View Full Version : Average Credit Card Debt By State

20th May 2010, 10:09 PM
Here's a state-by-state list of debt levels for the first quarter of 2010, courtesy of TransUnion.

Rank, State (including District of Columbia), average credit card debt
National average: $5,165

1. Alaska $7,135
2. Tennessee $6,688
3. Alabama $6,126
4. Mississippi $5,850
5. Hawaii $5,831
6. Florida $5,773
7. Georgia $5,759
8. North Carolina $5,719
9. Nevada $5,635
10. Colorado $5,610
11. South Carolina $5,549
12. Washington $5,432
13. Montana $5,405
14. Connecticut $5,321
15. Arizona $5,320
16. New Jersey $5,305
17. California $5,299
18. Virginia $5,283
19. Delaware $5,283
20. Texas $5,265
21. Maryland $5,205
22. New Hampshire $5,201
23. Idaho $5,144
24. Massachusetts $5,043
25. New York $4,986
26. Louisiana $4,974
27. Oregon $4,935
28. District of Columbia $4,911
29. Illinois $4,903
30. Wyoming $4,897
31. Missouri $4,897
32. Rhode Island $4,891
33. Ohio $4,890
34. Utah $4,876
35. Arkansas $4,867
36. New Mexico $4,858
37. Michigan $4,797
38. Kansas $4,791
39. Indiana $4,734
40. Oklahoma $4,688
41. Minnesota $4,677
42. Maine $4,666
43. Kentucky $4,538
44. Pennsylvania $4,494
45. Vermont $4,390
46. Nebraska $4,335
47. Wisconsin $4,248
48. West Virginia $4,240
49. South Dakota $4,218
50. North Dakota $4,144
51. Iowa $3,872

http://www.comcast.net/finance/forwhatitsworth/6924/creditcarddebtshrinksasconsumersstillreelfromshaky economy/

mick silver
20th May 2010, 10:16 PM
is this for the people in the state our the gov

20th May 2010, 10:25 PM
The average for gold bugs in any state is something close to zero, or having the balance paid in full, before any interest is added.

We're killing the banks slowly but surely, we just need more Americans socking away some Au & Ag coins and bars.

20th May 2010, 10:45 PM
Paid monthly and with no interests for the past 30 years heheheheheheheh.

20th May 2010, 11:33 PM
I carry around $3000.00 on credit card but at 0% .. for the last year.. getting ready to jump cards again to carry it at 0 for another year.. lol

21st May 2010, 06:53 AM
Average credit card debt for the past 3 years for Ares = 0

Don't even have a credit card.

21st May 2010, 07:01 AM
Average credit card debt for the past 3 years for Ares = 0

Don't even have a credit card.

Me either! It feels great. And interestingly enough, I have been able to rent rooms, buy airplane tickets and rent cars. Imagine that.

21st May 2010, 07:14 AM
Same here K. I love being debt free and not contributing to the fractional reserve banking BS

big country
21st May 2010, 07:17 AM
The Big Country family has no credit card debt either. We have a credit card but it hasn't been used for 3 years.

My state is 48th on the list btw, go WV!

unfortunately I DO contribute to the banking enemy (Citi Bank). I've got $13,000 in student loans still to go! They're federal loans though so don't get mad at me, I didn't get to choose the lender!

1970 Silver Art
21st May 2010, 07:28 AM
One day (about 3 1/2 years from now), I will also say that I am completely debt free. Once I become debt free, then I will yell FREEDOM at the top of my lungs. ;D

It is no surprise to me that Tennessee is near the top of thataverage credit card debt list. Tennessee is at or near the top of the list in about every bad category such as prescription drug use, poor health, bankruptcies, and divorce.

21st May 2010, 07:34 AM
I have some debt. Just bought a house a few months ago but it will be paid off by the end of the year. Owner financing but no interest or rather the interest is in my monthly payment of 500 a month. None of that goes towards principle but still a great deal and no banks involved.

21st May 2010, 08:17 AM
What is Alaska doing at the top of the list? Maybe they have to order everything online?