View Full Version : Code connecting Nazis to Jews discovered

19th May 2010, 01:39 PM
Code connecting Nazis to Jews discovered

By "code" I mean the following set of directions:

1. Move forward 3 units and turn right.
2. Move forward 1 unit and turn right.
3. Move forward 2 units and turn left.
4. Move forward 1 unit and turn left.
5. Move forward 2 units and turn right.
6. Repeat.


1. If all "turns" are 90-degrees turns,

then you will be moving in this pattern:


2. If all "turns" are 120-degrees turns,

Then amazingly you will be moving in this pattern:


Take a pencil an check it yourself.


19th May 2010, 01:44 PM
other fun stuff here (http://www.futilitycloset.com/category/science-math/page/2/)

19th May 2010, 01:55 PM
I can't even pronuance the names, much less do the math.

19th May 2010, 01:57 PM
Yes those symbols are connected, they are two of the oldest examples of sacred geometry in all of human history

Seriously, those two symbols predate the written language, they predate recorded history, scholars have traced both of them back before the beginning of record-keeping.

India has been using the six poited star as the symbol of the heart for at LEAST 5,500 years...The swastika is even older...

19th May 2010, 02:02 PM
Yes those symbols are connected, they are two of the oldest examples of sacred geometry in all of human history

Seriously, those two symbols predate the written language, they predate recorded history, scholars have traced both of them back before the beginning of record-keeping.

India has been using the six poited star as the symbol of the heart for at LEAST 5,500 years...The swastika is even older...

but do you see how they are almost the same?

the difference only in angle

weird! ???

19th May 2010, 02:19 PM
This reminds me of Edwin Black's book, about the collaboration between Zionist Jews & Nazi Germany.

The Zionist Jews were stymied by the political stance of many European Jews - who opposed the creation of Israel. But the Zionist Jews needed warm bodies to start their country.

So they made a deal. European Jews were expatriated to Israel. The Jews who opposed Israel were left behind - in the custody of Nazi Germany. This solved a problem for the Zionist Jews by ridding them of a significant political obstruction.

Hitler was happy to have German Jews expatriate to Israel - a position he shared with the Zionist Jews.

In other words, the Zionist Jews were instrumental in the architecting of the sequence of events that later became known as the Holocaust.

Also, Wall Street supported Nazi Germany, lending $$ as late as 1942. This is the very real incident that you may have heard about, Prescott Bush managed that bank. Further described in Tarpley & Chaitkin's book, "George Bush, the Un-Authorized Biography." (Chapter 2, The Hitler Project)

Makes you wonder, who worked for who. Obviously a part of our history that is not taught in American public schools.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"

George Bush, the Un-Authorized Biography.
See Chapter 2, about Wall Street financing Nazi Germany as late as October 1942.

19th May 2010, 02:38 PM
Yes that is simply wild.......

I'm a little blown away to be honest.

Yes those symbols are connected, they are two of the oldest examples of sacred geometry in all of human history

Seriously, those two symbols predate the written language, they predate recorded history, scholars have traced both of them back before the beginning of record-keeping.

India has been using the six poited star as the symbol of the heart for at LEAST 5,500 years...The swastika is even older...

but do you see how they are almost the same?

the difference only in angle

weird! ???

19th May 2010, 02:40 PM
India has been using the six poited star as the symbol of the heart for at LEAST 5,500 years...The swastika is even older...

In another 5000 yrs. they'll be doing the same with these.

Connect the dots...

19th May 2010, 03:58 PM
This reminds me of Edwin Black's book, about the collaboration between Zionist Jews & Nazi Germany.

The Zionist Jews were stymied by the political stance of many European Jews - who opposed the creation of Israel. But the Zionist Jews needed warm bodies to start their country.

So they made a deal. European Jews were expatriated to Israel. The Jews who opposed Israel were left behind - in the custody of Nazi Germany. This solved a problem for the Zionist Jews by ridding them of a significant political obstruction.

