View Full Version : Once Again, It’s ACLJ vs. ACLU

19th May 2010, 05:51 PM
The ACLJ has gone toe to toe in court with the ACLJ many times

They are standing up for Americans again over this new Arizona law
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Secure Our Borders
America is a nation of immigrants. Quite frankly, that's been a key to our country's success. And it still is.

But there's a legal way to become part of this country - a path to citizenship - a way to enter this country legally. Unfortunately, many aren't taking that road.

Arizona responded by passing its own immigration law, which is already under attack. The ACLU is joining with other groups in filing a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Arizona law. They allege that the law "encourages racial profiling, endangers public safety and betrays American values."

That is simply not the case. We believe Arizona has a right to secure its borders - protect its citizens - something the federal government has repeatedly failed to do. This new law is a sound, constitutional move to secure our borders. The ACLU's legal challenge of the Arizona law is misguided and misrepresents exactly what the new law provides. It does not invite racial profiling - it prohibits it. It does not conflict with federal immigration law, it supports it.

And, we will file an amicus brief challenging the ACLU's position. We've prepared a legal memo that outlines the constitutionality of the Arizona law. You can read that here.

The ACLU is not alone in its challenge of the Arizona law, however. There have been multiple lawsuits already filed and even U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has said the federal government may actually file suit challenging the Arizona law, too.

What's unbelievable is that Holder's criticism and comments about the law were made without him even reading the 10-page law! That's right, he admitted last week he hasn't had a chance to read the law yet and got his information (which led to his criticism and threat of a lawsuit) from newspaper accounts of the measure.

Read the Arizona law for yourself. It is posted here.

It's time America takes the proper action to protect and defend its borders. That's what the Arizona law does and that's why it's important we meet the ACLU's challenge in federal court.

I have instructed a legal team to begin drafting a key amicus brief to be filed in defense of the Arizona law. And, we want you to be a part of it. Stand with us and join our Committee to Protect America's Borders.

Add your name today. Take a stand for America.


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The ACLU hates these statements: God bless America,
One nation under God
and in God we trust.

It is true; they fight to have them removed all over the USA. I love those 3 statements because I am an American citizen who knows the true history of this county and I am a proud supporter of the ACLJ!

19th May 2010, 10:58 PM
The Arizona law is constitutional. Any reasoning to the contrary is ludicrous on its face. What isn't constitutional are these so called sanctuary cities because they conflict with federal law making them cities in rebellion.

Twisted Titan
20th May 2010, 11:03 AM
There have been multiple lawsuits already filed and even U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has said the federal government may actually file suit challenging the Arizona law, too.

They are suing a State because they're calling them out on their Failure to Deliver

Only in America

20th May 2010, 05:36 PM
Attorney General Holder Admits He's Never Read Arizona's Immigration Law


mick silver
20th May 2010, 05:44 PM
this is a sad day in our country when the leaders are no longer able to read ... it allmost done now .. they show that keeps giving