View Full Version : My thoughts on the ocean oil spill and its consequences.....

21st May 2010, 11:26 AM
In order to get ready for anything that might come my way I like to play the game of "What would happen if"........I have been using this method to get ready for WTSHTF by thinking of what I saw happening in Cuba.

I am now using the same concept when thinking about all that oil in our ocean and the consequences of the same.

You will have to pardon my English although my spelling has somehow improved.

Now then, I believe that 85% of the spill oil is "below" the surface and the reason for this is the water temperature which at this time is a cold one, once the warm weather gets here and warms the water the oil will beggin to come to the surface, I wont talk about the damage being done to the ocean because it has already happened and that's something that will be, and last, for a very long time.

As the the ocean gets warmer the trapped oil below the surface of the ocean will start to come to the surface the same way that the oil already floating in the water will become still lighter. As someone posted this oil can go as far as ten miles underground and inland, but there is a lot more.

The government is using some kind of spray to disperse the oil into small particle, the key word in my thoughts is "disperse", to me disperse does not means to get rid off or to collect but only to make it almost invisible.

As you know the ocean water warms up and goes up into the sky forming clouds which in turns drops down in the form or rain........this rain will now be mixed with "micro" oil which will be disperse all over the place......young children and old people will be hurting the most from breathing all this, not to mentions this rain falling on cars, roads, houses and so on.......not to mention the fields where we grow food an the water that we drink

Many of this clouds will go even "higher" becoming part of the high speed air current that we have about ten miles above the Earth (not sure about the right height) and this will take the oil-rain all over the world........if a jet plane were to fly through this high winds will it ignite or maybe make it into a BIG aerial fire bomb?

And the same here at Earth level over the cities.......with the right concentration will it become a liquid bomb over the cities? will a gas tanker truck explode creating the energy needed to make it the whole thing blow up?.

As you all know I am half crazy but all that it really means is that I like to think outside the circle.......will the above happen? who knows.....all that I have done is to present my "What would happen if".

There will be a lot more happening and "may will die".........your turn, what else could happen?

21st May 2010, 11:36 AM
Don't forget about the polluted water we'll all be drinking once it rains and gets into the ground water supply.

How about the hazardous road conditions that could be present as it rains woil (combo of water and oil).

21st May 2010, 11:40 AM
I already mention those two in what I wrote.

21st May 2010, 11:49 AM
You are indeed at least half crazy (everyone here is), but I enjoyed your thoughts on this subject. Particularly this part

And the same here at Earth level over the cities.......with the right concentration will it become a liquid bomb over the cities? will a gas tanker truck explode creating the energy needed to make it the whole thing blow up?.

It made my eyes pop out. I hope that it's not even possible, and I think you should write a movie script.

21st May 2010, 11:51 AM
How will HAARP affect it???

21st May 2010, 11:54 AM
Prolonged admixture of water microspherules with hydrocarbon vaporlettes while bombarded with ambient solar ultraviolet energy could result in the formation of toxic hydrated etheroxides, aka HOs. The permeation of the atmosphere with HOs could negatively impact the birds and the bees, and precipitate a collapse of ecosystem interfertilization rates. The resultant drop in food production, coupled with the vapidic effects of chronic exposure to HOs, could cause the population to transmogrify as procreational nullification is amplified.

It's a very scary thing to contemplate.

21st May 2010, 12:00 PM
It's a very scary thing to contemplate.


Air will soon contain a natural sun tan micro-oil and we can throw away those expensive products! How convenient.


21st May 2010, 12:15 PM
Doc. ? I only understood 1/4 of what you said, are you in the same page as this commoner?

The only benefit that I can see form this is that it will make your roof water proof.

21st May 2010, 12:18 PM
Doc. ? I only understood 1/4 of what you said, are you in the same page as this commoner?

The only benefit that I can see form this is that it will make your roof water proof.

You're a good egg Ponce!

I don't know what's going to happen because of the oil spill. But, I think the premium value of good pure drinking water keeps rising and risihn as we overpopulate and spoil this planet. I'm glad I have a 500 foot well producing superpure and delicious water!

