View Full Version : The BP gusher may end up being the ultimate Obamanation
I am me, I am free
20th May 2010, 07:29 PM
Let's not all just hope and pray that it is, let's all work toward using this to bring him down.
It is appearing more and more that the BP gusher is developing into something of Biblical proportions.
20th May 2010, 07:33 PM
One more time....."Many will die because of this".
20th May 2010, 07:38 PM
I'm waiting for their announcement to (finally) use a nuke to seal the well.
20th May 2010, 07:41 PM
Do you think they'd tell us before or after they use a nuke? If they were to use one....
I am me, I am free
20th May 2010, 07:43 PM
Do you think they'd tell us before or after they use a nuke? If they were to use one....
My thinking is that they'd give very little heads-up, just enough to clear the area, and even then I doubt that they would use the n-word.
20th May 2010, 07:47 PM
Coupled with your earlier post about the Coast Guardkeeping reporters away, I'd believe it.
20th May 2010, 07:50 PM
I'll take up the slack then Book...
My thinking is that they'd give very little heads-up, just enough to clear the area, and even then I doubt that they would use the n-word.
Gulf Oil Spill Testimony: Executives- BP, Transocean, Halliburton (
Transocean's President Steven Newman said BP was accountable for the oil spill but Halliburton was responsible for gulf oil spill
20th May 2010, 07:56 PM
I'll take up the slack then Book...
My thinking is that they'd give very little heads-up, just enough to clear the area, and even then I doubt that they would use the n-word.
Gulf Oil Spill Testimony: Executives- BP, Transocean, Halliburton (
That's a funny picture!
20th May 2010, 08:04 PM
What we need now is the NWO to come and act on this. I'm serious on this. This is a world problem not just a gulf problem. Just like the pollution emanating from China. It effects the entire world. Shouldnt the entire world have something to say about it?
20th May 2010, 08:10 PM
Shouldn't the entire world have something to say about it?
Private profits. Public liabilities.
20th May 2010, 08:16 PM
I can't grasp how a nuke could seal the well...more explosive power will make it bigger.
I do think this is a tragedy of biblical proportions...Hopi prophesy also.
20th May 2010, 08:21 PM
The dust bowl days, aka."The Dirty Thirty's"
Turn this photo upside down and you get what we have today...
"The Toxic Ten's"
Uncle Salty
20th May 2010, 08:22 PM
The Hopi prophecy of black oceans is some scary shit.
20th May 2010, 09:23 PM
He hasn't even declared it a disaster area yet???
mick silver
20th May 2010, 09:34 PM
i do not give a rat ass who did this but we need this oil leak stop last week . once it stop we can go head hunting then . but i also feel like ponce this could kill alot of people . just stop and think about the food that come from the sea . just how many people live on fish and other stuff from the sea and the stuff there spraying in the sea how bad is it . i just have one bad feeling about this . i had a dream and the seas around the usa was a dead zone . when i dream they come true most of the time . this is why it scare me that there playing with this . a friend today added up the oil there taking from the sea is over million aday there making off the oil there sucking up into ships he was reading a story and the ship are loading 300000 gallons of oil ... just add that up . they have 20 ship that can remove the water and keep the oil . is bp afaid to plug this hole . maybe if they do obama want lot them drill a new well
21st May 2010, 01:20 AM
i do not give a rat ass who did this but we need this oil leak stop last week . once it stop we can go head hunting then . but i also feel like ponce this could kill alot of people . just stop and think about the food that come from the sea . just how many people live on fish and other stuff from the sea and the stuff there spraying in the sea how bad is it . i just have one bad feeling about this . i had a dream and the seas around the usa was a dead zone . when i dream they come true most of the time . this is why it scare me that there playing with this . a friend today added up the oil there taking from the sea is over million aday there making off the oil there sucking up into ships he was reading a story and the ship are loading 300000 gallons of oil ... just add that up . they have 20 ship that can remove the water and keep the oil . is bp afaid to plug this hole . maybe if they do obama want lot them drill a new well
I even said it on Gim1 and it bears repeating again, "The oceans dying,. The plankton's dying..." "Soylent Green is people!"
21st May 2010, 04:50 AM
A month later and we have Obongo doing nothing.
BP is claiming they NEVER said it was only 5000 barrels per day leaking... err.... gushing. They said it was the government that came up with that number. LOL... can you imagine their deception and moxie to talk like that? Brazen bastards. How would the "government" have any idea of what the leak is except for the (false) information that BP has fed them?
This is more than a national disaster. It is international.
Further, Obongo's EPA authorized the use of a toxic dispersant. BP was clever enough to get the EPA to buy-in on their use of this poison to the tune of more than 500,000 gallons. Last I read, they had acquired more than 700,000 gallons of the stuff from Nalco.
Who is holding BP accountable?
Why is the Coast Guard being used by BP to harass citizens along the coast?
21st May 2010, 05:07 AM
A month later and we have Obongo doing nothing.
BP is claiming they NEVER said it was only 5000 barrels per day leaking... err.... gushing. They said it was the government that came up with that number. LOL... can you imagine their deception and moxie to talk like that? Brazen bastards. How would the "government" have any idea of what the leak is except for the (false) information that BP has fed them?
This is more than a national disaster. It is international.
Further, Obongo's EPA authorized the use of a toxic dispersant. BP was clever enough to get the EPA to buy-in on their use of this poison to the tune of more than 500,000 gallons. Last I read, they had acquired more than 700,000 gallons of the stuff from Nalco.