Hitler was happy to have German Jews expatriate to Israel - a position he shared with the Zionist Jews.

In other words, the Zionist Jews were instrumental in the architecting of the sequence of events that later became known as the Holocaust.

Also, Wall Street supported Nazi Germany, lending $$ as late as 1942. This is the very real incident that you may have heard about, Prescott Bush managed that bank. Further described in Tarpley & Chaitkin's book, "George Bush, the Un-Authorized Biography." (Chapter 2, The Hitler Project)

Makes you wonder, who worked for who. Obviously a part of our history that is not taught in American public schools.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"

George Bush, the Un-Authorized Biography.
See Chapter 2, about Wall Street financing Nazi Germany as late as October 1942.

Excellent GD! its well documented that hitler WAS jewish...as well as MOST of the corporations that supported him...his decision to give the allies the victory in ww2 by holding back the panzer divisions untillit was too late, was INTENTIONA:L.....they NEVER found his body, nor has ANY jew searched for it since....( prolly off in rothschilds castle laughing his ass off)

19th May 2010, 04:20 PM
amen.. but of course, lets not talk too much of sacred geometry

Yes those symbols are connected, they are two of the oldest examples of sacred geometry in all of human history

Seriously, those two symbols predate the written language, they predate recorded history, scholars have traced both of them back before the beginning of record-keeping.

India has been using the six poited star as the symbol of the heart for at LEAST 5,500 years...The swastika is even older...

19th May 2010, 05:33 PM
since you guys seem to be 'up' (educated) on your numerology & geometry - is there a meaning to the date 9-11 ?

19th May 2010, 06:31 PM
And here I just thought it was 9-1-1 EMERGENCY!

19th May 2010, 07:11 PM
since you guys seem to be 'up' (educated) on your numerology & geometry - is there a meaning to the date 9-11 ?

9 is the whole, it includes all numbers, thats the Universe, humanitarian
11 is the master number for Knowledge

negatively knowledge against the universe/ mankind

all numbers and geometrical shapes have a dual value, positive and negative and follow the power of the intent therefore... in geometry shapes, used negatively are often reversed, and such shapes are used as a language between elites.

19th May 2010, 10:50 PM
oops... the star of david means "as above so below" domination over the microcosm amd macrocosm, two triangles inverted. This is not bad per se because it too implies a perfect shape which everything in he universe derives from.

I believe that there is a conspiarcy about those symbols , sustaining fears is key.. Just look at the example of the nazi swatstiska and its effects on the psychye.. now show a positive swastika, mpst people will associate it with the negative meaning. The difference between the two is again the power of intent. Nobody would worhip a negative meaning without an agenda. The symbol in itself, alone, doesnt do a thing.

India has been using the six poited star as the symbol of the heart for at LEAST 5,500 years...The swastika is even older...

19th May 2010, 11:26 PM
Let's also not forget the words from Himmler's mouth regarding the employment of the jews as antagonists in the early days rise of the Nazi party.

Only to be discarded after they surpassed their shelf life.

20th May 2010, 07:51 AM
Nazi were National Socialism party.

Socialism is Jewish invention.

while this is true, one has to look at the other side of the fence... why is there so much gulibitity out there???

You can blame as much as you wish... forcing people into doing good actions because there are sheeple out there, wont work out if education matters are not addressed. But of course, admitting one's gulibility is a tough realization.

More broadly collectivism, in varous forms, has always been wth mankind since its beginning, as so many are afraid to think for themselves, should an awakenng occur, all societal models would crash down.

Rulers, whoever they are, have grasped this millennia ago. The same symbols throughout history proves this. Symbols are subliminal messages, psy-ops designed to scared off, hence preventing people from seeing by themsleves that there is a upside and downside in everything. That is why "divide and conquer" has done wonders. Indeed it works great, any topic related to sacred geometry is immediatley branded as created by an evil entity. Meaning, dont go there.

blame games still have bright days ahead.

