View Full Version : No matter what white people do, it’s racist

18th May 2010, 06:40 PM
No matter what white people say, think, or do, it’s “racist.” That’s because all white people are “racists”, because “racist” simply means white person. Technically, “racist” has two definitions – when liberals use the word, they mean “any white person who’s not as left wing as I am”, but when non-whites use the word, they mean “white person.” Liberals love to think that by attacking conservative whites as “racists”, they’ll get a pass from Jews, blacks, Hispanics, etc. But they don’t. When these groups use the word “racist”, they mean “white person.”. They’ll tolerate white liberals as useful idiots who can be used for political advantage, but white liberals are still white, so they’re “racists”, too. One white person can do something and get called “racist” for it, while another white person can do the exact opposite, and he’ll be called “racist” too.

Need proof? Just turn on the TV or read the paper any day of the week. But here’s one example of how the word “racist” is tossed at white people no matter what they do. Back in 2006, there was a controversy about singer/songwriter Stephin Merrit. I’d never heard of him until the controversy, but apparently he’s a well respected musician. By some folks, anyway…in 2006 a black music critic for the New Yorker started denouncing Merritt as a “racist”. Why? Because he doesn’t like rap. That’s a pretty serious charge to make, and a critic for the New Yorker is a pretty serious person to be making it. This wasn’t some fringe lunatic calling Merritt a racist.

So – not liking rap makes a white person racist. Got that?

Cut to 2010. Toyota has a new commercial for its minivan, and the ad is being denounced as “racist.” Why?

Because it features white people rapping!

Think you’ve lost your cool because you covet a minivan? A new Toyota commercial is attempting to take away the “soccer mom” stigma with a video campaign that features parents rapping about all the mundane aspects of parenthood … and their love for their Toyota 2011 Sienna minivan.

The campaign is a departure for Toyota (and from traditional advertising) — so much so, in fact, that critics are labeling the ad racist.

Christine Huang, head of cultural trends at Globalhue, an ad agency specializing in campaigns that target minorities, complained that the ad is offensive. “White people acting, dancing and rapping like rap stars, mocking this culture that so contrasts their own. What a hilariously clever twist,” said Huang.

I see.

So, if a white person doesn’t like rap, he’s a racist.

And if a white person likes rap and actually performs it, he’s a racist, too.

It doesn’t take an advanced course in logic to draw the inescapable conclusion – whatever white people do, they’re racists. Because “racist” simply means “white person.”

At this point some liberal is no doubt reading this and going, “oh, come on, the people in the ad are mocking black people by mimicking the worst stereotypes of gangsta rappers, so this is totally different and has no relevance to the Stephen Merritt controversy. You’re comparing apples and oranges.” And, as usual, the liberal will be dead wrong – read the article about Stephen Merritt, and you’ll see that one of his reasons for not liking rap is that it glorifies ugly stereotypes of black people. And he got called a racist for that. So it’s not apples and oranges at all. It’s apples and apples.

Besides, gangsta rap is totally ridiculous, and it should be made fun of, as even this mainstream website points out:

…the joke here is that there’s no black people in the ads. It’s a modern take on blackface or “minstrelsy,” as Huang puts it.

Or is it? These ads aren’t supposed to be viewed together. They’re supposed to be seen in isolation, or at least at random. Judging them without context seems unfair. And the context here is the aforementioned ubiquity of rap and hip hop. It’s the dominant music of the last two decades. A majority of hip hop sales are to white people. The artists may be black, but the culture is mainstream American.

Hip hop is therefore ripe for parody in just the same way that everything that becomes successful is, whether it’s Goldman Sachs, Tiger Woods or The Real Housewives of New Jersey. To argue that hip hop should be off limits from mockery would accord it a victim status that it doesn’t deserve — hip hop rules pop music. Besides, hip hop has plenty of spoof-provoking material. These ads aren’t funny because they mock black people, they’re funny because they mock a small number of performers who want us to take them seriously when they celebrate drug dealing, killing and prostitution.

Word to yo mama!

Here’s the ad, and below it, a whole bunch of other “racist” ads.


1970 Silver Art
18th May 2010, 06:55 PM
This whole thing is just another diversion that was created up to keep the U.S. citizens divided and fighting each other. Do not fall for it. BTW The "Swagger Wagon" ad is the best video IMO. That last video is pretty good too IMO. If anything, all of the videos were funny to me.

+1 Karma for making me laugh tonight.

18th May 2010, 06:59 PM
How could you not laugh when watching these, regardless of the color of your skin?

My guess is that no black person was ever offended by watching any of these, but some liberal freak somewhere thought that a black person somewhere, sometime might be offended by it, and with full blown delusions of grandeur ran with it to save the "poor black man". What a joke. It's insulting to everyone.

18th May 2010, 07:06 PM
This whole thing is just another diversion that was created up to keep the U.S. citizens divided and fighting each other. Do not fall for it. BTW The "Swagger Wagon" ad is the best video IMO. That last video is pretty good too IMO. If anything, all of the videos were funny to me.

+1 Karma for making me laugh tonight.

-1 smite for giving me a karma ;) :D

18th May 2010, 07:21 PM
Or is it? These ads aren’t supposed to be viewed together. They’re supposed to be seen in isolation, or at least at random. Judging them without context seems unfair. And the context here is the aforementioned ubiquity of rap and hip hop.


