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21st May 2010, 02:52 PM
More States May Create Public Banks
Document Actions Share Send this Print this RSS Feed by Ellen Brown
posted May 13, 2010

By 2011, only one state will have escaped the credit crunch that is pushing other states toward insolvency: North Dakota. North Dakota is also the only state that owns its own bank. The state has its own credit machine, making it independent of the Wall Street banking crisis that has infected the rest of the country.

The new headquarters of the Bank of North Dakota in Bismark.

Image courtesy www.banknd.nd.gov.
Now, several states are either studying the prospects of a state-owned bank or are considering legislation to make one possible.

Five states have bills pending—Massachusetts, Washington, Illinois, Michigan, and Virginia. In April, documentary filmmaker and Virginia resident Bill Still showed his new award-winning documentary on the topic, The Secret of Oz, to the Missouri House of Representatives. Rep. Allen Icet, a candidate for state auditor, proposed using the Virginia proposal as part of a study on a state bank in Missouri and said he would hold committee hearings this summer.

Also in mid-April, the Hawai‘i House approved a resolution asking the state to study the possibility of establishing a state-run bank there. State Rep. Marcus Oshiro, a Democrat who chairs the finance committee, called a state-run bank a “reasonable public option” to spur development and hold state funds.

Other state legislatures entertaining proposals for forming state-owned banks include New Mexico and Vermont. Candidates in eight states are running on a state-owned bank platform: three Democrats, two Greens, two Republicans, and one Independent.

—Ellen Brown is an attorney and the author of 11 books, including Web of Debt, webofdebt.com


21st May 2010, 02:59 PM
I hope it gains traction.

22nd May 2010, 04:25 AM
I just don't see this working in our current economic situation.

The Banks, will not allow the states to move the deposits of the states to their own institutions. I would think that the bonds of a state would immediately go to junk status overnight if any state passed legislation. Besides, think of all the money the pols would lose from their campaign coffers if this were to pass.

I don't know about you folks, but I would not like to see the state of Illinois (2 out of 6, soon to be 3 out of 6 jail bird govs) in charge of a State Bank.

Illinois would become another Indy Mac in a day.

22nd May 2010, 07:37 AM
I am just not seeing how growth of government power and control is a good thing.

22nd May 2010, 10:12 AM
I could have sworn that I already wrote about this........anyway..... in order for a state bank to become self sufficient and really work, for the state, they must also print their own currency which would circulate in that state........but......at the same time they must retain the fiat to deal with the outside world.