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19th May 2010, 06:41 PM
Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately, but honestly getting tired of the Jew bashing , just getting to be too much of a dominant theme in most threads. This will run off prospective new members/lurkers from joining. I really dont have a problem with many on this forum, but lately to much bashing, far too much, very few threads about anything else but Anti-Israel themes or degrade to. we are all aware of the damage Zionists cause worldwide, we dont need to be reminded in every thread or topic,and honestly people do things that are bad without the control of Israel. finally, lets restrain from the term "Muds" that is a stupid Stormfront term that covers everyone who isnt Anglo Saxon, I guess Im a MUd too, as im Celtic and Native American, no German blood at all. thats all im saying, this was supposed to be a precious metals forum with added political discussions and useful subforums. GIM2 sucks major ass and i didnt fit there. so im just going to lurk for a while and see how this plays out.I think right now, we can be the keepers of the tradions of the original GIM or go the way of Stormfront, where we will get a smaller choir preaching membership, our choice.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 06:49 PM
Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately, but honestly getting tired of the Jew bashing , just getting to be too much of a dominant theme in most threads. This will run off prospective new members/lurkers from joining. I really dont have a problem with many on this forum, but lately to much bashing, far too much, very few threads about anything else but Anti-Israel themes or degrade to. we are all aware of the damage Zionists cause worldwide, we dont need to be reminded in every thread or topic,and honestly people do things that are bad without the control of Israel. finally, lets restrain from the term "Muds" that is a stupid Stormfront term that covers everyone who isnt Anglo Saxon, I guess Im a MUd too, as im Celtic and Native American, no German blood at all. thats all im saying, this was supposed to be a precious metals forum with added political discussions and useful subforums. GIM2 sucks major ass and i didnt fit there. so im just going to lurk for a while and see how this plays out.I think right now, we can be the keepers of the tradions of the original GIM or go the way of Stormfront, where we will get a smaller choir preaching membership, our choice.
Would you like some help in improving your eighth grade level paragraphs?

19th May 2010, 06:50 PM
I think you speak from the heart and are on to something. I for one will heed your admonition - I think yours is good advice.

19th May 2010, 06:50 PM
philo do you really think i give a f*ck what you think about my written skills? do you have anything to say but stupid cut downs?,I dont think so, you post nothing useful.

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 06:51 PM
Can you point out this "jew bashing", that wasn't true or factual?

Jews are supposedly 2% of the populations but represent over 20% of CONgress, 9 of the 10 banks that make up the Fed are run by jews, 95% of the media is run by jews. The wars of the last 100 years were started because of jews. Civil rights was pushed by jews. Jews solely work in THEIR interests, and I'm not saying that all jews are bad, but the vast majority are complicit. Now these are all facts. GSUS is VERY different from Storm Front, but it's very much apart of opening up Pandora's box of knowledge and truth. Why do you want to shut that?

19th May 2010, 06:53 PM
Can you point out this "jew bashing", that wasn't true or factual?

Jews are supposedly 2% of the populations but represent over 20% of CONgress, 9 of the 10 banks that make up the Fed are run by jews, 95% of the media is run by jews. The wars of the last 100 years were started because of jews. Civil rights was pushed by jews. Jews solely work in THEIR interests, and I'm not saying that all jews are bad, but the vast majority are complicit. Now these are all facts. GSUS is VERY different from Storm Front, but it's very much apart of opening up Pandora's box of knowledge and truth. Why do you want to shut that?

not shut it, but expand ourselves,look at the threads General. what percentage are about Jewish conspiracy?

19th May 2010, 06:59 PM
Have to agree with Gypsybiker45 here. We are all well aware of what they have done and are doing, but damn does every thread have to in same way turn into a "Jewish this" or "Jewish that" thread. He is 100% right that this site will not grow if everything turns into that.

Also some members are way too confrontational for no good reason. I am probably one of the biggest as sholes on this board, but I know that if I show that in every post I make I am going to just drive members away from the forums I am on. This type of attitude also kills boards.

19th May 2010, 07:00 PM
I agree with you GypsyBiker. I get tired of that stuff too.

I'm not saying it's not true, but I'm just sick of hearing about it. There's so much more to talk about.

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 07:00 PM
Gypsy, I really do get your point. Even with knowing what I know, I do get tired of it also, but hells bells some stuff just needs to be said. I wish I had an answer. Should we tone it down, be nicer about it, I dunno, would it hurt probably not, but the best thing about GSUS is that people don't mince words, a spade is a spade and we're not PC. The problem with being PC you give up something. Is it truth, honesty etc, well yeah. I wish I had an answer for ya, but as a courtesy to YOU, I'll tone down my comments while still being honest. ;)

19th May 2010, 07:02 PM
I believe TPTB want us to consider race issues (Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc.) to be the cause of the worlds problems..

and the Banksters continue with their schemes.

PS.. we could use a little more Asian hate threads to balance things out. ;D

19th May 2010, 07:02 PM
Gypsy, I really do get your point. Even with knowing what I know, I do get tired of it also, but hells bells some stuff just needs to be said. I wish I had an answer. Should we tone it down, be nicer about it, I dunno, would it hurt probably not, but the best thing about GSUS is that people don't mince words, a spade is a spade and we're not PC. The problem with being PC you give up something. Is it truth, honesty etc, well yeah. I wish I had an answer for ya, but as a courtesy to YOU, I'll tone down my comments while still being honest. ;)

no, no, if something is new, by all means post! What Im getting at is lets use a thread about a cop that shoots someone, ok, Ill bet $5 within ten posts someone will blame the Jews.

19th May 2010, 07:05 PM
The only way to shut it out, is to turn off the TV, don't look a pornography, stop banking, pretend the wars and the history of wars, did not/are not happening, ignore scams of theft,
act like we're not in a depression, shun those that promote homosexuality/perversion,
close your eyes to the attack on Christian faith, cash out of the stock market, remove government, and burn all fiat currency.
Then and only then,we can stop talking about them.

19th May 2010, 07:09 PM
This will run off prospective new members/lurkers from joining. There is some truth to that. If we run everyone off we'll be preaching at the choir.
BTW, I don't consider you a "mud".

19th May 2010, 07:10 PM
I agree, Gypsybiker45.

My position is - when it's relevant, go ahead and make your point about whoever it is that is f'ing up the world.

Otherwise, let's all try not to make this place too distasteful for potential newcomers to stick around.

We are fortunate here to be able to say whatever is on our minds and not get banned for "idea spamming", and I am sure we'd all like to see this forum grow.

With great power comes great responsibility.

19th May 2010, 07:19 PM
The Zionist angle is an important topic, but the invective directed at all Jews all the time becomes tiresome. The one particular member that tried to blow up the forum in the beginning and has now resurfaced under a new identity is going to succeed before he is finished...too bad.

19th May 2010, 07:21 PM
Mr. Biker.........I'll buy you a bus fare to whatever place you would like to go but to my Micky Mouse of a town.

19th May 2010, 07:21 PM
no, no, if something is new, by all means post! What Im getting at is lets use a thread about a cop that shoots someone, ok, Ill bet $5 within ten posts someone will blame the Jews.

Yes. I, too, understand that a dominant majority of those in influential or powerful positions are jewish and wish to further the spread of zionism and the growth of the state of Israel.

It doesn't mean however that a thread about which socks are best during the winter season has to have some kind of insult against jews or that zionism is brought up in a thread in which it is not necessary. Zionism is an intriguing subject, but it is not the subject which GIM1 was built on, or which I wish to see GSUS harbor without question.

There is a big difference between the average jew, khazar or semitic, and zionist jews or zionist christians apparrently, who actually have the power to influence national policies. Please do not bring up unnecessary dialogue in threads which have no bearing on the subject of zionism.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 07:22 PM
philo do you really think i give a f*ck what you think about my written skills? do you have anything to say but stupid cut downs?,I dont think so, you post nothing useful.
The preachiest posters on here usually have the worst writing skills. Just contact the local community college for help.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 07:31 PM
no, no, if something is new, by all means post! What Im getting at is lets use a thread about a cop that shoots someone, ok, Ill bet $5 within ten posts someone will blame the Jews.

Yes. I, too, understand that a dominant majority of those in influential or powerful positions are jewish and wish to further the spread of zionism and the growth of the state of Israel.

It doesn't mean however that a thread about which socks are best during the winter season has to have some kind of insult against jews or that zionism is brought up in a thread in which it is not necessary. Zionism is an intriguing subject, but it is not the subject which GIM1 was built on, or which I wish to see GSUS harbor without question.

There is a big difference between the average jew, khazar or semitic, and zionist jews or zionist christians apparrently, who actually have the power to influence national policies. Please do not bring up unnecessary dialogue in threads which have no bearing on the subject of zionism.
What is the average jew? The tenured liberal arts professor that sucks tax money and poisons the minds of our youth? Or the pill pushing psychiatrist? The agenda driven principal at the local school? The business accountant that sells your information to another tribe member?The propagandist on the 5 o clock news? Adam Sandler?

19th May 2010, 07:32 PM
Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately...

Please link us to all of YOUR high quality threads Gypsybiker45. As the example of what you demand of us other GSUS members. Otherwise, you are just demanding censorship of others.


19th May 2010, 07:39 PM
I think it's a gang of 4 or 5 members that are always abrasive to other members.


This place is quickly on its way to becoming even better than GIM1, if it's not already. There's always people you disagree with here, but damn it do I respect the hell out of everyone here!

Thanks JQP and thanks to all of us, who make this place our new home.

19th May 2010, 07:42 PM
Philo, you know very well that the jewish people at large do not plot to manipulate franchises, media centers, or politics. You speak of corruption as a purely jewish problem by implying that the regular jewish community participates in this culture of control.

The vast majority of those in influential positions are jews, some who push zionism. That doesn't mean the general jewish community wants control over nonjews.

Zionism is not a tool to push hate. That is what I see happening on this forum.

19th May 2010, 07:42 PM
I agree with you GypsyBiker. I get tired of that stuff too.


Please allow me to explain it to you. I have been hanging out with these people for only a few years, but I'm pretty sure I have this Jew thing figured out.

Basically you have two main camps of people.

Camp 1) Dislike the jews. This is motivated by the fact that there absolutely is a global conspiracy, and that an overwhelming majority of the players are jewish.

Camp 2) Believes camp 1 is paranoid, racist, etc. Therefore, nothing they say could possible be true.

Here are the mistakes they are making:

Camp 1 does an okay job, not great, of projecting their hatred towards the people who deserve it. However, there is a lot of collateral damage. There's no way in hell that the average jewish guy living in West Hollywood has any clue that there IS a global conspiracy, let alone that it is more than half jewish.

Camp 2, for all their well meaning, is cutting themselves off at the knees. They refuse to acknowledge any jewish involvement in the conspiracy, and sometimes, refuse to acknowledge any conspiracy at all, despite the fact that it has been thoroughly documented. I believe this stems from a desire to not be racist, and to not unfairly blame people, which are good qualities.


Camp 1 needs to admit to itself that there are a lot of people out there who are jewish in name only, and in all other regards are just sheeple. They have nothing to do with global finance. The majority of jews are not bad people. Hell, most of them aren't even religious.

Camp 2 needs to admit to itself that a disproportionate number of names involved in the conspiracy are jewish. Jews are 1% of the population, if that, and over 50% of the conspiracy.

Obviously, I do not believe that a persons race is an accurate barometer to judge them by, but at the same time, I have to recognize that there does seem to be some organization at the top levels that take place according to race, specifically being jewish.

Full disclosure - my best friend of 10 years is half-jewish, half-russian. He has saved my life before. We always joke that we are the reconciliation of the jewish/egyptian friendship that existed long ago. He likes hearing about the conspiracy, to be honest.

19th May 2010, 07:42 PM
I second Book.
Gypsy, you were posting the same pseudo-philo-semetic things on GIM1. I remember you always complainging about the amount of "joo-bashing" there too.

Now we have members that are calling for Mods to "clean it up a bit". Nice. Get a grip on yourselves, people.
The jewish conspiracy is real. The fact that some people don't want to read about it doesn't make it any less real. No-one is forcing anyone to read anything. Moderate yourselves.

19th May 2010, 07:43 PM
According to you http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
and http://www.antiwar.com/ are StormFront .

Obama has expanded all wars and against new countries,
fulfilling PNAC, the NeoCons never went away, Sibel Edmonds
is not even covered on here, the USA is going down the tubes,
there is news on these issues every day.

I warned a while ago against racial epitaphs and also about
cry baby trolls. If you want to let 2 people bother you go ahead.

Ron Paul supporters, the legitimate Tea Party, 9/11 Truthers.
All targets to silence by any means.

Brzezinski Decries “Global Political Awakening” During CFR Speech


“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

Jewish Democratic group asks syndicate to nix Pat Buchanan's column


Remove Dual-Loyalty CongressKritters



19th May 2010, 07:44 PM
Philo, you know very well that the jewish people at large do not plot to manipulate franchises, media centers, or politics. You speak of corruption as a purely jewish problem by implying that the regular jewish community participates in this culture of control.

The vast majority of those in influential positions are jews, some who push zionism. That doesn't mean the general jewish community wants control over nonjews.

Zionism is not a tool to push hate. That is what I see happening on this forum.

Seriously. What planet are you living on?

19th May 2010, 07:45 PM
Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately...

Please link us to all of YOUR high quality threads Gypsybiker45. As the example of what you demand of us other GSUS members. Otherwise, you are just demanding censorship of others.

Here is mine. I was wrong again, lol .
Fighting Gold at 1220

19th May 2010, 07:48 PM
Have to agree with Gypsybiker45 here.


Those cocksuckers over on GIM2 killed my sockpuppet b/c I told GoldWumpum he is a little biatch. Also I may have asked a couple times where the great Hitler video went to. :(

19th May 2010, 07:49 PM
philo do you really think i give a f*ck what you think about my written skills? do you have anything to say but stupid cut downs?,I dont think so, you post nothing useful.

Time-OUT! See you Sunday.

19th May 2010, 07:50 PM
Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately...

Please link us to all of YOUR high quality threads Gypsybiker45. As the example of what you demand of us other GSUS members. Otherwise, you are just demanding censorship of others.


He isn't demanding censorship. He is saying that this shiat is getting old reading it over and over again in every thread no matter what the thread originally was about it ends up being about the Jews.

F uck, if you can't understand why that can bring down a forum like GSUS then I might as well bail now. This site can't grow if new members see nothing but "Jew Bashing". Again I am an as shole and blame them for a lot of the problems in modern day history, but we all know this info already and I think a lot of us even agree with it, but all this does is make the forum look childish. Simply post any and all new info about Jews and Zionists, but don't turn everything into something about them. Pretty simple.

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 07:51 PM
On a side note, I just watched that POS Hannity interview the mulato kid that was slapped around by the the black female teacher, who's a felon I might add. He was flanked by two jewish attorneys and talked like English was a second language. Is that inappropriate?

19th May 2010, 07:56 PM
Have to agree with Gypsybiker45 here.


Those cocksuckers over on GIM2 killed my sockpuppet b/c I told GoldWumpum he is a little biatch. Also I may have asked a couple times where the great Hitler video went to. :(

I didn't know that Hitler spoof or me liking it has anything to do with every single thread on here turning into a blame the Jews thread??

Can you clarify for me Book exactly what you are getting at?

19th May 2010, 07:58 PM
Awoke, you can not tell me that the jewish family down the street is breeding their child to become the next FED chief. I understand that there is a lot of jewish dominance of the prime industries, policies, and media. I'm pretty sure that the jewish family down the street doesn't. That is what I am referring to. It is tiring to read a thread about something else completely suddenly introduce the topic of zionism or jewish insults.

Sometimes it may actually be revelant. What I wish not see is a constant bombardment of this information where it is not called for.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 08:03 PM
Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately...

Please link us to all of YOUR high quality threads Gypsybiker45. As the example of what you demand of us other GSUS members. Otherwise, you are just demanding censorship of others.


He isn't demanding censorship. He is saying that this shiat is getting old reading it over and over again in every thread no matter what the thread originally was about it ends up being about the Jews.

F uck, if you can't understand why that can bring down a forum like GSUS then I might as well bail now. This site can't grow if new members see nothing but "Jew Bashing". Again I am an as shole and blame them for a lot of the problems in modern day history, but we all know this info already and I think a lot of us even agree with it, but all this does is make the forum look childish. Simply post any and all new info about Jews and Zionists, but don't turn everything into something about them. Pretty simple.

This isn't the first time he started one of these threads gangstuh. Yes, he is trying to censor.

19th May 2010, 08:03 PM
Can I get some clarification here...

Are GS-US members ACTUALLY crying for limitations on their freedom of speech? The first few weeks this place was up and operating, we could hardly open a thread without someone crying "CENSORSHIP!!! EVIL MODS AND OWNER!!! WHERE'S MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH?". Now we're actually hearing requests FOR that kind of clamp-down? It truly boggles the mind.

Sorry - the excuse that some people might not sign up here because a few of the members here want to turn discussions about brands of shoelaces into joo-bashing diatribes doesn't seem like enough of a reason to me for killing the oasis of open discussion and free speech that this forum has become. Perhaps JQP will see it differently, but I kind of doubt it.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 08:05 PM
Philo, you know very well that the jewish people at large do not plot to manipulate franchises, media centers, or politics. You speak of corruption as a purely jewish problem by implying that the regular jewish community participates in this culture of control.

The vast majority of those in influential positions are jews, some who push zionism. That doesn't mean the general jewish community wants control over nonjews.

