View Full Version : Greece may have to quit Eurozone warns former central bank chief

Large Sarge
25th May 2010, 04:27 AM
Greece 'may have to quit Eurozone', warns former head of Germany's central bankBy Allan Hall and Sam Fleming
Last updated at 8:12 AM on 19th May 2010
Comments (21) Add to My Stories A former head of Germany’s central bank has warned Greece may have to quit the Eurozone and revert to the drachma.

Karl Otto Poehl, who ran the Bundesbank when the mighty Deutschmark was still in existence, told Der Spiegel magazine that Athens should never have been allowed to join the single currency area.

While Greece is unlikely to leave the euro soon given it is hooked on vast quantities of foreign aid, in the ‘mid and long-term’ it may well turn its back on the euro, he warned.

Financial crisis: Greece received the first of its EU loan today amid warnings it may have to quit the Eurozone
His words came as Greece received its first tranche of eurozone cash today, a £12.4billion slug of money that allowed it to ward off the threat of default.

Germany was the biggest donor, disbursing £3.8billion of loans, but nine other EU countries also stumped up cash - including Cyprus, which offered £27million of aid.

The International Monetary Fund, which is also participating in the £95billion, multi-year bailout, paid over its initial contribution of £4.7billion last week.

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The loans will cover Athens’s financing requirements for May and June. They come in the nick of time, because the country was due to pay off £7.2billion of debt tomorrow.

However, The US Senate added to market jitters today by voting to oppose IMF assistance to countries deemed unlikely to repay. The euro remained under pressure, trading near a four-year low at $1.235 against the dollar.

Herr Poehl, who served at the helm of the Bundesbank between 1980 and 1991, warned the euro was at risk of becoming a ‘weak currency’.

He said: ‘The euro has already sunk in value against a whole list of other currencies. This trend could continue, because what we have basically done is guarantee a long line of weaker currencies that never should have been allowed to become part of the euro.’

Herr Poehl said he did not believe German Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s declaration that there were ‘no alternatives’` to bailing out Greece. ‘They should never have been allowed in in the first place,’ he said.

The EU should have declared half a year ago, or even earlier, that Greek debt needed restructuring, according to the highly respected former central banker.

‘I would also have expected the European Commission and the ECB to intervene far earlier. They must have realized that a small, indeed a tiny, country like Greece, one with no industrial base, would never be in a position to pay back 300 billion euros worth of debt.’

Herr Poehl said he could envisage a scenario whereby Greece reverted to the drachma - although not straight away.

'As long as a country receives such massive support, it would, of course, have no interest in turning its back on the euro.’ But he added: ‘on the mid and long-term, I wouldn‘t rule it out.’

Today Joachim Fels co-chief global economist of Morgan Stanley, that there’s a risk that a range of nations could eventually leave the 16-member Eurozone.

He told Bloomberg TV that if there is ‘further weakness and a rise in inflation pressures, then some of the more stability-minded European countries might decide to break away.’

However, he added: ‘Clearly that’s a long-term story, not a story for now.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1279451/Greece-quit-Eurozone-warns-head-Germanys-central-bank.html#ixzz0owK5esyu