View Full Version : Feds Move to Throw Pot Smokers in Prison for Impaired Driving
21st May 2010, 02:37 AM
Feds Move to Throw Pot Smokers in Prison for Impaired Driving
Kurt Nimmo
May 20, 2010
Did you smoke pot last month and drive a car this morning? Obama wants to arrest and incarcerate you.
If you smoked marijuana last week or even last month and you drive a car, you may be sent to prison under new guidelines drafted by the federal government.
The Obama administration released its National Drug Control Strategy guidelines last week. The federal government wants all of the states to adopt its authoritarian and draconian diktat and expand the drug war. From the guidelines:
Encourage States To Adopt Per Se Drug Impairment Laws [ONDCP]. State laws regarding impaired driving are varied, but most State codes do not contain a separate offense for driving under the influence of drugs (DUID). Therefore, few drivers are identified, prosecuted, or convicted for DUID. Law enforcement personnel usually cite individuals with the easier to prove driving while intoxicated (DWI) alcohol charges. Unclear laws provide vague signals both to drivers and to law enforcement, thereby minimizing the possible preventive benefit of DUID statutes. Fifteen states have passed laws clarifying that the presence of any illegal drug in a driver’s body is per se evidence of impaired driving. ONDCP will work to expand the use of this standard to other states and explore other ways to increase the enforcement of existing DUID laws.
Cannabis metabolites can remain detectable in the urine for up to 100 days or longer for a regular cannabis consumer and up to fifteen days for the casual consumer, according to NORML, the marijuana advocacy organization. In other words, even if a pot smoker is conscientious and does not drive while intoxicated, that person can be arrested and convicted for DUID days or weeks after consuming marijuana. It would not matter if you are sober as a teetotaler — if THC molecules are detected with a urine or blood test, you are probably going to prison. You can kiss the right to vote and own a firearm sayonara.
In 2007 there were 14.5 million current users of marijuana in the United States, compared with 14.6 million in 2002, while the number of Americans who have used marijuana increased.
The following states enforce “zero tolerance†draconian DUID laws:
Arizona: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 24 hours jail, up to 6 months upon conviction.
Delaware: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites.
Georgia: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 24 hours jail, up to 12 months upon conviction.
Illinois: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, up to 12 moths upon conviction.
Indiana: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, up to 60 days upon conviction.
Michigan: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, up to 93 days upon conviction, vehicle immobilization for up to 180 days.
Nevada: 15 ng/ml for cannabis metabolites.
Ohio: 15 ng/ml for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 72 hours in jail, up to 6 months upon conviction, 6 month to 3 year license suspension.
Pennsylvania: DUID for cannabis metabolites, amount unclear.
South Dakota: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites for persons under the age of 21.
Utah: Zero tolerance for cannabis metabolites, mandatory 48 hours jail, up to 6 months upon conviction.
Feds Move to Throw Pot Smokers in Prison for Impaired Driving 150410banner1
Obama’s new guidelines will criminalize and add to the system hundreds of thousands of people and add thousands of people to the prison industry slave labor complex. In 2007 an American was arrested on marijuana charges every 36 seconds. Obama will increase this criminalization rate significantly.
DUI checkpoints are on the rise around the country. In California, for instance, the state increased grants in 2009 by 47% for DUI checkpoints, including “roving†DUI patrols. 2010 was predicted to be “the year of the Checkpoint†in California. In California and elsewhere, these unconstitutional checkpoints are a highly profitable business for the state, netting billions of dollars every year.
Behavioral impairment is not the issue. Expanding the criminal class is the issue. Government will never rest until it categorizes most of us as criminals.
21st May 2010, 03:37 AM
The more "felons" criminal that the government has the less legal guns that will be out there...........or so they think.
21st May 2010, 04:10 AM
They have started checking people in Australia with a swab in the mouth which can tell if you are stoned or not(up to 5hrs after smoking) this way they are proposing in USA is absolutly insane. It makes no sense at all as the person is not under the influence weeks later.
21st May 2010, 07:19 AM
Just legalize it. Damn. It will raise cookie sales. Who cares about pot?
If a dude with 13 DUIs doesn't go to prison (probably due to overcrowding), what is the point of wanting to "throw pot smokers in prison"? Give me a break.
21st May 2010, 07:47 AM
Although it may pass in Ca a lot of old timers arent happy about it. Lots of people in Ca make a decent living growing it and this will surely kill the pricing. On the other hand even with reduced pricing that backyard garden will still fetch 50-75k vrs the 200-250k it does now. Still not a bad way to earn a little extra money. Better than tomatoes for sure.