21st May 2010, 12:37 PM


A fix for the gushing oil well a mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico has so far eluded scientists and engineers armed with technical know-how and high-tech robotic submarines.

So one Boulder man is calling on people from around the world to try a different, simpler tack: meditation.

"The basic concept is to try and get as many people to visualize that the valve is actually functioning and is working and closing," said Carl Fuermann, a staff member in the University of Colorado's Registrar Office.

The Coast Guard estimates that 200,000 gallons of oil a day has been streaming into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig sank after it was rocked by an explosion April 20.

A safety valve designed to stop the flow of oil, called a blowout preventer, did not activate as it was designed to after the explosion. Efforts to activate the valve using robots have not worked.

Fuermann said his desire to use meditation to activate the blowout preventer — and his belief that visualization could actually work — is rooted in his own life experiences and in a global movement called the Intention Experiment.

"I'm very known for fixing things and making things work," Fuermann said, adding that he believes his meditation helped fix a friend's iPod.

"I visualize things working and hold the belief that they actually work."

Lynne McTaggart, who started the Intention Experiment, has organized more than a half-dozen mind-over-matter experiments — most recently to try to improve the water quality in Lake Biwa, Japan — that involve people focusing their thoughts on something in the physical world to make change.

She claims to have scientific evidence that it works.

Fuermann and some of the people who have joined his visualization campaign say they know that many may doubt their methods.

"I completely understand that most people would have a healthy skepticism about these things," said Jahnavi Stenflo, also of Boulder, in an e-mail.

"To all those skeptics, I would simply ask them to participate in the exercise if they would like to try. . . . Ultimately, there is nothing to lose in trying to visualize the valve shutting off. It either will help or it will not."

Dwayne Bourgoyne, a deep-water mining expert at the Colorado School of Mines, said Tuesday that he has "never heard of such an attempt to stop an oil spill or any other kind of mechanical failure."

But he also conceded that while he is familiar with the known law of physics he is "unfamiliar with the telekinetic potential of meditation."

Bourgoyne did have a piece of advice for the meditators, however, and that is to focus their visualization efforts on a process called "sanding out," which can happen when the unconstrained flow of oil weakens the rock around the well bore.

The rock can break apart and enter the well as sand, which eventually blocks the oil leak.

"If the meditators are seeking a common image upon which to focus," he said, "I suggest they visualize tiny cracks spreading in the rock."

21st May 2010, 12:41 PM
Hmmm, if this works, I propose a second meditation: visualizing the disappearance of Barack 0bama.

21st May 2010, 12:44 PM
So one Boulder man is calling on people from around the world to try a different, simpler tack: meditation.

"The basic concept is to try and get as many people to visualize that the valve is actually functioning and is working and closing," said Carl Fuermann, a staff member in the University of Colorado's Registrar Office.

Where is Singular Me/Goldissima when we REALLY need her?


21st May 2010, 12:48 PM
Meditation on a massive scale, as hokey as it sounds, has repeatedly been proven to have a visible effect.

As far as what Ponce wrote, yes his spelling is much better, we are all thankful for that, unfortunately what he wrote is very accurate and very scary. They are dispersing the oil with chemical flyovers, this will just make it microfine, it will get into everything...

Again...THIS HAS ALREADY HAPPENED...The dispersants have ALREADY been sprayed and this has been reported by Reuters...

So now the age old question...what is their strategy? The old chemtrails argument will work here, too...How do TPTB plan to escape this catastrophe if the oil is really going to get into *everything*, including their own air and food supply?


The crew of a Basler BT-67 fixed wing aircraft releases oil dispersant over parts of the oil spill off the shore of Louisiana in this May 5, 2010 photograph. (REUTERS/Stephen Lehmann/U.S. Coast Guard) #

21st May 2010, 12:58 PM
So now the age old question...what is their strategy? The old chemtrails argument will work here, too...How do TPTB plan to escape this catastrophe if the oil is really going to get into *everything*, including their own air and food supply?


