View Full Version : Plans to evacuate the Gulf are BEGINING TO FLY AROUND THE NET.

23rd May 2010, 02:43 PM
To tell you the truth they are working on this sooner than what I expected...

Plans to evacuate the Gulf are BEGINING TO FLY AROUND THE NET.

Benzene, incredible amounts of Benzene are being released into the atmosphere and is a clear and present danger not only for the old and people with respiratory problems but the general Gulf population as a whole.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that benzene is a human carcinogen, and can cause various forms of cancer from prolonged exposure.Exposed to high levels of benzene show association with leukemia cancer; including acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Benzene-related leukemias have been reported to develop in as short as nine months,(read more below)

This is much more serious than they are letting on, especially as one of the options here is to burn the escaping oil!

Florida Gulf oil spill: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area expected to be announced

Gulf Oil Spill 2010: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area expected to be announced

Plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area are expected to be announced in the coming days as FEMA prepares for what is now being called the worst oil disaster in the history of the world.


Evacuate Florida!! Good God in Heaven!!! What have these monsters done to us!!

Was tuning my sat dish and picked up ‘The micro effect radio show’ and there is a scientist on there who said they have backup plans to evacuate Florida and eventually the East coast now that the oil is in the loop currents. The slick is releasing huge amounts of Benzene. Benzene will flat out kill ya!! Don’t go down there, stay away!!!!



Florida weather forcast:OIL!

Benzene and Human Health

Benzene is a clear, colorless and highly flammable aromatic liquid that evaporates quickly into the air, and can dissolve in water. It is formed from both natural processes and human activities; natural sources of benzene include volcanoes and forest fires.

Benzene is present in crude oil, gasoline and cigarette smoke. It is industrially used as a solvent in paints and other chemicals and products such as dyes, detergents, nylon, plastics, drugs and pesticides. Benzene is widely used in the United States; it ranks in the top twenty chemicals for production volume and makes up about one percent of every gallon of gasoline.

Are there health hazards to benzene exposure, i.e. can benzene cause cancer?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that benzene is a human carcinogen, and can cause various forms of cancer from prolonged exposure. According to the IARC, benzene is often considered “the mother of all carcinogens,” as a large number of carcinogens have structures that include benzene rings. Occupational studies of workers exposed to high levels of benzene show association with leukemia cancer; including acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Benzene-related leukemias have been reported to develop in as short as nine months, and can remain dormant for as long as 25 years after initial exposure.

Even a small amount of benzene exposure can cause temporary nervous system disorders, immune system depression and anemia. Short term affects include skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation, headache, stomach irritation, drowsiness and dizziness. High levels of exposure can result in a rapid heart rate, excessive bleeding, tremors, vomiting, unconsciousness and death. Benzene can cause harmful effects on bone marrow, and can cause a decrease in red blood cells leading to myelofibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome.

How can I be exposed to benzene? Who is most likely to be at risk?

Undoubtedly, the greatest risk for high level exposure to benzene is in the workplace. Occupational exposure to benzene is likely to occur in the rubber industry, oil refineries, chemical plants, and the shoe manufacturing industry, as well as in gasoline storage, shipment, and retail stations. However, most individuals are exposed to benzene through tobacco smoke, automobile exhaust and other environmental sources such as gasoline filling stations, industrial emissions, and food products that contain benzene naturally. Indoor exposure can result from glues, paints, furniture wax, adhesives and detergents.

In addition, certain industries may release benzene into the surrounding air. These include ethyl benzene and styrene-production facilities, petroleum refineries, chemical manufacturing plants, and recovery plants for coke oven by-products. Leakage from underground storage tanks or from hazardous waste sites containing benzene can also result in the contamination of well water.

Is benzene regulated by the U.S. government?

Yes. Because of the dangerous health effects benzene exposure is known to cause, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency now regulates benzene in the air and water, as well as emissions by industry. The EPA has passed laws to limit the use and release of benzene to keep levels as low as possible. Regulations set by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, in association with the EPA, limit workplace exposure to a maximum of one part benzene per million parts air (ppm), averaged over an eight-hour workday.

Further, congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974 requiring the EPA to determine safe levels of chemicals in drinking water. Subsequently, benzene’s level was set to zero.

Do I have legal rights if I have been occupationally exposed to benzene?

Yes. Despite being banned as a solvent in the U.S. for over twenty years, and the decrease of benzene in other manufactured products, workers continue to be exposed to direct and indirect sources of the chemical. The first thing to do if you suspect you’ve been exposed to benzene is to report the exposure to your employer, and seek immediate medical assistance. If you believe you have been harmed by benzene exposure, you can contact an attorney to learn of your rights, and to file a legal claim for injuries sustained. Individuals can file a lawsuit within two years of discovering a benzene-related illness, regardless of the last time of exposure. Compensation can cover factors such as loss of income, medical costs, pain and suffering, and in the case of Wrongful Death lawsuits, loss of life.

