View Full Version : Crypto-jewry in the Catholic Church

25th May 2010, 10:46 AM
This thread is here to serve the purpose of shedding light on the deceptive and concentrated infiltration into the Catholic Church, by the jewish conspirators. It is, beyond question, a completely proveable fact that the jew is focused on the dismantling of the Holy Christian faith in it's entireity, and will impetiously stoop to any tactic available to progress towards this end.

The fact that the jew is overflowing with pride, and full of loathing for the Goyim, is a weak link in their conspiratorial organization, because the jew must brag to each other, and they have a tendancy to write the truth down in books that are written "for jews eyes only". Thereby the jew provides us with proof of their plans, as well as testimony of their deeds carried out in the past, providing souces which can not be dismissed as "anti-semetic" or rhetoric.

I will be contributing to this thread on an ongoing basis, as I can not cover everything in one shot (or even one thread), and I suspect this thread will morph as it progresses.

I will be relying heavily on a text entitled "The Plot against the church" by Maurice Pinay for three reasons:
1) I have read it in it's entireity, and studied it more than most books I have read
2) There is an online version that interested parties can refer to themselves, even though you should really purchase a hard copy
3) The sources are irrefutable, from both jew and non-jew alike, reaching back from the time of Christ forward to 1962.

The creation of this thread was inspired by a post from Neuro, from GypsyBikers prematurely closed "Stormfront II Emerging" thread, found here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/stormfront-ii-emerging/msg49818/?topicseen#msg49818).

Nuero mentioned in the second last post that fhe found the subject of jewish Popes, Cardinals and Bishops fascinating, and would like to learn more. My intention is to try to cover this in depth, but I am a mane with minimal free time on my hands, so you will have to be patient as I contribute as much as I can, based on the resources I have.

In the mean time, my study is ongoing. many many books on the jewish conspiracy can be found from Omni Christian Book club, which has a website here:

For disclosure purposes, I will say that I have no part in theior business, nor do I know them, nor am I affiliated with them in any way, outside of the fact that I love theior selection of books which they have available. Omni is a valuable resource to anyone who is seeking information jewry or occultism in government, as it related to the conspiracy against Christianity.

Closing this introduction, I will state that I did not fplace this thread in the religious section because the jewish conspiracy streaches far beyond the church, and infiltrates all sides of our lives and political/social structure.
Please do not relocate this thread.

Noobs are welcome as well. Don't be shy.


25th May 2010, 11:17 AM
Thanks a lot Awoke. Applaud for you! One or more popes were mentioned to be Jews in the other thread. Would like to learn more about that!

25th May 2010, 01:04 PM
Definately Neuro. When I have time to complile some details I will post them. Right now I am just popping online once in a while when I have time between chores, work, etc.

I will deliver.

25th May 2010, 01:10 PM
Neuro? I was the one to post that.......something that I read years ago and no longer remember where..........do a Goglee search.

25th May 2010, 01:13 PM
what i've wondered is, which Christian church has done the best job of keeping out the criminal Jews, and staying true to Christian values ?

we have a local Lutheran church where the pastor is a Jewish woman (last name Lebbert) and it's run by another Jewish woman, who manages it & does the paperwork.

Large Sarge
25th May 2010, 01:17 PM
what i've wondered is, which Christian church has done the best job of keeping out the criminal Jews, and staying true to Christian values ?

we have a local Lutheran church where the pastor is a Jewish woman (last name Lebbert) and it's run by another Jewish woman, who manages it & does the paperwork.

I think the old catholic church (pre-vatican 2) was good, Mel Gibson belongs to a splinter group that does not recognize vatican 2

the other group I would say is Islam, which has very very strong tenants against usury

25th May 2010, 01:18 PM
Just pulling some quick referrences from the web, look here, regarding Pope (Anti-pope) John Paul II:



There is more comprehensive data out there, which I will post as I can.

25th May 2010, 01:21 PM
Neuro? I was the one to post that.......something that I read years ago and no longer remember where..........do a Goglee search.

Awoke and Ponce, or anyone else for that matter...

I would like to learn more about Jewish Roman Catholic Popes/Cardinals/Bishops... Sounds fascinating!



25th May 2010, 01:26 PM
GunDriller, the Lutheran Church is a product of the jewish-influenced Catholic/Protestant Schism. Almost every member of Luthers cousel was a jew.

