View Full Version : Greece - What Just Happened

mick silver
24th May 2010, 12:54 PM
http://www.321gold.com/editorials/katz/katz052410.html ... Howard S. Katz
May 24, 2010

The events of the last few months have been far more important than I had originally given them credit for. The bottom line was when a group of European nations, together with the International Monetary Fund, gave loans to Greece to pay off the rioters. That very day Jean-Claude Trichet was in the financial markets buying bonds

Of course, Trichet was not buying bonds with his own money. None of the political figures we read about in the newspapers and who parade about pretending to be full of love and generosity actually give their own money. Indeed, even the European Central Bank did not give its own money. Further, if we search through the countries of Europe, we do not find a single one of them with extra money to give to Greece.

Then what was this all about? Why were markets rushing up and down? Why were the newspaper headlines screaming? Why was there violence in the streets, with people being killed? Everybody wanted to borrow, and nobody had any money to lend. That, of course, is the way of the world. If you don't like this fact, then I suggest you take it up with the Creator of the world. If you don't like the Creator you have now, then just change your religion and get another Creator. No problem, human beings have been doing that for a long, long time.

So Jean Claude Trichet did not have any money to lend to Greece. Where did he get the money to buy European bonds? The answer is that he printed the money out of nothing. That is, he counterfeited it.

Now Trichet is not the worst of a bad lot. He is more like the best of a bad lot. And that is the problem. If Europe could not stand up under these pressures, they can not be trusted to stand up to similar pressures in the future. And whenever someone in Europe in the future wants to spend more money than he has earned, this will be the “solution.”

Of course, the printing of euros will depreciate the value of the euro. Thus, when the people of Greece go to spend their money, they will find that there has been a general rise in prices. The printing of money does not create wealth, and they are just as poor as they were before.

There are two dramatis personae in this sad tale. The first consists of the protestors. These are mostly members of the Greek anarchist movement which dates from the protests against the Greek military junta in 1973. These protests led to the fall of the junta in 1974 and its replacement by a democracy in 1975.

These people live in a world where there are only two political parties, a party of love/peace and a party of hate/war. (Supporters of the second party prefer to call it a party of strength or practicality.) The party of love and peace is called the left. The party of hate and war is called the right. These two parties are continually contesting with each other. First the left wins. Then the right wins, etc. For example, Julius Caesar was on the political left during his lifetime (1st century B.C.). But those who followed in his footsteps and called themselves “Caesars” morphed into the political right (Kaiser, Czar)

What characterizes the political left is their ability to explode into violence while still maintaining the self-image of love and peace. The typical leftist will have the idea firmly fixed in his head, “I am a person of love” while he is throwing a bomb or murdering a fellow human being. For example, Stalin was described in the media as a person of the left even while he was murdering his fellow Bolsheviks and killing millions of his own countrymen. (Stalin killed, not only Trotsky, but pretty much all of the original Bolsheviks who made the 1917 revolution with him.) Frequently, these leftists will switch over to the right (Mussolini and Hitler). Then, a person of the right might feel remorse for his crimes and switch over to the left. Both sides have lost the concept of a middle ground where human beings have rights and where everyone's rights are respected.

This ability to twist one's mind into a pretzel and believe what one wants to believe is very characteristic of both left and right. The Greek protestors, you remember, were trying to get more wealth by rioting n the street, setting fires and killing people. Yet these actions characteristically destroy wealth, not create it.

The second dramatis personae in this story is the paper aristocracy. All central banks in the world today create money out of nothing. This has a set of consequences which transfer wealth from one group to another, as follows:

The most important task of any central bank is the manipulation of the rate of interest away from its free market level. Prior to the 1780s, charging interest was banned in all countries. (In 1786-87, it was legalized in the northern U.S. and Britain.) Since there are always many people who want to go back to the past, there is always a political force for zero interest rates, and it is the bias of all central banks to lower the (real) rate of interest below its free market rate (which was about 5% real for over a century during the period when the U.S. had little or no central banking).

The way it manipulates interest rates is by buying government securities, Treasury bills being a good example. A one-year T-bill is redeemed at par (100). It is issued at some price below par, and the interest consists of the difference between the issuing price (or current price) and par. For example, a T-bill may be issued for 95. It is redeemed at 100. Thus the interest received by the buyer is 5/95 = 5.26%. The current U.S. rate for the 1 year T-bill is 0.35%.

Modern central banks have no capital of their own (although historically central banks started out as ordinary banks and then got special privileges from the government). The only way that a modern central bank gets money is by printing it (although this is usually covered over with a collection of lies. For example, modern American money contains the words “Federal Reserve Note.” But a note is a credit instrument. It certifies that one party owes money to another, and all notes specify the interest rate which the borrower has agreed to pay to the lender.

