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17th May 2010, 06:38 PM
There is hope for me yet hahahahahahahaha.

2-Year-Old Girl Catches 20 Lb Muskie With Barbie Fishing Pole.

Tot's catch highlight of Minnesota walleye opener
Updated: Monday, 17 May 2010, 12:37 PM CDT
Published : Sunday, 16 May 2010, 9:31 PM CDT

by Erik Runge / FOX 9 News

ST. FRANCIS, Minn. - A muskie, a two-year-old girl and a Barbie fishing pole combined for the greatest fishing story of the 2010 Minnesota walleye opener.

2-year-old Ella was fishing with her grandparents at Round Lake near Randall, Minnesota on Saturday when she reeled in the big one. Ella, who comes from a long line of anglers, had never caught a fish until Saturday.

She caught her first fish at Round Lake not with the star plastic lure on the Barbie fishing pole, but with a hook and worm.

"Ella had her sunfish on and she's reeling it in," her mom, Carrie Haag, said. "Here comes this big muskie that went and ate her sunfish. So I grabbed the pole and yelled for grandpa David."

Grandpa grabbed a net and soon they landed a 30-inch muskie weighing in at a little under 20 lbs -- a fish bigger than the fisherman who caught it. The Barbie fishing pole survived it all and little Ella was so excited, she said the first thing that came to her mind -- "I caught a shark."

After snapping a photo, the family snapped the line and let the muskie go.

The state record muskie according to the Minnesota DNR is 54 lbs and 56 inches, caught in 1957. That's about 34 lbs more than Ella's catch

17th May 2010, 06:44 PM
Yes, Minnesotans love their fishing & they start 'em young! :D

Good story.