View Full Version : Jew Study: Whites five times richer than blacks in the US

18th May 2010, 06:01 AM
Tom Shapiro is another race hustling Jew like Tim Wise who blames everything on whitey thus preventing people from seeing the Zionist Jew Elephant in the room.

A $95,000 question: why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US?

A huge wealth gap has opened up between black and white people in the US over the past quarter of a century – a difference sufficient to put two children through university – because of racial discrimination and economic policies that favour the affluent.

A typical white family is now five times richer than its African-American counterpart of the same class, according to a report released today by Brandeis University in Massachusetts.

White families typically have assets worth $100,000 (£69,000), up from $22,000 in the mid-1980s. African-American families' assets stand at just $5,000, up from around $2,000.

A quarter of black families have no assets at all. The study monitored more than 2,000 families since 1984.

"We walk that through essentially a generation and what we see is that the racial wealth gap has galloped, it's escalated to $95,000," said Tom Shapiro, one of the authors of the report by the university's Institute on Assets and Social Policy.

"That's primarily because the whites in the sample were able to accumulate financial assets from their $22,000 all the way to $100,000 and the African-Americans' wealth essentially flatlined."

The survey does not include housing equity, because it is not readily accessible and is rarely realised as cash. But if property were included it would further widen the wealth divide.

Shapiro says the gap remains wide even between blacks and whites of similar classes and with similar jobs and incomes.

"How do we explain the wealth gap among equally-achieving African-American and white families? The same ratio holds up even among low income groups. Finding ways to accumulate financial resources for all low and moderate income families in the United States has been a huge challenge and that challenge keeps getting steeper and steeper.

"But there are greater opportunities and less challenges for low and moderate income families if they're white in comparison to if they're African-American or Hispanic," he said.

America has long lived with vast inequality, although 40 years ago the disparity was lower than in Britain.

Today, the richest 1% of the US population owns close to 40% of its wealth. The top 25% of US households own 87%.

The rest is divided up among middle and low income Americans. In that competition white people come out far ahead.

Only one in 10 African-Americans owns any shares. A third do not have a pension plan, and among those who do the value is on average a fifth of plans held by whites.

Shapiro says one of the most disturbing aspects of the study is that wealth among the highest-income African-Americans has actually fallen in recent years, dropping from a peak of $25,000 to about $18,000, while among white counterparts of similar class and income it has surged to around $240,000.

In 1984, high-income black Americans had more assets than middle-income whites. That is no longer true.

"I'm a pretty jaded and cynical researcher in some way, but this was shocking, quite frankly, a really important dynamic," said Shapiro. "This represents a broken chain of achievement. In the United States context, when we are thinking about racial equality and the economy we have focused for a long time on equal opportunity.

"Equal opportunity assumes that some people who have that opportunity are going to have pretty high achievements in terms of their jobs, their work, their income, their home ownership.

"The assumption in a democracy is that merit and achievement are going to be rewarded and the rewards here are financial assets. We should see some rough parity and we don't."

The report attributes part of the cause to the "powerful role of persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labour markets. African-Americans and Hispanics were at least twice as likely to receive high-cost home mortgages as whites with similar incomes," the report says.

Although many black families have moved up to better-paying jobs, they begin with fewer assets, such as inheritance, on which to build wealth. They are also more likely to have gone into debt to pay for university loans.

"African-Americans, before the 1960s, first by law and then by custom, were not really allowed to own businesses. They had very little access to credit. There was a very low artificial ceiling on the wealth that could be accumulated. Hence there was very little, if anything, that could be passed along to help their children get to college, to help their children buy their first homes, or as an inheritance when they die," said Shapiro.

Since the 1980s, US administrations have also geared the tax system to the advantage of the better off. Taxes on unearned income, such as shares and inheritance, fell sharply and are much lower than taxes on pay.

"The more income and wealth people had, the less it was taxable," said Shapiro.

There were also social factors, the study found. "In African-American families there is a much larger extended network of kin as well as other obligations. From other work we've done we know that there's more call on the resources of relatively well-off African-American families; that they lend money that's not given back; they help cousins go to school. They help brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, with all kinds of legal and family problems," said Shapiro.