20th May 2010, 11:21 AM
Let's also not forget the words from Himmler's mouth regarding the employment of the jews as antagonists in the early days rise of the Nazi party.

Only to be discarded after they surpassed their shelf life.

all elites band together, depending on the long term inteests at stake, choosing pawns then turning against them, such as Sadam, as hey see it to further their goals. This has happened a gazillion times and still people get trapped into cutural/rracial issues. While it true that the top winners are the zionists, they couldnt have achieved success without help from the outside.

Race/culture blame game is CONgames

20th May 2010, 02:46 PM

The Platonic solids have been known since antiquity. Ornamented models of them can be found among the carved stone balls created by the late neolithic people of Scotland at least 1000 years before Plato (Atiyah and Sutcliffe 2003). Dice go back to the dawn of civilization with shapes that augured formal charting of Platonic solids.

The ancient Greeks studied the Platonic solids extensively. Some sources (such as Proclus) credit Pythagoras with their discovery. Other evidence suggests he may have only been familiar with the tetrahedron, cube, and dodecahedron, and that the discovery of the octahedron and icosahedron belong to Theaetetus, a contemporary of Plato. In any case, Theaetetus gave a mathematical description of all five and may have been responsible for the first known proof that there are no other convex regular polyhedra.

The Platonic solids feature prominently in the philosophy of Plato for whom they are named. Plato wrote about them in the dialogue Timaeus c.360 B.C. in which he associated each of the four classical elements (earth, air, water, and fire) with a regular solid. Earth was associated with the cube, air with the octahedron, water with the icosahedron, and fire with the tetrahedron. There was intuitive justification for these associations: the heat of fire feels sharp and stabbing (like little tetrahedra). Air is made of the octahedron; its minuscule components are so smooth that one can barely feel it. Water, the icosahedron, flows out of one's hand when picked up, as if it is made of tiny little balls. By contrast, a highly un-spherical solid, the hexahedron (cube) represents earth. These clumsy little solids cause dirt to crumble and break when picked up, in stark difference to the smooth flow of water. The fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, Plato obscurely remarks, "...the god used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven". Aristotle added a fifth element, aithêr (aether in Latin, "ether" in English) and postulated that the heavens were made of this element, but he had no interest in matching it with Plato's fifth solid.


20th May 2010, 03:01 PM
The occult believes in number voodoo.

Sarge used to post about this.

They believe in "black magic" numbers, talisman, etc.

And they choose dates for history as good luck for their enterprises.

They kill people too on chosen dates.

All related, numbers voodoo ology and black magic to replace reason.

The Occult steals ideas from very wholesome ancient philosophers
and scholars and corrupts those ideas for their own ends and
voodoo, they corrupt the ancients deliberately, did you know
that "plato was a mason?", ROFL, goldissima does this here
and did this on gim, I confronted her and she became more
blatant. It is important to understand their methods. They
have an anti-Christian anti-Western agenda. Corrupting is key.
Corrupting everything, the status quo, history, beliefs, claiming
it is real knowledge when they post total lies and attack even
great Western leaders and civilizations with their lies.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/)

And skyvike does this too regularly, attacking western leaders
as well with lies, like Constantine. They have a hard on for the
Byzantines that excluded Jews from power and was highly Christian.
Skyvike even told me in email, "I know Plato the mathmetician",
funny because I don't, ROFL, I know Plato the real "Light Bringer"
that tells you to think for yourself, not accept corruption or any
secret society. They corrupt his name just by mentioning it and
also by corrupting him they corrupt Christianity cause these
Western Philosophers laid the groundwork for Christianity,
especially Socrates and his students, who were Plato, Aristotle,
even Alexander and the Hellenistic Kingdoms. They hate the
Greeks. The word Byzantine, Philistine, Hellenist are dirty words.

They all believe in Lucifer too and their allies openly Satan.

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

20th May 2010, 03:16 PM
Keehah, you don't have no clue what you are posting or
where it comes from.

