View Full Version : BP cleanup chemicals making workers sick; dead.

22nd May 2010, 02:17 PM

LAFITTE, La. -- More and more stories about sick fishermen are beginning to surface after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The fishermen are working out in the Gulf -- many of them all day, every day -- to clean up the spill. They said they blame their ailments on the chemicals that BP is using.

One fisherman said he felt like he was going to die over the weekend.

"I've been coughing up stuff," Gary Burris said. "Your lungs fill up."

Burris, a longtime fisherman who has worked across the Gulf Coast, said he woke up Sunday night feeling drugged and disoriented.

"It was like sniffing gasoline or something, and my ears are still popping," Burris said. "I'm coughing up stuff. I feel real weak, tingling feelings."

Marine toxicologist Riki Ott said the chemicals used by BP can wreak havoc on a person's body and even lead to death.

"The volatile, organic carbons, they act like a narcotic on the brain," Ott said. "At high concentrations, what we learned in Exxon Valdez from carcasses of harbor seals and sea otters, it actually fried the brain, (and there were) brain lesions."

Rep. Charlie Melancon said he wants something done. He sent a letter to President Barack Obama's administration calling for temporary health care clinics to be set up in the area.

"There can be immediate attention to any people who feel they have adverse problems caused by the inhalation or exposure to the oil," Melancon said.

According to Burris, some equipment was donated to workers in Lafitte, but as far as he can tell BP hasn't added anything to the mix. He said a lot of fishermen are working sick, and they're afraid to speak out because it could cost them.

"You've got a woman with a baby in the oven, bills due and fishing's closed down," he said. "You're going to do whatever you have to do to look after your family."

Burris said that when he went to a doctor after feeling ill on Sunday, the doctor told him his lungs looked like those of a three-pack-a-day smoker, and Burris said he has never smoked.

22nd May 2010, 02:21 PM
The aperture of things to come.............."And many will die".

22nd May 2010, 03:05 PM
I know you know and you know I know...

Just wish there was some way to avert it.

22nd May 2010, 03:12 PM
In some things you can do something about it and in some things you can't....in this case YOU CAN'T........and it will get a lot worse.

I am sticking my foot im my mouth by saying this but........every day that goes by represents another 100,000 souls.

22nd May 2010, 06:59 PM
Brilliant on BP's part. Have the fisherman do the cleanup work and then they all die off and cant sue..

22nd May 2010, 07:15 PM
In some things you can do something about it and in some things you can't....in this case YOU CAN'T........and it will get a lot worse.

I am sticking my foot im my mouth by saying this but........every day that goes by represents another 100,000 souls.

Ponce; Do you really think 100's of thousands of people will die?

22nd May 2010, 08:43 PM
I said "for every day that goes by"......people just don't realise yet the many ramifications that will be the outcome of all this.

People at first will wonder "why" they will search for an answer in all the wrong places because they just can't believe that what's happening is all from the spill oil ..... many places will be evacuated, but to where?, I am not talking only about the oil, benzine, fumes and so on but also of the many things that will be because of this.

Pay back is a bitch.........

22nd May 2010, 09:29 PM
Wait until hurricane season covers MS, LA and TX with a mixture of oil and dispersant. That's what's next.

If I lived within 200 miles of the gulf, I would bug out. That includes all of Florida.

Large Sarge
22nd May 2010, 09:53 PM
90% of the U.S. population lives with 20 miles of the coast (something close to that)

30%+ of all our seafood comes form the gulf

plus I think the spill is really 200,000 barrels a day, someone quoted it "making it an exxon valdez sized spill, every 3 days or so."

things are very bad

for the record, I still think foul play was involved with this operation

We have lots of oil available elsewhere, and BP and other had to have at least seen antecdotal reports of russian deep well drilling. (pressures, volumes, etc)

The Ocean is a great food source for millions

The part of the pacific that was polluted during the exxon valdez spill, well they lost 80%+ of all their fish, and they never came back

think about the size of the pacific (10,000+ miles wide)

versus the Gulf, perhaps 2000 miles wide, likely less

then add in the size of the spill

22nd May 2010, 10:35 PM
By the way.........one sign that you are in danger will "many" pretty rainbows near you, those will be deadly droppets that will shine more because of the chemical's that they will contain..........will tell you more as I see them.

22nd May 2010, 10:49 PM
If you live inland and you see rain clouds coming in from the coast be sure to stay dry.......that rain will also contain chemicals........treat it as if it were a nuclear fall out.

23rd May 2010, 05:32 AM
plus I think the spill is really 200,000 barrels a day, someone quoted it "making it an exxon valdez sized spill, every 3 days or so."

i mis-stated when i said 200,000 barrels. i was mixing up 5000 barrels & 44 gallons per barrel (220,000 gallons a day).

it's more like 50,000 barrels a day.

Valdez was 250,000 barrels. so it's a Valdez every 5 days.

at heart, it is a technical problem. to be good solving technical problems, you have to be 100% honest, which may appear to an uninformed observer as brutally honest.

and our government has no skill in the being honest department.

which means it's LUCK whether or not they get this thing closed within 6 months of the start.

there's one fact, about how much seawater is rendered toxic to life by one gallon of oil. i forget the number, but i remember the emotion i felt when i read it.

basically that it may or may not be Total Game Over for the world's oceans.

depending on Luck and the ability of engineering managers & government people with varying agendas to collaborate and get the job done.

i would not bet on a successful resolution, except perhaps from the Earth's point of view.

how many people depend on the oceans for their food & job ?

how will the economies of the world react when it's announced that the clean-up costs will bankrupt BP ?

Large Sarge
23rd May 2010, 05:43 AM
plus I think the spill is really 200,000 barrels a day, someone quoted it "making it an exxon valdez sized spill, every 3 days or so."

there's one fact, about how much seawater is rendered toxic to life by one gallon of oil. i forget the number, but i remember the emotion i felt when i read it.

I believe it is 1 gallon will destroy 250 gallons of water

this really is a nightmare scenario