Tom Shapiro:
Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality.
"The Racial Wealth Gap." African Americans and the U.S. Economy.
The Hidden Cost of Being African American: How Wealth Pepetuates Inequality.
"Good Neighborhoods, Good Schools: Race and the Good Choices of White Families."
White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism.
Black Wealth/White Wealth.


Israel Goldstein was a prominent rabbi in New York from 1918 until 1960 (when he immigrated to Israel), and an influential Zionist. Before 1946, he had headed the New York Board of Rabbis, the Jewish National Fund, and the Zionist Organization of America, and helped found the National Conference of Christians and Jews. On his eightieth birthday, in Israel, Yitzhak Rabin and other leaders of the government, the parliament, and the Zionist movement assembled at his house to pay him tribute.[10] But among all his accomplishments, the one chosen by the New York Times to headline his obituary was: "Rabbi Israel Goldstein, A Founder of Brandeis."[11]

18th May 2010, 06:21 AM
I'll bet that Jews were included in the white figures, in this "study".

I would like to see what the figures are without the Jews and Jews compared to whites.

18th May 2010, 06:25 AM
may be true when counting in money

broke poor when counting in children, which is another way to count wealth

18th May 2010, 06:44 AM
"[Jewish billionaire George Soros] is often accused of masterminding some world conspiracy ... if the [economic] global crisis keeps spreading -- as most experts expect -- you won't hear much more talk about blaming Soros and his Jewish cronies. Anger will probably focus increasingly on the leaders of the [International Monetary Fund] and the Washington policy makers who stand behind it. The bad news is that most of them are Jewish too. Israel's daily Yediot Achronot recently published an unintentionally chilling list of senior economic policymakers known to be attending Kol Nidre services in Washington on the eve of the IMF summit. Among them: Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and his top deputy Lawrence Summers [who later succeeded Rubin as Treasury Secretary], World Bank Chairman James Wolfenson and his top deputy, Josef Stieglitz; Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and IMF Director Stanley Fischer. That's scary. And it's only a partial list."
J.J. Goldberg, Market Meltdown. As the World Economic Crisis Turns Scary, Scapegoating Looms. Watch Your Back. Jewish Week, October 16, 1998, p. 12

"When [Israeli public opinion survey company] Hanoch Smith asked his Israeli respondents whether the Jews of America have control of important branches of the American economy, 73 per cent replied in the affirmative ... In a non-Jewish society, this would have aroused suspicion of anti-Semitism, but emanating from a Jewish society, it seemed both a matter of pride and bewilderment."
Colin Shindler, Ploughshares into Swords. Israelis and Jews in the Shadow of the Intifada, I. B. Tauris, London, 1991, p. 94-95

"A survey identifying Britain's wealthiest family names by their postcard areas has produced a fascinating insight into the national makeup of the 50 surnames most common among the movers and shakers ... More than 20 are from Jewish families [although Jews make up only 1% of the British population] ... There are more Cohens in the top group than any other family name ... Just behind are Levy, Bloom and Wolf ... This [trend] is confirmed by other surveys."
The Daily Mail, [London], July 17, 1999, p. 19

"Every year they are out there for all to see. There it is, in full salacious detail: the BRW Rich List, that quintessence of pennies envy, the vehicle of voyeurism that sums up the worst and most popular features of modern journalism. Each year, it parades the names of Australia's wealthiest, and the Jewish ones are always prominent. In fact, this year, their collective wealth totaled more than $23 billion, close to 40 percent of New Zealand's GDP. The names themselves are all too familiar. There's shopping centre king and former delivery truck driver Frank Lowy ($2.6 billion) and the cardboard magnate Richard Pratt. They are the second and third richest men in Australia." [Others noted include the Smorgon family, Scheinberg family, Harry Triguboff, Boris Lieberman, John Gandel, Solly Lew, Marc Besen, Nathan Werdiger, Joseph Gutnick, Ted Lustig, Max Moar, Eddie Kornhauser, Isador Magid, Barry and Norman Bloom, Chaim Liberman, Morry Fraid, Ruben Fried, Nathan Baron, Henry Krongold, Isi Liebler, Ervin Graf, Peter Joss, Henry Roth, Philip Wolanski, Rodney Adler (and sisters Kathy and Roxanne), Ruth Simon and David Herrman] ... "The Jews on the BRW list represent a group that accounts for a ridiculously small proportion of the general population -- only 0.4 percent in fact, according to the 1996 Census. So why the prominence?"
Leon Gettler, Dollars and Sense, Generation. Jewish Life [Australia], May 2000, p. 23