You only know how to follow your "theosophist" leader
around, you should have a close look at my posts and
who these people are dude, you were an old friend, either
you lost your mind or you were always a deceiver.

I can explain to you in general the whole progression.

And how it is connected to Christianity.

It starts with Hesiod, someone you have no clue about.
Then it goes to Hales and the debates begin. Scientific
discovery begins. Some of these debates are ongoing,
"the big bang", the pre Socratic and post Socratic, the
West is invented and the groundwork for Christianity laid,
Christianity was born in the Hellenic world, and these
very philosophers that the Occult corrupts for their ends
are highly influential even with all later Western Philosophers
of Europe. Even with the Christian fathers. Goldie denies
the existence of Plato and Aristotle on these issues.
Pushes "new age" bullsh*t ripoffs in Zeitgeist thread.

Keehah joins the Occult.

To tell the truth I'd probably share more in common spiritually with a Mason than a Christian.

Keehah, lol, this explains a lot about your recent postings.

You ain't totally awake dude, nor have you been paying
attention to peoples posts and my posts and what happened
on gim.

You should take a look at my posts in religion section,
your god is your avatar following goldissima around,
she follows the "theosophists" a joke of a name alone
designed to corrupt, and whether you know it or not
you do too, they are easily shamed and discredited
which is why people deny following them but do the
exact same work they promote, and they do it on a
personal level on here, very dishonorable deceivers.


Lucifer and "theosophists"
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/lucifer-is-a-latin-word-literally-meaning-'light-bearer'/msg38531/#msg38531)
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/lucifer-is-a-latin-word-literally-meaning-'light-bearer'/msg38617/#msg38617)

I see Lucifer guru attacks one of the Wests greatest leaders.
Very Christian Empire that saved all key knowledge and was
responsible for the Renaissance. Charlamagne tried to emulate
them and saved Latin and Europe and knowledge, was a true
Warrior Poet.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/msg14068/#msg14068)

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

20th May 2010, 03:18 PM
All related, numbers voodoo ology and black magic to replace reason.
It replaces faith and/or reason. If all faith involves a veil, some numbers help thin it.

But hey I'm no numbers shill [or faith hater]. I post mainly waves of aether. I'm a structure guy I guess deep down, but I hope to see at a higher level. :D

20th May 2010, 03:28 PM
All related, numbers voodoo ology and black magic to replace reason.
It replaces faith and/or reason. If all faith involves a veil, some numbers help thin it.

[ seriously, wtf are you talking about making strawman arguments,
I ain't even religious, go read some more history that aeondaze gives you ]

But hey I'm no numbers shill. I'm a structure guy after all. ;D

You allied yourself with people whose main goal is to corrupt history
and society and enslave people, that is who the new Keehah is.

The main issue I had with goldissima is this, posting outright lies
and corruptions of a historical nature. See here.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/)
See the progression of my posts and hers being more blatant.

Do you have a clue who the "thesophists" are, you are one by
your own words and behavior, that is who goldissima is totally
but she denies it, study what they are about, I have basic links,
she does their works and you do too self admittedly.

They use words like "profane" and "heathens" too to describe people, the West.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/msg38544/#msg38544)

Are you going to go join an alien worshiping kibbutz like goldissima,
pay to dig holes and live in a mushroom like the Zeitgeist movie
suggests. She is so enlightened. She is the teacher on here
corrupting on a personal level, dam straight I will confront her.

You are a mason ? ROFL


EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

20th May 2010, 03:35 PM
If I just sink away will this mean I'm innocent?


20th May 2010, 03:38 PM
MAGNES, the day you will be able to conecieve that everything has an upside and dowside, then we'll be able to have a decent discussion.

that is what the occultists have always known better than us. Meanwhile the bible is a kabbalistic piece, especially the old testament...

the whole universe repeats patterns endlessly. And each one implies two opposite trends, and the conjecture of some negative trends can be amplified when one has an insder knowkedge. It too works the other way round of course.