Zionism is not a tool to push hate. That is what I see happening on this forum.
The abortion mills run by joos are not on ther face zionist. They are talmud loving Christ haters. If you do not know this, look it up. Otherwise, you are lecturing without any facts.

19th May 2010, 08:07 PM
I am not requesting censorship, I am saying we need to be adults here if we want the forum to continue to expand. Why do we have to beat a dead horse over and over? New information great, hearing the same thing over and over just gets old and I mean damn it is clear this is turning some of us off from this forum and you know this will turn new people off from this forum also.

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 08:08 PM
Can I get some clarification here...

Are GS-US members ACTUALLY crying for limitations on their freedom of speech? The first few weeks this place was up and operating, we could hardly open a thread without someone crying "CENSORSHIP!!! EVIL MODS AND OWNER!!! WHERE'S MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH?". Now we're actually hearing requests FOR that kind of clamp-down? It truly boggles the mind.

Sorry - the excuse that some people might not sign up here because a few of the members here want to turn discussions about brands of shoelaces into joo-bashing diatribes doesn't seem like enough of a reason to me for killing the oasis of open discussion and free speech that this forum has become. Perhaps JQP will see it differently, but I kind of doubt it.

I don't hear that, but what do I know, I'm just a cracker with a mic. www.vornetwork.com

I will say this, it's very hard to accept how deep the rabbit hole goes.

19th May 2010, 08:10 PM
philo do you really think i give a f*ck what you think about my written skills? do you have anything to say but stupid cut downs?,I dont think so, you post nothing useful.

Time-OUT! See you Sunday.

Whoaa... maybe I should cower to the basement level and lurk a while like that other joint, "you post nothing useful" is grounds for banning now? If I missed the memo please send me a PM or something instead of a mandatory vacation, I mean it isn't a paid leave.

On the OP's thread here, I follow where your going and understand but I just skim them articles where the joo bashing comes in as I heard it a million times. If it's new bashing then I will read farther but seriously you are only asking for either censorship or voluntary censorship which will take time to wind down as the posters in that game love this attention.

The quality of posts degrading means one thing, nothing real bad/good is happening at the moment that either has not been covered or it's meaningless stuff. As soon as SHTF somewhere it's posted here usually, if not I'll try to post something about it. Joobashing is fine to me though I don't post it, like I said I skim.

Anyways Gypsy, I hope I can send you a few cases of beer to help with the boredom of an unpaid vacation. Garden time anyways, weed them bunker caps man! ;D

19th May 2010, 08:12 PM
I am not requesting censorship, I am saying we need to be adults here if we want the forum to continue to expand. Why do we have to beat a dead horse over and over? New information great, hearing the same thing over and over just gets old and I mean damn it is clear this is turning some of us off from this forum and you know this will turn new people off from this forum also.

So you are asking forum members to voluntarily police themselves, and not post so much anti-jew stuff? I could get behind such a request, but I doubt that some members here will go along with it. Whenever I hear requests for having the mods "clean things up", it makes me wonder what exactly is being proposed! ;)

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 08:12 PM
Awoke, you can not tell me that the jewish family down the street is breeding their child to become the next FED chief. I understand that there is a lot of jewish dominance of the prime industries, policies, and media. I'm pretty sure that the jewish family down the street doesn't. That is what I am referring to. It is tiring to read a thread about something else completely suddenly introduce the topic of zionism or jewish insults.

Sometimes it may actually be revelant. What I wish not see is a constant bombardment of this information where it is not called for.
Should we threat you with kid gloves because you are preaching to us, but don't really have any grasp on the matter at hand? THe brainwashing social studies teacher at the high school? How about the local school board? The traffic court judge that screws you over?

19th May 2010, 08:13 PM
Can I get some clarification here...

. . . hearing requests FOR that kind of clamp-down? It truly boggles the mind.

I, for one, am not asking for mods to do anything. I think it would be great if people could pull back just a tad on an individual basis. But if they can't control themselves, so be it.

19th May 2010, 08:14 PM
Gypsy got a vacation for defending himself against an insult? Explain yourself please, Mr. Mod.

19th May 2010, 08:16 PM
philo do you really think i give a f*ck what you think about my written skills? do you have anything to say but stupid cut downs?,I dont think so, you post nothing useful.

Time-OUT! See you Sunday.

Whoaa... maybe I should cower to the basement level and lurk a while like that other joint, "you post nothing useful" is grounds for banning now? If I missed the memo please send me a PM or something instead of a mandatory vacation, I mean it isn't a paid leave.

On the OP's thread here, I follow where your going and understand but I just skim them articles where the joo bashing comes in as I heard it a million times. If it's new bashing then I will read farther but seriously you are only asking for either censorship or voluntary censorship with will take time to wind down as the posters in that game love this attention.

The quality of posts degrading means one thing, nothing real bad/good is happening at the moment that either has not been covered or it's meaningless stuff. As soon as SHTF somewhere it's posted here usually, if not I'll try to post something about it. Joobashing is fine to me though I don't post it, like I said I skim.

Anyways Gypsy, I hope I can send you a few cases of beer to help with the boredom of an unpaid vacation. Garden time anyways, weed them bunker caps man! ;D

Rule #1 - Be respectful to everyone on the board. No flaming, bashing, or baiting or attacking each other. Keep conversation on an intelligent level. If you get very angry, please sign off for a little while and think about it.

Did what Gypsy posted seem respectful? At an intelligent level? Reading it, it's pretty apparent that it's a DIRECT personal attack on Philoe Beddoe, an insult to him ("you post nothing useful"), and a clear violation of Rule #1.

I'm just here trying to keep things in line with the forum rules, I didn't write them. If you think Rule #1 is bad, or should not be enforced, please send JohnQPublic a PM... he's the only one who can alter them.

19th May 2010, 08:17 PM

I'm not sure whether Gypsybiker was looking for mod help in restraining the level of jew talk.

I think it is more of a personal message to the forum to speak about something which is a bit tiring to hear
in topics which don't have anything to do with the topic of zionism. It is interesting to hear about it
when the topics are too closely linked to deny coincidence. It is not interesting to hear about it in a
thread which has nothing to do with it.


The Talmud topic is one of those interesting things which have their place. What I don't believe is that every thread should have a reference to either this or zionism.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 08:17 PM
philo do you really think i give a f*ck what you think about my written skills? do you have anything to say but stupid cut downs?,I dont think so, you post nothing useful.

Time-OUT! See you Sunday.

Whoaa... maybe I should cower to the basement level and lurk a while like that other joint, "you post nothing useful" is grounds for banning now? If I missed the memo please send me a PM or something instead of a mandatory vacation, I mean it isn't a paid leave.

On the OP's thread here, I follow where your going and understand but I just skim them articles where the joo bashing comes in as I heard it a million times. If it's new bashing then I will read farther but seriously you are only asking for either censorship or voluntary censorship which will take time to wind down as the posters in that game love this attention.

The quality of posts degrading means one thing, nothing real bad/good is happening at the moment that either has not been covered or it's meaningless stuff. As soon as SHTF somewhere it's posted here usually, if not I'll try to post something about it. Joobashing is fine to me though I don't post it, like I said I skim.

Anyways Gypsy, I hope I can send you a few cases of beer to help with the boredom of an unpaid vacation. Garden time anyways, weed them bunker caps man! ;D
Unlike Skyvikefront, he will surely have the opportunity to bitch about it when he comes back...........

19th May 2010, 08:19 PM
I think you speak from the heart and are on to something. I for one will heed your admonition - I think yours is good advice.

Right on.

I've been able to adopt the term zionista in my ramblings & have no trouble pointing out Israel as an exact opposite as to what I think the U.S. stands for any chance I get.

U.S. approval of a "singular" religion or race ruling an entire nation is blasphemous treason to it's own Constitution in the first place.

Those approving, or creating the inverse should be treated in the same manner.

19th May 2010, 08:19 PM
Gypsy got a vacation for defending himself against an insult? Explain yourself please, Mr. Mod.

Explained above. As for defending himself against an insult:

Would you like some help in improving your eighth grade level paragraphs?

Not so sure that's an insult, I think an 8th grade level is better than MOST people in this country are capable! ;D

Seriously, though... it's not a very nice thing for Philo to say, but it hardly qualifies as a serious attack, there are things some of you say that go much farther over the line without resulting in bans.

19th May 2010, 08:20 PM
You see what happens Larry!

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 08:20 PM
Can I get some clarification here...

. . . hearing requests FOR that kind of clamp-down? It truly boggles the mind.

I, for one, am not asking for mods to do anything. I think it would be great if people could pull back just a tad on an individual basis. But if they can't control themselves, so be it.

Nudie picture would deflect some of these issues. After you. :ROFL:

19th May 2010, 08:21 PM
So, Phillo insulting Gyspy's intelligence was respectful? You might be over your head in the judgment department (I hope honesty isn't construed as disrespectful).

19th May 2010, 08:23 PM
BTW.. timeouts could be just for an evening.. why wait til sunday???... ???

19th May 2010, 08:25 PM
Can I get some clarification here...

. . . hearing requests FOR that kind of clamp-down? It truly boggles the mind.

I, for one, am not asking for mods to do anything. I think it would be great if people could pull back just a tad on an individual basis. But if they can't control themselves, so be it.

Nudie picture would deflect some of these issues. After you. :ROFL:

What was that part about being respectful . . . ;)

Just kidding. No need for more timeouts here.

19th May 2010, 08:28 PM
So, Phillo insulting Gyspy's intelligence was respectful? You might be over your head in the judgment department (I hope honesty isn't construed as disrespectful).

I considered banning Philo as well for a few days, but what he wrote actually COULD be interpeted as an offer to help someone with their English writing skills... if one chooses to read it that way. We all pretty much know that isn't what was MEANT by Philo, and that it was a (thinly veiled) somewhat insulting post - but as I said before, there are a lot of things that people post around here that go MUCH further over the line than that without resulting in bans. How Gypsybiker replied, however, was CLEARLY over the line, and he's been warned within the last few days to stop with the personal attacks in another thread.

Maybe I am "over my head" in the judgment department... try doing this job for a few weeks and see how you like it - it's a no-win situation. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty damned tired of it at this point, on the verge of quitting... maybe the next guy will be more to your liking.

I've explained this situation more than adequately at this point, in my last 3 posts... if you still have a problem with it, please PM JQP or Madfranks - I'd like to maybe do something else with my evening at this point.

19th May 2010, 08:28 PM
I think what many here dont understand is that there is the old boy network out there. The jews use this and its the Jew network. The Italians used it as well but to blame the Jews in General is like saying all Italians are in the mafia. Isnt true.

The fact is that many individuals of a certain race have attained power and are trying to turn our country into something we all despise. Its not the Jews fault. Want to call out the individual do it but dont blame the entire race for one mans actions.

The fact is that many of the Jews that came into power and that are running our corporations, Media ect did so by buying the company. If the whites hadnt sold out then the Jews wouldnt have so much control in the media. Why not blame the white guy who sold the company for a few dollars? Isnt it as much his fault?

I think all the Jew bashers have never met one in real life LOL. I've had some very good friends that were Jewish, some practiced their religion, some didnt have a clue. None of them ever knew about any of the shit we talk about here. One of my friends was a high level exec at Columbia pictures. He got the job there because of who he knew. Maybe even because he was Jewish and the person was also Jewish. This goes on in many places and most dont give it a 2nd thought

How many Whites or blacks or anyone from another race have you seen working at a Chinese restaurant? Like it or not, lots of people get jobs because of their race, whites blacks hispanics and Jews.

Its amazing to me how people can twist everything into a Jew issue. Pretty sad..

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 08:29 PM
So, Phillo insulting Gyspy's intelligence was respectful? You might be over your head in the judgment department (I hope honesty isn't construed as disrespectful).
The OP has an abundance of time to put together an eloquent piece, as it is his choosing. Not only was it preachy, but it was demanding and not the first time he opted to do it.

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 08:30 PM
Now that I remember correctly, Gypse did bitch a lot at GiM.

But as a reminder, people fricken ran off Market Neutral, because it was too much info, and very little of it was khazar related. So I caution people, just let the ideas flow and be a duck, let crap roll off your back.

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 08:33 PM
Now that I remember correctly, Gypse did bitch a lot at GiM.

But as a reminder, people fricken ran off Market Neutral, because it was too much info, and very little of it was khazar related. So I caution people, just let the ideas flow and be a duck, let crap roll off your back.

Maybe that was marketneutrals point? Too much information. The SPLC probably has a list of 101 tactics to destroy an internet forum.

19th May 2010, 08:33 PM
Baiting the hook is allowed, biting is not? :oo-->

Some posters are public masterbaters

Stoning should be allowed in such cases, but that is what the Thunderdome is for, perhaps the thread could have moved there? :dunno

19th May 2010, 08:35 PM
Gaillo, I know it is a thankless and frustrating job, but you didn't need to ban Gyspy over what was really a provocation response. There was no need to ban him over a normal man's reaction to being insulted.

Desolation LineTrimmer
19th May 2010, 08:37 PM
Gypsy Biker shouldn't have been banned over that.

Speaking of banning, how does it work on this board - can the forum still be read while in limbo?

19th May 2010, 08:39 PM
Gaillo, I know it is a thankless and frustrating job, but you didn't need to ban Gyspy over what was really a provocation response. There was no need to ban him over a normal man's reaction to being insulted.

I second that.

1970 Silver Art
19th May 2010, 08:39 PM
Seeing a lot of Jewish threads on GSUS may get old but you do not have to read those threads. You can ignore those threads. The Jewish threads do not bother me because I do not read them. I do not read them because they do not interest me. For the people asking for the mods to "clean up", let me ask you this........How far does a mod "clean up"? IMO asking for a mod to "clean up" can be a very dangerous road to go down. I do not think that the mods need to clean up anything as far as I am concerned. You do not have to read a thread that you do not like. Free Speech can get ugly sometimes but censorship can be even uglier. If you do not like a thread, then do not look at it.

19th May 2010, 08:47 PM
I don't think it's a question of restricting freedom of speech. It's more that it is such a droning repetitive theme that it poisons too many threads. Regardless of how true or how important it may or may not be, it becomes obnoxious.

19th May 2010, 08:48 PM
Gaillo, I know it is a thankless and frustrating job, but you didn't need to ban Gyspy over what was really a provocation response. There was no need to ban him over a normal man's reaction to being insulted.

I second that.

Gypsy Biker shouldn't have been banned over that.

Look... I didn't write the forum rules.

Rule #1 - Be respectful to everyone on the board. No flaming, bashing, or baiting or attacking each other. Keep conversation on an intelligent level. If you get very angry, please sign off for a little while and think about it.

A lot of people around here throw stuff back and forth, veiled insults, questioning each other's intelligence, sanity, etc. It's VERY easy for most of us to "take offense" and post something in anger. What Philo posted was another thinly veiled type insult, written in the form of an "offer" to help with Gypsy's writing. If I were to go through threads and ban everyone who posts stuff similar to that every day, half of you would be banned at any given time! Instead, I go through looking for the OBVIOUS and openly insulting stuff, the direct attacks, the "fvck you" and "you suck" kinds of replies... and typically warn people to stop with it before resorting to an outright ban.

Rule #5 - Moderators will interpret these rules. Moderators will try to be fair.

As you said, this is for the most part a pain in the @$$ and thankless job... but I truly AM trying to be fair when interpreting the rules. I can't please everyone, I can't have perfect judgment (I'm just a human being, after all!), and I can't make everyone happy. I'm sorry that you are taking exception to this particular decision, to the point that you need to keep questioning it - I've done the best I can to explain the situation, and I'm not going to change it. Again, if you feel that some injustice has occured, PLEASE feel free to PM JohnQPublic or Madfranks.

Just one more thing... I don't go around perma-banning and doing two or three month (or year!) bans like they do at that other place... I'd rather you all just GET IT and stop with the personal attacks! However, in those instances where I step in, the ban is short (for JUST THOSE occasions where I MIGHT get it wrong!). One last thing - Philo just came off a ban for personal attacks recently, so there is no favoritism or "protect Philo" going on here - the rules are for everyone.

19th May 2010, 08:53 PM
BTW Gaillo... I think you are doing a good job!!... thankie :)

19th May 2010, 08:55 PM
I think that is time to closed this thread, is doing more harm than good......

19th May 2010, 08:56 PM
I think that is time to closed this thread, is doing more harm than good......

So now you are asking for censorship? What is going on around here?

19th May 2010, 08:57 PM

Although I didn't agree with your banning, I have to definitely give you props for bending over backwards to explain the rationale behind your decision. For that, you have my thanks and respect.

19th May 2010, 08:57 PM
I don't see any reason to close this thread yet... so far it's remained reasonably on topic, and there have been some great replies so far.

19th May 2010, 09:00 PM
Seeing a lot of Jewish threads on GSUS may get old but you do not have to read those threads. You can ignore those threads. The Jewish threads do not bother me because I do not read them. I do not read them because they do not interest me. For the people asking for the mods to "clean up", let me ask you this........How far does a mod "clean up"? IMO asking for a mod to "clean up" can be a very dangerous road to go down. I do not think that the mods need to clean up anything as far as I am concerned. You do not have to read a thread that you do not like. Free Speech can get ugly sometimes but censorship can be even uglier. If you do not like a thread, then do not look at it.

Best post in this thread tonight SA.

19th May 2010, 09:01 PM
I think that is time to closed this thread, is doing more harm than good......

So now you are asking for censorship? What is going on around here?

I think the thread has "lost that loving feeling" that regular GSUS threads have. Like Jenna said earlier somewhere else I think, it's like a family or should be like one. I think it should be closed too.