It can be proven in economic theory and has been the case in every society in which money has circulated that notes (or other credit instruments) cannot circulate as money. This is because people will not use them as money. When a person has both a note and ordinary money and wants to buy something, he decides to keep the note (because it pays interest). He pays for his purchase with (non-interest bearing) money. Thus, it is the non-interest bearing instrument which circulates and acts as a medium of exchange. In other words, a “Federal Reserve Note” is not a note. And calling it a note was simply one of many lies which emanated from the group around J.P. Morgan at the time they slipped over the Federal Reserve System on a country which had regressed badly in its knowledge of economics.

In modern central banking, pieces of paper, which have been printed up by the central bank (emblazoned with all kinds of fancy words and symbols to impress the ignorant), are declared to be money by the government (in what is known as a legal tender law). This says that you must treat this fancy paper as though it had more economic value than similar pieces of paper. The original paper dollars issued by the Federal Reserve in 1933 were required to be treated as though they had the same value as 1/20 oz. gold. This value does not come from it being a note or a security. It comes because the government has “blessed” this piece of paper with the words “legal tender.”

It should be noted that, although the situation may differ from country to country, here in the U.S. the legal tender enactments by Congress are illegal, hence null and void. This is because we have two levels of law in the U.S. There is the government's law, imposed on the people. And there is the people's law, imposed on the government. The people's law is the Constitution. This is the supreme law, and any statute law which conflicts with it is null and void. (Those interested may read the debates of the constitutional convention, Aug. 16, 1787, in The Madison Papers. The authors of the Constitution were very hostile to the paper money which had been issued during the 1770s and early 1780s and intended to ban it. The vote to ban paper money in America was 9 states to 2 states, and this has never been changed.) Thus, our current government is illegal. This is not a laughing matter because the Coinage Act of 1792 imposes the death penalty for debasement of the currency, a fact which should give Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker serious pause.

"Section 19. And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of the fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or value than the same out to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through the default or with the connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the said officers or persons shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint, every such officer or person who shall commit any or either of the said offenses, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death." -editor's note: bolding is mine

Our current U.S. money has not only been made worse as to the proportion of gold therein contained. It has been made zero.

As the central bank buys Treasury Securities with its printed money, it forces their price up, and, as we have seen, this forces the interest rate down. But low interest rates are beneficial to borrowers (which are primarily the nation's large corporations). They are harmful to savers (who are primarily the middle class). In this regard, the central bank is stealing enormous amounts of wealth from the nation's middle class and giving it to the very rich.

As noted, as a side effect of the lowering of interest rates, the central bank acts like a counterfeiter, printing money out of nothing. This causes all prices to rise. However, they do not rise equally. The wages of labor rise more slowly than the prices of goods. Thus real wages go down. Because of this, real wages have been declining in this country since 1972 (one year after Nixon completed the abolition of the U.S. gold standard). Since real wages are declining, real corporate profits go up.

I call the people who benefit from the printing of money and easing of credit the paper aristocracy. The paper aristocracy always wants more paper money and is trying at all times and in all countries to urge the central bank to issue more money. To accomplish this, there has to be a continuous series of crises (real or imagined) to serve as an excuse.

So behind the Greek protestors are the paper aristocracies of the world stirring up the media into a hysteria. The paper money Trichet is now issuing will raise prices throughout Europe, including Greece, and the Greek protestors, instead of getting richer (as they think) will get poorer (in real terms). Trichet's claim that he will sterilize the money he is now creating is a standard central bank lie. I have heard that promise many times, but I have never seen it kept.

That is what is going on in the world today: a group of stupid and venal people who think they can get something for nothing by throwing a tantrum and acting like children and a group of sophisticated and shadowy rich people who manipulate these fools behind the scenes and use them to steal from the ordinary people of our time.

This may be the end of the attempt to make the euro into a semi-sound money, which started so auspiciously a decade ago. The idea of a paper currency bound down by rules now appears as a failure. The only money which has prevented the depreciation of the currency in world history is gold or silver, and this is the only system which has brought prosperity to mankind.


May 24, 2010
Howard S. Katz

24th May 2010, 01:05 PM
Our current U.S. money has not only been made worse as to the proportion of gold therein contained. It has been made zero.

Contrary to popular belief, a Federal Reserve note is (a) not money, (b) not "backed" by gold - never was, and (c) worthless - or more accurately - a negative value.

A note, by definition, is a promise to pay money IN THE FUTURE. If the paper money was a receipt (i.e. certificate of deposit) like a silver certificate, it would be "backed" by the silver in the vault. FRNs were never backed by anything but "faith".

Title 12 USC Sec. 411 defines the FRN as a debt / obligation of the U.S. government to pay the bearer on demand with LAWFUL MONEY (i.e., gold coin). That promise was repudiated in the 1933 bankruptcy (as was all the privately held gold coin stolen by FDR).