You may read about all possible amd worse tortures, in the end, it is up to you to decide. Leave it at that (or even prevent them from being implemented ) - or implementing them.

Altthough indicating current patterns, symbols are almost meaningless (because the Universe is contructed in a way to void everything, words and actions) without free will.

Instead you finger point to people who dare face the facts, and call them "S"worhipers.

Kabbalah and Exodus

And in view of the Kabbalah's antiquity, and the fact that it is the fountain head of the body of the Old Testament teachings

Now the mult-million dollar question: as a christian, do yhou believe in the old testament? Because if you answer is 'yes", you void you own diatribe against the esoterists and people like me who thirst for Knowledge.

I see Lucifer guru attacks one of the Wests greatest leaders.
Very Christian Empire that saved all key knowledge and was
responsible for the Renaissance. Charlamagne tried to emulate
them and saved Latin and Europe and knowledge, was a true
Warrior Poet.

civilizations have only one purpose... mold you into their own ways... just google: charlemagne merovingians secret societies... the very first masonic steps of the NWO.

My smites are ging up... I can see that now. Great!

20th May 2010, 03:55 PM
I post mainly waves of aether.


...and pretend that the political consequences are not your own...lol.


20th May 2010, 04:16 PM

You joined a kibbutz, you joined a cult, you joined Alien Worshipers,
others outed that fact, you hid it, there is a book associated with it,
you call that going off grid ? ROFL ! You are going to teach people here ?
Posting your corruptions. We have had many discussions in the past,
you play games. Do they teach you to post historical lies/attacks/corrutions.
I don't give a crap about the Old T, would even agree with
you, even the Koran has a lot in common with the Talmud cause
Jews wrote all of them, OT is not Christianity, New Testament is,
I am no fan of it, you are trying to distract attention away from
what I am saying. I ain't even religious. What do you believe ?
Whatever corrupts and confuses is the real answer. I jhave
seen your other answers, I don't believe them anymore.
Your true beliefs are most likely Kaballa Jewish beliefs from your post.
"War on Rome and the Christians", Zohar. LOL

You are open borders too, you are anti-Christian, anti-Western,
you are not a European, you are an Indian or something close to
that, it matters, surprise surprise, Open Borders, I have seen
your pictures in your links, you don't give a sh*t about The West.
You remind me of the Indian trolls on pravda that make ludicrous
statements on European history.

I said in post one I only started to figure you out about a year ago.
You probably got a good laugh at all of us. I also said I don't expect
many here to agree with me cause most do not see what I see.
I am talking mostly about Ancient Hellenic Philosophers , Platonists , etc .
Your Constantine post is ridiculous and all lies, I will take it apart soon.
Brought to us by two Lucifer lovers, by your own admissions here.
I notice you just ignore my concerns and dare not ask me what is
inaccurate about it, just like on gim in Zeitgeist thread, that tells
me you know the truth.

People interested in what I am saying read here first.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/)

This is stupid arguing history with people online.

But, goldissima is a case study, it is important seeing
what she does in person the occult does the same,
and she was supposedly a leader on gim and skyvike
best friend, before anyone attacks me, read what
was already posted. After being confronted she became
more open and blatant. Before GIM shut down I saved
material, posts, threads, from skyvike and goldissima
and wanted to put something together how they steer
the place towards the occult, it's real, what I have posted
here and links above is nothing, banning Christians and
people that know history and expose the masons was
the prime mission of skyvike, and anyone here not understanding
that does not understand him, yes bold statements, many may
take issue with, many experienced what I am talking

After dealing with skyvike and Masonic Plot on gim in late 2007
I became more interested in Masons and the Occult then the
outing, then in early 2008 began reading heavy into Occult.

So these people have effected my life and helped to wake me up.

Ask why ? What ? How ?

Wait for my thread on Greg Braiden where I rip him a new one.
The exact opposite is true of what he states and leads people
to believe.

