View Full Version : "Brave" U.S. Soldiers Murder Old Iraqi Man

21st May 2010, 02:59 PM

They are all pissed off, that makes them terrorists
and suicide bombers, they kill innocents everyday
manufacturing resistance so they never leave,
Obama has expanded all wars and into new countries
like Pakistan. Pakistan has nukes courtesy of ZOG
NeoCons, they shut down Plame and Fitzgerald,
Sibel Edmonds talks about WMD, "all the same people",
"all the crimes are connected."

YouTube will take this down. Save it. Re up.


I am me, I am free
21st May 2010, 03:11 PM
We're already seeing the seeding of 'pissed off Norte Americanos = domestic terra-ists'.

What's seen is this video is coming soon to a CONUS theater near you, only with a wardrobe and location change aka The War on Terra in the West, the sequel.