This question deserves it's own thread. Bill Gates buried all the world's heirloom seeds in a frozen area up North. Someone posted the notion that DNA could be stored in a modern Noah's Ark and later reconstituted to re-populate Earth. Meanwhile, the Morlocks can protect themselves via expensive air-water filtration isolated on their private islands. They only need a few of us Eloi as servants.

Excellent question TNE.


Large Sarge
21st May 2010, 01:27 PM
got an e-mail earlier

said there were plans in place to evacuate the whole gulf (pretty much the whole state of florida)

due to Benzene

I guess crude oil gives off benzene, and this a major carcinogen, and it is very harsh on the respiratory system (especially tough on the very young and the very old)

How many seniors living by the beach along the gulf?

soon to be huffing benzene night and day.

21st May 2010, 01:39 PM
Well, that would take care of the abundance of housing in the rest of the country.

Scary to think about entire cities blowing up Ponce but if it were to happen if it were possible to happen I hope theres a strong breeze towards DC.. Just sayin..

21st May 2010, 01:49 PM
According to my calculations, once the billions of gallons of toxic sludge hits the loop stream, it should surface and form a gas cloud near/over DC and continue up to New York leaving the bulk deposit of sludge on the Hamptons. :D

21st May 2010, 02:01 PM
As we all know, or should know, part of the plan of the power to be is to get rid of four to five billions people......I know, I know (you are full of it Ponce).....but that's what I do when I play my "What if" game and what I wrote would be a magnificent way to do it.

In my line of thinking I have many ways to do many things about different things and that's why I feel that I am ahead of the sheep's in my way of thinking.

About being a Si-Fi writer..........what was Si-Fi yesterday is the truth today..... and what is Si-Fi today will be the truth tomorrow.......is only a matter of time.

21st May 2010, 04:31 PM
Strangely enough, that's almost the exact plot of the movie "Titan A.E." Everything is the same except it's set in outer space.

The movie is about a genetic noah's ark for DNA that humans send into space to hibernate before the Earth is destroyed by invaders...

So now the age old question...what is their strategy? The old chemtrails argument will work here, too...How do TPTB plan to escape this catastrophe if the oil is really going to get into *everything*, including their own air and food supply?


This question deserves it's own thread. Bill Gates buried all the world's heirloom seeds in a frozen area up North. Someone posted the notion that DNA could be stored in a modern Noah's Ark and later reconstituted to re-populate Earth. Meanwhile, the Morlocks can protect themselves via expensive air-water filtration isolated on their private islands. They only need a few of us Eloi as servants.

Excellent question TNE.


21st May 2010, 04:34 PM
Ponce I agree with you 100%, one of the best exercises you can do for yourself is to ask yourself how YOU would handle it if you had their resources...

This is how I come up with most of the stuff I think of...put myself in their shoes.

As we all know, or should know, part of the plan of the power to be is to get rid of four to five billions people......I know, I know (you are full of it Ponce).....but that's what I do when I play my "What if" game and what I wrote would be a magnificent way to do it.

In my line of thinking I have many ways to do many things about different things and that's why I feel that I am ahead of the sheep's in my way of thinking.

About being a Si-Fi writer..........what was Si-Fi yesterday is the truth today..... and what is Si-Fi today will be the truth tomorrow.......is only a matter of time.

21st May 2010, 05:09 PM
got an e-mail earlier

said there were plans in place to evacuate the whole gulf (pretty much the whole state of florida)

due to Benzene

I guess crude oil gives off benzene, and this a major carcinogen, and it is very harsh on the respiratory system (especially tough on the very young and the very old)

How many seniors living by the beach along the gulf?

soon to be huffing benzene night and day.

Oh Man, I live in Flo. Hey, does anyone know if you get all woowoo high from huffing benzene? I know it's poisonous and will probably kill everyone but I'm just looking for a bright side to this scenario. :P

21st May 2010, 05:49 PM
Yeah TP, but no one says anything about how many will die because of this....but of course "this" is only one of the many reasons as to why I say that "many will die" because of this disaster.