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

20th May 2010, 04:21 PM
civilizations have only one purpose... mold you into their own ways... just google: charlemagne merovingians secret societies... the very first masonic steps of the NWO!

Here is goldissima doing again exactly what I accuse her of.

They hate Byzantium and Constantine.

They hate Charlamagne and his family too.

They hate real and true leaders, builders of Europe, the greatest
defenders of Europe, Charlamagne and his family saved Europe.
Saved Latin, saved whatever classics they could, created education,
even are responsible for the way we write right now, they gave
power and knowledge to the people.

They gave us the Carolingian Renaissance.

When Byzantium was destroyed knowledge was saved
and moved to Rome, that created The Renaissance.


That is why he and his family are a target, the control masters
do not want you to know this history.

The more goldissima posts the more you can see how allied
she is with the Jews/Masons/Pharisees behind everything.
She is basically admitting she is a Kabballistic Jew.
Masonry is all Kaballah voodoo bullsh*t too.
Allied with skyvike, read down, everything fits so neatly.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/)

Pic from her own website.


She does the work of "theosophists" research them,
compare her posts.
Link to GS-US Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/msg38544/#msg38544)

How does this square with numbers voodoo and black magic ? Truth ? Hidden.
http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1452.0;attach=808; image

* First — To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.
* Second — To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Science.
* Third — To investigate the unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in man."[2]

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

20th May 2010, 04:32 PM


dont take anything for granted... here is a good link to start your own reserach



sorry the other link was too "mainstream"

20th May 2010, 04:38 PM


dont take anything for granted... here is a good link to start your own reserach

[ I didn't learn about the middle ages, high middle ages from online trolls like you,
people here know when I post on history I can back it up, get ready troll ]


You are counting on people here not knowing KEY EUROPEAN HISTORY.

Your post again confirms to me you deliberate deceive people on here.

You have no honor.

Your posts are the posts of a troll.

Are you a Jew or are you and Indian.

All your crap is Jewish corruption,
you study to corrupt the goyim.

20th May 2010, 04:47 PM
you posted my picture without my approval, this should get you in deeep troubles here... I am merely pointing at facts that are out there for everbody to make up his/her own mind....

posting my picture means that you have run out or arguments. You cannot discuss facts without attacking the messenger... what does it mean? You are narrwed minded.

There is countless data out there.Earlier you were praising the crusaders while ignoring that they were those who INVENTED the note of credit, the first credit card... no wonder they were deemed dangerous as their wealth and power increased, their Templar order was dismantled... the rest is history since they regrouped as a masonic power.

hope the mods will get after you soon.

You do not know history that well, pal

20th May 2010, 04:53 PM
If I just sink away will this mean I'm innocent?



Come on keehah, this could turn out to be one of the best threads all year.

I'm on board for the ride.

20th May 2010, 04:56 PM
you posted my picture without my approval, this should get you in deeep troubles here... I am nerely poiting at facts that are out there for everbody to make up his/her own mind....

posting my pictures means that you have run out or arguments

hope the mods will get after you soon


It's from your own website you are promoting in your profile.

You are a writer and you post this everywhere. Fair game.

And it is very relevant, you ain't European. Open Borders too,
surprise surprise , all of Mexico and Africa is open borders, so
is India and China.

You are fair game, you hate Europeans IMO.

You probably work for the ADL or something,
you do possess a lot of knowledge and you
use it to lie and deceive the way Masonic Plot
did on GIM.

Skyvike promotes your websites too.

I know Juristic Persons real name, mayhem posted it on agora.
Maybe he was lying. I wouldn't ever post that cause it did not
come from him and it does not matter, I don't care who he is,
if he sees this he can test me and I will abide. I have known
for two years.

I saved a lot of your material, including your "going to an alien worshipping cult".
Skyvike and Gkhan praise you, others warn you, then someone outs the place
as alien worshipers, ROFL !

Keep lying about Western History on here, makes you look good.