19th May 2010, 09:02 PM
I think that is time to closed this thread, is doing more harm than good......

So now you are asking for censorship? What is going on around here?

Leave it open.


1970 Silver Art
19th May 2010, 09:03 PM

Although I didn't agree with your banning, I have to definitely give you props for bending over backwards to explain the rationale behind your decision. For that, you have my thanks and respect.


I may not always agree with a banning but I will also applaud Gaillo (and other mods) for explaining why a poster was banned. If this poster was banned at the "other site" (I forgot the name), there was no explaination whatsoever why a poster was banned and the thread asking why a particular poster was banned would have been closed.

19th May 2010, 09:03 PM
Better to let old Betsy out to pasture than shoot her brains out... or something like that... lol

19th May 2010, 09:04 PM
I don't think it's a question of restricting freedom of speech. It's more that it is such a droning repetitive theme that it poisons too many threads. Regardless of how true or how important it may or may not be, it becomes obnoxious.

Avail yourself of the Ignore software function.

19th May 2010, 09:06 PM
Maybe I am "over my head" in the judgment department... try doing this job for a few weeks and see how you like it - it's a no-win situation. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty damned tired of it at this point, on the verge of quitting... maybe the next guy will be more to your liking.

Hand me the mike and no matter how fair I am I have been drinking AND the streets will be cleaned of blood by morning or time I pass out. If not then I will look at the empty board and wonder what has transpired here! Then I will see my name as MOD as before on other forums and wonder how I got that badge. No one was there to contest, not a one, I was King! Then I will see people bashing me and thats an automatic life sentence.

I'm in bud!

19th May 2010, 09:07 PM
No problem Gaillo, sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. Thanks for the explanation.

General of Darkness
19th May 2010, 09:09 PM
I say you ban Book, just for fun. We'll get the police report later. ;D


19th May 2010, 09:13 PM
I agree with what Sparky says. And I'd add some is just dull. Written to sell a slant more than the actual event.

Thanks Gallio for volunteering to be in the position to care about all this.

Move this to the thunderdome.

Philio you are high on my list.

19th May 2010, 09:15 PM
I can see where Gipsybiker is coming from and in a way I do agreed with him.....but..........it so happens that just about everything that is going on now days, in one way or another, it has to do with the Zionist Israelis so that automatically the conversation steers itself towards them..........

I for one would like to talk less about them but they themselves push their cause to the front of the news by everything that they do, even when they try to use someone else to talk for them you know that it is them.

If there is something that you cannot hide is when someone farts...it smells the whole area.

19th May 2010, 09:16 PM
WTF happened to the thunderdome? cant some of this crafty between the lines sort of personal bashing be done there instead of a ban? Perhaps instead of ban put the offensive characters into the dome and post in advance so I can make popcorn and watch? This I swear should make late night computing a real winner.

Gaillo I know mods are limited, are you able with this software to allow someone to only post in a certain forum? I know VB don't and is very limited but this free SMF stuff has a lot of things to offer.

When I mod (should check them soon) I can only ban/vacation offenders. I believe this software has other options, your doing fantastic man. I would/could not have the patience as you do. If you ever ran for anything even a marathon im backing you 100%.

19th May 2010, 09:21 PM
I say you ban Book, just for fun. We'll get the police report later. ;D


Boise is way safer and nicer than LA...lol.


philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 09:27 PM
I say you ban Book, just for fun. We'll get the police report later. ;D

heres the guy who made that movie

philo beddoe
19th May 2010, 09:30 PM
I agree with what Sparky says. And I'd add some is just dull. Written to sell a slant more than the actual event.

Thanks Gallio for volunteering to be in the position to care about all this.

Move this to the thunderdome.

Philio you are high on my list.
What list is that? Should I be honored?

20th May 2010, 05:09 AM
Awoke, you can not tell me that the jewish family down the street is breeding their child to become the next FED chief. I understand that there is a lot of jewish dominance of the prime industries, policies, and media. I'm pretty sure that the jewish family down the street doesn't. That is what I am referring to. It is tiring to read a thread about something else completely suddenly introduce the topic of zionism or jewish insults.

Sometimes it may actually be revelant. What I wish not see is a constant bombardment of this information where it is not called for.

Oh, can't I?

In order not to range too widely at this point, we quote in conclusion the allusions which the Israelite Paul Sokolowsky makes in his work, entitled “The Mission of Europe”, where he boasts of the predominant role which the Jews played in the Russian Revolution and reveals details concerning the secret codes which they used to reach understanding with each other, even by means of the press, without the attention of the authorities being drawn to themselves, and how they distributed the Communist propaganda that they prepared through the Jewish children, whom they carefully schooled for these services in their settlements.

The network of secret Jews existing in Mediaeval Europe passed on in secret manner the Jewish belief from fathers to children, even if all openly led a Christian life and filled their houses with crucifixes and images of Catholic saints. In general they observed Christianity in an ostentatious manner and appeared most devout, in order not to arouse any suspicion.

Naturally this Jewish system of converting themselves in hypocritical manner to Christianity, in order to take the Christian citadel and to make easier the loss of its unity, was finally discovered by Holy Church to the corresponding scandal and alarm of the Holy Fathers, the Ecumenical, the provincial councils and those clergy steadfast in their faith. However, what called forth most scandal was the fact that these secret Jews introduced their sons into the established clergy and monasteries, and in fact to such good effect that many of them attained the dignity of canon, bishop, archbishop and even cardinal.

In his celebrated work “History of the Marranos”, Cecil Roth provides some very interesting details about how the Jews, thanks to their apparent but false conversions, entered Christianity and publicly acted as Christians, but all the while secretly held to their Jewish religion. He also shows us how this secret belief was passed on by parents to children, cloaked with the appearance of an outward Christian militancy.

“However, the phenomenon of Marranism went beyond forced conversion and the consequent practice of Judaism in secret. Its essential characteristic is that it was a clandestine faith passed down from father to son. One of the reasons put forward to justify the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 was that they seduced newly-made converts and made them return to the ‘vomit of Judaism’. Jewish chroniclers add that many children were seized and sent to the north of the land, where they continued for a long time to practise their former religion. It is owing to this fact, reports one of them, that the English accepted the Reformation so easily; it also explains their preference for Biblical names and certain dietetic peculiarities which are preserved in Scotland.

This version is not so improbable as would seem at first sight, and constitutes an interesting example of how the phenomenon of crypto-Jewry can appear in places which seem obviously so little suited to it. In the same way, some malicious genealogists discovered that, after the Jews had been driven out of the south of France, some proud ancestral families, as a result of rumours, carried on Judaism in their homes as the remnant of the bloodline of those Jews who preferred to remain as public and confessing Catholics.

Unfortunately, the malice and perfidy of Jewry always causes the most apparently logical calculations to fail. As we have already seen in Chapter II of Part Four, the Jewish historian Cecil Roth confirms that “Marranism” i.e. clandestine Judaism, is characterised by the transmission by parents to children of the secret Jewish religion, hidden under the appearances of a Christianity practised in public by the Marranos. For this reason, the calculations of all the hierarchies of the Church and of the Christian states – based on the idea that even if the conversions are pretended and false, one could nevertheless convert the descendants of the conversos into good Christians – have failed lamentably throughout the centuries, as we shall analyse further in good time.

In conclusion let us say something about the origin of the German Jews, whose blond hair and blue eyes stand in contrast to the other types of Jews. Graetz explains the origin of the Jews in South Germany in the following way: “A large number of German soldiers took part with the legions in the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem. Many of them chose from the great number of captives the most beautiful women and took them with them to the banks of the Rhine and Maine. The children of these unions were half Jews and half Germans and were introduced by their mothers to Judaism, for their father raised no objections in this regard.”162

If one reflects that the apparent conversions of the Jews to Christianity began in the German possessions of the Merovingians already at the time of Chilperic and Dagobert I, one will understand, that the “Jewish Fifth Column” in Germany already existed a very remote time ago, and that therefore the Nazis committed the gravest fault when they believed all secret branches of Jewry could be identified through a genealogical investigation of only three generations.

Unfortunately, however, history proves to us that every time the Jews in a Christian or pagan state attain “the high point of their power”, a terrible wave of murders and terror is unleashed, and Christian or pagan blood flows in streams. Thus it also occurred under Peter from the moment when the Jews obtained decisive influence upon education and government. This intelligent child – who later showed himself as far-sighted, had great illusions and possessed enormous energy – would perhaps have been one of the most important monarchs of Christianity, if he had not been destroyed in his youth through the bad example and the still worse advice of his Jewish favourites and counsellors. The people held them guilty for the wave of crimes and ambushes which were unleashed under this bloody government. The Jews attained high regard and the synagogues prospered, while the Churches decayed and the clergy and the Christians were disgracefully persecuted.

Luis, don't try to argue about crypto-jewry with me. You will lose. I study it.

Or would you rather I continue finding relevent quotes by jewish authors?

20th May 2010, 05:19 AM
heres the guy who made that movie

That dude looks like the devil.

20th May 2010, 05:27 AM
Also I just happened to stumble across a few worthy quotes in regard to the deception of the jew.

In order to overthrow Peter, he was not only accused of having handed over the government to the Jews, but he was also reproached with being a Jew himself. For King Alfonso XI, who had no male successor, was so enraged about this that he had seriously threatened the Queen, if the next child should again have been a girl. The Queen, in order to save herself, had therefore agreed to exchange the girl with a boy. The son of a Jew was brought, who had just been born, and who now grew up as heir to the throne, without King Alfonso knowing that he, whom they said to be his son, was a Jew.

It was asserted in addition that Peter had secretly had himself circumcised when he learned of his Jewish origin, and for this reason also he handed over the government completely and utterly to the Jews.

If we also hold it to be correct that praise is given to this highly respected Chronicler in respect of this matter, then one must nevertheless take into consideration that he wrote a Chronicle about Peter when Catalina of Lancaster, the daughter of this king, was already married to Henry II, the grandson of Henry of Trastamara. This marriage was concluded for political reasons and was intended to unite the two rival families and avoid future disunity. Since the Chronicle came into being at a time when the Castilian monarchy made efforts to wipe out the stigma of a possible Jewish origin, it is natural that Pero Lopez de Ayala was compelled to keep silent about everything which was connected with this and which could have injured the honour of Queen Catalina.

On the other hand, history has proven to us that the Jews in their striving for world domination are capable of everything, whether it be a matter of replacing a girl child through an Infanta or undertaking any other kind of deception which opportunity offers.

However, in the case which we investigate here, the opinions expressed by the defenders of Peter the Cruel seem most probable – Freemasons or Liberals – who assert that the accusation of exchanging of Infantas were made out of thin air, and were spread by Henry of Trastamara in order to justify his claim to the throne. However, this fairy-tale was held to be true in Castile and abroad and firmly adhered to in Chronicles of that time.
In the same measure, it seems possible to us that, if it really was a girl in question, that this was invented by the Jews themselves, who surrounded and influenced the young monarch, in order to convert him to Judaism and thus to be able to control him fully.

In favour of this possibility speaks the constant striving of the Jews to control Christian or pagan monarchs for whom they fabricated a Jewish origin.
They wished to prove to Francis I of France that he was a Jew, however he laughed at them.
Emperor Charles V became for the same reason so enraged that he had the Jews who wished in this way to influence him on behalf of the Synagogue burned.
For Charles II of England they even carefully forged a family tree and convinced him to such an extent that he made them some concessions.
Even the Emperor of Japan they wished to so deceive and make him believe that he originated from the ten lost tribes, in order to win him for Judaism and thus to control the land of the rising sun. But fortunately the Mikado held them to be lunatics.
It is therefore certainly possible that they applied the same methods with Peter and the news seeped through into the hostile camp, where they later used Trastamara as a banner against Peter. However this may be, it is nevertheless evident that Peter, with his murdering of clergy, persecution of the Church and elevation of the Jews, acted more as a Jew than as a Christian, which had the consequence that the story of the exchange of children was believed.

Their deception knows no boundaries, and the truth is muddied with conjecture.

20th May 2010, 06:56 AM
I disagree with censorship.

People have opinions and thoughts. I for one, think they should be free to express them. Just as I should be free to disagree.

I think you speak from the heart and are on to something. I for one will heed your admonition - I think yours is good advice.

mamboni, I don't get where you are coming from in this post. You haven't been very prolific as of late in your postings. As much as I crack up on the pics, adding lines like "I smell bagels" is the sort of thing Gypsybiker45 seems to be complaining about. Post more content!

Noticing a rapidly degrading of thread quality lately...

Please link us to all of YOUR high quality threads Gypsybiker45. As the example of what you demand of us other GSUS members. Otherwise, you are just demanding censorship of others.


Bingo. Put up, or shut up. While visiting a message forum if one does not like the content being posted, your choices are clear: 1.) Beat them with facts in their own thread (discuss it like a civil person). 2.) Post threads of your own 3.)IGNORE

According to you http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
and http://www.antiwar.com/ are StormFront .

Obama has expanded all wars and against new countries,
fulfilling PNAC, the NeoCons never went away, Sibel Edmonds
is not even covered on here, the USA is going down the tubes,
there is news on these issues every day.

I warned a while ago against racial epitaphs and also about
cry baby trolls. If you want to let 2 people bother you go ahead.

Ron Paul supporters, the legitimate Tea Party, 9/11 Truthers.
All targets to silence by any means.

Brzezinski Decries “Global Political Awakening” During CFR Speech


“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

Jewish Democratic group asks syndicate to nix Pat Buchanan's column


Remove Dual-Loyalty CongressKritters



Great post MAGNES

Baiting the hook is allowed, biting is not? :oo-->

Some posters are public masterbaters

Stoning should be allowed in such cases, but that is what the Thunderdome is for, perhaps the thread could have moved there? :dunno

Completely agree with Horn here. There are too many BAITING threads here that aren't dealt with as they should. See JDRock's thread from day 1 on the subject. This thread is a great example - OP (whom I have no particular issue with generally speaking) makes an absurd claim corralling the user base of this forum into a Stormfront cage. Check my post history - I find it insulting to refer to me as a Stormfront II lackey and that is entirely what that post does, IMO.

The board is only as good as its posters, look no further than yourself to find blame for its degradation.

1970 Silver Art
20th May 2010, 07:15 AM
GSUS is full of excellent posters IMO but every forum is going to have some bad posters and GSUS is no different from any other forum from that standpoint. A person has the right to express whatever opinion or viewpoint that they want. Another person has that right to disagree with another person's opinion or view point or to just ignore it.

I will occasionally disagree with another poster on a particular subject but that person should NOT be shut down because I disagree with that poster. I should not be shut down if another poster disagrees with me on a particular subject. Censorship is not the answer and it will never be the answer.

20th May 2010, 07:36 AM
Amazing post, mrnhtbr2232 .

20th May 2010, 07:47 AM
Amazing post, mrnhtbr2232 .


Grand Master Melon
20th May 2010, 08:07 AM
Awoke, you can not tell me that the jewish family down the street is breeding their child to become the next FED chief. I understand that there is a lot of jewish dominance of the prime industries, policies, and media. I'm pretty sure that the jewish family down the street doesn't. That is what I am referring to. It is tiring to read a thread about something else completely suddenly introduce the topic of zionism or jewish insults.

Sometimes it may actually be revelant. What I wish not see is a constant bombardment of this information where it is not called for.
Should we threat you with kid gloves because you are preaching to us, but don't really have any grasp on the matter at hand? THe brainwashing social studies teacher at the high school? How about the local school board? The traffic court judge that screws you over?
You were being critical about paragraph structure. Wonderful.

20th May 2010, 08:10 AM
The Jewish conspiracy to destroy White civilization isn't a belief. It is pure fact.

Anyone who looks at the issue honestly will come to this conclusion. Some of you are living in a fantasy world. Here in the real world the Jewish power structure is not only obvious, it is bragged about.

When Jews put their claws into every single aspect of daily life it is no wonder you will have a lot of discussion about them on an open and honest forum. Talking about Politics, History, or pretty much any other topic without mentioning the Jews would be dishonest.

I see some of you have Jewish friends and since these Jews don't admit knowing about this power structure and its goals you therefore automatically assume that even if the conspiracy is true that it is only a tiny handful that support it. On the contrary the Jews against "Zionism" are the vast minority, the majority of Jews support each other through nepotism and donations.

In the end the only person who can make you see this is yourself. If you can't, well its really not that big of a deal as you are with the vast majority but please don't come on here to bitch and moan at others when you disagree with their viewpoint. Do I think that there are tons of retarded ideas and posts made here? Of course but do you see me crying to the mods to restrict certain topics that I find offensive or irrelevant? Nope, because unlike some of you who claim to, I actually would like to see free speech here because I know that in the end the truth will be revealed.

Almost every single country in Europe has at one point or another kicked the Jews out or killed them. This is not a new problem by any means and if you think that the Nazis were the first to call the Jews out for their parasitic ways you are sadly misinformed. History shows us that is only a matter of time before it happens again. Surely there is some reason that throughout recorded history these people have been universally hated and despised.

I saw a couple posts talking about how it was Whites who sold their companies to the Jews so therefore we should blame them. I can only speak for myself but I do blame them. I blame all of the Whites who stood idly by while their culture and race have been attacked and replaced. I blame all of the dumbshit Hippies who refuse to fight and who would rather live in some fantasy world than face reality. I blame all those who have let this problem get so much power. Of course I blame them, why wouldn't I?