I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 09:05 AM
I keep telling you guys that each of us just has to fire those assholes and form our own governments. The ground rules can be found right there in the Declaration of Independence. (Anyone who complains and doesn't do something about it is a helpless whiner)
I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 09:22 AM
BTW, this bullshit only applies to those DRIVING or OPERATING (commercial activity) a MOTOR VEHICLE (corporate state owned property), i.e. anyone with a DRIVER LICENSE (a privilege granted by the corporate state).
The reason why there is a penalty involved is because one has violated the TERMS of the COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (which the corporate state can change AT ANY TIME).
I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 09:27 AM
You know it's really bad form for someone who's volunteered to wear one of these to subsequently complain about it being used on 'em.
21st May 2010, 09:53 AM
BTW, this bullsh*t only applies to those DRIVING or OPERATING (commercial activity) a MOTOR VEHICLE (corporate state owned property), i.e. anyone with a DRIVER LICENSE (a privilege granted by the corporate state).
The reason why there is a penalty involved is because one has violated the TERMS of the COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (which the corporate state can change AT ANY TIME).
I don't want you to think I'm poking fun, but if you can't use the words "driving", "operating" and "motor vehicle", what do you call it when you're driving around in your car? If you tell the cop you're not liable for that speeding ticket because you're not "driving" your "vehicle", but rather "utilizing an automobile for personal transport", do you think the cop will recognize the difference?
7th trump
21st May 2010, 10:05 AM
BTW, this bullsh*t only applies to those DRIVING or OPERATING (commercial activity) a MOTOR VEHICLE (corporate state owned property), i.e. anyone with a DRIVER LICENSE (a privilege granted by the corporate state).
The reason why there is a penalty involved is because one has violated the TERMS of the COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (which the corporate state can change AT ANY TIME).
The only thing "commercial" about a state issued drivers license is the fact that you as a "US citizen" are commercial.
Its not activity of driving a commercial vehicle like a semi or driving a moped, its your status as a "US citizen" that commercial. Read your state civil codes, its all right there in black and white.
Stop the lies I'am me or look up what you dont understand before posting such lies.
I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 10:13 AM
BTW, this bullsh*t only applies to those DRIVING or OPERATING (commercial activity) a MOTOR VEHICLE (corporate state owned property), i.e. anyone with a DRIVER LICENSE (a privilege granted by the corporate state).
The reason why there is a penalty involved is because one has violated the TERMS of the COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (which the corporate state can change AT ANY TIME).
I don't want you to think I'm poking fun, but if you can't use the words "driving", "operating" and "motor vehicle", what do you call it when you're driving around in your car? If you tell the cop you're not liable for that speeding ticket because you're not "driving" your "vehicle", but rather "utilizing an automobile for personal transport", do you think the cop will recognize the difference?
The term 'drive' (as in teamsters 'driving' horses) is a commercial term. I do NOT(!) 'drive'!!! I travel (the right to locomotion being a natural unalienable right) in my own private property (the corporate state has no claim on my automobile [since I hold the Manufacturer's Certificate] and I DO NOT depend upon the corporate state to defend my claim to my private property - if you have an automobile without any note against it and it is REGISTERED with the state, then you're depending upon the state to defend your claim to the INTEREST you have in that MOTOR VEHICLE but you do NOT own it! [the terms 'title' and 'interest' are not synonymous - Black's 4th Ed.])
Obeying the posted speed limits are some of the terms of the commercial agreement (DRIVER LICENSE). For those traveling sans the privilege of a DRIVER LICENSE the posted speed signs are merely advisories (civil engineers came up with the speed limit on any particular road, not 'law enforcement').
I don't get pulled over on 'TRAFFIC stops' (look up the definition of the term 'traffic') for 'speeding' because I don't 'speed', but primarily because I don't draw attention to myself with any other anomalies. Duh. Cops look for anomalies, and the only anomaly associated with my automobile is the tag on the back which displays a number from a STATE OF TEXAS OFFICE (but not from TXDOT like on virtually every other automobile on the road). Apparently the tag on the back of my automobile is to cops what garlic is to vampires because they look at it closely all the time (for over 9 years) and I've never been pulled over specifically for that tag.
I equate your level of ignorance on the matter to that of most street cops - another inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment - but it's not entirely your fault 'cause it's the culture you find yourself immersed in. Now that you have been advised of the situation you been stripped of any defense.
I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 10:16 AM
BTW, this bullsh*t only applies to those DRIVING or OPERATING (commercial activity) a MOTOR VEHICLE (corporate state owned property), i.e. anyone with a DRIVER LICENSE (a privilege granted by the corporate state).
The reason why there is a penalty involved is because one has violated the TERMS of the COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (which the corporate state can change AT ANY TIME).
The only thing "commercial" about a state issued drivers license is the fact that you as a "US citizen" are commercial.