Whoever does not care about Western History deserves no freedom or justice.

That comment applies to everyone here, especially people that see me as friendly.

You do not know history that well, pal


I outed you didn't I and you called yourself a "devil worshiper"
and then later you became more blatant as a lucifer lover.
All the links are already above, people should read what you post.

Pick something I said on history, I will destroy you on it.

Others here know too but choose not to talk to you.

There is a philosophy major on here that refuses to talk to you.

You count on people not knowing history here,
and you insult them by your corrupting behavior.

Anyone that has a problem with Charlamagne has issues. Period.
I will open a thread on his families great achievements.
They rebuilt Europe from ashes and defended it to the death.
From those you are admittedly allied with. Kaballah Masons Bankers.

The Jews in the Zohar openly write about "war on Rome forever",
well he is Rome, he rebuilt it from it's ashes and gave us
the writing we have today.

I challenge your posts on here, not call you names.
You don't need me for that anyways, you called yourself
names, "devil worshiper", I never did, nor would I agree
with that, you dared me, remember ?

You threw a fit too on this, funny. People are studying you.
Singularity Awareness

20th May 2010, 05:03 PM

It's from your own website you are promoting in your profile.

You are a writer and you post this everywhere. Fair game.

fair game, all you want to do Is shooting the messenger,. You dont care about facts at all. Again which are OUT THERE... for everyone willing to think outsside the box. So according to you, non mainstream is devilish oriented. the NWO has worked its way through, amazingly... civilizations are evil... all of them. There is no winner out there.


editL my site isnt even advertised in my signature. Did you notice?

20th May 2010, 05:06 PM
I stand as guardian for these two Magnes.

If they intend harm in any such form I will inform you secretly. ;)

In the meantime show a little flexibility & diffuse the calcified spine.

Listen to some Grateful Dead if it getsya loose. :)


20th May 2010, 05:21 PM
Are you a Jew or are you and Indian.
Magnes has lost the debate... resorting to attacks instead of anaylzing facts is always a mistake

He went after me because my thread title was a latin translation. I didnt invent latin, did i? This proves that facts, semantic and history matters little to him.

Meanwhile the entire Universe is ruled by black holes, toruses and dark matter... yet he blames me for acknowledging this and questioning the real meaning of darkness. ROFLOL

20th May 2010, 05:37 PM

20th May 2010, 05:42 PM
Magnes has lost the debate... resorting to attacks instead of anaylzing facts is always a mistake

Personal against you no, ad hominem only because it it relevant,
who you are your motives, what drives you, you post a lot of
personal information about yourself for years, we know each
other since 2006, I considered you a friend, your posts you
describe are not the problem, this all started with me trying
to figure out why you post so many corruptions and all started
with our Zeitgeist discussions and that other "Gymmatica" thread,
similar to Zeitgeist where they "blame whitey" for the planets problems.

Your websites and pictures have been around from the beginning.

I know of 3 websites of yours.

And I must say it is a pleasure to get to
know you better after all these years.
Real eye opener.

I even am sorry for taking you on but it is necessary,
read and scroll down.
I don't really care for a confrontation considering I considered
you my friend (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/parallel-universes-exist-time-travel-possible-(tough-one-for-religions)/)

What about me posting the thread you started on gim, going off grid.
Will you throw a fit, ? , you discredit yourself .

Another thing the Sumerians are not Aliens, man was a great builder,
you and the NWO cannot take that away from us. You are them.
The Sumerians were Indo Europeans like all who built in the past.

911 was chosen to murder people.
Why go along with the occult .

AND REALLY ! Making stuff up to get me banned ? ROFL !

HaHa she edited her post where she says, "it's not in my signature."
I didn't say it was, more misdirection, here is the proof, but we that
know goldie for years have been to a few of her websites.


20th May 2010, 06:15 PM
Let's also not forget the words from Himmler's mouth regarding the employment of the jews as antagonists in the early days rise of the Nazi party.