They are supposed to be seen by impressionable Whitey children who lack context or discernment:

18th May 2010, 07:35 PM
Divide and conquer is the name of the game and who the winner will be no one knows but those pulling the strings from behind the curtains.....I love the smell of cordite in the morning.

18th May 2010, 08:08 PM
I'm not into Rap.

But Im pretty sure the best Rapper of all time is white


18th May 2010, 10:15 PM
I have an honest impersonal question to any "white" person willing to answer..........

Or more specifically to the "white" person who really has a dislike for people of "color".........

Do you dislike (you can clarify) anyone of "color" automatically until they "prove" themselves? Or what's the reason behind the whole...........????

this probably deserves another thread........

18th May 2010, 10:52 PM
Rap sucks, whether it's "sung" by a black or white person. It just sucks. And I wish it would just die, already.

1970 Silver Art
19th May 2010, 03:56 AM
I'm not into Rap.

But Im pretty sure the best Rapper of all time is white


I do listen to rap music because I like it and I have a few of Eminem's songs. I listen to a lot of rap songs by other rap artists. It is hard to say which one is the best rapper of all-time but with a little more time, Eminem might be on the short list of the best all-time rappers. Eminem's song called "Shake that" is the best song that he did IMO. The main rappers that I like are Jay-Z, Too Short, and Masta Ace (did mainly '90's rap).

19th May 2010, 11:55 AM
Im mostly counrty these days

But this is the kind of Rap I like.

Turn up the volume for this song!

19th May 2010, 01:04 PM
Freedom means being allowed to sing any song you want and nobody being allowed to stop you.

Please support freedom. Please do not be an enemy of freedom.

19th May 2010, 05:24 PM
I do listen to rap music because I like it and I have a few of Eminem's songs. I listen to a lot of rap songs by other rap artists. It is hard to say which one is the best rapper of all-time but with a little more time, Eminem might be on the short list of the best all-time rappers. Eminem's song called "Shake that" is the best song that he did IMO. The main rappers that I like are Jay-Z, Too Short, and Masta Ace (did mainly '90's rap).

Eminem is good. I also like a lot of the older Ice-T & NWA stuff.

1970 Silver Art
19th May 2010, 05:28 PM
I do listen to rap music because I like it and I have a few of Eminem's songs. I listen to a lot of rap songs by other rap artists. It is hard to say which one is the best rapper of all-time but with a little more time, Eminem might be on the short list of the best all-time rappers. Eminem's song called "Shake that" is the best song that he did IMO. The main rappers that I like are Jay-Z, Too Short, and Masta Ace (did mainly '90's rap).

Eminem is good. I also like a lot of the older Ice-T & NWA stuff.

I listen mainly to older rap. Some of the current rap (like Eminem and Jay-Z) is ok but I prefer to listen to older rap (mainly 1990's). Some of the Ludacris songs are good too but I am very picky on what rap songs that I plan to download from Itunes.

19th May 2010, 06:34 PM
Being called a racist is a compliment.

People need to get over the guilt & shame, and say "thank you."

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 06:47 PM
I have an honest impersonal question to any "white" person willing to answer..........

Or more specifically to the "white" person who really has a dislike for people of "color".........

Do you dislike (you can clarify) anyone of "color" automatically until they "prove" themselves? Or what's the reason behind the whole...........????

this probably deserves another thread........
no rasputin, it has to be deeper than that......because nice or nasty' all disgusting brownies just want to defile white women and give them disgusting babies like that freak heidi klum has.

19th May 2010, 08:24 PM
Being called a racist is a compliment.

People need to get over the guilt & shame, and say "thank you."


i've done this on numerous occasions

the look on their faces is priceless

Grand Master Melon
20th May 2010, 10:26 AM
I think more fitting would be something like: no matter what, there will always be morons that have no sense of humor.

20th May 2010, 04:03 PM
I have an honest impersonal question to any "white" person willing to answer..........

Or more specifically to the "white" person who really has a dislike for people of "color".........

Do you dislike (you can clarify) anyone of "color" automatically until they "prove" themselves? Or what's the reason behind the whole...........????

It's not as simple as "disliking" someone who is not White until they prove themselves. I do not trust Negroids or other pre-Adamites until I know they are trustworthy. Most Northeast Asians are exceptions, or get very limited vetting.

I also apply trustworthiness rules to any Adamite that gives me an alert.

Xenophobia is natural. God put it in us to protect us.

20th May 2010, 04:48 PM
I have a Honest question for you and others that share your views ( Negroids or other pre-Adamites)


thanks in advance for any input

mick silver
20th May 2010, 04:50 PM
Being called a racist is a compliment.

People need to get over the guilt & shame, and say "thank you."
dam i done this more then one time ... just leave me the f alone i dont care if your pink with green hair

20th May 2010, 05:15 PM
If you want a good in depth look from a white mans perspective then you can buy this video.


By Craig Bodeker
A Conversation about Race” is my answer to President Obama’s call for such a dialogue. As I state in the opening lines of the film, “I can’t think of another issue that is more artificial, manufactured or manipulated, than this whole construct called, ‘racism.’