View Full Version : Big Brother’s Lock On Your Money Is Complete

25th May 2010, 07:07 AM
"Senate Democrats united to pass a financial regulatory bill that allows the government to collect data on any person operating in financial markets at any level, including the collection of personal transaction records from local banks, including customers’ addresses and ATM receipts."


Amazingly, I haven't heard about this lovely little provision anywhere else - so I guess even credit union accounts are out now.

So if you have an employer who insists on direct deposit, is the solution to withdraw every deposit in cash the day it's credited to your account?

Any ideas from the paranoid on this board (I of course mean this as a compliment)?

mick silver
25th May 2010, 07:16 AM
then now they can work on who in the gov stealing our money .... laughing

Twisted Titan
25th May 2010, 07:27 AM
"Senate Democrats united to pass a financial regulatory bill that allows the government to collect data on any person operating in financial markets at any level, including the collection of personal transaction records from local banks, including customers’ addresses and ATM receipts."


Amazingly, I haven't heard about this lovely little provision anywhere else - so I guess even credit union accounts are out now.

So if you have an employer who insists on direct deposit, is the solution to withdraw every deposit in cash the day it's credited to your account?

Any ideas from the paranoid on this board (I of course mean this as a compliment)?


And even then that can be grounds for the banker teller to execute a SAR ( suspcious activity report) on the grounds that you make "large with drawls" every pay day.

Festina Lente
25th May 2010, 08:12 AM
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

- Rahm Emanuel

They are milking this one dry.

25th May 2010, 08:42 AM
If you have an employer who insists on direct deposit tell him you dont have a bank account and dont want one. Tell him you want to be paid in cash instead. Theres no law against that.

25th May 2010, 09:36 AM
If you have an employer who insists on direct deposit tell him you dont have a bank account and dont want one. Tell him you want to be paid in cash instead. Theres no law against that.


25th May 2010, 09:49 AM
Thanks Osky. Good catch.

Opting out of the system (aka “pulling a John Gault” as in Atlas Shrugged) sounds like a good idea only getting better as more rules and laws are piled upon the backs of the small businessman. I read that the small business is responsible for about 2/3 of private employment.

So, who will be left to pay the taxes for the paychecks of all the government workers ?

Oh, that’s right. Bernanke can print up all the money necessary.

Guess everything’s going to be just peachy keen.

Best wishes,


Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-Albert Einstein

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.
– Abraham Lincoln

A plan so cunning, you could stick a tail on it and call it a “Weasel”
- Blackadder III

"Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

Money is like manure. If you spread it around, it does a lot of good, but if you pile it up in one place, it stinks like hell."
Clint Murchison

25th May 2010, 11:57 AM
If you have an employer who insists on direct deposit tell him you dont have a bank account and dont want one. Tell him you want to be paid in cash instead. Theres no law against that.


True. Fortunately what we are seeing in Europe and especially in Greece is only a fraction of what we are about to see here in the US. Let there be no doubt, it is coming. Just a question of when. I said before, we are barely in the 2nd inning of this thing and the real fireworks are ahead of us.

Look for rising unemployment
Even moreso when Gov is forced to start cutting jobs.
As the market continues to decline I predict 4-5k is going to be where we find the true real value in the market. When that happens pensions and 401k's ar wiped out. The only reason the market went so high is because of all the pension and 401k and ira money pouring in.
After the market tanks Gov will probably inflate like crazy trying to prop it up. It too will fail.
Housing will probably tank another 30-50%. More jobs will be lost because of all of the above.

As this crisis escalates it will take down many of the large corps that really produce nothing and are just a leach on society like insurance companies. When backed against a corner to either buy food or car insurance people will opt to eat.
Any corp that doesnt really produce anything will be toast.
Look for medicaid and medicare to be greatly reduced or eliminated altogether.
Look for retirement ages to be raised to the 70's or so. Wont matter anyway since there arent any jobs.
And on and on it will snowball down. The point to all this is at some point the money to pay for all these new laws is going to be gone. When it is the laws go away as well. All you have to do is look at some smaller countries that dont have nearly the laws that we do and they are broke even without all this extra crap. The only reason the US is still functioning as normal right now is we have the reserve currency but we kinda screwed that up by overspending. It will catch up and I believe sooner than most think. We have a year maybe 2 before the shit starts to crumble.

25th May 2010, 12:06 PM
Always keep your eye on the UK for what ever happens here, happens there first.

25th May 2010, 12:29 PM
If you have an employer who insists on direct deposit tell him you dont have a bank account and dont want one. Tell him you want to be paid in cash instead. Theres no law against that.

And be out of a job real quick-like.

The new paradigm is "use of cash = terrorist or drug dealer."

Twisted Titan
25th May 2010, 01:40 PM
If you have an employer who insists on direct deposit tell him you dont have a bank account and dont want one. Tell him you want to be paid in cash instead. Theres no law against that.

And be out of a job real quick-like.

The new paradigm is "use of cash = terrorist or drug dealer."

Shahzad, who was desperate for money, paid cash for the Nissan Pathfinder SUV and the ticket to Dubai after the failed bombing last Saturday. Probers had told the Daily News they suspected the 30-year-old accused bomber was receiving financial aid from foreign sources.

The AP reported Friday that investigators had the name of a suspected overseas courier who allegedly helped funnel cash to Shahzad.

The investigation into Shahzad's possible ties with terrorist networks includes a review of his finances - everything from real estate records to pay stubs, sources told The News.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/05/07/2010-05-07_times_square_bomb_plotter_faisal_shahzad_was_lo ne_wolf_with_no_terror_contacts_g.html#ixzz0oyZ04i QD