View Full Version : Cities boycotting Arizona turned their backs on Americans long ago

17th May 2010, 07:53 AM
Immigration Reform Examiner
Cities boycotting Arizona turned their backs on Americans long ago
May 16, 5:15 PMImmigration Reform ExaminerDave Gibson


Last month, Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) signed Senate Bill 1070 into law, which made it a crime for illegal aliens to be present in Arizona. The measure will allow local police officers to inquire into one’s immigration status and remove those here illegally from the streets for deportation.

While President Obama criticized the bill, calling it “misguided,” and several members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus have claimed it will foster racism, all opinion polls have shown the majority of Arizonans approve of the new law.

The bill is in response to the federal government’s refusal to control the border and their failure to take a strong stance against illegal immigration.

The unchecked flow of illegal aliens has seen Phoenix become the kidnapping capital of the nation, and is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, including the recent murder of Arizona rancher Rob Krentz.

Of course, the murder of thousands of American citizens at the hands of illegal aliens does not in any way seem to concern those on the left who wish to see this nation destroyed. Since SB1070 became law, several cities, controlled by the left wing have announced boycotts of Arizona.

The following is a list of those cities:

-West Hollywood
-San Diego, CA
-Boulder, CO
-Sacramento, CA
-Los Angeles
-San Francisco
-Oakland, CA-
-El Paso, TX
-St. Paul, MN

Additionally, the local leadership of Tucson, Flagstaff, San Luis and Bisbee are now in the process of taking legal action against their own state government.

As we have seen in the past, cities which lay out the welcome mat for illegal aliens are simply inviting criminals to victimize their own citizens.

In San Francisco, on June 22, 2008, three members of the Bologna family were gunned down by Salvadoran national and gang member Edwin Ramos. Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16 were shot to death by Ramos as they sat in their car on a crowded street, in the city´s Excelsior District.

Ramos who is a member of the notoriously violent drug gang known as MS-13, shot the Bologna family to death because Tony Bologna had temporarily blocked the car in which Ramos was traveling, as the two cars made their way through an intersection. The Bologna men were returning home from a family barbecue.

As a juvenile, Ramos had committed felony attempted robbery and assault.

Shortly after the shooting, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, Juvenile Probation Department officials, did not report Ramos to federal immigration authorities for possible deportation because of San Francisco´s stated sanctuary policy.

Despite the rhetoric coming from many local officials claiming that they have no legal role in enforcing our immigration laws, that is simply a lie.

In 1996 the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIR) was passed as a federal law which requires local governments to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (now part of the Department of Homeland Security).

The local governments that have been enforcing their own sanctuary policy are actually defying this law. U.S. citizens have a right, according to the Constitution to expect to be protected from violations of federal law by foreign nationals who are not authorized to be in the country, without local police departments aiding and abetting these criminal aliens in their unlawful activities.

Of course, to the political leadership of cities such as San Francisco, the rule of law means very little. Therefore, we can never expect cities ruled by the left to do their part in protecting citizens from criminal aliens.

However, by using their own tactics against them, pressure can be applied and they can be punished for their unlawful actions.

A simple, yet powerful way to fight against these sanctuary cities is to refuse to spend one dime in them.

Do not vacation, dine-out, go shopping, or do any sort of business in cities which shield illegal aliens from deportation. If your company or organization is planning a convention to one of those cities, tell your boss or group’s leaders that you will not attend and why.

You can also email, write, and call the mayors and city council members who have chosen to provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, as well as those now boycotting or suing Arizona and explain why you will not be visiting their city.

The only thing our politicians respect is the all-mighty dollar. Tell them you will hold onto yours, until they grow some respect for our laws.

The Congressional Research Service has listed the following cities and counties that have “don’t ask, don’t tell” sanctuary policies in place:

-Anchorage, Alaska
-Fairbanks, Alaska
-Chandler, Arizona
-Tucson, Arizona
-Fresno, California
-Los Angeles, California
-San Bernardino, California
-San Diego, California
-San Jose, California
-Sonoma County, California
-Denver, Colorado
-Durango, Colorado
-Lafayette, Colorado
-Chicago, Illinois
-Cicero, Illinois
-Evanston, Illinois
-Cambridge, Massachusetts
-Orleans, Massachusetts
-Portland, Maine
-Baltimore, Maryland
-Takoma Park, Maryland
-Ann Arbor, Michigan
-Detroit, Michigan
-Minneapolis, Minnesota
-Durham, North Carolina
-Albuquerque, New Mexico
-Aztec, New Mexico
-Rio Ariba County, New Mexico
-Santa Fe, New Mexico
-Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Sante Fe, New Mexico
-New York, New York
-Ashland, Oregon
-Gaston, Oregon
-Marion County, Oregon
-Austin, Texas
-El Cenizo, Texas
-Houston, Texas
-Katy, Texas
-Seattle, Washington
-Madison, Wisconsin.

Both Alaska and Oregon have state-wide policies that forbid state agencies from using resources to enforce federal immigration law. Oregon law, however, does provide an exception to allow law enforcement officers to share information on immigration status with federal authorities with those arrested for criminal offenses.

17th May 2010, 09:12 AM
*Sniff* *sniff*

You smell that??

I smell civil war in the air.

17th May 2010, 09:27 AM

17th May 2010, 10:54 AM
*Sniff* *sniff*

You smell that??

I smell civil war in the air.

Bring it the F*CK ON! I'm so sick of this BS!

and for those that think I really don't want it, you're wrong!

I do and I'm willing to give the ultimate sacrifice so my kids can have a better life.

I'm ready. Any day, any time.

ACW 2, or AWI 3 ?

Either way, remember your Heritage. Hats off to Dixie !

17th May 2010, 11:26 AM
Do they believe boycotting states will force that said state to reconsider its' stance on illegal immigration?
