View Full Version : Yet another indication of Mexico being in a death spiral

I am me, I am free
17th May 2010, 12:51 PM
As if anyone needs to be convinced


I am me, I am free
17th May 2010, 01:01 PM
I'd say Mexico is as dangerous as Colombia now, i.e. I'd feel as comfortable traveling into Colombia as I would be traveling into Mexico.

Twisted Titan
17th May 2010, 01:53 PM
Relatives who had planned to have breakfast with with him on Saturday morning called police to report him missing when he didn’t show. Relatives said they had not been contacted for ransom.

Christ, it is so bad down there they report the kidnapping standard operating procedure without so much as a hiccup.


I am me, I am free
17th May 2010, 01:55 PM
Relatives who had planned to have breakfast with with him on Saturday morning called police to report him missing when he didn’t show. Relatives said they had not been contacted for ransom.

Christ, it is so bad down there they report the kidnapping standard operating procedure without so much as a hiccup.


That's right - in Mexico, the first conclusion whenever someone (of obvious means) is overdue is that they've been kidnapped. Kidnapping is like one of the national pastimes in Mexico. lol

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
17th May 2010, 02:08 PM
Actually since the violence between these cartels started, I do not recal hearing the daily news were someone was not gunned down or found dead in any given day for the past 2 yrs staright now - otherwise it would be REAL news ironically, Cd.Juarez are our neighbors btw, I still dare to cross over every now and then specially for med. treatments, b/c even with ins. you still wind up w/bills in the U.S.

17th May 2010, 02:13 PM
The deeper that we go into WTSHTF the more kidnappig that there will be in Mexico...........and the start of kidnapping in the US......wanna bet?

Twisted Titan
17th May 2010, 02:19 PM
The deeper that we go into WTSHTF the more kidnappig that there will be in Mexico...........and the start of kidnapping in the US......wanna bet?

The Loss of creature comforts will bring out the beast in any sheep

72-96 hours tops

17th May 2010, 02:32 PM

The convict that beat Jeff Dahmer to death should be offered employment as our Special Diplomat in Mexico.


17th May 2010, 04:41 PM
The Mexican President meets with The Great Leader next week I think.
I wonder if this is a drug thing or just an excuse to do some joint kind of thing that will screw the people on both sides of the border even more.