View Full Version : About "Interview on oil disaster" posted by Sarge.

23rd May 2010, 09:59 AM
Sitting here and thinking about it I decided to go right now and follow my own advice by going to town a buying more can good......specially tuna "Chicken of the Sea" is the one that I buy.........at this time I have 5 cases of 48 can each but now I'll be getting 10 more cases.


Look for that link by Sarge......Interview on oil disaster........and listen to it.

23rd May 2010, 10:10 AM


and I LOL'd. ;D

If I buy more food the house will collapse. I'm currently working on a fort of cases of bottled water.

You're gonna get real tired of tuna and crackers... ;D

23rd May 2010, 10:16 AM
You're gonna get real tired of tuna and crackers... ;D
I disagree. When the oil leak very first started I went out and bought one of every type of tuna and tuna mix in each store. I proceeded to eat one a day until I had tried them all. About 3 solid weeks of tuna and sometimes crackers for lunch each day. Occasionally, I had it for dinner too!. There were 2 clear winners. 1st was BumbleBee's premixed cans with crackers that comes in a cardboard box. 2nd was Haddon House lemon flavored premixed cans with crackers in plastic domes.

Both are high fructose free. The Haddon House uses coconut oil.

23rd May 2010, 10:23 AM
This will, of course, raise food prices around the world?

23rd May 2010, 10:51 AM
There were 2 clear winners. 1st was BumbleBee's premixed cans with crackers that comes in a cardboard box. 2nd was Haddon House lemon flavored premixed cans with crackers in plastic domes.

Both are high fructose free. The Haddon House uses coconut oil.

how about just plain tuna in the can ?

Bumblebee, on sale ?

i don't buy it often ... i guess i associate it with mercury.

i'm not sure what a good price is - $1 a can ?

23rd May 2010, 12:14 PM
There were 2 clear winners. 1st was BumbleBee's premixed cans with crackers that comes in a cardboard box. 2nd was Haddon House lemon flavored premixed cans with crackers in plastic domes.

Both are high fructose free. The Haddon House uses coconut oil.

i don't buy it often ... i guess i associate it with mercury.

+1 Smart

If you don't normally buy it - you don't normally eat it. Why rush out and buy a reefer full if you won't use it?

There are a lot of better choices out there. But mostly, I think folks should learn about raw diets, how to plant gardens, invest in fruit and nut trees and learn what wild plants around you are edible - and get away from processed foods anyhow... it's all poison at this point.

23rd May 2010, 12:30 PM
You're gonna get real tired of tuna and crackers... ;D
I disagree. When the oil leak very first started I went out and bought one of every type of tuna and tuna mix in each store. I proceeded to eat one a day until I had tried them all. About 3 solid weeks of tuna and sometimes crackers for lunch each day. Occasionally, I had it for dinner too!. There were 2 clear winners. 1st was BumbleBee's premixed cans with crackers that comes in a cardboard box. 2nd was Haddon House lemon flavored premixed cans with crackers in plastic domes.

Both are high fructose free. The Haddon House uses coconut oil.

So, now that you have probably 2 pounds of mercury in your body, can I use you ase a thermometer? ;D

I was reading a chart some while back about the safe consumption rates for fish that is generaly considered high in mercury (long life, predatory fish). It goes by weight and general health, for a person 200+ pounds in decent health, it was recomended not to ingest more than a cans worth of tuna once every 3 days. This is for a male. As the weight lowered, the time increased. A 150 pound man was suggested 1 can a week to remain at 'safe levels'.

I'll try to find the chart, I think I saved a picture of it somewhere. It made me cut back my consumption cause I was eating a can every couple days as it was, since I am a tuna FREAK.

Ima is also right on about the soy. Im not quite so worried about it in a SHTF where food would be total scarce (not likley, but possible). At that point, any food is better than starving. But for your daily health and general well being, get the non soy stuff. It cost a little more, but it also taste better. I get the bumblee premium. Its in a brown and black wrapped pack, instead of the usualy white and blue.

