View Full Version : Early election results point to passage of Prop 100 (AZ)

18th May 2010, 08:40 PM
Yea! A tax increase. Thanks a lot, Arizona idiots!

Prop 100, a measure to temporarily increase the state's sales tax rate by one cent on the dollar, is headed for passage by Arizona voters, according to unofficial election results.

At 8:20 p.m., the Secretary of State's Office showed the Proposition 100 had 64 percent of the vote. However, the results only include nine of Arizona's 15 counties.

Mail-in ballot returns show Maricopa County voters favor the measure by nearly two-to-one.

Polls closed at 7 p.m. The early results include processed early ballots, which make up the majority of votes in the election.

Election officials said Tuesday's turnout was mostly light, and there were no glitches at the polls.

Seven Valley communities also had a variety of local issues on their ballots.

The big election issue is the state's first general tax election in a decade. Proposition 100 seeks a three-year increase in the state sales tax, to 6.6 cents on the dollar from 5.6 cents.

If approved, Prop. 100 will take effect June 1. If it fails, Gov. Jan Brewer and lawmakers have already outlined nearly $1 billion in additional cuts that would take effect to ensure a balanced budget for the year that begins July 1.

The official statewide canvass will be completed by June 1.

Those who voted in favor of Proposition 100 said Tuesday that they did so for various reasons. For retiree Rich Duncan, 69, public safety services were a deciding factor.

"I voted yes because we have to balance the budget and raise money," said Duncan, who is retired. "We can only take out so much, and we can't continue to cut things like cops and firefighters. Public safety and education are things we need."

More at Link. (http://www.azcentral.com/news/election/azelections/articles/2010/05/18/20100518prop-100-arizona.html)

19th May 2010, 06:36 AM
I finally just saw a 'No on 100' sign. 1 out of thousands for 'YES'.

It is insane here. I see high school kids with 'Yes on 100' painted on their cars like it is graduation time. Are high school kids really for higher taxes to help inculcate and in-docturn their own minds into mental slavery?

Anytime you see children being used to push an agenda, the socialist/communist have had their ways again......

"First you get the children, then you've got the Mother's, and so follow the Men" - Adolph Hitler

Twisted Titan
19th May 2010, 06:52 AM
"First you get the children, then you've got the Mother's, and so follow the Men" - Adolph Hitler

Dam if that aint the truth.


19th May 2010, 07:00 AM
I finally just saw a 'No on 100' sign. 1 out of thousands for 'YES'.

It is insane here. I see high school kids with 'Yes on 100' painted on their cars like it is graduation time. Are high school kids really for higher taxes to help inculcate and in-docturn their own minds into mental slavery?

Anytime you see children being used to push an agenda, the socialist/communist have had their ways again......

"First you get the children, then you've got the Mother's, and so follow the Men" - Adolph Hitler

That is so true. I see people pushing the tax increases for the "good of the children" a lot lately. We are going to see a lot more of this - either cuts in services or increased taxes. At least in AZ, the illegals fleeing the state will reduce the burden in time.

19th May 2010, 07:11 AM
Same old BS. I defy anyone to show me a 'temporary' tax that did not become permanent! It's always the same theme: state starts out with low taxes and a productive growing economy. Then the politicians start feeding the entitlements (and themselves) and taxes start creeping up and up. Then the state is in constant fiscal extremis and taxes are higher then ever before.

And workers wonder why they are working harder than ever and still in debt with no disposible income? The state is a fvcking cancer whose appetite for the people's labors can never be satiated: Little Shop of Horrors has come to Arizona.

19th May 2010, 07:20 AM
Same old BS. I defy anyone to show me a 'temporary' tax that did not become permanent! It's always the same theme: state starts out with low taxes and a productive growing economy. Then the politicians start feeding the entitlements (and themselves) and taxes start creeping up and up. Then the state is in constant fiscal extremis and taxes are higher then ever before.

And workers wonder why they are working harder than ever and still in debt with no disposible income? The state is a fvcking cancer whose appetite for the people's labors can never be satiated: Little Shop of Horrors has come to Arizona.

Well said Mamboni!

19th May 2010, 05:06 PM

20th May 2010, 04:17 PM
NEVER let them have more money... once they have it, they will not give it back under any circumstances...

Children campaigning for tax hikes? That is truly scary.

mick silver
20th May 2010, 04:38 PM
maybe one day all the workers in this country will stand up and stop working and say give me it my time for a free ride... untill then past me some more pop corn