View Full Version : Hitler and the Jews.......Obama and the illegals......
16th May 2010, 07:46 PM
I know that the Zionist Jews were the problem in Germany and that's why Herr Hitler decided to do something about, with the same premises in mind, do you think that the illegals will be the excuse that Obama will give for the present situation in the USA?........I know that the wars and wall street is the real know what I mean.
If you are talking about CA then I would say a resounding YES, they cost the state TWO BILLIONS dollars a year.
So, how far do you think that the government and the estates will carry their affirmative action against the illegals?
16th May 2010, 08:41 PM
Ponce I think the "TWO" is missing a zero. ;D
$10 Billion on education alone I read recently.
Add in indirect costs and who knows how high it goes.
The illegals won't be "scapegoated", White Christian Europeans
have already been "attempted scapegoated" and will be battered
by the illegals and others coming to the country, that is the target
population of the NWO criminals, and in Europe too and all
Western Nations as well. "multi culturalism" is being used as
a battering ram to destroy The West.
16th May 2010, 10:30 PM
All that I can say is...........if you are twenty five or under then learn a foreign language for a country that you would like to go to and start a new life.
The days of the US are numbered as we are now and nothing will be the same..... tonight I opened my frig to get something to eat and I was thinking "Twenty years from now, will I be able to do the same?"
Like the dream that I had about six months ago where I was sitting by a fire with about twelve kids and telling them what is was like to walk into this small box and get a meal for a few pieces of paper........they didn't believe me.
17th May 2010, 05:23 AM
When I read the title, I thought:
Hmmm.... Hilter was part jewish.... Obama is part illegal...
17th May 2010, 07:18 AM
And here is something else............Herr Hitlers waesn't even German...... how about Obama? is he an American or not?
18th May 2010, 07:46 AM
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