I buy a little of both for preps though, since money dictates how much I can get.

23rd May 2010, 01:04 PM
OK......Ponce is back.

Instead of buying only 10 cases of tuna I bought 30 cases of 48 cans each, why?
Believe it or not it was on special for 65 cents a can and cheaper than the cat food, my cat will be the one getting tired of eating tune hahahahahahahahah.

$687.46 was the total of my expenditure and Tuesay I am going back for more, another use for my tuna cans will be for bartering, tuna will become scarce.

23rd May 2010, 01:14 PM
Canning your own chicken is a good deal too..... about 50 cents a pint jar.

the first time i canned something, i bought a case of pint and a case of quart Bally Jars & Lids.

when i was unscrewing one of the lids, i lacerated myself about as good as i ever did, not my worst kitchen accident but definitely in the top 10.

what happens is, sometimes in shipping & handling, the glass jars will chip. they bounce against each other, glass is weak in tension, a chip comes off.

anyway, it made my canning session a little more Goth. blood all over the place and a big Duct Tape bandage on my finger. i was canning oranges because they were good and about 59 cents a pounds and California's orange crop had just been hammered good.

anyway, some of those canning jars can be damn sharp so i always give them a visual inspect before using.

23rd May 2010, 05:17 PM
Hay, you guys are welcome. I'm glad I took the time to test several brands and styles so I could provide the information to such a receptive audience! :sarc:
BTW, both brands/types listed are soy free.
Mercury, well....

23rd May 2010, 05:30 PM
There were 2 clear winners. 1st was BumbleBee's premixed cans with crackers that comes in a cardboard box. 2nd was Haddon House lemon flavored premixed cans with crackers in plastic domes.

Both are high fructose free. The Haddon House uses coconut oil.

Pre-mixed? With what?

23rd May 2010, 05:37 PM
WTSHTF you won't care how much fat is there but only that you can eat it.....remember that in Africa they make soup out of grass and the bark of trees.

For some time now I have been picking different types of grass and flowers from around my property and I first wash them and then boil them in water, I then filter it by using coffee filters and I drink it........it taste like tea, pretty good.

23rd May 2010, 05:40 PM
Pre-mixed? With what?

Generally mayonnaise, various crisp veggies such as water chestnut, carrot, celery and onion.
The one that is lemon flavored is as follows:

Tuna, Water, Coconut Oil, Sugar, Salt, Lemon Juice, Vegetable Broth, Black Pepper (ooooh, scary!)

23rd May 2010, 05:42 PM
WTSHTF you won't care how much fat is there but only that you can eat it.....remember that in Africa they make soup out of grass and the bark of trees.

For some time now I have been picking different types of grass and flowers from around my property and I first wash them and then boil them in water, I then filter it by using coffee filters and I drink it........it taste like tea, pretty good.

Careful, Ponce. Hemlock grows wild in the NW.


23rd May 2010, 05:43 PM
Pre-mixed? With what?

Generally mayonnaise, various crisp veggies such as water chestnut, carrot, celery and onion.
The one that is lemon flavored is as follows:

Tuna, Water, Coconut Oil, Sugar, Salt, Lemon Juice, Vegetable Broth, Black Pepper (ooooh, scary!)

So, technically, that's canned tuna salad, not just tuna.

I wonder if it has the same shelf life?

23rd May 2010, 05:52 PM
Yes, that is what I meant by pre-mixed. My apologies, I meant for it to be clear that I was referring to those pre-mixed tuna salad with crackers packages.

Looks like stamped shelf life is right around 2 years. MY plain cans of bumble bee tun have the same shelf life stamp. I don't see any reason for it to affect shelf life much. It is all put in a can and pasteurized. IMO, when the price is right grab the pre-mixes because it's mostly what I do with tuna anyway and you don"t have to stock the condiments as well. They are great to throw in a BOB or keep in your desk at work.