But I am also not afraid to blame those who took those companies and steered them in new directions. Not some distant CEO who was tired of fighting the Jewish power network and so finally caved to pressure to sell his company. Firstly I blame those who are currently using those companies to destroy everything that I love. It is silly to ignore a current problem and only dwell on the mistakes of my ancestors. It is even sillier to somehow think is is okay for those Jewish company owners to do whatever they want since some White guy sold them the company.

This post is getting way to long so I will end it here but I am very sad to see some of the posts in this thread by members I respect who seem to be experiencing cognitive dissonance. Deny ignorance people and open your freakin eyes, the writing is on the wall and the Jews are literally bragging about it. I realize that all of this stuff is in no way, shape, or form "fun" and in fact is quite depressing. Hell, when I think that only 2% of the population of the world is a White woman of child bearing age it brings tears to my eyes. But that pain is not a good enough reason to ignore the problem.

The Internet has changed the balance of power as the facts are there for anyone to see. It is simply a matter of not denying what is right in front of your face.

As I believe Hoarder used to have as his signature, "In a corrupt society the truth can be found in what is forbidden to say."

20th May 2010, 08:11 AM
Speaking of banning, how does it work on this board - can the forum still be read while in limbo?

I'm curious about this too. Can anyone w/ experience chime in & answer?

Grand Master Melon
20th May 2010, 08:12 AM
Speaking of banning, how does it work on this board - can the forum still be read while in limbo?

I'm curious about this too. Can anyone w/ experience chime in & answer?
You can read everything just no posting.

20th May 2010, 08:15 AM
Here's a great example of how you kill a thread with 100% off-topic, unrelated, unsolicited joo crap...


It would be great if you could just ignore threads where the topic was related to the joos but that doesn't work so well when you have a thread about the savings rate in Canada and someone out of nowhere ignores the entire content except the word "canada" and post a video that relates in no way at all to savings rate in canada or savings rates anywhere or even finance in general.

Hey why don't I just go into every thread, not read any of it, and start blabbing about how my chevy truck is way better than a ford truck. If you guys get annoyed I'll just say your trying to censor me to hide from the truth and you're all secretly homos and shills.

I don't care if something is fact, I don't need every fucking thread to tell me that. There are other things in life.

20th May 2010, 08:51 AM
I agree with you GypsyBiker. I get tired of that stuff too.

I'm not saying it's not true, but I'm just sick of hearing about it. There's so much more to talk about.



I find myself spending more time at the financial sites. (I know - a chorus of good riddance from the goose

So much more to discuss - but the Joos diatribe is dominating the conversation.

Flame away.
I'll catch it when I visit again (probably after the summer).

Enjoy your summer all.


20th May 2010, 09:11 AM
Speaking of banning, how does it work on this board - can the forum still be read while in limbo?

I'm curious about this too. Can anyone w/ experience chime in & answer?
You can read everything just no posting.


20th May 2010, 09:18 AM
Nothing is untouched by them.

Chevy VS. Ford is an opinion.

Jewry VS. Humanity is an irrefutable threat.

Why else do you think we find the ugly face of jewry behind every unturned stone? Why do you people think these threads always revert to, as you say, "joo bashing"? It is becuase they are there, all the time, everywhere you look when researching anything to do with anything that is of importance.

Swallow your bruised ego and recognise these posts for what they are: An educational resource to serve as a warning to all of us, in regards to our fate and our future.

20th May 2010, 09:18 AM
It's about shattering cherished delusions. People hate you for telling the truth. When it surrounds them they can no longer hide and they become frustrated by it. They hate the person that pulled back the curtain. This is why I have cut back on posting.

Those who have an ear to hear will hear. Those that are deaf will never hear and will kill you for trying to make them hear.

I remember one time I heard an interview with Billy Graham, the guy that spoke to 100,000+ audiences in arenas. He was asked what was the most effective way of reaching people. He said one on one is the only way.

20th May 2010, 09:25 AM
My opinion is that you should be able to post whatever you like, what gets a bit tiresome is the constant threadjacking that a few is involved in. I don't think many people in here disagree about the Zionist mammoth, with ze bagelbreath, behind the curtain... But there are other things in life too... I really can't see a good solution to the issue either... Maybe it would be better if we just burned Book?

Just kidding! ;)

20th May 2010, 09:26 AM
This thread really didn't interest me, so I didn't read it. Maybe this is a good lesson for many of you complaining about themes you don't like on this forum: if you don't like it, ignore it. I only checked it out to investigate the temp-ban Gaillo dished out to gypsybiker. As long as I'm here I'll chime in. There will be no censorship here, we are counting on the members to moderate themselves when it comes to staying on topic and posting relevant information. However, with freedom comes a lot of bullshit. It's kind of like the "wild west" of forums, you have freedom to post what you want, how and where you want, but so do the other members you may or may not like. I agree that I would like to see threads stay more on topic, but I'm not going to police members when they "idea spam" a thread. There is a lot of good info on the zionist conspiracies and I appreciate hearing what others have to say through their time and research spent on that topic, but it's up to them how and where they post that info. I'm kind of an organization nut, I prefer everything to be organized and in it's proper place. That being said, I'd enjoy it if the threads on finance were purely finance, the threads on metals purely metals, and the threads on conspiracies purely on conspiracy. But freedom doesn't work that way. People post what they want if they think it's relevant to the topic. I may disagree and prefer to see it in another thread, but navigating the chaff to find the wheat is a small price to pay for a free forum like this. I think we can still attract good members to this site, but they will need to be strong enough to be able to handle everything here.

20th May 2010, 09:45 AM
+1 Madfranks!

20th May 2010, 10:15 AM
I'm pretty sure that the jewish family down the street doesn't. That is what I am referring to. It is tiring to read a thread about something else completely suddenly introduce the topic of zionism or jewish insults.

if we're talking about world affairs, 99.9% of the time Jews and Zionists and their partners in crime are involved.

i understand about having Jewish friends. one of my best friends in college was Jewish. i never got the feeling that he was a white supremacist.

when we talk about Jewish criminals, it's not insults - it's statements of fact. we're not referring about my-college-friend-the-Jewish-Cellist. we're talking about guys like Greenspan slamming the door in the face of CFTC regulators towards the end of the Clinton administration, so that they could develop their derivatives scams ... while 9-11 was being prepared by other Jewish Zionists.

to simplify -

friendly - Jewish cellist college friend.

criminal - Greenspan, Netanyahu, Rahm Emanuel's father ... etc.

20th May 2010, 10:17 AM
Nothing is untouched by them.

Chevy VS. Ford is an opinion.

Jewry VS. Humanity is an irrefutable threat.

Why else do you think we find the ugly face of jewry behind every unturned stone? Why do you people think these threads always revert to, as you say, "joo bashing"? It is becuase they are there, all the time, everywhere you look when researching anything to do with anything that is of importance.

Swallow your bruised ego and recognise these posts for what they are: An educational resource to serve as a warning to all of us, in regards to our fate and our future.

Look at the thread I linked to though. A few posts about the original subject, then bam, out of nowhere Book sticks a video of some fatass gaydl or something guy being interviewed for the news about some other guy that supports hezbollocks. That's completely unrelated to the thread in every way. If he had an anti-joo video that somehow related to the savings rate in Canada, ok. But otherwise why take a giant dump all over the thread? Where is the respect for the original poster? Do I come into joo bashing threads and post cookie recipes? If I come in at all I'll have something to say about the subject at hand. It may be true that a recipe will produce some fine cookies, but it doesn't matter to the thread and I try to be respectful enough to realize that.

The amount of zionist threads doesn't bother me personally, I just find it very annoying when someone decides they need to hijack an unrelated thread at random. In the case of some members I imagine they don't even have the respect to read the original post, and instead just have a quota of how many videos and pictures and generic comments they need to paste on here per day and look for any chance to do it.

20th May 2010, 10:48 AM
Look at the thread I linked to though. A few posts about the original subject, then bam, out of nowhere Book sticks a video of some fatass gaydl or something guy being interviewed for the news about some other guy that supports hezbollocks. That's completely unrelated to the thread in every way. If he had an anti-joo video that somehow related to the savings rate in Canada, ok. But otherwise why take a giant dump all over the thread? Where is the respect for the original poster? Do I come into joo bashing threads and post cookie recipes? If I come in at all I'll have something to say about the subject at hand. It may be true that a recipe will produce some fine cookies, but it doesn't matter to the thread and I try to be respectful enough to realize that.

The amount of zionist threads doesn't bother me personally, I just find it very annoying when someone decides they need to hijack an unrelated thread at random. In the case of some members I imagine they don't even have the respect to read the original post, and instead just have a quota of how many videos and pictures and generic comments they need to paste on here per day and look for any chance to do it.

Granted, I didn't click the thread.
I respect your point, your post and your beef. I can see how that would be frustrating to anyone taking part in the thread.

I can not defend Book's posts, because he makes them, not me. I personally only interject jew related info if it has to do with the thread content, but that's just me.

I would not post a Pasta recipe in a thread on roller coasters.
(Unless the thread evolved into a discussion on vomiting pasta while on a roller coaster, and someone asked wanted the recipe)

While Book may have hijacked the thread on that particular occasion (I still haven't read the thread), I value his posts almost all other times, but again: That's just me.

20th May 2010, 11:54 AM

yeah . It Sux to have to ban folks. And to see them get banned

I think your doing a fine job.

In all the Jew bashing posts...I don't remember seeing any solutions to the Jew problem posted.

I must have missed those

20th May 2010, 11:56 AM
Ash_Williams it is clear that a lot of us are getting sick of threads being derailed by the same few people on this board. It looks pretty clear that unless those few people decide to grow up and quit doing this that things will not change on this forum and like a cancer this will spread so more and more members say f uck it and go elsewhere.

20th May 2010, 12:21 PM
I had a few choice words when this thread started but decided to let my anger settle a while and think it through. Here's how I see it: Zionism has tentacles into every meaningful aspect of life. That's a pretty ominous reality that one group of people are in control of determining the future of humanity. I greatly resent that, and more often than not just about everything CAN be traced back to them. Gypsy cited the police as an example - fair enough.

Here's my rebuttal to that...

Christianity has tentacles into every meaningful aspect of life. That's a pretty ominous reality that one entity has an overarching impact on everybody and every thing and every event that takes place. One could argue that regardless of how many preps you have or how you've positioned yourself, it all becomes a speck of dust in the face of this perpetual reality.

Now, how would you feel if this perspective was interjected into EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION? The entirety of all GSUS discussion would really become irrelevant. Do you want to talk about the best way to prep? Doesn't matter because you can only prep for a 100-year life and it won't help you in the afterlife. Got guns? Doesn't matter whether you die tomorrow or in 50 years in the grand scheme of theme. Bankers? Irrelevant. Media deception? A minor distraction. Jews controlling the world? A temporary inconvenience.

Is that how you want it?

20th May 2010, 12:48 PM
Got guns? Doesn't matter whether you die tomorrow or in 50 years in the grand scheme of theme. Bankers? Irrelevant. Media deception? A minor distraction. Jews controlling the world? A temporary inconvenience.

Seriously. Did you read what you just posted?

A "temporary incovenience" that has been going on behind the scenes for thousands of years.

Being Christian, I take solace in the fact that this earthly world is temporary in nature anyways, but I don't turn a blind eye to corruption just because I'm going to be dead one day.

philo beddoe
20th May 2010, 12:52 PM
I had a few choice words when this thread started but decided to let my anger settle a while and think it through. Here's how I see it: Zionism has tentacles into every meaningful aspect of life. That's a pretty ominous reality that one group of people are in control of determining the future of humanity. I greatly resent that, and more often than not just about everything CAN be traced back to them. Gypsy cited the police as an example - fair enough.

Here's my rebuttal to that...

Christianity has tentacles into every meaningful aspect of life. That's a pretty ominous reality that one entity has an overarching impact on everybody and every thing and every event that takes place. One could argue that regardless of how many preps you have or how you've positioned yourself, it all becomes a speck of dust in the face of this perpetual reality.

Now, how would you feel if this perspective was interjected into EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION? The entirety of all GSUS discussion would really become irrelevant. Do you want to talk about the best way to prep? Doesn't matter because you can only prep for a 100-year life and it won't help you in the afterlife. Got guns? Doesn't matter whether you die tomorrow or in 50 years in the grand scheme of theme. Bankers? Irrelevant. Media deception? A minor distraction. Jews controlling the world? A temporary inconvenience.

Is that how you want it?
blah blah blah

20th May 2010, 01:03 PM
Here's my rebuttal to that...

Christianity has tentacles into every meaningful aspect of life. That's a pretty ominous reality that one entity has an overarching impact on everybody and every thing and every event that takes place. One could argue that regardless of how many preps you have or how you've positioned yourself, it all becomes a speck of dust in the face of this perpetual reality.

Now, how would you feel if this perspective was interjected into EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION?

Perfect example, Sparky. I enjoy reading different perspectives on religion and spirituality, but if every thread got derailed into a discussion about religion, I would check out. I simply would not find this place as enjoyable. Hence, we have a religious section.

Is there anyone reading this who still isn't clear that the issue here is not the fact that you are discussing Zionism (or whatever), the problem is the hijacking of every thread with the same topic. It's a conversation ender at best, and a fight starter at worst.

20th May 2010, 02:32 PM
@ Brent, DMac, Awoke, Book, others, thanks and good posts.

@ Gaillo, we are lucky to have Gaillo, he can ban me any time.
I been in the brig twice for two days, big deal, 2 days.
Mayhem banned me for, "calling out another member"
What I did was guess out loud that WT WebTech is Mayhem.
And he preceded to push around everyone which is why he
is not here.

SO count your lucky stars we got the mods we got and forum owner.

We all should try to better the posts and conversations.
You can't legislate that. People are free to make baffoons
out of themselves, we have some characters on here,
I am one. LOL

Don't mean to pile on to Gypsy but this is his 3 thread like
this telling people what to talk about and how, first one was
in GIM section, "don't talk about gim", second one was here,
"why do you care about Palis/Israeli's forget them", third one
now, racheting up the rhetoric, "we are storm front" . I spoke
out in all three.

On GIM Masonic Plot would come back and get banned
permanently for making comments like this, that was
after he did his damage before.

I agree with some of what Gypsy says.
The "muds" comment bothers him, bugs me too.
"gods chosen" believers bug me even worse, the
Jewish and other kinds. Deceivers bother me the
most, those that want to control us.
I have been outspoken on these issues and
Gypsy would support me on some.

20th May 2010, 02:35 PM
I don't really notice anything crossing the line but even if it did just ignore it and remember that we have our 1A rights for a reason.

20th May 2010, 02:36 PM
Ash_Williams it is clear that a lot of us are getting sick of threads being derailed by the same few people on this board. It looks pretty clear that unless those few people decide to grow up and quit doing this that things will not change on this forum and like a cancer this will spread so more and more members say f uck it and go elsewhere.

Ash Williams is here badmouthing GSUS and coincidentally just happens to be trolling for new members of his new forum. What a coincidence:

Just stopping by to register my old username.

I haven't picked which forum will be my new home, or if either will.

I'm thinking of starting another forum that will be similar to GIM and it's replacements except aimed more at Canadians. We have our own money and politics and constitution and banks and such up here and it would be nice to have a sister forum for the canadian members. It would just cover the stuff that will be different (ie no need for a new religion or survival section since it's not nationality-dependent.) If anyone's interested then let me know. If I start it I figured I'd swallow the cost for the first year then if it works out it could run on donations like the old GIM.


20th May 2010, 02:43 PM
@ Book the beloved, "just the facts mam".

Book was one of the first people to challenge the
admin on gim and call them anti-Christian.
How right he was, I followed the same path
after him among others too like Awoke.

I would never trust Ash Williams with any forum
especially in Canada run by a Canadian.

Ash Williams if I remember correctly was never
a great poster on issues related to corruption.

He doesn't give a sh*t about NeoCons, Sibel Edmonds, etc .
And I believe he even spoke out on gim many times against
us covering even real news.

So go join his forum as Canadians. ROFL !
Canada is the tail that follows ZOG USA !
They just go along for the most part and
follow ZOG based in NewYork/Washington/Tel Aviv.
Matter of fact all Western countries have same
problems getting pushed around, they have no
real sovereignty on major issues.

20th May 2010, 03:08 PM
Luis, don't try to argue about crypto-jewry with me. You will lose. I study it.
Or would you rather I continue finding relevent quotes by jewish authors?

speaking of Jewish authors ... here's 6 of them, about the murder of a few hundred thousand Jewish people during World War 2, relationships between Nazi Germany and Israeli Jews, relationships between Nazi Germany and Wall Street (as late as October 1942).

To illustrate that the Jews have a pattern of ritual sacrifice of their non-Jewish neighbors - a pattern that dates back many centuries - I include the book "Blood Passover", by Ariel Toaff.

History Books by Jewish Authors

For Those I Loved
by Martin Gray
Martin Gray was a young Jewish boy in Poland when the Nazi's walled it off. He started out by bribing Nazi guards and importing tons of food, which also turned out to be a profitable business. He subsequently was sent to Auschwitz, which he survived by hiding in the latrine.

The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"
Edwin Black has written a well-researched book about the agreement between a group of Zionist Jewish people and Adolf Hitler. The Zionists wanted to kick the Palestinians out of Palestine and claim the land as their own, but in order to do that they needed Jewish immigrants - which Hitler was happy to provide.

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
by Walter Sanning
Sanning is a Jewish historian who uses census numbers from around the world to establish population numbers for the Jewish people before & after World War 2. He finds that 1.2 million Jewish people perished during the war. He also found a maximum of 3.5 million Jewish people lived in occupied Europe at the beginning of the war (and most of them got out while they could). These numbers are obviously at odds with the official conspiracy theory - that Hitler killed 6 million Jewish people.

