yes, I fear it will come in time.”

“Where will it come to?” I asked him.

He thought for a moment. “New York is the symbol of your freedom and capitalism. It?s likely they will strike there first at your tallest building, because it?s your greatest fertility [phallic] symbol and it is a symbol of your power.”
Brought to you courtesy of one Mike Evans, another Israel-Firster Christian Zionist... or so he pretends.