Each enumerated American socialist is a "contributor" (equally liable) for the national debt, of which the FRNs are but a part. Thus each numbered "human resource" cannot object to the tender of their own note, in lieu of lawful money.

As long as millions of Americans continue to volunteer to be sureties on the bankrupt U.S. Congress, their scam will continue - far beyond what Bernard Madoff wreaked.

That is "what just happened" - since the IMF (whose fiduciary agent is the Federal Reserve) - has pledged more credit to Greece - i.e., YOU and YOURS.... by your consent.

24th May 2010, 02:03 PM
The interest rates are set in the bond markets...The FED does not buy all those Treasuries.

the banking system does with the money they obtain from consumers.

consumers that request commercial banks to inflate the money supply whenever the want or need a loan.

The banking system ran out of money to lend centuries ago...It's why they invented the credit system.

an example...The US Federal Government debt or public debt is 12.99 Trillion Dollars

That is the amount of the money supply of the USA the US Government has borrowed.

The US money supply is 52 Trillion Dollars

If the system worked like the above article promotes then the US money supply would be equal to the public debt

The money supply is inflated by consumers requesting commercial banks for loans.

Central banks don't inflate the money supply.

All the people in th economic zone request the commercial banking system to inflate the money supply.e

In 1945 the US public debt was 258 Billion Dollars and the money supply was 355 Billion Dollars.

In the past 65 years the consumers of the USA requested the banking system to loan them 52 Trillion Dollars.

Of course the banking system did not have that so they created it out of thin air.

but during that same period of time the US Government issued around 12 .7 Trillion Dollars of Treasuries and "BORROWED" 12.7 Trillion Dollars of the 52 Trillion Dollars the consumers of the USA requested the commercial banks to manufacture.

The European central bank is doing the same thing when they issue bonds...they are just borrowing Euros from the supply of Euros that European consumers request the European banking system to create out of thin air whenever they need or want a loan.

Every time a credit card is used in the world that is just a consumer requesting a commercial bank to inflate the money supply by that amount.

Every loan from a commercial bank in the entire global system is created out of thin air and there is no need for a central bank to make it possible.

Central banks act as the middle man between the commercial banks and the Government and provide a standardized banknote.

Before the FEDERAL RESERVE or third central bank, second and first...the US Federal Government borrowed money from the commercial banking system and there were at their peak close to 1600 different banknotes in circulation in the USA.

To go back to the fantasy honest banking system some promote you would have to go back centuries and ultimately go back to nowhere because all banking in history has been a money making scam.

24th May 2010, 02:14 PM
If everything works as it should then we would all be in heaven.......the problem is that we are alive and on Earth where many waits for others to fix their problems.............no one can take better care of you but yourselves......unless you are to young, old or sick.

24th May 2010, 02:27 PM
From the Constitution...

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to...

...To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

William McKinley was the presidential candidate backed by the City of London/Rothchild to get the USA off of silver on on to Gold since the city of London controlled the Global gold supply.

The Gold republicans...He was opposed by William Jennings Bryan who represented the silver democrats fighting against the city of London/Rothchild global Gold standard scheme.

William Jennings Bryan lost and the the congress passed the Gold standard act in 1900...which changed a the US Dollar from a fixed measure of silver into a fixed measure of Gold.

The 1792 coinage act defined the a Dollar as....

"DOLLARS or UNITS – each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."

The 1900 Gold standard act changed that to...

"Be it enacted . ., That the dollar consisting of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains of gold nine-tenths fine, as established by section thirty-five hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity of value with this standard, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity."

A small group of people calling themselves "We the people" gave a thing they invented and called congress the power to...

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

the current congress approved US Dollar is defined as...

"Mass 8.100 g (0.260 troy oz)
Diameter 26.5 mm (1.043 in)
Thickness 2.00 mm (0.079 in)
Composition Copper with manganese brass clad (copper 88.5%, zinc 6%, manganese 3.5%, nickel 2%)"

Again A small group of people calling themselves "We the people" gave a thing they invented and called congress the power to do all of the above and it's legal...just ask the Supreme court...they invented that too.

25th May 2010, 03:29 PM
The Coinage Act of 1873 demonetized silver coin - for the U.S. government. The people were not prevented from using silver dollars.

The "Cross of Gold" speech was in support of free and unlimited coinage of silver. An abundance of coin would eliminate the high demand for credit - the rice bowl of banksters.

And the international banksters' Congress obeyed, and demonetized silver... which triggered economic havoc for the last quarter of the 19th century. And coincidentally, one of the buzz words in support of the Federal Reserve Act was "an elastic currency". (So free coinage was not acceptable?)

25th May 2010, 05:49 PM
Yep, it was the "Crime of 1873" that demonetized silver (ending the system of converting unlimited amounts of silver brought to the Treasury into Silver Dollars). The Gold Standard paved the way for the Federal Reserve Note.