Specifically -
the total world population of Jewish people in 1941 - 15,967K
the total world population of Jewish people in 1945 - 14,730K

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Hardcover)
by Walt Mersheimer
Mersheimer goes into great detail to factually describe what is alluded to in this other article in Ha'aretz, the Israeli newspaper - "Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background check by the American Jewish community.

In the case of Obama's government in particular, every criticism against Israel made by a potential government appointee has become a catalyst for debate about whether appointing "another leftist" offers proof that Obama does not truly support Israel."

Blood Passover
by Ariel Toaff
Somehow I managed to get through 12 years of public school and 4 years at a junior university near Palo Alto, which included a full year of "Modern European History", without hearing a single word about the fact that the Jewish people were expelled from 12-15 countries in Europe during the Middle Ages. Toaff's book provides insight into one of the 2 primary reasons - Blood Passover (the other was the practice of usury, loaning money at high interest rates with extreme penalties for non-payment).

about Passover - "The Hebrews were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a spring lamb and, upon seeing this, the spirit of the Lord passed over these homes, hence the term "passover" "

The practice in the Middle Ages was for rabbi's and their followers to sometimes kidnap Christian children, to extract blood & other body parts for use in the Passover celebration. It was the furor over this practice that led Queen Isabelle of Spain to expel the Jews from Spain, for example.

Toaff describes the facts of these gristly proceedings in meticulous detail and is rather un-impeachable.

about Ariel Toaff - "Ariel Toaff is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University. He is the son of Elio Toaff, a former Chief Rabbi of Rome."

George Bush, the Un-Authorized Biography.
by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin.
See Chapter 2, about Wall Street financing Nazi Germany as late as October 1942.

20th May 2010, 03:12 PM
I am hopefull something good will come out of this discussion... I can see that the freedom of posting whatever has been repressed everywhere else can be a bit heady to begin with... But I do hope that self moderation, not in terms of ideas discussed, but in terms of how it is discussed, good forum form if you like, will prevail.

If you have posted the same stuff ten times and no-one has posted a reply which is different than what you received before it could be a great time to shut up for a while until you have something better to say. Yes it may be facts, but really how many times is it necessary to state that the world is round, until all the flat earthers agree with it?

20th May 2010, 03:29 PM
I am hopefull something good will come out of this discussion...

Neutral Innocent Bystander with no self-interest in anti-Zionism topics here:

I spent a few months in Dahab, Sinai, in the early 90's, on a few occassions. Smoked a lot of locally grown weed, played backgammon, found an Israeli girlfriend, who I ended up being together with for a year. Great place. Saw the most astounding firestorm of my life there. Very laidback place!


philo beddoe
20th May 2010, 03:56 PM
I am hopefull something good will come out of this discussion...

Neutral Innocent Bystander with no self-interest in anti-Zionism topics here:

I spent a few months in Dahab, Sinai, in the early 90's, on a few occassions. Smoked a lot of locally grown weed, played backgammon, found an Israeli girlfriend, who I ended up being together with for a year. Great place. Saw the most astounding firestorm of my life there. Very laidback place!

Am wondering how you stay a 'few months' in Israel, but have a girlfriend for a year? No visas? Or maybe a weekend warrior relationship, flying into Tel Aviv on Fridays?

20th May 2010, 04:22 PM
I had a few choice words when this thread started but decided to let my anger settle a while and think it through. Here's how I see it: Zionism has tentacles into every meaningful aspect of life. That's a pretty ominous reality that one group of people are in control of determining the future of humanity. I greatly resent that, and more often than not just about everything CAN be traced back to them. Gypsy cited the police as an example - fair enough.

Who's been in power to award contracts to security firms that have transformed the police in America from public servants to ruthless drones? How about "Homeland Security" or adulterating the legal system? Who's using political whores to push junk laws that confiscate our natural rights? Answer: Zionists who work both sides and profit accordingly at the public's expense. There is no level of relief available - they just keep coming and that is why aware people are so pissed off about it.

Everyone here is hip to the financial domain being OWNED by the Jews, and I doubt anyone on this board will bother to dispute that as one of the world's iron-clad facts. So that's how I see it - a select group of people, with all the money, buying influence, pushing degenerate lifestyles and diversity, and backing it up with a police state they created for the expressed purpose of destroying anyone that gets in their way for world domination. People like this are legitimate targets for hatred and calling out at every opportunity if the shoe fits.

If any members of this board are offended by this reality, either ignore it or think about it, but don't run out of stamina to maintain vigilance about it because it is real, and it wants all of our asses in a sling because we see through it and discuss it. Perhaps not always in the most intelligent way (I'm guilty) but just the same if it keeps coming up in discussions that's not by accident.

Some here have an agenda in that regard - personally I'm not bothered by that and frankly after all the censorship we went through at GIM I would think people on this side of the fence would embrace the 1st Amendment whether it's ugly or not. If our community behavior is supposed to be soft to attract more members then maybe I'm in the wrong place. GSUS already has the cream of the crop and that's why we're all here. Kudos to the board ops for even allowing it in this day and age. <soapbox off>

I agree with the others, that was a good post.

while we are on the subject...I am curios ...(I probably wasn't paying attention)

What can be done about the Zionists?

And what can be done about the Jews that run banking and media...and the other stuff?

I honesty wonder how we can fix it?

Awoke, My Brother, If there are things you don't wanna say in this thread, Feel free to email me and help me understand what can be done.


gunny highway
20th May 2010, 05:55 PM
go ahead and post anything you want here, that's the beaurty of this site. however, it seems there are people here who believe without a doubt that the conclusions they've come to with regard to joos is the absolute answer. the fact is, the younger, more cocky and ignorant you are, the more likely you are to believe that every problem in the world has some sort of silver bullet solution. the same goes for the zionists and most threads get hijacked by those that think they have the answer, the end all be all. i'm sorry to burst your prepubescent bubbles but the world doesn't work that way. it's much more complex than that. a few more years of life experience will help you see that there are no absolutes in life!

if you killed all the joos on the planet and wiped Is-ray-al off the map with a nuke we would all be dealing with the same problems we have now. except then we would be dealing with those on this forum who believed that it's all a Hinduist or atheist or science teacher or municipal worker conspiracy. when people don't want to think they convince themselves they have the answer and feel a need to justify it to themselves by annoying everyone with which they come in contact with some conspiracy about it; some absolute answer.

i still say we need a Zionist subform. hey, Ron Paul has his own subforum but you don't see us RP supporters hijacing every freaking thread worth reading talking about how we are being censored. if you think the Zionist problem is so bad that you feel a need to remind people of it with every trite post you all make then i say you start your own forum, a joobashing forum. go ahead and keep your blinders on.

as i've said in previous posts, i've read about the Kazars and the other posts you have made regarding the supposed influence they have. i get it. they are definately part of the problem. they are not the whole problem. with only two percent of the population they must be getting help from someone much more powerful. and to me discussing that is a much more worthwhile way to spend your time and energy.

20th May 2010, 06:04 PM
i still say we need a Zionist subform.


what a letdown. i thought this was gonna be a Gilligan's Island thread. maybe we need a subforum...


20th May 2010, 06:05 PM
Well said, gunny highway.

20th May 2010, 06:09 PM
Book, I have a serious question for you. Do you remember everything anyone ever posts, or do you search for it each time?

You often quote a poster in other threads as some sort of rebuttal or response to the current thread, as is the case in your above response to gunny highway.

I am just wondering if you are a savant, or you just have a lot of available time on your hands.

gunny highway
20th May 2010, 06:10 PM
Well said, gunny highway.

thanks k.

smite me you almighty smiters!

20th May 2010, 06:12 PM
You often quote a poster in other threads as some sort of rebuttal or response to the current thread, as is the case in your above response to gunny highway.

Serious question: Are the posted quotes an effective rebuttal?


20th May 2010, 06:14 PM
Well said, gunny highway.

thanks k.

smite me you almighty smiters!

I was going to say that if you admit to NOT being blinded by hate, you're begging for smites. How do you think I got all of mine?

I guess I should wear them like a badge of honor.

20th May 2010, 06:14 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

20th May 2010, 06:17 PM
You often quote a poster in other threads as some sort of rebuttal or response to the current thread, as is the case in your above response to gunny highway.

Serious question: Are the posted quotes an effective rebuttal?


Not in my opinion. I saw the connection but thought it was really way too far to stretch. You have effectively used that technique before, however.

I answered you, so really, what's your secret?

20th May 2010, 06:18 PM
Book, I have a serious question for you. Do you remember everything anyone ever posts, or do you search for it each time?

You often quote a poster in other threads as some sort of rebuttal or response to the current thread, as is the case in your above response to gunny highway.

I am just wondering if you are a savant, or you just have a lot of available time on your hands.

Here is your answer :]


gunny highway
20th May 2010, 06:20 PM
Well said, gunny highway.

thanks k.

smite me you almighty smiters!

I was going to say that if you admit to NOT being blinded by hate, you're begging for smites. How do you think I got all of mine?

I guess I should wear them like a badge of honor.

exactly, if we all agreed on everything the world would be a pretty boring place. you are definately not boring. ;D

1970 Silver Art
20th May 2010, 06:28 PM
Well said, gunny highway.

thanks k.

smite me you almighty smiters!

I was going to say that if you admit to NOT being blinded by hate, you're begging for smites. How do you think I got all of mine?

I guess I should wear them like a badge of honor.

Yeah you should wear your smites like a badge of honor. After all, I wear my 391 (and counting) smites like a badge of honor everyday that I am logged on GSUS. ;D Since I am the biggest "smite whore" on GSUS, then I have to set an example by wearing my smites like a badge of honor. Just remember this Chaos.........Smites cannot hurt you. ;D

20th May 2010, 06:33 PM
Not in my opinion. I saw the connection but thought it was really way too far to stretch. You have effectively used that technique before, however.

I answered you, so really, what's your secret?

Your "question" is obviously an insult. You imply that I am mentally ill (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savant_syndrome). You have in other threads offered your negative "opinion" of my posts. I suggest you simply avail yourself of the Ignore software function and stop playing all innocent and coy while you disparage me...lol.

I am just wondering if you are a savant, or you just have a lot of available time on your hands.


gunny highway
20th May 2010, 06:36 PM
no, i believe idiot savant would have been an insult.

20th May 2010, 06:37 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

Thanks Cedar....I think that helps me a bit.....But it seems to me that is gonna be hard to do.... ???

20th May 2010, 06:38 PM
no, i believe idiot savant would have been an insult.

True. Book, all you had to do was go one more down on your google search, and you would have had a whole different feeling . . .


philo beddoe
20th May 2010, 06:39 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

Thanks Cedar....I think that helps me a bit.....But it seems to me that is gonna be hard to do.... ???
It's a disingenuous comment by Herr chopper. He knows that will never happen without force of arms.

20th May 2010, 06:41 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

Thanks Cedar....I think that helps me a bit.....But it seems to me that is gonna be hard to do.... ???
It's a disingenuous comment by Herr chopper. He knows that will never happen without force of arms.

I was thinking the same thing about "force of arms"...
That's what i meant by "hard to do"

20th May 2010, 07:02 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

Thanks Cedar....I think that helps me a bit.....But it seems to me that is gonna be hard to do.... ???
It's a disingenuous comment by Herr chopper. He knows that will never happen without force of arms.

Pedo, it wasn't disingenuous. Force of Arms is your fantasy wet dream. A currency crisis is a much more probable catalysis for systemic change than some whack a mole Rambo scenario.

philo beddoe
20th May 2010, 07:10 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

Thanks Cedar....I think that helps me a bit.....But it seems to me that is gonna be hard to do.... ???
It's a disingenuous comment by Herr chopper. He knows that will never happen without force of arms.

Pedo, it wasn't disingenuous. Force of Arms is your fantasy wet dream. A currency crisis is a much more probable catalysis for systemic change than some whack a mole Rambo scenario.
yes it was slap-chop. Are you defending your tribe?

20th May 2010, 07:21 PM
Ken, what can be done is level the playing field by competition in currencies...repeal exclusive legal tender laws for FRNS. The advantage Usury Inc has is power to issue legal tender out of thin air and pick the pecking order...they decide who gets access to currency to build businesses. Organized Jewry picks their pizanos, it's really as simple as that. If you give me cheap and plentiful capital and exclude it from my competition, I'll beat everybody all day long.

Thanks Cedar....I think that helps me a bit.....But it seems to me that is gonna be hard to do.... ???
It's a disingenuous comment by Herr chopper. He knows that will never happen without force of arms.

Pedo, it wasn't disingenuous. Force of Arms is your fantasy wet dream. A currency crisis is a much more probable catalysis for systemic change than some whack a mole Rambo scenario.
yes it was slap-chop. Are you defending your tribe?

Pedo, my tribe is Euro-Germanic if I could be classified tribally. I'm really just Texas good ole boy, but I have a pretty good sense of when I'm dealing with an unbalanced type, Pedo :]

philo beddoe
20th May 2010, 09:35 PM
I can't help you with your balance problem. Have you tried a girdle?

20th May 2010, 09:43 PM
I can't help you with your balance problem. Have you tried a girdle?

Is that all you've got ,Pedo? I was hoping for much more cleverness from you...i know you have your moments. Put more feeling in it and try again :]

mick silver
20th May 2010, 09:44 PM
i think i am going to fine my viking family and go to war

21st May 2010, 01:55 AM
Sorry Book I am not a neutral innocent bystander. I had an Israeli girlfriend many years ago which I met in Dahab, Sinai, Egypt we lived for a while in Sweden and 3 months in Tel Aviv where I worked as a dishwasher in a bar... Then we went to Dahab again for a few weeks, until her father came and took her back to Israel. They were Semitic Jews from Lebanon and Marocko and wanted her to find a 'nice Jewish man' instead, but they liked me, she said ;)...

Anyway I am convinced that Zionism is the big elephant in the room that should be exposed, but I don't think constantly posting anti-Jewish attacks in every thread is the right way of doing it, it gets tiresome for any thinking person, and would deter many from investigating the matter further... You don't gain anything for the greater cause... People are waking up, I didn't really start to wake up to the greater conspiracy until a few years ago, the programming we have received is very powerful, and waking up to all the lies we have been exposed to as self-evident truths is not comfortable. It is sad if people just reject all good information there is out there, just because a few people like to talk trash all the time.

Heard of the term winning the battle, but losing the war?

Grand Master Melon
21st May 2010, 03:27 AM
I can't help you with your balance problem. Have you tried a girdle?

Is that all you've got ,Pedo? I was hoping for much more cleverness from you...i know you have your moments. Put more feeling in it and try again :]
Keep hoping.

21st May 2010, 04:55 AM
This thread has built up a healthy amount of posts overnight.

The Jewish conspiracy to destroy White civilization isn't a belief. It is pure fact.

Thank you for your entire post. Nicely worded.

Don't mean to pile on to Gypsy but this is his 3 thread like
this telling people what to talk about and how

I made those same observations.

Ash Williams if I remember correctly was never
a great poster on issues related to corruption.

He doesn't give a sh*t about NeoCons, Sibel Edmonds, etc .
And I believe he even spoke out on gim many times against
us covering even real news.

I also made these same observations.

So go join his forum as Canadians. ROFL !
Canada is the tail that follows ZOG USA !
They just go along for the most part and
follow ZOG based in NewYork/Washington/Tel Aviv.
Matter of fact all Western countries have same
problems getting pushed around, they have no
real sovereignty on major issues.

And to make matters worse, we are shackled by the philo-semetic british empire.

GunDriller, thank you for your post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/stormfront-ii-emerging/msg46782/#msg46782) on jewish authors! There are others that are not as current, but that speak as experts regarding the excommunications from so many countries in the past, and openly speak on the jewish 5th column and how it is used to infiltrate all positions of power, etc. I will try to list some for you later.

If you have posted the same stuff ten times and no-one has posted a reply which is different than what you received before it could be a great time to shut up for a while until you have something better to say. Yes it may be facts, but really how many times is it necessary to state that the world is round, until all the flat earthers agree with it?

You make a good point here, but I will never shut up. Or at least, I will not shut up until the jews stop conspiring.

Awoke, My Brother, If there are things you don't wanna say in this thread, Feel free to email me and help me understand what can be done.


Ken, I'm flattered that you would ask me a question like that, but I'm afraid I don't have (or am not willing) to give you a defined answer. As the old saying from some prestigious GIMers goes: Leaderless resistance.

What I mean is, I could never encourage violence or racism. However, if you look at history, you will see countless examples of the jew being forcefully exiled from country after country. Preceeding those instances of exile was always a common measure: Legislation would be passed that would bar the jew from holding or attaining any positions of authority in government or Church. Being masters of deception, the 5th column thrives in this environment.

The only solution IMO is to force them to leave. Again.
However they will still operate in the shadows, pretending to be a WASP or a devout Catholic, or Muslim, or whatever the religion of the country is that hosts this parasite.

This is the conundrum. They are not content to "keep what they have" and leave it at that. They are bent on conquoring. If they cannot do it from without, they will do it from within. No matter what measures are taken, the jew will conspire. Some people in the past have recognized this trait and attempted to save their nation or peoples from the conspirators, but they are villianized today by the philo-semetic brainwashing system.

go ahead and post anything you want here, that's the beaurty of this site. however, it seems there are people here who believe without a doubt that the conclusions they've come to with regard to joos is the absolute answer. the fact is, the younger, more cocky and ignorant you are, the more likely you are to believe that every problem in the world has some sort of silver bullet solution. the same goes for the zionists and most threads get hijacked by those that think they have the answer, the end all be all. i'm sorry to burst your prepubescent bubbles but the world doesn't work that way. it's much more complex than that. a few more years of life experience will help you see that there are no absolutes in life!