"It is disingenuous to pretend that since the end of the war there has not been a fundamental change in the status of Western Jewry ... Understandable reluctance to discuss Jewish socio-economic advantage in an explicit fasion has led to the neglect of an important trend -- the steady rise of Western Jewry into the upper-middle class, together with the broadening of Jewish membership in the institutional elites of most Western countries.The rise of Western Jewry to unparalleled affluence and high status has led to the near-disappearance of a Jewish proletariat of any size: indeed, the Jews may become the first ethnic group in history without a working working class of any size."
W. D. Rubenstein, The Left, the Right, and the Jews, 1982, p. 51

"When I read through the Newsweek story of the 'Overclass 100,' I began counting the Jews, something I've done since childhood, but soon gave up, overwhelmed by my tribe's prevalence among the powerful, troubled by what this means in the new American class paradigm of haves and have-nots."
Philip Weiss, New York magazine, 1-29-96, p. 27

"[Bessarbian Jewish immigrant Sam] Zemurray had shaped United Fruit [known as 'The Octopus'] in the twenty years after his dramatic takeover and, further, ... his 'style' in establishing his own company earlier in the century involved bribery and the subsidizing of revolution to overthrow a legitimate government [in Honduras] in order to place someone more favorable to his interests in the executive office. Unarguably, he stands guilty of this charge -- as does the U.S. government in its dealings with the isthmian governments in this century."
Langley/Schoonover. The Banana Men. American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930, University of Kentucky Press, 1995

"Jews have situated themselves in the upper ranks of society in terms of income per capita, educational achievement, lifestyle, and political identification ... [RATTNER, p. 187] ... Based upon available data, we may conclude that about two-thirds of the Jewish community of Brazil belong (in terms of income, occupation, educational level, and consumptive patterns) to the upper strata of Brazil's stratification system. Studies of income distribution in Brazil show a clear trend toward the concentration of income in the hands of the upper 5% of the population [RATTNER, p. 193] ... It can be assumed that two-thirds of Brazilian Jews belong to the elite who control nearly half of the total personal income and of the country's wealth where nearly half of the population at-large live at a subsistence level."
Henrique Rattner, Economic and Social Mobility of Jewish Brazil, in Elkin/Merkx, The Jewish Presence in Latin America, Allen & Unwine, 1987

"In a 1994 study of the Jewish community of Mexico, 52.6 percent of employed Jews identified themselves as 'directors, managers, or administrators,' while another 26.7 percent identified themselves as 'professionals.' The rate of upward social mobility was astonishing, considering that the community was barely 70 years old ... Professionalization demarcates the occupational pattern of male and female Jewish workers from that of the majority population."
Judith Elkin, The Jews of Latin America, Holmes & Meier, NY, London, 1998, p. 154

In Canada, "the proportion of Jews earning over $75,000 [per year] in 1991 was close to four times that in the Canadian population as a whole."
Singer/Seldin, The American Jewish Yearbook, American Jewish Publication Society, 1995, p. 235

The Wall Street Journal noted in 1997 that a Jewish family originally from Baghdad, the Kadoories, "are the foundation of Hong Kong commerce." [John Kahn, Kadoorie Dynasty Watches British Rule End in Hong Kong, Wall Street Journal, June 27, 199., p. A1] Hong Kong, said the Jerusalem Post in 1998, is the place where the Jewish community (the relatively few who live there) is "arguably the wealthiest per capita in the world." [Arnold, Michael, Trouble in the Year of the Tiger, Jerusalem Post, February 13, 1998, p. 16]

As about 1% of the German population, by 1908 12 of the 20 richest people in Berlin were of Jewish ancestry, as were 11 of the 25 richest people in Prussia. [W. E. Mosse, Jews in the German Economy. The German-Jewish Elite, 1820-1935, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987, p. 208] Although Jews in 1903 were only 0.74% of the labor force in Prussia, 27% of all Prussian lawyers were Jews, as were 10% of apprenticed lawyers, 47% of magistrates, and 30% of all higher ranks of the judiciary. [Sarah Gordon, Hitler, Germany and the "Jewish Question," Princeton University Press, 1984, p. 13]


18th May 2010, 06:54 AM
Black men will easily spend 10x+ for wheels and shoes as I would.
Black women will easily spend 10x for hair and nails as my wife would.
We all have our priorities. You want to drive around in a $2000 car with $12000 wheels trying to look like a pimp, fine, but don't come crying to me. Bill Cosby told you what you need to do to be successful, and you call him "Uncle Tom" and disregard him.

