View Full Version : So the Census called me last night.

19th May 2010, 05:17 AM
Me: Hello
Census worker: Hello, is this the "Ares" residence?
Me: Yes
Census worker: I'm a representative of the U.S. Census we see that you didn't complete your survey.
Me: sure I did, I made sure to answer the question that mattered and that was how many people live at this "residence."
Census worker: Ok, but I need your name.
Me: You're not going to get my name or any other information outside of enumeration.
Census worker: By law..
Me: I don't give a sh*t what law you think you can hide behind to force me to give information that I am not going to give.
Me: Whats the prosecution rate of the Census going after people who don't fill out the survey other than
the required information?
Census worker: I don't know
Me: The survey was sent in finished, this conversation is over. Good bye.

So that's how the call went.

19th May 2010, 05:21 AM
Good work.

Expect some more calls though.

19th May 2010, 05:22 AM
Good work.

Expect some more calls though.

And guns pointed in your face.

19th May 2010, 05:23 AM
Good work.

Expect some more calls though.

Yeah probably, the answers won't change for the next person that calls either. I use VOIP and can block calls. If it comes to that, I'll just block them.

19th May 2010, 05:27 AM
How do you even know the person phoning you is from the census bureau?
No one gets info from me on the phone, unless I called them or I am sure who it is.

19th May 2010, 05:30 AM
How do you even know the person phoning you is from the census bureau?
No one gets info from me on the phone, unless I called them or I am sure who it is.

It came up Census on caller ID.

19th May 2010, 05:55 AM
We had the same thing, only they came here in person. They made 3 visits here and even tried to question our neighbor. They came back a 4th time and we were home and just told her that she is only getting the #of people living here. They are wasting their time with this.

19th May 2010, 05:59 AM
They are wasting their time with this.

Yeah but it looks good for the employment numbers LOL

Dirty Harry
19th May 2010, 06:06 AM
How do you even know the person phoning you is from the census bureau?
No one gets info from me on the phone, unless I called them or I am sure who it is.

It came up Census on caller ID.

You shoulda told them "I'll only answer questions of this nature in person", then when they show up...give them the same story as you did on the phone. Let them waste a little more of our money...it doesn't really matter at this point.

19th May 2010, 06:49 AM
Ive lived long enough to go through quite a few cenus thingies....but ive NEVER EVER seen such a bunch of rabid harpies hell bent on seizing information like gps coordinates etc....this is surreal.

19th May 2010, 07:05 AM
They are wasting their time with this.

Yeah but it looks good for the employment numbers LOL

So true!

Twisted Titan
19th May 2010, 07:11 AM
How do you even know the person phoning you is from the census bureau?
No one gets info from me on the phone, unless I called them or I am sure who it is.

It came up Census on caller ID.

You shoulda told them "I'll only answer questions of this nature in person", then when they show up...give them the same story as you did on the phone. Let them waste a little more of our money...it doesn't really matter at this point.

They are probally so @$$ backwards they have no way no prove that you didnt do it.