Spoken with authority.
I would say that your extensive "years in life" have either made you soft, complacent or complicit. There is no "Silver bullet solution" required: Instead we must continue to expose the conspirators all the time, every time they are uncovered, in all things they do.

if you killed all the joos on the planet and wiped Is-ray-al off the map with a nuke we would all be dealing with the same problems we have now. except then we would be dealing with those on this forum who believed that it's all a Hinduist or atheist or science teacher or municipal worker conspiracy. when people don't want to think they convince themselves they have the answer and feel a need to justify it to themselves by annoying everyone with which they come in contact with some conspiracy about it; some absolute answer.

First sentence is bullshit, plain and simple.
The rest is a pretentious attempt to group the conspiracy researchers into a group of paranoid wingnuts that would find a plot behind every shadow, even if there was none.

You fail to remember that the jewish conspiracy is fact, and that our posts are fact driven. They write about themselves on an ongoing basis, and have since written word existed. They admit to all the accusation you read on this forum and more, however if brought to the lime-light, they fight tooth and nail to sooth the masses and lull them to sleep.

I will refer you to Brents post on page 3, in which he said: "Almost every single country in Europe has at one point or another kicked the Jews out or killed them. This is not a new problem by any means and if you think that the Nazis were the first to call the Jews out for their parasitic ways you are sadly misinformed. History shows us that is only a matter of time before it happens again. Surely there is some reason that throughout recorded history these people have been universally hated and despised."

Do you get it yet?

i still say we need a Zionist subform. hey, Ron Paul has his own subforum but you don't see us RP supporters hijacing every freaking thread worth reading talking about how we are being censored. if you think the Zionist problem is so bad that you feel a need to remind people of it with every trite post you all make then i say you start your own forum, a joobashing forum. go ahead and keep your blinders on.

Your suggestion to this conspiracy is to quietly box it up in a sub-forum that doesn't get indexed by google, and won't get used by anyone except for people who already know about the conspiracy?
Take your blinders off.

as i've said in previous posts, i've read about the Kazars and the other posts you have made regarding the supposed influence they have. i get it. they are definately part of the problem. they are not the whole problem. with only two percent of the population they must be getting help from someone much more powerful. and to me discussing that is a much more worthwhile way to spend your time and energy.

Indeed. There is someone at the top, above the jews; Ba'al.

Book, I have a serious question for you. Do you remember everything anyone ever posts, or do you search for it each time?

You often quote a poster in other threads as some sort of rebuttal or response to the current thread

Book is a genious. I don't know how he keeps track, but he is sharp.
Another old saying comes to mind... Give them the rope and they will hang themselves.

Yeah you should wear your smites like a badge of honor.

I'm still not smiting you bro.

21st May 2010, 05:11 AM
if you killed all the joos on the planet and wiped Is-ray-al off the map with a nuke we would all be dealing with the same problems we have now. except then we would be dealing with those on this forum who believed that it's all a Hinduist or atheist or science teacher or municipal worker conspiracy. when people don't want to think they convince themselves they have the answer and feel a need to justify it to themselves by annoying everyone with which they come in contact with some conspiracy about it; some absolute answer.
This part of your statement is rediculas

as i've said in previous posts, i've read about the Kazars and the other posts you have made regarding the supposed influence they have. i get it. they are definately part of the problem. they are not the whole problem. with only two percent of the population they must be getting help from someone much more powerful. and to me discussing that is a much more worthwhile way to spend your time and energy.
This is the crux of the matter...those, or the governments that support them are as big a problem, and should be discussed indebth.

21st May 2010, 05:23 AM
Awoke: I will refer you to Brents post on page 3, in which he said: "Almost every single country in Europe has at one point or another kicked the Jews out or killed them. This is not a new problem by any means and if you think that the Nazis were the first to call the Jews out for their parasitic ways you are sadly misinformed. History shows us that is only a matter of time before it happens again. Surely there is some reason that throughout recorded history these people have been universally hated and despised."

So we are to follow the same failed footsteps of our forefathers? I suggest not.

Especially in a post holocaustal world, that loose global alliances have been forged by those looking for quick profits.

If this site grows the only thing to stop what happened to GIM, or worse, is to redefine the terms of engagement. It is easy enough to define & isolate a threat without a constant use of hate.

I equate it to newbie PM holders, I was one too once. Espousing my newly founded & glorious love for PMs, only to later realize the inherit pitfalls & vulnerability of them. I can only imagine how the more knowing tolerated my early & constant cheer leading. :)

No, at some point the love or hate honeymoon dies, and you've got to get down to simply working with what you've got. Making use of your faculties to improve your situation. Not just simply following the same well tread corridor.

gunny highway
21st May 2010, 05:44 AM
EE and Awoke, what do you propose as the absolute solution your rock solid, undeniable truth? it appears from your posts that all that needs to be done is kill all the joos. is that it? if that isn't what you are getting at please explain to me and others here what we are supposed to believe. preach brothers, preach.

21st May 2010, 05:57 AM
EE and Awoke, what do you propose as the absolute solution your rock solid, undeniable truth? it appears from your posts that all that needs to be done is kill all the joos. is that it? if that isn't what you are getting at please explain to me and others here what we are supposed to believe. preach brothers, preach.

There really is no solution except to expose them...that or a complete breakdown of society and revolution.

21st May 2010, 06:24 AM
So we are to follow the same failed footsteps of our forefathers? I suggest not.

Some have been successful, and others have not, depending on the length the person would go to in order to banish jewry from their homeland.

Especially in a post holocaustal world, that loose global alliances have been forged by those looking for quick profits.

Just a reminder that "Holocaust" is a hebrew word for "Burnt offering". I personally don't buy into it.

If this site grows the only thing to stop what happened to GIM, or worse, is to redefine the terms of engagement. It is easy enough to define & isolate a threat without a constant use of hate.

I equate it to newbie PM holders, I was one too once. Espousing my newly founded & glorious love for PMs, only to later realize the inherit pitfalls & vulnerability of them. I can only imagine how the more knowing tolerated my early & constant cheer leading. :)

No, at some point the love or hate honeymoon dies, and you've got to get down to simply working with what you've got. Making use of your faculties to improve your situation. Not just simply following the same well tread corridor.

I notice that every single time the hebrews come up in coversation around here, the word "Hate" is kicked around like a soda can. It is not "hate", at least, not for me.
It is awareness and a passion for the truth. It has nothing to do with a "Love or Hate" relationship. Simply facts.

I appreciate you suggesting that I make use of my facilities to improve my situation, but I was already doing just that.

However, just because there are countless examples from history, regarding the banishment of the jew, I would not dare to call my stance "The well tread corridor". In our currently usurped and infiltrated pro-israel world, my stance is quite unorthodox when compared to the blue-pills.

...but truth is on our side. Every time a blue piller decides to start digging for the truth, they will find that my posts and the posts of many other respectable GSus'rs are accurate and true. That is the reason GIM was shut down, IMO.

That will not be the same fate here, if J6P keeps his Mods and does not make room for a Freemasonic infiltrator to form a 5th column in the ranks of GSus.

21st May 2010, 06:28 AM

The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"
Edwin Black has written a well-researched book about the agreement between a group of Zionist Jewish people and Adolf Hitler. The Zionists wanted to kick the Palestinians out of Palestine and claim the land as their own, but in order to do that they needed Jewish immigrants - which Hitler was happy to provide.

This is the only book in your list I own. I highly recommend reading it to the folks of the forum!

Thanks for the other book titles, I will check them out.

philo beddoe
21st May 2010, 06:51 AM
I can't help you with your balance problem. Have you tried a girdle?

Is that all you've got ,Pedo? I was hoping for much more cleverness from you...i know you have your moments. Put more feeling in it and try again :]
Whaddya say slap-chop?

21st May 2010, 06:58 AM
Book is a genious. I don't know how he keeps track, but he is sharp.
Another old saying comes to mind... Give them the rope and they will hang themselves.

Book is a genious...lol

Um, it seems Book is keeping dossier files on fellow posters and periodically using the saved information against them. lol


21st May 2010, 07:06 AM
Ash Williams is here badmouthing GSUS and coincidentally just happens to be trolling for new members of his new forum. What a coincidence:

I don't have a forum, Book, but I'm sure you'll find a link to some random one and say I run it. I was going to start a Canadian specific forum but I actually have time restrictions since my full time job isn't posting stuff on the internet all day.

By the way, I was badmouthing GSUS? No, Book, I was badmouthing you specifically about a specific thing. Instead of addressing that you tried to turn it back on me.

Ash Williams if I remember correctly was never
a great poster on issues related to corruption.

He doesn't give a sh*t about NeoCons, Sibel Edmonds, etc .
And I believe he even spoke out on gim many times against
us covering even real news.

Damn, that's harsh, telling everyone I don't give a shit about Sibel Edmonds. Yeah, well you don't give a shit about (insert random name here that no one recognizes offhand.)

I don't give a shit about a lot of things. 10 years ago you probably would have thought I was a great poster because I gave a shit everything, but people grow and change. After some time I'm sure some of the 'busiest' posters on here will get tired of blabbing about the same things all the time too. Want a solution to corruption? Stop giving people power. People will never do that, so too bad. It's like the guys that sit and eats twinkies all day but wants a solution to their obesity and cry about how unfair it is that no one is fixing their lives.

21st May 2010, 07:08 AM
EE and Awoke, what do you propose as the absolute solution your rock solid, undeniable truth? it appears from your posts that all that needs to be done is kill all the joos. is that it? if that isn't what you are getting at please explain to me and others here what we are supposed to believe. preach brothers, preach.

There really is no solution except to expose them...that or a complete breakdown of society and revolution.

What EE said.

And for the record, I have never once in my life uttered "Kill the joos" or anything of that nature.

Expelling and killing are not the same thing.

Oh, and piss off with your pretentious sarcasm. I don't have patience for that crap.

21st May 2010, 07:16 AM
Book is a genious. I don't know how he keeps track, but he is sharp.
Another old saying comes to mind... Give them the rope and they will hang themselves.

Book is a genious...lol

Um, it seems Book is keeping dossier files on fellow posters and periodically using the saved information against them. lol

Yes, it seems like that... Or he has a great memory for ' race traitors' LOL

21st May 2010, 07:17 AM
Book is a genious. I don't know how he keeps track, but he is sharp.
Another old saying comes to mind... Give them the rope and they will hang themselves.

Book is a genious...lol

Um, it seems Book is keeping dossier files on fellow posters and periodically using the saved information against them. lol


When I said that, I should have clairified that I was referencing his use of photos to express 1000 words. Also, I am impressed that he always seems to find the perfect quote for a member to contradict themselves.

I admit that I have seen him use quotes out of context in the past, but whatever. No-one is perfect.

As far as the dossier files go, Book wouldn't be the first. A lot of venerable members have files on other members, in order to keep track of shilling, etc.

And I believe it is safe to assume that the ADL/SPLC?FMC shills have a shitload of dossiers on all of us.

21st May 2010, 08:05 AM
I notice that every single time the hebrews come up in coversation around here, the word "Hate" is kicked around like a soda can. It is not "hate", at least, not for me.
It is awareness and a passion for the truth. It has nothing to do with a "Love or Hate" relationship. Simply facts.

Well, then keep it that way.

The way you present yourself is that you're borderline approving of jewish witch hunts, and just looking for someone to say go.

Which is well defined as hate.

Holocaust is your world for now, whether you buy it or not.

1970 Silver Art
21st May 2010, 08:15 AM
This thread has built up a healthy amount of posts overnight.

Yeah you should wear your smites like a badge of honor.

I'm still not smiting you bro.

Would you change your mind if I got on my knees and said pleeeeeeese pretty pleeeeeeeeeeese?

21st May 2010, 08:20 AM

in the early '80's Harris Corp. sent me to Florida for management training.

so i drove around Florida for 3 months and every single time i got in my rental car, they were playing "Too Much Time on My Hands". but i never knew whose song it was.

high point was watching Sonny Turner (of "The Platter") perform at some local night club. that guy was good !


that can not be his real hair. he's been going since the '60's.

21st May 2010, 08:42 AM
I admit that I have seen him use quotes out of context in the past, but whatever. No-one is perfect.

Alright, I'm not going to go on a lengthy bash fest here, but this makes me sad for the posters who have generously shared their personal lives on these forums, past, present and hopefully future.

Real community can never even begin without real human beings.

21st May 2010, 09:06 AM
I notice that every single time the hebrews come up in coversation around here, the word "Hate" is kicked around like a soda can. It is not "hate", at least, not for me.
It is awareness and a passion for the truth. It has nothing to do with a "Love or Hate" relationship. Simply facts.

Well, then keep it that way.

The way you present yourself is that you're borderline approving of jewish witch hunts, and just looking for someone to say go.

Which is well defined as hate.

Holocaust is your world for now, whether you buy it or not.

Tell you what:
I don't tell you "How" or "What" to post, so you don't tell me. Simple? Good.

Since you brought it up, (jewish witch hunts) I want to make something clear for anyone who may be reading this thread, and curious, but not brave enough to post. The rest of this post is for those lurkers.

The ever hated and villianized Holy Inquisition was founded for one single and sole purpose: To protect the Christian faith and Church from the destructive attack by the jew.

It is portrayed as an uncontrolled genocidal fervor in which innocent women and children were accussed of witchcraft and heresy and burned at the stake, but this is not the case.

Every case underwent a thorough examination and investigation, oftentimes taking years of detective work to uncover the destroyers before burning the worst offenders, who were usually high-ranking officials in the Catholic hierarchy itself. aka 5th column infiltrators.

Also, the inquisition was a last resort after a string of "softer approaches" that stretched over hundreds of years, yet failed to stop the destructive force of crypto-jewry.

Our current history books will teach you otherwise, and make the Catholic Church look as though they were heinous murderers of serfs, at the mere point of an accussing finger.

That is not the truth.

21st May 2010, 09:08 AM
This thread has built up a healthy amount of posts overnight.

Yeah you should wear your smites like a badge of honor.

I'm still not smiting you bro.

Would you change your mind if I got on my knees and said pleeeeeeese pretty pleeeeeeeeeeese?

I will give you ONE, to bring you to an even 400.

After that, you'll have to start acting like a douchebag to get any more.


21st May 2010, 09:35 AM
Holocaust is your world for now, whether you buy it or not.

This Holocaust? (http://gazaholocaust.com/)


21st May 2010, 10:03 AM
Go ahead Awoke, proceed with your inquisition, your flight path has been cleared.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to post, you lead that.

I really don't know why I even get caught up in these type of threads.

Keef, was correct in his advice to me at one point, this whole forum and GIM experience was just a stepping stone.

21st May 2010, 10:08 AM
I really don't know why I even get caught up in these type of threads.

Just post some irrelevant music video and move on pal.


21st May 2010, 10:48 AM
Keef, was correct in his advice to me at one point, this whole forum and GIM experience was just a stepping stone.

Well Horn, the longer you stay here, the more you will learn. That goes for all of us.

I have no beef with you, we just don't agree on some issues.

21st May 2010, 10:59 AM
I really don't know why I even get caught up in these type of threads.

Just post some irrelevant music video and move on pal.



ah...never mind :-\

21st May 2010, 11:02 AM
This thread has built up a healthy amount of posts overnight.

The Jewish conspiracy to destroy White civilization isn't a belief. It is pure fact.

Thank you for your entire post. Nicely worded.

Don't mean to pile on to Gypsy but this is his 3 thread like
this telling people what to talk about and how

I made those same observations.

Ash Williams if I remember correctly was never
a great poster on issues related to corruption.

He doesn't give a sh*t about NeoCons, Sibel Edmonds, etc .
And I believe he even spoke out on gim many times against
us covering even real news.

I also made these same observations.

So go join his forum as Canadians. ROFL !
Canada is the tail that follows ZOG USA !
They just go along for the most part and
follow ZOG based in NewYork/Washington/Tel Aviv.
Matter of fact all Western countries have same
problems getting pushed around, they have no
real sovereignty on major issues.

And to make matters worse, we are shackled by the philo-semetic british empire.

GunDriller, thank you for your post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/stormfront-ii-emerging/msg46782/#msg46782) on jewish authors! There are others that are not as current, but that speak as experts regarding the excommunications from so many countries in the past, and openly speak on the jewish 5th column and how it is used to infiltrate all positions of power, etc. I will try to list some for you later.

If you have posted the same stuff ten times and no-one has posted a reply which is different than what you received before it could be a great time to shut up for a while until you have something better to say. Yes it may be facts, but really how many times is it necessary to state that the world is round, until all the flat earthers agree with it?

You make a good point here, but I will never shut up. Or at least, I will not shut up until the jews stop conspiring.

Awoke, My Brother, If there are things you don't wanna say in this thread, Feel free to email me and help me understand what can be done.


Ken, I'm flattered that you would ask me a question like that, but I'm afraid I don't have (or am not willing) to give you a defined answer. As the old saying from some prestigious GIMers goes: Leaderless resistance.

What I mean is, I could never encourage violence or racism. However, if you look at history, you will see countless examples of the jew being forcefully exiled from country after country. Preceeding those instances of exile was always a common measure: Legislation would be passed that would bar the jew from holding or attaining any positions of authority in government or Church. Being masters of deception, the 5th column thrives in this environment.

