View Full Version : brzezinski decries 'global political awakening' during cfr speech
20th May 2010, 09:24 PM
mick silver
20th May 2010, 09:26 PM
there all pig men ... it who you know and blow in this world now . something wrong with they pig men .... lets have hog roast
20th May 2010, 09:49 PM
They kinda do, now that you mention it. ZB is ugly, though. I mean really ugly. :sicko
mick silver
20th May 2010, 09:52 PM
imacannin you cook the hogs i will bring the oak fire wood
mick silver
20th May 2010, 10:12 PM
never had goat but i will try anything once mick
20th May 2010, 10:39 PM
Sounds to me like he was saying the CFR is no longer needed...
20th May 2010, 11:34 PM
My impression is that they thought their plans would finally come to pass, but they are realizing they may have over-extended themselves, and they are afraid of the backlash. What is their fate if they fail? :) Eastern elites are coming into power, now.
20th May 2010, 11:54 PM
I think they're realizing that ain't nobody on the surface of the Earth buying into their globalism crap after the crisis inflationary collapse bubble that was created on their behalf.
And they'll be lucky to get underground before getting their necks stretched.
Yes, the globe is awakened to the hell a mess that's been created and left with, and are currently investigating the whereabouts of CFR members secret hideouts with vast gold reserves.
Yes, CFR we love paying for all of our raw material & trash to be shipped around the world twice before it ends up as something in useable form.
21st May 2010, 12:44 AM
Some giant global Nuremburg-like Trial, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, because all nations are looking for 'em. That's the kind of globalism I would take great satisfaction in.
21st May 2010, 02:04 AM
They kinda do, now that you mention it. ZB is ugly, though. I mean really ugly. :sicko
Judging people on their looks is Christian, just so long as they are not pre-Adamites or Satanic "Jews"?
21st May 2010, 02:06 AM
Some giant global Nuremburg-like Trial, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, because all nations are looking for 'em. That's the kind of globalism I would take great satisfaction in.
Come ye, and hear greenbear declare her support for world government!
21st May 2010, 08:50 AM
Some giant global Nuremburg-like Trial, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, because all nations are looking for 'em. That's the kind of globalism I would take great satisfaction in.
Come ye, and hear greenbear declare her support for world government!
You have a screw loose somewhere. :D
21st May 2010, 08:58 AM
They kinda do, now that you mention it. ZB is ugly, though. I mean really ugly. :sicko
Judging people on their looks is Christian, just so long as they are not pre-Adamites or Satanic "Jews"?
Is it OK to say that Abby Cohen is not real easy on the eyes? I contend that ZB is even uglier than AC, "Adamite" or not. Just an observation... Both of these human beings look the way they do because of the pure evil they have engaged in.
7th trump
21st May 2010, 10:22 AM
Some giant global Nuremburg-like Trial, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, because all nations are looking for 'em. That's the kind of globalism I would take great satisfaction in.
Actually God says it doesnt work in Revelations.
The beast (political beast) is given a mortal blow is it not? Doesnt quite come to fruitation under man, not until anyway.
The political beast is resurrected only when the another beast (satan) appears and resurrects what man cannot agree on. Globalization is tuff when there are countires that do have constitutions that outline freedoms. A lot of people are not going to go with this globalization crap that commercially nullifies century old Constitutions. The kenites are having a tuff time getting satans plan to succeed.
(most do not understand there is actually two different beast in Revelations. One is political and the other is satan himself.)
21st May 2010, 11:16 AM
(most do not understand there is actually two different beast in Revelations. One is political and the other is satan himself.)
Who is Satan?
Serious question...
21st May 2010, 12:32 PM
Some giant global Nuremburg-like Trial, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, because all nations are looking for 'em. That's the kind of globalism I would take great satisfaction in.
Come ye, and hear greenbear declare her support for world government!
You have a screw loose somewhere. :D
Don't try to backtrack from what you said above.
21st May 2010, 12:42 PM
Is it OK to say that Abby Cohen is not real easy on the eyes? I contend that ZB is even uglier than AC, "Adamite" or not. Just an observation...
Actually, a judgment.
I'm not condemning you for making a judgment based on someone's looks (as you do me). I'm judging you on your hypocrisy of condemning me for judging based on someone's racial looks, while judging someone on their ethnic looks (Brzezinski has that "Polish" look).
Both of these human beings look the way they do because of the pure evil they have engaged in.
Nice to know that which is beautiful is "good." Like Lucifer... :oo-->
21st May 2010, 12:45 PM
Global awakening is right, thousands of people are waking up every day...
21st May 2010, 11:41 PM
Global awakening is right, thousands of people are waking up every day...
Unfortunately, they look in the mirror shortly thereafter.
Trust me, it gets ugly there.
25th May 2010, 02:19 PM
This is not to suggest that titles, editors, printers and sellers were the only language through which contemporaries were able to analyse and discuss the news market of the 1640s. There are various sophisticated critiques of newsbooks and the news industry from many contemporaries. My favorite of these is probably still this jaundiced editorial from an early edition of the Briefe Relation, one of the first ‘official’ newsbooks issued by the Commonwealth after the execution of Charles I:
To have no Newes is good Newes, it is a symptome of a placid and quiet state of affaires. The subject of newes which is most enquired for, is for the most part of Wars, Commotions, and Troubles, or the Composing of them.
Twisted Titan
25th May 2010, 02:28 PM
Wake up from your slumber......... owthread%2Ephp%3Ft%3D400272&feature=player_embedded
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