I was raised Lutheran too. I identify myself as a Catholic, but inreality I am a Christian, because Jesus Christ is my Lord. I don't get too tied up in the schism or the resulting factions/sects, becuase I understand that they are a result of destructive jewish infiltration.
Instead, I try to discuss it and educate people on the power jewry has had in the division of the Christian faith.

As far as finding a Church that is closest to the original Apostolic Church, that is a quest that I am on as well. I would love to find an Orthodox Church that still followed the pre-sendon vatican council mass, etc, but I haven't located one in my area yet.

25th May 2010, 01:31 PM
what i've wondered is, which Christian church has done the best job of keeping out the criminal Jews, and staying true to Christian values ?

The real one, where Jesus Christ is actually the head of it. The one where you hold its services in your own home.

The real Christian church has no earthly headquarters.

25th May 2010, 01:33 PM
the other group I would say is Islam, which has very very strong tenants against usury

Islam? Are you serious?

Large Sarge
25th May 2010, 01:39 PM
the other group I would say is Islam, which has very very strong tenants against usury

Islam? Are you serious?

Usury is one of the jews strongest powers

especially lethal when combined with FIAT

Islam has strong edicts against any form of usury

the jews have been a problem for muslims also

Keeping the faithful free from usury, was protecting the flock from the jewish moneychangers

the scene in the bible, the only group Jesus ever physically accosts in the entire bible, are the jewish moneychangers.

knocking over their tables, driving them from the area, etc (I believe he was striking them)

25th May 2010, 01:43 PM
the jews have been a problem for muslims also

Indeed they have, and I will post details on the infiltration of the musulman infiltration by the 5th column as well.

[quote=Large Sarge ]
the scene in the bible, the only group Jesus ever physically accosts in the entire bible, are the jewish moneychangers.

He flipped tables on them, but did not physically accost anyone.


25th May 2010, 01:46 PM
Then what was the whip for?

25th May 2010, 01:48 PM
He flipped tables on them, but did not physically accost anyone.

He "drove" them from the Temple.

Have you ever tried to liberate money from a Talmud Jew? It takes more than words. LOL

25th May 2010, 02:01 PM
the other group I would say is Islam, which has very very strong tenants against usury

Islam recognizes Jesus as a Holy Man, that I respect.

i know there are some sects of Judaism that emphatically reject Zionism, a la Vanessa Redgrave, shown here in her 1978 Oscar reception speech where she condemns "Zionist Hoodlums".

i believe in God but i am not certain of the Resurrection.

but my understanding of the Resurrection is that it was concluded He was resurrected because his body was missing.

how do we know His body wasn't just stolen/ moved, either by Jesus' supporters, or by another group ?

25th May 2010, 02:18 PM
Neuro? I was the one to post that.......something that I read years ago and no longer remember where..........do a Goglee search.

I know Ponce that you said it, but I can't thank you for opening this thread can I? But I thank you for bringing up this interesting topic...

So JPii's mother was Jewish and he was the pope that made the Vatican recognize Israel, through the mediations of his lifelong Jewish friend... And the biographies of his life celebrating this great (anti)-pope were all written by Jews... The pedophile priests were all handpicked by a bishop Bernardine from around 1970 onwards, and he is probably Jewish...

Destroyed from within is what I read...

25th May 2010, 02:52 PM
CRYPTO???? my @ss! the black pope in plain sight for over a generation is peter heinz kolvenbach ...a full blooded jew.....thats why theres no retaliation when the jews print the catholic sex scandals, when the LEADER of bnai brith is a KNOWN pedophile....and all the sex scandals involving rabbis are NEVER reported....yet...yet.. some insist the catholic church runs everything.. :oo-->

25th May 2010, 03:03 PM
So JPii's mother was Jewish and he was the pope that made the Vatican recognize Israel, through the mediations of his lifelong Jewish friend...

He did not do this single-handedly.

Then what was the whip for?

He used the whip to drive out the livestock.

25th May 2010, 07:35 PM
I'm not a RC and was brought up with dire warnings about ever dating one.

Otherwise they are good people, according to mom.

I haven’t read this book, but it alludes to changes in the Roman Catholic church, brought about by enemies of the Christian religion.

I believe Bishop Williamson is one of a group who broke away from the Vatican after the change.

Maurice Pinay.