The only solution IMO is to force them to leave. Again.
However they will still operate in the shadows, pretending to be a WASP or a devout Catholic, or Muslim, or whatever the religion of the country is that hosts this parasite.

This is the conundrum. They are not content to "keep what they have" and leave it at that. They are bent on conquoring. If they cannot do it from without, they will do it from within. No matter what measures are taken, the jew will conspire. Some people in the past have recognized this trait and attempted to save their nation or peoples from the conspirators, but they are villianized today by the philo-semetic brainwashing system.

go ahead and post anything you want here, that's the beaurty of this site. however, it seems there are people here who believe without a doubt that the conclusions they've come to with regard to joos is the absolute answer. the fact is, the younger, more cocky and ignorant you are, the more likely you are to believe that every problem in the world has some sort of silver bullet solution. the same goes for the zionists and most threads get hijacked by those that think they have the answer, the end all be all. i'm sorry to burst your prepubescent bubbles but the world doesn't work that way. it's much more complex than that. a few more years of life experience will help you see that there are no absolutes in life!

Spoken with authority.
I would say that your extensive "years in life" have either made you soft, complacent or complicit. There is no "Silver bullet solution" required: Instead we must continue to expose the conspirators all the time, every time they are uncovered, in all things they do.

if you killed all the joos on the planet and wiped Is-ray-al off the map with a nuke we would all be dealing with the same problems we have now. except then we would be dealing with those on this forum who believed that it's all a Hinduist or atheist or science teacher or municipal worker conspiracy. when people don't want to think they convince themselves they have the answer and feel a need to justify it to themselves by annoying everyone with which they come in contact with some conspiracy about it; some absolute answer.

First sentence is bullsh*t, plain and simple.
The rest is a pretentious attempt to group the conspiracy researchers into a group of paranoid wingnuts that would find a plot behind every shadow, even if there was none.

You fail to remember that the jewish conspiracy is fact, and that our posts are fact driven. They write about themselves on an ongoing basis, and have since written word existed. They admit to all the accusation you read on this forum and more, however if brought to the lime-light, they fight tooth and nail to sooth the masses and lull them to sleep.

I will refer you to Brents post on page 3, in which he said: "Almost every single country in Europe has at one point or another kicked the Jews out or killed them. This is not a new problem by any means and if you think that the Nazis were the first to call the Jews out for their parasitic ways you are sadly misinformed. History shows us that is only a matter of time before it happens again. Surely there is some reason that throughout recorded history these people have been universally hated and despised."

Do you get it yet?

i still say we need a Zionist subform. hey, Ron Paul has his own subforum but you don't see us RP supporters hijacing every freaking thread worth reading talking about how we are being censored. if you think the Zionist problem is so bad that you feel a need to remind people of it with every trite post you all make then i say you start your own forum, a joobashing forum. go ahead and keep your blinders on.

Your suggestion to this conspiracy is to quietly box it up in a sub-forum that doesn't get indexed by google, and won't get used by anyone except for people who already know about the conspiracy?
Take your blinders off.

as i've said in previous posts, i've read about the Kazars and the other posts you have made regarding the supposed influence they have. i get it. they are definately part of the problem. they are not the whole problem. with only two percent of the population they must be getting help from someone much more powerful. and to me discussing that is a much more worthwhile way to spend your time and energy.

Indeed. There is someone at the top, above the jews; Ba'al.

Book, I have a serious question for you. Do you remember everything anyone ever posts, or do you search for it each time?

You often quote a poster in other threads as some sort of rebuttal or response to the current thread

Book is a genious. I don't know how he keeps track, but he is sharp.
Another old saying comes to mind... Give them the rope and they will hang themselves.

Yeah you should wear your smites like a badge of honor.

I'm still not smiting you bro.

Very nice indexing Awoke. Best post ever.

21st May 2010, 11:25 AM
Thanks brother. Where have you been?

21st May 2010, 11:25 AM
Thanks brother. Where have you been?

I was thinking the same thing.

21st May 2010, 11:39 AM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.

21st May 2010, 11:42 AM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

Yeah...not the "real" Talmud jews...they are way nicer...kinda like the Amish.


philo beddoe
21st May 2010, 11:48 AM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.
Well they are using the same tricks they were taught in the bible. Joseph and the Egyptians, Esther and the Persians. Infiltrate and destroy.

21st May 2010, 11:52 AM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

Yeah...not the "real" Talmud jews...they are way nicer...kinda like the Amish.


That deserves a hardy Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

21st May 2010, 11:55 AM
Surely Ponce is referring to folks like King David....and not to ones like the Pharisees

21st May 2010, 12:03 PM
Just post some irrelevant music video and move on pal.

I thought posting irrelevant videos was your job, Book.

philo beddoe
21st May 2010, 12:04 PM
Just post some irrelevant music video and move on pal.

I thought posting irrelevant videos was your job, Book.

Is your job irrelevant posts?

21st May 2010, 12:06 PM
Every case underwent a thorough examination and investigation, oftentimes taking years of detective work to uncover the destroyers before burning the worst offenders...

Was caught a little surprised how some here think. How one can reject some Koolaid but promote others.

Now a farm ruled by deception can continue longer than a farm ruled by burning knowledge.

I know deception can be deadly, but with knowledge one can escape the worst of it. But one risks getting burned.

Did I escape the deceivers to just to lie with the burners?

Is there no escape from the Abrahamic Farmers who hate freedom?

21st May 2010, 12:07 PM
Is your job irrelevant posts?

Nope, my posting on this forum is totally unpaid and I don't keep dossiers on the other members. That's more a tactic of "those people".

21st May 2010, 12:08 PM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.

Don't even bother, Ponce.

Let the circle jerk continue beating itself into oblivion.

Any # of creative ways will be sought after to achieve that simple task.

21st May 2010, 12:08 PM
I thought posting irrelevant videos was your job, Book.


Just stopping by to register my old username.

I haven't picked which forum will be my new home, or if either will.

I'm thinking of starting another forum that will be similar to GIM and it's replacements except aimed more at Canadians. We have our own money and politics and constitution and banks and such up here and it would be nice to have a sister forum for the canadian members. It would just cover the stuff that will be different (ie no need for a new religion or survival section since it's not nationality-dependent.) If anyone's interested then let me know. If I start it I figured I'd swallow the cost for the first year then if it works out it could run on donations like the old GIM.

21st May 2010, 12:09 PM
What's your point book? Should I have hijacked someone else's thread when I went to post that?

21st May 2010, 12:21 PM
Should I have hijacked someone else's thread when I went to post that?

You already have...lol. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/apple-cash-is-not-an-acceptable-form-of-payment-for-ipad/msg47520/#msg47520)


21st May 2010, 12:51 PM
You already have...lol.

The difference there is that my comments were directly related to comments that appeared earlier, relating to mac's unwillingness to support of adobe Flash and another member's mention of OpenOffice. If you had actually read that thread you'd know that. You could argue that the thread was hijacked before my post as the topic turned to computer software, but at least there's a connection between computer software and a computer.

Unlike your hijack which was an irrelevant video that in no way related to the original post or any of the replies.

The other difference is that I don't make a habit of hijacking threads to talk about my dislike for Adobe Flash or Adobe in general. I believe others would find it annoying if I did.


1970 Silver Art
21st May 2010, 12:53 PM
This thread has built up a healthy amount of posts overnight.

Yeah you should wear your smites like a badge of honor.

I'm still not smiting you bro.

Would you change your mind if I got on my knees and said pleeeeeeese pretty pleeeeeeeeeeese?

I will give you ONE, to bring you to an even 400.

After that, you'll have to start acting like a douchebag to get any more.


Is there a Douchbag 101 class that I can take to become a douchebag? Is there a Douchebag for Dummies book that I can buy from Barnes and Noble? Anything that will help me get 1000 smites by December 31, 2010.

Desolation LineTrimmer
21st May 2010, 04:21 PM

Every time I see your avatar I'm amused. Is that your child? :)

21st May 2010, 06:12 PM

Every time I see your avatar I'm amused. Is that your child? :)

Trimmer...She is My Grand daughter :)

21st May 2010, 10:34 PM

21st May 2010, 11:18 PM
Gypsybiker45 unbanned 2 days early. Enjoy the forum, and syn no more! ;D

Large Sarge
22nd May 2010, 01:19 AM
I have perused most of these replies

and I see the old GIM folks pretty much all agree on who/what the problem is
most of us were banned at GIM1 for saying who/what the problem is

I guess I would encourage all the folks (especially the newbies) to listen to Ben Freedman

once I listened to him, my eyes really opened to how big the conspiracy was, and even more important/interesting was that suddenly, all the history books made sense


philo beddoe
22nd May 2010, 09:38 AM
Awoke, you can not tell me that the jewish family down the street is breeding their child to become the next FED chief. I understand that there is a lot of jewish dominance of the prime industries, policies, and media. I'm pretty sure that the jewish family down the street doesn't. That is what I am referring to. It is tiring to read a thread about something else completely suddenly introduce the topic of zionism or jewish insults.

Sometimes it may actually be revelant. What I wish not see is a constant bombardment of this information where it is not called for.
Should we threat you with kid gloves because you are preaching to us, but don't really have any grasp on the matter at hand? THe brainwashing social studies teacher at the high school? How about the local school board? The traffic court judge that screws you over?
You were being critical about paragraph structure. Wonderful.
Nobody is listening, grandma's melon's.

22nd May 2010, 11:05 AM
One thing I see a lot of is whining and complaining but very little real attempt to debate the "Joo-bashing". Most of the detractors don't seem to care about facts or examining history.

But if we "Joo-haters" are wrong then wouldn't it be a simple matter to defeat us in debate? Don't you think many of us would welcome being wrong about all of this? Do you think that we enjoy being the most hated/discriminated group of people in America? Are we a bunch of sadists that love the pain and punishment that comes with going against the vast majority?

Of course not. I can't speak for others but for myself I would love to be wrong. I would love for someone to show me where I have been misinformed and lead astray by propaganda.

PLEASE SOMEONE PROVE ME WRONG. I would love to see the facts that say we are all equal and that racial mixing is a good thing. The facts that say that Jews are not in control and that there is no conspiracy to destroy the White race. I would absolutely love to see the proof of these things.

Looking forward to more facts and figures and less "Its all a plan to divide and conquer us", "You guys are all a bunch of racist haters.", or my favorite "Surely all Jews aren't bad and therefore your point is invalid.", or another sad one "Well it was your ancestors who sold their companies to the Jews so isn't it them who is to blame?"

So how about it ladies and gents shall we have more actual debating and less name calling? Or shall we continue on with the bickering and insults? What do you think "TPTB" (Whoever you believe them to be) would want more? Us fighting between ourselves calling each other nonsensical names. Or this forum actually throwing up facts and figures to debate each side of an issue to better determine the truth? I think the answer is obvious, I hope you do to.

Saul Mine
22nd May 2010, 12:49 PM
Ok, Jews are real. So is syphilis. Neither has anything to do with PM investments.

The name of the board is gold-silver, not jew-antijew. We really should try to limit posts to topics that vaguely relate to investing in gold and silver. I realize that is rather unlikely.

Bottom line: all internet forums are like a rotten egg; some parts may be excellent and there's very little you can do about the rest.

Desolation LineTrimmer
22nd May 2010, 01:00 PM
Free speech oriented forums always discuss jewish power. It is impossible not to, considering it is forbidden otherwise. It is taboo in our society to criticize jews in any way. It didn't used to be. How it became taboo is a question of interest. Some taboo subjects don't need to be talked about, others do. For instance, excretory functions are taboo and should be. They don't need to be talked about, except for reasons of health, but jewish power is a political reality, and all political realities beg to be discussed. When discussion of political realities are made taboo, well forget about it, they are going to be discussed, whether you like it or not.

The topic can be over-discussed. People ask yourself, how many posts do you make on this question? All of them? Half of them? Too much. Every 10 posts would be reasonable, very roughly. Yet if everyone held themselves to every 10 posts and enough people mentioned jewish power every 10 posts, it still might appear to an observer that the question was under discussion constantly. To that what can be said other than that's just the way the cookie crumbles?

Remember, we live in pre-revolutionary times.

22nd May 2010, 01:09 PM
There seems to be a couple of issues debated here. An issue with threads being derailed by anti-jew posts, and the fact there's a lot of threads dealing directly with it.

The issue with threads being derailed, I agree with Ash, and others personally. It's not a matter of free speech, it's about being courtious to other posters. Keeping threads on topic is something we should work together to achieve. This is also why we have subforums.

As for the threads directly about the jewish community, I personally don't read them. Like another poster mentioned, so that's a non-issue.

I would like to point out that any time you judge a whole group, instead of each individual, it puts you at a disadvantage in life...because it's based on assumptions, whether true or not. Each individual is either part of a problem, or the solution. You can not assume either.

Also, one other thing. Copying old posts and using them to trip up a poster is an underhanded thing to do. You are taking that old post out of context....and using it where it may not apply to the meaning of the thread at hand. Posts apply to the thread originally posted, imo.

Desolation LineTrimmer
22nd May 2010, 01:18 PM
The issue with threads being derailed, I agree with Ash, and others personally. It's not a matter of free speech, it's about being courtious to other posters. Keeping threads on topic is something we should work together to achieve. This is also why we have subforums.

I agree with this.

I would like to point out that any time you judge a whole group, instead of each individual, it puts you at a disadvantage in life...because it's based on assumptions, whether true or not. Each individual is either part of a problem, or the solution. You can not assume either.

This is why people should always make the effort to write it out as jewish supremacists or zionists or jewish left media. I'm guilty of this myself.

22nd May 2010, 01:34 PM
I agree biker. While I am opposed to Zionism it seems that some here consider all Jews Zionists.

22nd May 2010, 01:50 PM

From now on, I've decided to use code speak, and the roll eyes smile. :oo-->

Hopefully I won't be exiled for doing so. :plll

22nd May 2010, 02:11 PM

From now on, I've decided to use code speak, and the roll eyes smile. :oo-->

Hopefully I won't be exiled for doing so. :plll

Just what we need, another Book. :oo-->

22nd May 2010, 02:19 PM
I read this thread and I haven't posted to much........all that I see is some member trying to make the rest of the members post less about the Zionists, I believe that this is because the word "Jew" is being used instead of "Zionist" which is the right way to address those who are making all the trouble and controlling the US government.

To those Zionist trying to hide......come on out from where ever you are and lets talk about the Zionist movement and so called "friend" of the US.

The above is not a challenge to fight but rather for you to have your say so about all that which has been written about your people, who knows, maybe the white race is controlling the news with their lies and writting falsehood about the Zionists.

22nd May 2010, 03:29 PM
The above is not a challenge to fight but rather for you to have your say so about all that which has been written about your people, who knows, maybe the white race is controlling the news with their lies and writting falsehood about the Zionists.

Ponce, I'm not a Zionist, but I do get confused.

I know for a fact there are zillions of white Zionists and there are zillions of Christian Zionists. Just turn on the TV on Sunday. They're praising the Lord so loud it'll make a modest man's ears bleed.

22nd May 2010, 03:40 PM
Like they like to say........by way of deception we shall rule........or something like that.

At one time there was even a Jewish Pope in the Vatican........not a Zionist Pope but a "real" Jew.

22nd May 2010, 03:55 PM
Like they like to say........by way of deception we shall rule........or something like that.

And I think that even applies to their own race even more so.

For the elite, it is those who can exploit/deceive their own kind with highest finesse, that get revered.

How the Jews manage to be placed in such positions of authority with regards to their overall #s so soon after being dismantled thruout history, always has, and still perplexes me. As am I'm sure it must others.

Which is why I tend to think they are used as meatshields for European (and now American) royalty, or others. Hypertiger stated this from time to time.

22nd May 2010, 04:08 PM
Like they like to say........by way of deception we shall rule........or something like that.

And I think that even applies to their own race even more so.

For the elite, it is those who can exploit/deceive their own kind with highest finesse, that get revered.

How the Jews manage to be placed in such positions of authority with regards to their overall #s so soon after being dismantled thruout history, always has, and still perplexes me. As am I'm sure it must others.

Which is why I tend to think they are used as meatshields for European (and now American) royalty, or others. Hypertiger stated this from time to time.

Again, it is not hard to concentrate power at the top when you control credit...you make all your friends successful businessmen and deny their competitors credit.

22nd May 2010, 04:30 PM
The facts that say that Jews are not in control and that there is no conspiracy to destroy the White race. I would absolutely love to see the proof of these things.
Just for the record, you don't set about trying to prove a negative; it is a very frustrating quest that will not come to any meaningful fruition.

22nd May 2010, 04:43 PM
SLV? I must be as dumb as Brent because I understand what he wrote...could you be to smart to mix with us the dummies?

22nd May 2010, 05:02 PM
Bottom line: all internet forums are like a rotten egg; some parts may be excellent and there's very little you can do about the rest.

what parts of a rotten egg are excellent ?

Again, it is not hard to concentrate power at the top when you control credit...you make all your friends successful businessmen and deny their competitors credit.


22nd May 2010, 05:06 PM
Hahahahahahahahah JUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA good one Mr. Gun.

22nd May 2010, 05:17 PM
SLV? I must be as dumb as Brent because I understand what he wrote...could you be to smart to mix with us the dummies?

I think what he is saying is that it is impossible to prove that a thing doesn't exist. This isn't true but I believe thats where he is coming from.

Perhaps he would like to elaborate?

22nd May 2010, 05:46 PM
I think what he is saying is that it is impossible to prove that a thing doesn't exist. This isn't true but I believe thats where he is coming from.