A qualified benzene attorney can provide the necessary tools and support to put together a strong case for a benzene-related illness. To find a skilled attorney who specializes in benzene-related claims, please search our directory.

Read more: http://gazbom.blogspot.com/2010/05/benzene-killer-plans-in-place-to.html#ixzz0oi2XeYEP


— From an email we received…

The information below just came in shortly ago from one of my sources… and I am getting it out rough form to you ASAP. Militia’s nationwide as advising everyone to stock/purchase supplies as to your financial limits, without hurting yourself at this time. No matter how big or small …. there will be a shortage of supplies by the time the impact and mass evacuation starts in Florida and expands to other States and locations. Early reports to my person say that there are thousands of people in Florida already leaving and en route out… have packed up what they need and hitting the Interstates before closures by FEMA are set in place. More to follow as information is received. Please share with those on your email who will appreciate info on this crisis. Thank you!


There is talk about evacuating parts of Florida. The reason is deadly benzene gas that is omitted from the crude.

Internet chatter is, many military troops from Montana, Georgia, Louisiana, along with the 1m plus Fema troops are currently being mobilized.

Talk about relocating all the elderly first, then the masses from Florida, and Louisiana. Also talk about Georgia next.

Said crude oil slick will reach Nova Scotia within a week.
People are expected to be leaving Florida in mass. Before the FEMA vehicles, ban private cars, etc from the roads for the evacuation with FEMA buses.

That is what I am hearing from some. If you hear anything, please email me back so I can send off to others.

23rd May 2010, 02:57 PM
Yes there are plenty of articles starting to surface.
I wonder how long it will take the MSM to acknowledge or quash the rumors?

23rd May 2010, 03:25 PM
Well, to "know" and to "do" are two different things..........let's see how long it will be before they "do".

23rd May 2010, 03:31 PM
I will say it again, if you live within 200 miles of the gulf,including all of Florida, get out now.

Don't wait for the mass panic and or martial law. Get out now.

23rd May 2010, 03:35 PM
Anyone see Herdildo Rivera reporting this disaster?
He always shows up at disasters all excited and ready to sensationalize the situation.
No show this time?


23rd May 2010, 03:36 PM
Remember that last year I brought my brother and family from Cuba? and that after one month here they decided to go to Florida?.....on my dollar.....well, one of this days I'll probably get a call from them wanting to come back, sorry but the barns doors are now close.

23rd May 2010, 03:38 PM
I think K-os lives in Florida. I think a few others here do too.

I wonder what their plans are.

23rd May 2010, 03:44 PM
I'm staying! And maybe I'll start smoking again. If I stop posting, you'll know the rumors are for real. :-\

Large Sarge
23rd May 2010, 03:51 PM
I will say it again, if you live within 200 miles of the gulf,including all of Florida, get out now.

Don't wait for the mass panic and or martial law. Get out now.

the panic will start when they fail on weds with the next scheme to close this thing

23rd May 2010, 04:01 PM


23rd May 2010, 04:22 PM
the doctor said his lungs look like a 3 pack a day smoker.

but the fisherman in the video doesn't smoke.

23rd May 2010, 04:24 PM
Like I said, this is the beginning of the greatest depression.
By the end of May it will get more serious and they will no longer be able to hide it.

23rd May 2010, 04:27 PM

Good video, wonder what that BP stunt in the middle was for?

Coast Guard was informed, that's all?

23rd May 2010, 04:36 PM

23rd May 2010, 04:51 PM
if FEMA is involved with this evacuation


remember FEMA and the Super Dome during Katrina

also maybe keep tabs on " extra security " moving into Florida

23rd May 2010, 04:56 PM
I will say it again, if you live within 200 miles of the gulf,including all of Florida, get out now.

Don't wait for the mass panic and or martial law. Get out now.

That would be good if'in we had somewhere to go? What happens when a state of over 15 million people decides to pack up and move? Remember how the states and cities around New Orleans felt about Katrina refugees?

I'd be happy to get out of florida now, but we can barley manage monetarily as it is where we have steady jobs, a home and family. Im not on the gulf, but my in laws are. My only other family is in Ny and Mass and I sure as shit dont want to live there.

My wife has some family in Indiana, colorado and tennesee. But then we run into needing jobs, money, a way to provide for our kids. Not so easy to just pick up and go, particularly in a depression.

Gonna just have to stick it out until things get a little worse, unfortunatley. Its a shitty plan, but its reality and were doing out best to prepare for it.