Its not activity of driving a commercial vehicle like a semi or driving a moped, its your status as a "US citizen" that commercial. Read your state civil codes, its all right there in black and white.
Stop the lies I'am me or look up what you dont understand before posting such lies.
You're so full of yourself and you are so wrong. lol
traffic = commerce - I suggest it is you who fails to do your homework, you don't even comprehend the connection as to it's all commerce. You're apparently hung up on this one meme that the status of 'US citizen' is the nexus to all, well it's not. Debt is the nexus, and debt is a result of commercial/corporate activity.
21st May 2010, 10:21 AM
21st May 2010, 10:47 AM
The ban on cannabis servers two purposes, the first one is to ensure profits for the drug dealers, the second one is to make patients (customers) unable to heal themselves.
It's just stupid to legalize it and then give these rats ass criminal scum-suckers another reason to tax decent people, decriminalize it completely.
*edit* two, not to, thats my norwenglish.
21st May 2010, 11:25 AM
The term 'drive' (as in teamsters 'driving' horses) is a commercial term.
It's not exclusively a commercial term. It's also a verb which means to operate a vehicle. So the act of steering the wheel with your hands and pushing the pedals with your feet means you are "driving" the car.
I don't get pulled over on 'TRAFFIC stops' (look up the definition of the term 'traffic') for 'speeding' because I don't 'speed', but primarily because I don't draw attention to myself with any other anomalies. Duh. Cops look for anomalies, and the only anomaly associated with my automobile is the tag on the back which displays a number from a STATE OF TEXAS OFFICE (but not from TXDOT like on virtually every other automobile on the road). Apparently the tag on the back of my automobile is to cops what garlic is to vampires because they look at it closely all the time (for over 9 years) and I've never been pulled over specifically for that tag.
Call me ignorant (again), but I just don't understand this. You get pulled over, you explain to the officer that you're not driving, but traveling, and this works?
I equate your level of ignorance on the matter to that of most street cops - another inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment - but it's not entirely your fault 'cause it's the culture you find yourself immersed in. Now that you have been advised of the situation you been stripped of any defense.
Ok, so I nullify my drivers license, toss my license plates off my vehicle and claim the right to travel if I get pulled over. Somehow I doubt this would work.
21st May 2010, 12:18 PM
Sooner or later somebody is going to do a double-blind study on the efficacy of Hemp Oil (not hemp seed oil) for curing cancer, and then the feds will be shit out of luck the moment it hits the internet.
21st May 2010, 12:50 PM
Somehow I doubt this would work.
You KNOW it wouldn't work.
Taser and cuffs is the "reward" for anyone trying it.
21st May 2010, 12:51 PM
Sooner or later somebody is going to do a double-blind study on the efficacy of Hemp Oil (not hemp seed oil) for curing cancer, and then the feds will be sh*t out of luck the moment it hits the internet.
Cannabis has overwhelming evidence in its favor already available. The Satanic US Government ignores it all.
21st May 2010, 04:29 PM
21st May 2010, 08:02 PM
Run From The Cure: How Cannabis Cures Cancer And Why No One Knows
By Rick Simpson - Friday, March 7 2008
Tags: Breaking News.
Cannabis sativa hemp, the miracle plant, contains the cure for cancer and other ailments
My name is Rick Simpson. I have been providing people with Hemp Oil medicines, at no cost, for about three years. The results have been nothing short of amazing. Throughout man's history hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge, hemp has always been used as a political and religious football. I want this knowledge out there for everyone to learn! Watch the documentary Run From The Cure to understand more about using cannabis as a cure for cancer and other medical problems!
The current restrictions against hemp were put in place and maintained, not because hemp is evil or harmful, but for big money to make more big money, while we suffer and die needlessly. Look at a proposal such as this; if we were allowed to grow hemp in our back yards and cure our own illnesses, what do you think the reaction of the pharmaceutical industry would be to such a plan?
Many large pharmaceutical companies that still exist today sold hemp based medicines in the 1800's and early 1900's. They knew then what I have recently found out. Hemp oil if produced properly is a cure-all that the pharmaceutical industry can't patent.
To learn more about my and hemp oil, visit and watch the documentary Run From The Cure. Below the posted videos you will find more studies and research about cannabis curing cancer!
Rick Simpson outside court, 2007RUN FROM THE CURE: A Film By Christian Laurette
After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge, curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine - leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments - and leaving Rick with unconsitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana!
Canada is in the middle of a CANCER EPIDEMIC! Meet the people who were not allowed to testify on Rick's behalf at the Supreme Court of Canada's Infamous Rick Simpson Trial on September 10, 2007... INCLUDING A MAN WHO WAS CURED OF TERMINAL CANCER USING HEMP OIL!
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