16th May 2010, 06:52 AM
Latest World Gold Council analysis suggests medium term outlook for Chinese gold mining
supply will be challenging.
Chinese gold demand growth expected to outstrip domestic supply
Beijing/London/New York: Chinese demand for gold is set to double in tonnage terms within just ten
years according to the latest World Gold Council (WGC) analysis. Chinese gold consumption was
worth more than US$14billion in 20091, which is equivalent to 11% of global gold demand. Launched
today, Gold in the Year of the Tiger provides an outlook for all aspects of gold’s supply and demand
fundamentals in China
Latest World Gold Council analysis suggests medium term outlook for Chinese gold mining
supply will be challenging.
Chinese gold demand growth expected to outstrip domestic supply
Beijing/London/New York: Chinese demand for gold is set to double in tonnage terms within just ten
years according to the latest World Gold Council (WGC) analysis. Chinese gold consumption was
worth more than US$14billion in 20091, which is equivalent to 11% of global gold demand. Launched
today, Gold in the Year of the Tiger provides an outlook for all aspects of gold’s supply and demand
fundamentals in China