23rd May 2010, 05:06 PM
My wife has some family in Indiana, colorado and tennesee. But then we run into needing jobs, money, a way to provide for our kids. Not so easy to just pick up and go, particularly in a depression.

Gonna just have to stick it out until things get a little worse, unfortunatley. Its a sh*tty plan, but its reality and were doing out best to prepare for it.

Hopefully, it's not as bad as they make it out to be.

Either way, our thoughts go out to the folks that might be affected. If I could help, I would, but being on the other coast it makes it difficult.

If you need anything though, don't be shy about posting it. I'm sure lot's of folks herecould offer help, if it comes to it.

BTW, I'd do the same thing you are doing. All the best.

23rd May 2010, 05:13 PM
This current light onshore breeze wouldn't be helping much either.

I can't imagine what will become of Florida if that loop current causes it to lose it's beeches to oil.

23rd May 2010, 05:33 PM
I will say it again, if you live within 200 miles of the gulf,including all of Florida, get out now.

Don't wait for the mass panic and or martial law. Get out now.

My only other family is in Ny and Mass and I sure as sh*t dont want to live there.

Not so bad out in western mass, my town is 980 and there are some towns with fewer than 60 residents. And no chiggers, copperheads or corals snakes to boot!

23rd May 2010, 05:34 PM
I will say it again, if you live within 200 miles of the gulf,including all of Florida, get out now.

Don't wait for the mass panic and or martial law. Get out now.

That would be good if'in we had somewhere to go? What happens when a state of over 15 million people decides to pack up and move? Remember how the states and cities around New Orleans felt about Katrina refugees?

I'd be happy to get out of florida now, but we can barley manage monetarily as it is where we have steady jobs, a home and family. Im not on the gulf, but my in laws are. My only other family is in Ny and Mass and I sure as sh*t dont want to live there.

My wife has some family in Indiana, colorado and tennesee. But then we run into needing jobs, money, a way to provide for our kids. Not so easy to just pick up and go, particularly in a depression.

Gonna just have to stick it out until things get a little worse, unfortunatley. Its a sh*tty plan, but its reality and were doing out best to prepare for it.

I hear ya. I think this may be the sh*t hitting the fan, though.

Maybe at least do a little planning for all possibilities.

Not so easy to just pick up and go, particularly in a depression.

It's been done before.


23rd May 2010, 05:42 PM
I will say it again, if you live within 200 miles of the gulf,including all of Florida, get out now.

Don't wait for the mass panic and or martial law. Get out now.

That would be good if'in we had somewhere to go? What happens when a state of over 15 million people decides to pack up and move? Remember how the states and cities around New Orleans felt about Katrina refugees?

I'd be happy to get out of florida now, but we can barley manage monetarily as it is where we have steady jobs, a home and family. Im not on the gulf, but my in laws are. My only other family is in Ny and Mass and I sure as sh*t dont want to live there.

My wife has some family in Indiana, colorado and tennesee. But then we run into needing jobs, money, a way to provide for our kids. Not so easy to just pick up and go, particularly in a depression.

Gonna just have to stick it out until things get a little worse, unfortunatley. Its a sh*tty plan, but its reality and were doing out best to prepare for it.

We are rated 2nd best economy in nation at present, so could probably find a job. Not to keen on the location myself, but am pretty sure will be one of last hit hard depression wise. Sent you a pm.

23rd May 2010, 07:13 PM
Back in 2000 it took me two months to what to me was the perfect place for WTSHTF, the wind blows inland from the ocean and I am surrounded by hills and mountains..........if I was in Fla I then would be moving out but here I feel pretty safe.

23rd May 2010, 08:05 PM
Hopefully, their "top-kill" scheme works although some experts don't seem to give it much chance.

I live in Florida too and am looking forward to living in my FEMA trailer (or FEMA paid hotel room) somewhere in the USA and getting my monthly FEMA and unemployemnt checks. Those FEMA camps are for the other people.

All kidding aside, if we end up with evacuations, even "only" a Katrina sized one, this will be the final stake in the economy.

The oil spill I have a grasp of - I don't have a clue yet as to how this benzene is distributed. As it is being released from the well is it forming some ever growing & expanding heavier-than-air cloud of death? If so, than whichever way the wind blows is where not to be. If it's disolved in water, than it would be moved along with the currents and slowly released. In that case, it might be too dilute to cause inland problems by the time it reaches the East coast of the US.

Too many questions right now. Anyone know of these things?

What about Cuba, Texas, Mexico, the rest of the Carribean? They need to worry about evacuating too? And where to?

23rd May 2010, 09:13 PM
The population control agenda would be a lot easier to pull off if the people weren't so spread out.

23rd May 2010, 09:46 PM
FEMA here and there would suffice. Stiffule the Mainstreet report and a duoe deal, real easy look around.