With that said, some statistics in that Jewstory seem highly contrived:

...that wealth among the highest-income African-Americans has actually fallen in recent years, dropping from a peak of $25,000 to about $18,000, while among white counterparts of similar class and income it has surged to around $240,000.

18th May 2010, 07:13 AM
>why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US?

For one thing, whites in the US have a higher average IQ than blacks.

Twisted Titan
18th May 2010, 07:41 AM
What the hell is Koel Nidre???

18th May 2010, 07:48 AM
When are they going to release the statistics that show the top 1% of the oligarchs wealth accumilation, and what percentage of that top 1% are jew?

18th May 2010, 07:51 AM
"How do we explain the wealth gap among equally-achieving African-American and white families? The same ratio holds up even among low income groups.

Answered their own question. One group is obviously spending more.
If you put importance on money, you will have it. If you put importance on other things, you will have those other things.
It's not rocket science. White or black I could start right now with a blank slate (assume no degree and no work experience and just a driver's license) and $0 and have 100k by the end of the year. It would be way easier now than it was when I finished high school.

No one wants to do that though. It's too hard so everyone just puts up an imagine of being a victim and that's why they're always wanting for cash. It's easier than putting your mind to something and doing it. Then you get to feel all morally superior, because those people with more surely cheated or scammed people to get it. If you weren't such a nice person you'd be rich too.

Of course they are happy and rich because they have their family and kids... and money stress and unhealthy lifestyle and lack of freedom in their lives as they are slaves to their debt. You know, 'cause those people with families and kids and plenty of money are sooo unhappy in comparison.

18th May 2010, 10:49 AM
I only skimmed through the article and the few sentences I read pissed me off. The article is making the assumption that black people and white people are the same. Anyone who has travelled the world (or at least to a few different countries) knows that people are different in different places. Their values, beliefs, architecture, etc are completely different. I find it fascinating how different people are. Unfortunately, the 6 pointed sledge hammer has been trying to drive the square peg through the round hole that "we all equalz."

Black vs White prosperity in the US has nothing to do with money.

18th May 2010, 12:53 PM
Yes, but if my parents started with nothing, and are now millionaires, then what does that tell you about their work ethic?

18th May 2010, 12:56 PM
What the hell is Koel Nidre???

Here's a thread


Celtic Rogue
18th May 2010, 01:50 PM
In my opinion whites have a stronger work ethic than blacks in this country... and whites seem to see education as a positive as opposed to the common reply by blacks to education that if you are educated you are trying to be white... and education is viewed as a negative. This I believe explains the difference.

Blacks are coming from a slave mentality and are looking to be taken care of... where as whites predominately are trying to self provide through their work of evocation. Granted there are exceptions to the rule.. I don't portend to say that blacks are all the same anymore than all whites are the same. Things are changing and many lazy whites are joining in for the free handouts...

There was a time when discrimination held blacks down and prevented many of them from starting businesses and advancing in general... but now IMHO things have made a 180 degree turn and affirmative action is now working to destroy the whites in this country. I am sick of all the race crap and wish people were judged on their character rather than the color of their skin!

Look at western civilization compared to any african civilization... there is a difference... I hope there is a future for the western peoples... but without an adequate economy and jobs ... I feel we are heading for a dark age just like after rome fell.

18th May 2010, 05:34 PM
End the hate, separate:

18th May 2010, 08:00 PM
Black men will easily spend 10x+ for wheels and shoes as I would.
Black women will easily spend 10x for hair and nails as my wife would.
We all have our priorities. You want to drive around in a $2000 car with $12000 wheels trying to look like a pimp, fine, but don't come crying to me. Bill Cosby told you what you need to do to be successful, and you call him "Uncle Tom" and disregard him.

