View Full Version : Take stupid out of Democracy

20th May 2010, 08:41 PM
How to take stupid out of democracy.
{courtesy of the Evil Dictator - in - training}

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
B. Franklin

For all you fans of democracy, here are some simple tips to take "stupid" out of democracy:

1. Anyone who receives public money or other benefit because of indigence cannot vote. (Beggars cannot be choosers.)

2. Anyone who is in public office cannot vote in general elections. (Conflict of interest.)

3. Anyone who does not pay taxes, cannot vote. (Bring your tax receipts!)

4. Anyone who receives a salary, pension, or other money from the public treasury cannot vote in general elections. (Conflict of interest)

5. All public salary changes shall be by annual referendum:
[] up 1 %
[] down 5 %
[] no change.

6. No member of the judicial branch can serve in the executive or legislative branch (lawyers are banned - conflict with the balance of power).

7. Your idea here _________________

20th May 2010, 08:44 PM

The House Of Lords only and the landless peasants can't vote...lol.


Saul Mine
21st May 2010, 06:08 PM
I would be more impressed to see some way for the citizens to withdraw their consent to be governed. That alone would clear up most of the other complaints.

22nd May 2010, 01:15 PM
I would be more impressed to see some way for the citizens to withdraw their consent to be governed. That alone would clear up most of the other complaints.

Didn't you read their "fine print"?

It's in the Declaration of Independence...

Job # 1 = secure rights
Job # 2 = govern those who consent

Consent waives job #1

To illustrate, the militia (since 1777) are obligated to train, fight and die, on command. The supreme court ruled that militia duty is not involuntary servitude, banned by the constitution.
Ergo, militia duty is VOLUNTARY servitude.

In the legal definition for militia, it states that all male CITIZENS (list of qualifications) are the militia.
Since no one volunteers to be a male, the only other optional characteristic is CITIZEN.

Whether you know it or not, no free American can be "born" a U.S. citizen (subject). It has to be a voluntary assertion, otherwise it would be involuntary servitude.

American nationals who do not volunteer to be U.S. citizens, are the "Free people".

Those who consent to be citizens, waived their inalienable rights to life, liberty and property ownership.

P.S. - Form SS-5, application for an account and number with Socialist InSecurity is limited to U.S. citizens / U.S. residents. American nationals, domiciled as inhabitants in the USA are ineligible to participate.

He who consents cannot object....