View Full Version : BP spill WTF?

21st May 2010, 07:07 PM
Spill? Is this a spill like a spilled milkshake? a capsized boat? This is a leak not a fvcking spill and it grinds me more and more that i read about it. A spill ends and you can clean or mop up, this is like boring a hole into the earths blood and it pours out to it's death. Fvcking sheeptards, more and more of them the older I get now.

Golf is next, ice age scenereo, nuke NK maybe, Hillarys gun control pact, Mexican presidents pleading to CONgress to ban guns when they come from the arms dealers the US probably supplies, what else is on the agenda this week...

Should be quiet for the weekend with all new BS news and propaganda firing off fresh Monday morning.

21st May 2010, 07:29 PM
At this time the real ramification of this particular incident is unknown to those that caused this incident, with time those that didn't know will know and then they will try to hide them from the general public "for our own good" till such a time in which they will become very obvious and they no longer will be able to hide it.

"They will only tell us only what they want us to know, or what they cannot longer hide"... Ponce

1970 Silver Art
21st May 2010, 08:04 PM
It seems like much more than just a "spill" to me but what do I know? I seriously doubt that the fisherman and the other people who make their living on the coast think that this is just a "spill".

21st May 2010, 08:45 PM
Mr. Art.........I no longer call it a spill but a disaster, at this time all hospitals are full almost all the time and when what will happen happens you will then have dead people in the back lot of each hospital with nowhere to go......the morgue will be full, the frig at the cafeteria will be full.

People feeling sick will want to walk into a hospital but will not be allowed in because is already full........the ocean is warming up and awakening, the fun is about to start.

22nd May 2010, 08:20 AM
Spill is NOT the right word for this. There was a spill of stored oil on the drilling rig. But the leak on the sea floor is a GUSHER.

22nd May 2010, 09:14 AM
I believe protocol is to hide this event the best they can until they can get it stopped, even if it means to use more toxic chemicals and cause more damage to do so.
One disaster at a time, thank you!
It may cause much more panic to have a runaway leak and an environmental catastrophe at the same time.
Maybe it was a good call to sacrifice/kill the gulf and send the massive plume to the rest of the world, then to have the coastal areas inundated for all to see?

22nd May 2010, 09:45 AM
I believe protocol is to hide this event the best they can until they can get it stopped, even if it means to use more toxic chemicals and cause more damage to do so.
One disaster at a time, thank you!
It may cause much more panic to have a runaway leak and an environmental catastrophe at the same time.
Maybe it was a good call to sacrifice/kill the gulf and send the massive plume to the rest of the world, then to have the coastal areas inundated for all to see?

Well, nice of you to presume the altruistic nature of people, but.... it is about money.

BP is required to pay a penalty for every barrel of oil lost or wasted. They have been covering the volume right from the start. Now it is unprovable how much really leaked so they won't have to pay $$billions.

22nd May 2010, 09:50 AM
I believe protocol is to hide this event the best they can until they can get it stopped, even if it means to use more toxic chemicals and cause more damage to do so.
One disaster at a time, thank you!
It may cause much more panic to have a runaway leak and an environmental catastrophe at the same time.
Maybe it was a good call to sacrifice/kill the gulf and send the massive plume to the rest of the world, then to have the coastal areas inundated for all to see?

Well, nice of you to presume the altruistic nature of people, but.... it is about money.

BP is required to pay a penalty for every barrel of oil lost or wasted. They have been covering the volume right from the start. Now it is unprovable how much really leaked so they won't have to pay $$billions.

Well, that too! Money trumps everything! Everything is expendable for profit and money.