Only to be discarded after they surpassed their shelf life.

all elites band together, depending on the long term inteests at stake, choosing pawns then turning against them, such as Sadam, as hey see it to further their goals. This has happened a gazillion times and still people get trapped into cutural/rracial issues. While it true that the top winners are the zionists, they couldnt have achieved success without help from the outside.

Race/culture blame game is CONgames

I have no further to look than this post to know true intent.

As for the recent incursion I can only guess as far as it's designs towards "oneness" zionism, or other such defensive macinations.

If there is some sort of hidden "world changing" agenda buried within let me know.

btw, I just want to add that I view keehah, and singular as great steeds of individuality & free thinking.

Even if they were temporarily caught up in some sort of web of deceit, or anger for all their pioneering, I for one would wait myself while they untangled.

21st May 2010, 06:27 AM
LOL... you are using racial arguments because you have lost the debate since day one... let me repeat again: EVERYTHING in the universe has an upside and downside. so this means that every thought and action VOID/COUNTER each other, in the Great Scheme of Things. -- deal with it - that is why NON-interventionism is key If this work on a political level, why not spiritually as it is explained by sacred geometry and quantum physics alike? Sure, I am a devil worshiper for saying that.. To each his town!

What about Zeitgeist, because it links christianity to mythology? True or not, it doesnt matter. The message of Christ is a beautiful one, too bad it got corrupted by people at the time aware of how the universe really works (see bold).

You dont need to post my info, because I am well known enough... and NEVER HID who I was... please post your own pic here on the board if you REALLY wish a fair game. Let everybody see your face... I dare you.

Lately you portray me as a jew or indian.. what is wrong. You had to resort to this racial statement because you havent yet grasped that races-culture are the ultimate CONgame in town. The NWO has really mindcontrolled you to the extreme since there only is an anti-jew agenda in your diatribe. And now India obviously.

You joyfully trash zeitgiest but dont even know that the masonic order was already in place under the Great Charlemange and the Templar Crusaders - which you praise.

Ultimately, the only country possible for a free thinker, is no-mans land and intellectual exile. Thats the price tag and I am happy to pay for it. I can stand on my own and no afraid of it. I will always go for the impossible and the most daunting and if people dont understand me, I couldnt care less. This is my path and I dont need to fit any social mold.

But feel free to shoot the messenger again and again, because this is all you can do. Expose me as much as you wish, you have nothing to show, beside the fact that exchanged links with Skyvike before the GIM break up and the ensuing aftermath which taught me things that I didnt know about. I have addressed this concretely.

You are just pissed off because you dont seem able to really frame me but feel like I am a threat to your belief system. Would your faith be that fragile? Give me a break, will you!

In my belief system there is room for every train of thoughts, but my stance is that there is a GRAND THEORY OF EVERYTHING out there and I just sharing my opinion and discoveries.

Personal against you no, ad hominem only because it it relevant,
who you are your motives, what drives you, you post a lot of
personal information about yourself for years, we know each
other since 2006, I considered you a friend, your posts you
describe are not the problem, this all started with me trying
to figure out why you post so many corruptions and all started
with our Zeitgeist discussions and that other "Gymmatica" thread,
similar to Zeitgeist where they "blame whitey" for the planets problems.

Your websites and pictures have been around from the beginning.

I know of 3 websites of yours.

21st May 2010, 08:36 PM
I was in rush this morning and editing was my last preoccupation, however, I fixed most typos.

conclusion: people can now see by themselves why non-mainstream and fringy spiritualists rarely post in the religion/philosophy forum. There is no room for them. even if they refrain from posting in "mainstream" threads. Thanks to the NWO for working out things so well

meanwhile, how many different christian churches in the world: a gazillion, and they cant even agree with one another. So many schisms for Christ and his message of universal love and solidarity. Special thanks again to the NWO for working out things so well

divide and conquer

shhtttt, tell no one, TEOTWAWKI is around the corner.