It is now a well known "secret" that 12 Priests collaborated on the construction of this book, using the pen name of Pinay. The purpose was to alert the Council Fathers before the opening of Vatican II and warn them of the plans of the enemy to work within the structure to undermine and infiltrate the Church with revolutionary ideas. Contains powerful historical facts on the origins and founders of Communism and Freemasonry and their attacks on the Church. Read the teachings of the Popes, Councils and Saints against the enemies of the Church from the earliest times through today. Discover the "fifth column" among the clergy, at work right up to the present time, to destroy the unity of the Church. This is sobering material with serious consequences for all Catholics. Contains a veritable wealth of information. No book in the 20th century has been the object of so many commentaries in the world press as this important and valuable work, a copy of which was made available to every Council Father before the opening of Vatican II. "In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men." It is necessary to know the enemy before one is able to launch an offensive, both moral and spiritual, against those whose stated purpose it is to crucify Christ's body on earth, His Church.



Crisis in the
Catholic Church

The White Smoke
October 26, 1958
6 P.M.
Pivotal Moment in the history of the 20th century
Judeo-Masonry usurps control of the Vatican structures.
Read what happened here


An Ominous Anniversary
(part of the compelling circumstantial evidence that nuclear threats were used against the cardinals in the 1958 conclave)
Read this important Addendum


For more information
on this subject go to:

Scripture Scholars,
Ancient and Modern


Warnings from Heaven Suppressed


The Popes and the Dove

More Articles on the Crisis in the Catholic Church

Sacrilege and Heresy: The New Mass Falsifies the Definition of "Mystery of Faith" in the consecration of the wine

The New Mass in English is Invalid Because of Substantial Change in Christ's Words


False Moral Teaching in Vatican II: Religious Liberty

Proof that Paul VI Invalidated
the rite of the consecration for Bishops in 1968

Letter to my Brothers and Sisters about the first two pages of Yves Dupont's book, "Catholic Prophecy"

Prophecies for Searching Souls regarding the crisis in the Church


"Men In White"


Crisis in the Church:
Key articles Linked on 1 Page

Pope Leo's Vision of Satan's 100 Years of Increased Power, and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


25th May 2010, 08:41 PM
The Revolutionary Jew and His Impact on World History (http://www.culturewars.com/2003/RevolutionaryJew.html)

by E. Michael Jones

<Too long to post. Follow the link>

OR read the book:


I have read about half of it, but have not picked it up in months.

E. Michael Jones and Robert Sungenis (http://catholicintl.com/) are two of the most prolific writers about the jews in Catholic circles. Robert Sunenis has come under attack by some Catholics for his views.

26th May 2010, 04:55 AM

I already posted links to TPATC a number of times, even in the original OP:

I will be relying heavily on a text entitled "The Plot against the church" by Maurice Pinay for three reasons:
1) I have read it in it's entireity, and studied it more than most books I have read
2) There is an online version that interested parties can refer to themselves, even though you should really purchase a hard copy
3) The sources are irrefutable, from both jew and non-jew alike, reaching back from the time of Christ forward to 1962.

But thank you for posting. Especially for the other links in your post!

The Revolutionary Jew and His Impact on World History (http://www.culturewars.com/2003/RevolutionaryJew.html)

by E. Michael Jones

<Too long to post. Follow the link>

OR read the book:


I have read about half of it, but have not picked it up in months.

E. Michael Jones and Robert Sungenis (http://catholicintl.com/) are two of the most prolific writers about the jews in Catholic circles. Robert Sunenis has come under attack by some Catholics for his views.

Thanks for the links!

26th May 2010, 06:06 AM
Regarding the 5th Column

...in the Middle Ages the Hebrew origin, recent or remote, of many false Christians was still remembered. This permitted the clergy, monarchs and aristocrats to trace the Jewish origin of these revolts and these sects. But, as centuries passed, the origin of these families was forgotten. They, for their part, did everything possible to erase the memory of their Jewish descent until one fine day nobody suspected that, under the appearance of a pious Christian, was concealed an undercover Jew who conspired constantly against Church and State. And who never missed an opportunity to organize revolts and conspiracies, which, in such circumstances appear to spring from the people themselves and to be internecine wars between members of the same nation, while being in fact real wars inflicted upon an people invaded in the worst manner, against disguised invaders, deliberately utilizing for this purpose a large portion of the same people caught in the nets of the fifth columns by clever revolutionary plans. Very fine programs with which they make their future victims believe that, by helping them, they are labouring for their own betterment and that they are fighting for the improvement of their political, social and religious institutions.