With that said, some statistics in that Jewstory seem highly contrived:

...that wealth among the highest-income African-Americans has actually fallen in recent years, dropping from a peak of $25,000 to about $18,000, while among white counterparts of similar class and income it has surged to around $240,000.

I was thinking the same when reading the original post. They spend their money on crap. Clothes, rims/tires, shoes, jewelry, their music.

18th May 2010, 08:06 PM
Blacks are coming from a slave mentality and are looking to be taken care of...

I don't think so. Most US cities with a high black population are better than most black countries because they haven't had enough time to totally destroy them. Plus, there are Whites there who will want it to be as presentable as possible.

I don't buy into the slavery/colonisation BS.

mick silver
18th May 2010, 08:13 PM
hey here an idea work 2 jobs if you have to . lets see if that help to make you richer

18th May 2010, 08:36 PM
hey here an idea work 2 jobs if you have to . lets see if that help to make you richer

A PM recently forced me to think about how I got wealthy (wouldn't say rich). Yeah I worked two jobs. I worked my ass to the bone (that's not code for gay sex). But seriously, I worked so hard I didn't have time to spend any money and about a year of that was all it took to move from struggling to comfortable. I never worry about bills or car payments now and the bank gives me stuff instead of taking my money.. really they give me everything free.. like I get a free auto club even, they'll tow my car anywhere, or if I find a chick stranded on the side of the road they'll tow her car and I get to look like a bigshot. Everyone gives you stuff free once you have some money. Even girls.. if you're poor you have to buy your chick stuff but once you're wealthy you don't need to anymore... they'd rather have a wealthy dude that does nothing for 'em than a poor guy that struggles and buys them jewelry. And contract disputes.. forget about it.. I'm the guy with the bmw, you don't screw with me, I'll hire a lawyer and sue your ass. I never would but that's the impression and deals don't go bad anymore. When you're poor it's like, screw you, I'll do what I want and you can't do shit about it. Anyway I'm loaded (on booze) so I'll shut the hell up.

18th May 2010, 08:41 PM
hey here an idea work 2 jobs if you have to . lets see if that help to make you richer

Even girls.. if you're poor you have to buy your chick stuff but once you're wealthy you don't need to anymore... they'd rather have a wealthy dude that does nothing for 'em than a poor guy that struggles and buys them jewelry.

So true!!
:D :D :D

18th May 2010, 09:38 PM
In my opinion whites have a stronger work ethic than blacks in this country... and whites seem to see education as a positive as opposed to the common reply by blacks to education that if you are educated you are trying to be white... and education is viewed as a negative. This I believe explains the difference.

Blacks are coming from a slave mentality and are looking to be taken care of... where as whites predominately are trying to self provide through their work of evocation. Granted there are exceptions to the rule.. I don't portend to say that blacks are all the same anymore than all whites are the same. Things are changing and many lazy whites are joining in for the free handouts...

There was a time when discrimination held blacks down and prevented many of them from starting businesses and advancing in general... but now IMHO things have made a 180 degree turn and affirmative action is now working to destroy the whites in this country. I am sick of all the race crap and wish people were judged on their character rather than the color of their skin!

Look at western civilization compared to any african civilization... there is a difference... I hope there is a future for the western peoples... but without an adequate economy and jobs ... I feel we are heading for a dark age just like after rome fell.

Blacks are coming from a slave mentality and are looking to be taken care of...

The progeny of slaves were making inroads into the ranks of the middle class and then the civil rights movement happened. Something that was occurring organically was stopped in it's tracks by social engineering by do-gooder liberals. That was not organic, it was an agenda by the same global elites that are operating today with their long-range plans. If you give any group hand-outs for generations, I don't care who they are, it will destroy their ability to achieve, let alone function normally, in society. I'm well aware of the problems in African and island nations with mostly black populations. I'm talking about what the blacks in the US were moving towards, and how their achievements were derailed, and how it was planned. There is a segment of the black population in the US who are middle class, I believe they are largely Christian.

18th May 2010, 10:55 PM
LOL Whites richer than blacks, sure well I'll remember that as I go into work tomorrow to slog it out yet another day at the office and remember that Tiger Woods makes almost 4 times in a day what my sorry ass takes home in a year. geez, you guys are just making me miserable.