Who is holding BP accountable?
Why is the Coast Guard being used by BP to harass citizens along the coast
there are plenty of reasons to lacerate Obama (note to Secret Service - it's just a figure of speech) but i don't think his handling of the Deep. Horizon blowout is one of them.
* he approved the Food Safety Act, which screws America's small farmers & was pushed by Monsanto, which seems to exist to screw small farmers.
* i could go on but you get the point.
i agree, the dispersant is a poison. it's sort of a choice between having all that oil wash up on the beaches, killing millions, maybe billions, of birds - a PR nightmare for BP.
but by using the dispersant, BP is poisoning the gulf. no one will see rotting fish & rotting dolphins lying on the bottom of the ocean.
at that point, i agree, it's appropriate for Obama to step in and take control.
if i was President i would do the following -
* have 2 or 3 teams building contraptions to plug the hole. drawing on the best engineers & physicists, creative technical people, backing them up with the best analytical people to triple-check calculations etc.
* forbid the use of the toxic dispersants. at BP's expense, increase the army of people controlling the oil on the surface 20 fold.
* use underwater subs to stick pipes into the center of the oil blob underwater to suck it up into tankers.
* talk nice about BP in public because it won't be pretty when the world economy realizes that this is going to bankrupt BP - and maybe a few more very large banks. probably better to delay THAT moment of reckoning - we need BP alive & functioning to clean up the huge mess they made in our backyard. when they're done with that, then throw them to the wolves. but don't tell BP that.
21st May 2010, 07:57 AM
gunDriller for president!
21st May 2010, 08:11 AM
gunDriller for president!
thanks !
not sure i have the diplomacy skills but ... considering all the diplomats in Washington & the mess we're in ...
wait till Netanyahu comes for a State Dinner and then finds out the dining room is a special jail set up just for him.
21st May 2010, 08:28 AM
I think I read or heard online that this gusher is spitting out the equivalent of an Exxon Valdez spill every 4 days. That's some harsh perspective on just how nasty a situation this is!
Russia has successfully deployed nukes to stop out of control oil wells, including under the sea.
I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 08:48 AM
A month later and we have Obongo doing nothing.
BP is claiming they NEVER said it was only 5000 barrels per day leaking... err.... gushing. They said it was the government that came up with that number. LOL... can you imagine their deception and moxie to talk like that? Brazen bastards. How would the "government" have any idea of what the leak is except for the (false) information that BP has fed them?
This is more than a national disaster. It is international.
Further, Obongo's EPA authorized the use of a toxic dispersant. BP was clever enough to get the EPA to buy-in on their use of this poison to the tune of more than 500,000 gallons. Last I read, they had acquired more than 700,000 gallons of the stuff from Nalco.
Who is holding BP accountable?
Why is the Coast Guard being used by BP to harass citizens along the coast?
BP is the corporate state, which answers your question as to why the USCG is being used to harass people along the coast.
21st May 2010, 12:46 PM
A month later and we have Obongo doing nothing.
BP is claiming they NEVER said it was only 5000 barrels per day leaking... err.... gushing. They said it was the government that came up with that number. LOL... can you imagine their deception and moxie to talk like that? Brazen bastards. How would the "government" have any idea of what the leak is except for the (false) information that BP has fed them?
This is more than a national disaster. It is international.
Further, Obongo's EPA authorized the use of a toxic dispersant. BP was clever enough to get the EPA to buy-in on their use of this poison to the tune of more than 500,000 gallons. Last I read, they had acquired more than 700,000 gallons of the stuff from Nalco.
Who is holding BP accountable?
Why is the Coast Guard being used by BP to harass citizens along the coast
there are plenty of reasons to lacerate Obama (note to Secret Service - it's just a figure of speech) but i don't think his handling of the Deep. Horizon blowout is one of them.
* he approved the Food Safety Act, which screws America's small farmers & was pushed by Monsanto, which seems to exist to screw small farmers.
* i could go on but you get the point.
i agree, the dispersant is a poison. it's sort of a choice between having all that oil wash up on the beaches, killing millions, maybe billions, of birds - a PR nightmare for BP.
but by using the dispersant, BP is poisoning the gulf. no one will see rotting fish & rotting dolphins lying on the bottom of the ocean.
If they really cared about cleaning this up, they would NOT disperse it into the water. If it rose to the surface, they could employ hundreds of boats to boom the waters and recover the oil with a massive effort. It is much easier to bury the oil at the deep ocean valleys and hope it never rises- or rises so little that people become accustomed to the oil fouling.
It is absolutely CRIMINAL what they are doing.
at that point, i agree, it's appropriate for Obama to step in and take control.
The federal government has few real jobs. One is protection of the country. This is one case of a major threat.
if i was President i would do the following -
* talk nice about BP in public because it won't be pretty when the world economy realizes that this is going to bankrupt BP - and maybe a few more very large banks. probably better to delay THAT moment of reckoning - we need BP alive & functioning to clean up the huge mess they made in our backyard. when they're done with that, then throw them to the wolves. but don't tell BP that.
You talk nice about them all you want- but they are lying bastards. They are hiding how much oil has gushed out as they are required to pay a fee for each barrel wasted in leaks. THAT is why they are hiding how much is leaking out. You think they will give you that info freely? You think they care about cleaning this disaster up? Dream on!
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