View Full Version : Marylanders face felony charges for recording their arrests

24th May 2010, 01:06 AM

May 21, 2010 6:18 pm US/Eastern

Debate Sparks Over Video Recording Of Arrests

Mike Hellgren


Several Marylanders face felony charges for recording their arrests on camera, and others have been intimidated to shut their cameras off.

That's touched off a legal controversy. Mike Hellgren explains the fierce debate and what you should do to protect yourself.

A man whose arrest was caught on video faces felony charges from Maryland State Police for recording it on camera.

"We are enforcing the law, and we don't make any apologies for that," said Greg Shipley, MSP.

Video of another arrest at the Preakness quickly made its way online, despite an officer issuing this warning to the person who shot it, "Do me a favor and turn that off. It's illegal to videotape anybody's voice or anything else, against the law in the state of Maryland."

But is he right? Can police stop you from recording their actions, like a beating at the University of Maryland College Park?

The American Civil Liberties Union says no.

"For the government to be saying it has the power to prevent citizens from doing that is profoundly shocking, troubling, and particularly in the case of Maryland, simply flat-out wrong," said David Roach, ACLU.

Under Maryland law, conversations in private cannot be recorded without the consent of both people involved.

But can that be applied to incidents such as one caught on tape three years ago where a Baltimore officer arrested a teenager at the Inner Harbor?

"When you tell me to turn it off because it's against the law, you've proven to me that I'm not secretly taping you," said law professor Byron Warnken. "He doesn't have the right to say, if you don't stop recording me, I'm going to arrest you."

The last official interpretation of Maryland's law came from the previous attorney general saying it was legal for officers to record video on dashcams.

Delegate Sandy Rosenberg is pushing the current attorney general for his opinion on whether you can record them, too.

"If he finds that there are circumstances when it's illegal, under existing law, to tape public actions by police or other public officials, then it's appropriate for me to introduce a bill to change that statute," said Rosenberg, Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City.

At this point, the attorney general has not indicated whether he will issue an opinion clarifying this law.

24th May 2010, 03:46 AM
I dont think we need an opinion on the law. I think what we need is a law thats clearly written in the first place. Here's one I would like to see in every state. Mandatory helmet cams on all cops with sound. Then we the people can ensure our public monies are being spent properly. I also would like to see all elected officials have cams in their offices. Afterall it is our money and they are doing our work.

24th May 2010, 06:43 AM
I dont think we need an opinion on the law. I think what we need is a law thats clearly written in the first place. Here's one I would like to see in every state. Mandatory helmet cams on all cops with sound. Then we the people can ensure our public monies are being spent properly. I also would like to see all elected officials have cams in their offices. Afterall it is our money and they are doing our work.

Those are both excellent ideas!

I'd like to see civil judgments against public officials issued by citizen grand juries too.
You cannot get a fair trial when the judge and defendant are on the same payroll.

Twisted Titan
24th May 2010, 07:14 AM
Every case where are Cop was prosecuted( they few times that it happens) it was because there was video or audio backing up the counter claim made by the civilian.


To attempt to take this tool out of the hand of law abiding citizens is proof positive that they know they are wrong and nothing but ego tripping shakedown artist who hide behind fictious police reports and prosecution hungry State attornies.

You're a fool and a half if you follow this "law"


Hatha Sunahara
24th May 2010, 08:50 AM
OTBWTB --- OTB Photogenic or not!


24th May 2010, 09:08 AM
The law is "their" law and they can imposed what ever law they want......real or not.

Saul Mine
24th May 2010, 07:27 PM
One records a cop's actions to use as evidence against him. If he tries to use his authority to discourage recording, HE SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE!

24th May 2010, 07:31 PM
Every case where are Cop was prosecuted( they few times that it happens) it was because there was video or audio backing up the counter claim made by the civilian.


To attempt to take this tool out of the hand of law abiding citizens is proof positive that they know they are wrong and nothing but ego tripping shakedown artist who hide behind fictious police reports and prosecution hungry State attornies.

You're a fool and a half if you follow this "law"


But see, that's exactly the point.. exactly!!!.. the police should have all power to kick the living sh!t out of you any time they deem necessary, and not have to worry that some yahoo with a camera is recording the event.

24th May 2010, 08:46 PM
In the People's Republic of Maryland?

I'm shocked, so shocked!

mick silver
24th May 2010, 08:51 PM
twisted is right this will not end well ... only the best only the best

Twisted Titan
25th May 2010, 06:32 AM
Every case where are Cop was prosecuted( they few times that it happens) it was because there was video or audio backing up the counter claim made by the civilian.


To attempt to take this tool out of the hand of law abiding citizens is proof positive that they know they are wrong and nothing but ego tripping shakedown artist who hide behind fictious police reports and prosecution hungry State attornies.

You're a fool and a half if you follow this "law"


But see, that's exactly the point.. exactly!!!.. the police should have all power to kick the living sh!t out of you any time they deem necessary, and not have to worry that some yahoo with a camera is recording the event.

Yep like attacking a 11 year old kid for skating


Twisted Titan
25th May 2010, 06:33 AM
Every case where are Cop was prosecuted( they few times that it happens) it was because there was video or audio backing up the counter claim made by the civilian.


To attempt to take this tool out of the hand of law abiding citizens is proof positive that they know they are wrong and nothing but ego tripping shakedown artist who hide behind fictious police reports and prosecution hungry State attornies.

You're a fool and a half if you follow this "law"


But see, that's exactly the point.. exactly!!!.. the police should have all power to kick the living sh!t out of you any time they deem necessary, and not have to worry that some yahoo with a camera is recording the event.

Yep like attacking a 11 year old kid for skating


Or destroying personal property


25th May 2010, 06:37 AM
if you live in the east, dont whine when these things happen :oo-->
Your behind eneny lines....if you dont escape now your "preps" will be confiscated and you will suffer your DESERVED fate.
The FIRST rule about any shtf situation is,was and will continue to be about geography.