View Full Version : Official: Israeli forces destroy pipelines in Hebron village

19th May 2010, 07:30 PM
To Mr. Biker........as you can see I don't have to say anthing about the Zionist Israelis because they are doing their own talking by their actions.
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Official: Israeli forces destroy pipelines in Hebron village
Ma’an – 9/05/2010

Hebron – Israeli army bulldozers reportedly destroyed several water pipes as they attempted to block the main road from the Adh-Dhahiriya village to Hebron on Wednesday, effectively cutting off the village’s water supply, an official said.

A representative from the Palestinian Authority Water Authority, Nabil Abu Aqel, said the bulldozers were in the process installing a road block near the adjacent Otni’el settlement, destroying a number of essential water pipelines in the process.

However, a spokesman for Israel’s Civil Administration said a pipe had burst in the area and that it was currently being repaired.

Two weeks prior, Israeli forces piled earth at the northern entrance of Adh-Dhahiriya, closing off the main road to Hebron in what town residents said at the time was an attempt to restrict access to roads near settlements.

In the process of digging, forces destroyed pipes to the town, again cutting off its water supply, Adh-Dhahiriya Mayor Sami Estanyur said at the time.

The Hebron-Dhahiriya road bypasses the Otni’el settlement was established on 150 dunums of private Palestinian land in 1983, and Eshtanyur said the road overlays the water network of the town.

At the time, Israel’s army said it was not familiar with the incident.

19th May 2010, 09:44 PM
No answer for this thread? hummmmmmmm I see, and what I see is that almost no one cares about what is happening to the Palestinian people but that you only want to insult the Zionist Israelis, which is ok with me, but at the same time what they are doing to those in Palestine is worse than worse and something that deserves something besides to just ignore.

When you ignore something that makes you part of the crime itself.......I will never be guilty of that.

19th May 2010, 10:17 PM
Ill cast an anchor.

20th May 2010, 05:03 AM
No answer for this thread? hummmmmmmm I see, and what I see is that almost no one cares about what is happening to the Palestinian people but that you only want to insult the Zionist Israelis.

i'm not sure which crime is worse, what the Israeli's do to the Palestinians or what they do to the rest of the world.

one of the better websites i've found for understanding the history of the Palestinians is

all i can say is, Israel shows their true nature.

Americans don't want to think about what they are supporting. then they wonder about Nazi Germany, "how could it ever happen" ?

2 answers -
1. it didn't happen; the real Holocaust was not as horrific as the myths taught in American public schools. there were only 3.5 million Jews in occupied Europe at the beginning of WW2 (ref. Sanning's book) - how could Nazi Germany have killed 6 million ?
2. the same way it's happening now. from the original Nakba through 62 years of Israeli terror. not only does America support it - they even make a home for one of the war criminals, Benjamin Emanuel, father of Rahm, Ari, & Ezekiel. Benjamin was a member of Irgun.


The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
by Walter Sanning
Sanning is a Jewish historian who uses census numbers from around the world to establish population numbers for the Jewish people before & after World War 2. He finds that 1.2 million Jewish people perished during the war. He also found a maximum of 3.5 million Jewish people lived in occupied Europe at the beginning of the war (and most of them got out while they could).

20th May 2010, 08:06 AM
Back in 1989 I was working for one of "them" but the only thing was that at that time I didn't know the difference between "them" and the real Jews.....to make the story short, rather than to pay me my $10,000 that he owes me he decided to get me into trouble with the law by saying that I assaulted him, I suspected that something was going to happen so that I had a micro tape recorder under my shirt.............the final word? he decided to settle out of court (which was the next day) for a very hefty amount of money.

Almost forgot, he even fired me and gave me a letter saying so before he found out that I taped the incident.

20th May 2010, 08:27 AM
No answer for this thread? hummmmmmmm I see, and what I see is that almost no one cares about what is happening to the Palestinian people but that you only want to insult the Zionist Israelis, which is ok with me, but at the same time what they are doing to those in Palestine is worse than worse and something that deserves something besides to just ignore.

When you ignore something that makes you part of the crime itself.......I will never be guilty of that.

So if I ignore someone getting mugged at gunpoint then I am just as bad as the mugger since I don't risk my own life for some random person?

Sorry but the world isn't black and white, there are many shades of grey. For just one example, lets say I do go try and help the mugging victim and I get shot and killed. Well now my family is in some serious trouble without my financial support.

So are you saying if I don't risk everything to fight every single problem that I am aware of then I am part of that problem?

So clearly I don't care about the Palestinians. Why should I? They are of no blood relation to me and are halfway around the world. There is literally nothing I could do without risking myself and my family and yet you say I am a criminal for not risking my health for strangers. I would say you need to re-think your ideas.

Some of you people need to understand the idea of perspective. The world is a big place full of many different kinds of people. What some would consider evil, others would consider good. For the Israelis the genocide in Palestine is a good thing because once those people are off the land they can then move in some of their own people who would have otherwise not had a place to live. Obviously for the Palestinians it would be a bad thing.

Just like with the Winning of the West in early America, obviously it was a very bad thing for the Indians but for the Whites who took that land and used it to create millions of new Whites it was a very good thing.

Again, its all about perspective people.

Oh and as for the whole Israel thing, I support it full heartedly (Wow does that make me a Zionist?) as I believe the number one cause of Jewish hatred is their inexplicable need to live in a country that is not their own.

20th May 2010, 08:41 AM
For the Israelis the genocide in Palestine is a good thing because once those people are off the land they can then move in some of their own people who would have otherwise not had a place to live.

Miami. NYC. Hollywood. Paris. Berlin. (http://www.myjewishlearning.com/history/Jewish_World_Today/Jews_Around_the_Globe/Germany.shtml)