Perhaps he would like to elaborate?
I'm saying that it is poor method and is not really possible to do with any assurance the conclusion is accurate. I'm not saying that it is impossible just that it's not the correct way to approach a proof. I really wasn't trying to diminish from the spirit of the post just to point out the incongruity of expecting a counter party in a debate to attempt to prove a negative.


23rd May 2010, 03:51 AM
Gypsybiker45 unbanned 2 days early. Enjoy the forum, and syn no more! ;D

Well thanks Gaillo, I didnt get to use the opportunity,as I didnt look at the forum after I was banned. but thanks again anyway.After reading all the posts this morning, Ill answer a couple responses.

1. I have posted about this before... Yup sure have! I dont like anything beat into the ground, and I stand by my OP,If its new news,or relevant to the topic, post away! BTW ,My addressing of this issue a couple times ,is no different than the constant harping about the subject in question, in other words, Hypocrites.

2. "If you dont like it, go and make your own forum" Thats a lousy response and stinks of censorship itself.

3. Finally, to those members who have problems reading my sentence and paragraph structure, I must apologize, Im not a University graduate,nor am I a nerd that was afraid to travel from mothers basement.

23rd May 2010, 04:10 AM
Wb gypsybiker!

Desolation LineTrimmer
23rd May 2010, 08:03 AM
3. Finally, to those members who have problems reading my sentence and paragraph structure, I must apologize, Im not a University graduate,nor am I a nerd that was afraid to travel from mothers basement.

I don't have a problem with your writing style, but you don't have to be a nerd to learn basic grammar, especially if you have made writing on forums a hobby. It is like a guy into bicycling mocking other bicyclists who adjust their own breaks and patch their own tires.

23rd May 2010, 08:55 AM
Welcome back Gyp........I was with you with what you said but at the same time I was not..........this will be understood only by us dummies and not by college grads

By the way, if the are saying that about you and you English you can then imagine what they are saying about mine hahahahahahaha..........buy hey, Ponce is Ponce no matter what.

23rd May 2010, 09:25 AM
I think what he is saying is that it is impossible to prove that a thing doesn't exist. This isn't true but I believe thats where he is coming from.

Perhaps he would like to elaborate?
I'm saying that it is poor method and is not really possible to do with any assurance the conclusion is accurate. I'm not saying that it is impossible just that it's not the correct way to approach a proof. I really wasn't trying to diminish from the spirit of the post just to point out the incongruity of expecting a counter party in a debate to attempt to prove a negative.


From your link, "The argument from ignorance,[1] also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam ("appeal to ignorance"[1][2]), or negative evidence,[1] is a logical fallacy in which it is claimed that a premise is true only because it has not been proven false, or is false only because it has not been proven true."

I don't believe I said that my premise was true only because it had not been proven false. I simply asked for those who whine and cry to bring something other than insults to the debate. I also asked for them to prove what us "Joo-haters" are saying is false. No where did I state that my premise was the correct one simply because it had not been prove wrong.

My beliefs come from Nature, History, Logic, and Common sense but they are subject to change if I were to be shown where I erred in my thinking/research. This is what I am asking. If there is proof out there that the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the White race is fake I would like to see it. If there is proof that all the Jews in positions of power are mere patsies I would love to see it.

23rd May 2010, 10:32 AM
go ahead and post anything you want here, that's the beaurty of this site. however, it seems there are people here who believe without a doubt that the conclusions they've come to with regard to joos is the absolute answer. the fact is, the younger, more cocky and ignorant you are, the more likely you are to believe that every problem in the world has some sort of silver bullet solution. the same goes for the zionists and most threads get hijacked by those that think they have the answer, the end all be all. i'm sorry to burst your prepubescent bubbles but the world doesn't work that way. it's much more complex than that. a few more years of life experience will help you see that there are no absolutes in life!

if you killed all the joos on the planet and wiped Is-ray-al off the map with a nuke we would all be dealing with the same problems we have now. except then we would be dealing with those on this forum who believed that it's all a Hinduist or atheist or science teacher or municipal worker conspiracy. when people don't want to think they convince themselves they have the answer and feel a need to justify it to themselves by annoying everyone with which they come in contact with some conspiracy about it; some absolute answer.

i still say we need a Zionist subform. hey, Ron Paul has his own subforum but you don't see us RP supporters hijacing every freaking thread worth reading talking about how we are being censored. if you think the Zionist problem is so bad that you feel a need to remind people of it with every trite post you all make then i say you start your own forum, a joobashing forum. go ahead and keep your blinders on.

as i've said in previous posts, i've read about the Kazars and the other posts you have made regarding the supposed influence they have. i get it. they are definately part of the problem. they are not the whole problem. with only two percent of the population they must be getting help from someone much more powerful. and to me discussing that is a much more worthwhile way to spend your time and energy.

You hit the nail squarely on the head. Thanks.

23rd May 2010, 10:51 AM
EE and Awoke, what do you propose as the absolute solution your rock solid, undeniable truth? it appears from your posts that all that needs to be done is kill all the joos. is that it? if that isn't what you are getting at please explain to me and others here what we are supposed to believe. preach brothers, preach.

There really is no solution except to expose them...that or a complete breakdown of society and revolution.

What EE said.

And for the record, I have never once in my life uttered "Kill the joos" or anything of that nature.

Expelling and killing are not the same thing.

Oh, and piss off with your pretentious sarcasm. I don't have patience for that crap.

Where would you expel them to? The State of Israel? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you were against the Jews having their own homeland. If the Joos (uh, Turkish Khazars) are are such a plague upon the earth, what good would it do to simply expel them out of one's own country? And if you expelled the Joos from America, would you not be depriving them of personal property? Who do you propose to take ownership of their property once they're gone? How did Hitler's Germany handle the logistics of this transfer of property?

23rd May 2010, 10:55 AM
Who do you propose to take ownership of their property once they're gone?


Their victims?


Large Sarge
23rd May 2010, 10:59 AM
all the world wars, various revolutions, currency collapses, Famine (ukraine) etc

are all from the same group

they have killed millions upon millions

virtually everything you have ever been schooled on in history/politics is either a half truth or wrong

lets take a whopper of a zio crime, 9/11

We can do the webster tarpley "Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld did it" (as if larry, moe and curly could coordinate a lunch date together, let alone a crime that sophisticated)

or we could look at reality

(the best thread on the internet)


@ Gunny and Greenbear

"they must be getting help"

you are right, masons, useful idiots, and opportunistic people all help out

imagine some horrific crime was committed in your area, say a child protitution ring (zionists do that also), well the police round up some low level flunkie, now do the police say "Ah ha, we got em, problem solved!, CASE CLOSED"

or do they approach mr child trafficker flunkie and say "You are facing 20 years of hard time as a child molester, your anus will be so worn out by other convicts, you will be wearing adult diapers for life, unless you cooperate with us, and tell us who is leading this operation"

and of course the leaders of these operations, are all zionists, and they would all qualify for citizenship in Israel.


23rd May 2010, 11:03 AM
Again, it is not hard to concentrate power at the top when you control credit...you make all your friends successful businessmen and deny their competitors credit.

As has been controlled by royalty, and their allies from day 1.

The summary usage of a single (close knit) race afterwards is contrary.

23rd May 2010, 11:14 AM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.
Well they are using the same tricks they were taught in the bible. Joseph and the Egyptians, Esther and the Persians. Infiltrate and destroy.

This from someone who made the argument that Paul was not an authentic Apostle because he wasn't ordained by Cardinals like the other apostles were.

23rd May 2010, 11:40 AM
Like they like to say........by way of deception we shall rule........or something like that.

And I think that even applies to their own race even more so.

For the elite, it is those who can exploit/deceive their own kind with highest finesse, that get revered.

How the Jews manage to be placed in such positions of authority with regards to their overall #s so soon after being dismantled thruout history, always has, and still perplexes me. As am I'm sure it must others.

Which is why I tend to think they are used as meatshields for European (and now American) royalty, or others. Hypertiger stated this from time to time.

That's my opinion, as well. It is undeniable that Jews dominate banking (commercial and investment) and entertainment. Jews who are a part of the "Global Elite" understood in the past, and understand now that they're setting up their own race for genocide. They have no loyalties, except to their Illuminati masters. The Jews are used as the "storefront" for TPTB.

23rd May 2010, 11:52 AM
This is how I see it.

philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 11:56 AM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.
Well they are using the same tricks they were taught in the bible. Joseph and the Egyptians, Esther and the Persians. Infiltrate and destroy.

This from someone who made the argument that Paul was not an authentic Apostle because he wasn't ordained by Cardinals like the other apostles were.
That's certainly not what I said. Unlike Book, you have no quotes, just bullshit.

23rd May 2010, 12:08 PM
No I don't think anyone is using the Jews as pawns, apart from Jews higher in the hierarchy. Napoleon was arguably the most powerful emperor/president/leader since the Roman empire, and they (The Rothschilds) managed to get rid of him, and earn a fortune doing so...

-Give me control of a country's issuance of money and I care not who makes it's laws...

Guess what they have control of the issuance of money in the entire world, apart from the 'axis of evil' countries...

23rd May 2010, 01:36 PM
3. Finally, to those members who have problems reading my sentence and paragraph structure, I must apologize, Im not a University graduate,nor am I a nerd that was afraid to travel from mothers basement.

I don't have a problem with your writing style, but you don't have to be a nerd to learn basic grammar, especially if you have made writing on forums a hobby. It is like a guy into bicycling mocking other bicyclists who adjust their own breaks and patch their own tires.

Not to be a spelling Nazi, the proper term is Brakes, not Breaks. The way I see it ,this is an internet forum,not a classroom.

23rd May 2010, 01:49 PM
The only thing controlling the issuance of money is the compounding interest equation.

When the medium of exchange is rented out the equation demands more back than is given.

Ever greater amounts of the medium of exchange have to be acquired as demanded by the equation or the system implodes.

All that everyone in such a system can do, top to bottom bottom to top, is supply the equation with what it demands

You all, top to bottom bottom to top, have two choices...

Supply the equation with what it demands until you can no longer supply the equation with what it demands and the system you all depend upon collapses.


Refuse to supply the equation with what it demands and the system you all depend upon collapses.

The vast majority does not need or want the system to collapse...unfortunately the ability for you all to supply the infinite demands of the equation are finite.

When you choose to take more than you give the logical conclusion is the same every time.

The system you all have fallen deeply in love with is sustained by taking more than it gives.

It will in the end always demand more than you ever will be able to supply to it and it will leave you when you can no longer give it what it wants.

If you refuse to supply it with what it wants it will leave you as well.

You all will continually slaughter each other attempting to reacquire what you never had to begin with or acquire what you never will.

23rd May 2010, 02:10 PM

23rd May 2010, 02:48 PM
The only thing controlling the issuance of money is the compounding interest equation.

When the medium of exchange is rented out the equation demands more back than is given.

Ever greater amounts of the medium of exchange have to be acquired as demanded by the equation or the system implodes.

All that everyone in such a system can do, top to bottom bottom to top, is supply the equation with what it demands

You all, top to bottom bottom to top, have two choices...

Supply the equation with what it demands until you can no longer supply the equation with what it demands and the system you all depend upon collapses.


Refuse to supply the equation with what it demands and the system you all depend upon collapses.

The vast majority does not need or want the system to collapse...unfortunately the ability for you all to supply the infinite demands of the equation are finite.

When you choose to take more than you give the logical conclusion is the same every time.

The system you all have fallen deeply in love with is sustained by taking more than it gives.

It will in the end always demand more than you ever will be able to supply to it and it will leave you when you can no longer give it what it wants.

If you refuse to supply it with what it wants it will leave you as well.

You all will continually slaughter each other attempting to reacquire what you never had to begin with or acquire what you never will.

Resistance is futile?

The answer must be to change to a monetary system that does not require interest, or just have no monetary system.

Did banking enable civilization or did civilization enable banking? If we eliminate banking does civilization carry on in some new, limitless state?

Large Sarge
23rd May 2010, 02:56 PM
The only thing controlling the issuance of money is the compounding interest equation.

When the medium of exchange is rented out the equation demands more back than is given.

Ever greater amounts of the medium of exchange have to be acquired as demanded by the equation or the system implodes.

All that everyone in such a system can do, top to bottom bottom to top, is supply the equation with what it demands

You all, top to bottom bottom to top, have two choices...

Supply the equation with what it demands until you can no longer supply the equation with what it demands and the system you all depend upon collapses.


Refuse to supply the equation with what it demands and the system you all depend upon collapses.

The vast majority does not need or want the system to collapse...unfortunately the ability for you all to supply the infinite demands of the equation are finite.

When you choose to take more than you give the logical conclusion is the same every time.

The system you all have fallen deeply in love with is sustained by taking more than it gives.

It will in the end always demand more than you ever will be able to supply to it and it will leave you when you can no longer give it what it wants.

If you refuse to supply it with what it wants it will leave you as well.

You all will continually slaughter each other attempting to reacquire what you never had to begin with or acquire what you never will.

looks like the real HT to me

23rd May 2010, 07:41 PM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.
Well they are using the same tricks they were taught in the bible. Joseph and the Egyptians, Esther and the Persians. Infiltrate and destroy.

This from someone who made the argument that Paul was not an authentic Apostle because he wasn't ordained by Cardinals like the other apostles were.
That's certainly not what I said. Unlike Book, you have no quotes, just bullsh*t.

Grad, brother-

One question: who do you think my war is with? (think)

If I may be allowed, dysgenic? I agree with Grad and I agree with Paul,

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
Paul was a pharisee
Paul was a killer
Paul was unelected by cardinals
Paul was not chosen by Jesus
Paul did not know the 12 apostles


philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 07:47 PM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.
Well they are using the same tricks they were taught in the bible. Joseph and the Egyptians, Esther and the Persians. Infiltrate and destroy.

This from someone who made the argument that Paul was not an authentic Apostle because he wasn't ordained by Cardinals like the other apostles were.
That's certainly not what I said. Unlike Book, you have no quotes, just bullsh*t.

Grad, brother-

One question: who do you think my war is with? (think)

If I may be allowed, dysgenic? I agree with Grad and I agree with Paul,

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
Paul was a pharisee
Paul was a killer
Paul was unelected by cardinals
Paul was not chosen by Jesus
Paul did not know the 12 apostles

oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

23rd May 2010, 07:55 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?

23rd May 2010, 07:57 PM
Remember folks that when ever you are using the word "Jew" you are really referring to the Zionist Israelis, which is a political party, and not about the "real" Jews of the Bible.

The above does not mean that the Jews of the Bible were saints but only about what we talk about.
Well they are using the same tricks they were taught in the bible. Joseph and the Egyptians, Esther and the Persians. Infiltrate and destroy.

This from someone who made the argument that Paul was not an authentic Apostle because he wasn't ordained by Cardinals like the other apostles were.
That's certainly not what I said. Unlike Book, you have no quotes, just bullsh*t.

Grad, brother-

One question: who do you think my war is with? (think)

If I may be allowed, dysgenic? I agree with Grad and I agree with Paul,

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
Paul was a pharisee
Paul was a killer
Paul was unelected by cardinals
Paul was not chosen by Jesus
Paul did not know the 12 apostles

oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

You are something else... again!!! :ROFL:

philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 08:03 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

23rd May 2010, 08:11 PM

23rd May 2010, 08:30 PM
The absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise or city state is as old as recorded history.

The primary function is to amass power for the owners of the enterprise by taking more than then it gives.

All that they can do is inflate to maximum potential and then implode.

The economic system you see today is just an innovation that is dependant upon the city state for it's existence.

split 100 into 3...you get 33.33333333 repeating forever.

It is very hard to share as equally as possible...

but if you break 100 into 33, 33, 34

You will find it's very easy to take more than you give.

The city state is following the same path that bacteria and lightning bolts follow...the path of least resistance.

The path of ignorance.

It's why the surface of the planet is littered with the skeletal remains of many so called civilizations...All they are designed to do is take more than they give until they can no longer take anymore...then they implode.

the solution to taking more than you give is the same every time.

Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential (explosion) followed by inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential (implosion)

The path of least resistance within the constraints of the Universe looks like a wave.

The top is riding the wave and the bottom is the surfboard.

23rd May 2010, 08:37 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?

philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 08:40 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?
Why would I want to do that?

23rd May 2010, 08:46 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?
Why would I want to do that?

Why would I want to cast pearls before swine?

23rd May 2010, 08:52 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?
Why would I want to do that?

oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?

Why would I want to do that?

So you could be corrected.

philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 08:53 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?
Why would I want to do that?

Why would I want to cast pearls before swine?
I don't know why you would cast girls before wine.

philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 08:54 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?
Why would I want to do that?

oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?

Why would I want to do that?

So you could be corrected.
Why would I want to be corrected by your voodoo?

23rd May 2010, 08:57 PM
oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?
Why don't you tell me about it?

why don't you read Acts 22 and 26 for yourself?
Why would I want to do that?

oooohhhhh...you got me.....doing the bidding of your joo masters again? I notice you ignore the other four points also////like Paul never met Jesus

Get a clue philo beddoe

ever hear of the Road to Damascus?

Why would I want to do that?

So you could be corrected.
Why would I want to be corrected by your voodoo?

You think the Bible is voodoo. That's OK with me, but why do you pretend to be interested in what the Bible says?

philo beddoe
23rd May 2010, 09:10 PM
Why would I want to be corrected by your voodoo?

You think the Bible is voodoo. That's OK with me, but why do you pretend to be interested in what the Bible says?
[/quote]Why do you pretend your holy?