View Full Version : Gordon Gekko is Back, Wall Street 2 Premieres (New Trailer Included)
19th May 2010, 11:27 AM
Gordon Gekko is back in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" which just premiered at Cannes. Director Oliver Stone hinted that they may even make a Wall Street 3 this week.
Check out this new trailer they put together, the film looks dope as hell.
About the film:
As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two-tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader's mentor.
clip at link:
19th May 2010, 11:34 AM
Oh no, Gordon Gekko seduces and corrupts sweet young Shia! That's a shame.
19th May 2010, 11:43 AM
Oh no, Gordon Gekko seduces and corrupts sweet young Shia! That's a shame.
Jew Banksters get a guilt-free ride in jew-controlled
19th May 2010, 11:44 AM
How did I know you'd be in here with your jew talk in a matter of seconds?
19th May 2010, 11:47 AM
How did I know you'd be in here with your jew talk in a matter of seconds? bad that I noticed no jew banksters in the new Wall Street sequel. They are innocent of course in the real world and Hollywood is all about reality.
19th May 2010, 11:50 AM
The repetition just gets old, that's all. I think you might be more effective in your campaign if you held back every now and then.
19th May 2010, 12:00 PM
The repetition just gets old, that's all.
Avail yourself of the Ignore software feature.
19th May 2010, 12:11 PM
The repetition just gets old, that's all.
Avail yourself of the Ignore software feature.
But then I will miss the gems that you post every now and then! However, point taken.
19th May 2010, 05:16 PM
I saw Wall Street again the other day as I hadn't seen it in a while. Good movie, but I miss the real Gordon Gekko from GIM...who is on GIM2 now. And budfox!
1970 Silver Art
19th May 2010, 05:22 PM
I saw Wall Street again the other day as I hadn't seen it in a while. Good movie, but I miss the real Gordon Gekko from GIM...who is on GIM2 now. And budfox!
Actually Gordon Gekko is also on GSUS. He registered a few days ago.
BTW: I might decide to see Wall Street 2 when it starts showing in my area.
19th May 2010, 05:28 PM
I think so too...just to see Gekko's character again.
20th May 2010, 12:51 PM
I had written and submitted to Stone a screenplay for Wall Street II. It was rejected - I think it's better then the one they decided to use:
Gekko is retired and living in a Buddhist monastery in the Big Sir - he has rejected his evil capitalist ways and was inspired by reruns of 'Kung Foo.' The first scene will show him repeatedly failing to snatch a pebble from the hands of his master, played by an orientalized-blind Danny DeVito who will admonish Gekko to think of the pebble as a quarter. Gekko, who now subsists on a diet of rice and beans, is gaunt and grey, constantly farts when he talks, and in doubt about his life choice. A team of elite soldiers have been sent by the Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Gayturd) to bring Gekko out of retirement, rehabilitate him and task him with rescuing capitalism. The next segment will feature Gekko undergoing a Rockyesque comeback training, complete with a Mickey-like trainer (played by a tobacco chewing foul-mouthed Jack Nicholson). The music will be a rally cry for “greed is good" and employ Pink Floyd's Money as performed by Tom Jones (to symbolize rebirth) as Gekko is fed a steady diet of black coffee and raw eggs poured into a glass and mixed with “jolt" soda pop. In the end, Gekko emerges from his brutal tutelage invigorated, aggressive, and ready to take on the Wall Street World. Gekko says he'll need a partner, a right hand man. The team flys him down to the Caribbean, to an obscure island south of the Caymans, where we find Bud Fox, played by Charlie Sheen. Bud has long fallen out of society, with his $200 million, which he embezzled from Sir Larry Wilder (who went insane with neurosyphilis which he contracted from Darry Hannah's character) who now is institutionalized in a London hospital for the Insane (his room mate is Glenn Beck). Bud is potbellied, has a bald spot, and is living a consumptive lifestyle consisting of constantly sipping single malt scotch from coconut shells and playing Oblivion IV 24 hours a day; he is at character level 41. Of course, Gekko has to beg Bud to come back with him and form the Ambiguously Capitalist Duo to be modeled after Ace and Gary's Gay Duo cartoon characters, as theirs is a covert operation to save capitalism. Bud challenges Gekko to a duel: if Gekko wins Bud will join him on his mission; if Gekko loses, he must stay on Bud's island as his personal male servant and coconut procurer. Of course, Gekko wins, or the movie would end here.
27th February 2012, 07:11 PM
FBI enlists 'Gordon Gekko' in financial crimes campaign
updated 6:39 PM EST, Mon February 27, 2012
Washington (CNN) -- The FBI on Monday unveiled a videotaped message from the actor who played the infamous fictional insider trader Gordon Gekko to help bolster a wide-ranging attack on financial crimes.
At an FBI headquarters briefing on the stepped-up fight against financial misdealings, the bureau proudly showed a 30-second public service announcement featuring actor Michael Douglas. His character in the 1987 film "Wall Street," Gordon Gekko, proclaimed that "greed, for lack of a better word, is good." But in a new message to help the FBI, Douglas says, "The movie is fiction, but the problem is real."
Douglas asks viewers who suspect financial crime to contact the FBI.
A new report issued Monday by the FBI shows that in the last fiscal year, FBI investigations led to 242 indictments and 241 convictions of corporate criminals. The FBI says it secured $2.4 billion in restitution from corporate criminals. The FBI says it has increased convictions of securities and commodities fraud, health care fraud, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud, and money laundering.
Kevin Perkins, the FBI's assistant director of the criminal investigative division, says the FBI has hired 250 new forensic accountants who are all focused on major cases.
Some of them are involved with investigations of 2,600 mortgage cases.
Attorney General Eric Holder traveled to New York on Thursday to deliver the message that the Justice Department is committed to rooting out corporate crime.
"From securities, bank and investment, to mortgage, consumer and health-care fraud, we've found that these schemes are as diverse as the imaginations of those who perpetrate them, and as sophisticated as modern technology will permit," Holder said.
Holder has emphasized the effort to combat health-care fraud schemes. In the past fiscal year more than 1,400 people were charged with fraud in 500 cases. The government has recovered more than $4 billion in health-care fraud schemes.
27th February 2012, 07:17 PM
vid at link I can't seem to embed...
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