This has been the deception of all the crypto-Jewish subversive movements since the 11th Century and until our times; and this has also been the cause of the victories of the Israelite deceivers and swindlers, in guise of being sincere redeemers of the people, saviours of the nation or reformers of the churches. Initiating a revolution with the highest and noblest ends in view in order to take it later into the most perverse objectives, has been the traditional tactics of Judaism for nine hundred years. Naturally, these unwary people, entrapped by the deceitful leaders and by programs as fake as they are attractive, one day become aware of the criminal deceit, but sometimes this occurs when there is no longer any remedy and the betrayed ones are either annihilated or enslaved, suffering the consequences of their ingenuousness.

26th May 2010, 06:37 AM
As far as finding a Church that is closest to the original Apostolic Church, that is a quest that I am on as well.

In the very beginning of the Apostolic church, they were all Jews.... Jesus, the twelve apostles, the 3,000 added to their number on Shavuot, the additional 2,000 after the healing of the cripple... up until Acts 10 there wasn't a single gentile in the fold.

So if you found a church that consisted of a bunch of Jews that believe in Jesus and continue to worship in the ancient Jewish style, you'd be getting really close. But somehow I think that is not what you are looking for.

It took hundreds of years to purge the last remnants of Judaism from Christianity. For example, the Resurrection was still celebrated in its proper place (congruent with the Passover celebration) well into the second century (cf. Quartodeciman controversy), and even after Nicaea in some places.

26th May 2010, 06:38 AM
Regarding the 5th Column

...in the Middle Ages the Hebrew origin, recent or remote, of many false Christians was still remembered. This permitted the clergy, monarchs and aristocrats to trace the Jewish origin of these revolts and these sects. But, as centuries passed, the origin of these families was forgotten. They, for their part, did everything possible to erase the memory of their Jewish descent until one fine day nobody suspected that, under the appearance of a pious Christian, was concealed an undercover Jew who conspired constantly against Church and State. And who never missed an opportunity to organize revolts and conspiracies, which, in such circumstances appear to spring from the people themselves and to be internecine wars between members of the same nation, while being in fact real wars inflicted upon an people invaded in the worst manner, against disguised invaders, deliberately utilizing for this purpose a large portion of the same people caught in the nets of the fifth columns by clever revolutionary plans. Very fine programs with which they make their future victims believe that, by helping them, they are labouring for their own betterment and that they are fighting for the improvement of their political, social and religious institutions.

This has been the deception of all the crypto-Jewish subversive movements since the 11th Century and until our times; and this has also been the cause of the victories of the Israelite deceivers and swindlers, in guise of being sincere redeemers of the people, saviours of the nation or reformers of the churches. Initiating a revolution with the highest and noblest ends in view in order to take it later into the most perverse objectives, has been the traditional tactics of Judaism for nine hundred years. Naturally, these unwary people, entrapped by the deceitful leaders and by programs as fake as they are attractive, one day become aware of the criminal deceit, but sometimes this occurs when there is no longer any remedy and the betrayed ones are either annihilated or enslaved, suffering the consequences of their ingenuousness.

Please be careful, once a Jew sincerely converts to Christianity he/she is no longer a Jew (though they may relate to Jeiwsh "culture"). Remember who the apostles evangilized first (largely because of circumstance), and who they were (they were Jews previous to becoming Christians). Remember there is neither jew nor gentile, man nor woman, etc. I can see this becoming racist rather than a religious/theological issue.

E. Michael Jones writes a lot about the error of forced baptism in Spain which led to a lot of insincere Christians in his book on the Revolutionary Jew.

26th May 2010, 07:02 AM
Please be careful, once a Jew sincerely converts to Christianity he/she is no longer a Jew (though they may relate to Jeiwsh "culture"). Remember who the apostles evangilized first (largely because of circumstance), and who they were (they were Jews previous to becoming Christians). Remember there is neither jew nor gentile, man nor woman, etc. I can see this becoming racist rather than a religious/theological issue.

E. Michael Jones writes a lot about the error of forced baptism in Spain which led to a lot of insincere Christians in his book on the Revolutionary Jew.

What makes you think Jews stop being Jews when they believe in Jesus?

By that logic, using the same Scripture reference you quoted, since I believe in Jesus I am no longer a man? Are all believers hermaphrodites?

Paul self-identified as a Jew and a Pharisee till the end of the book of Acts. Was he confused? Mistaken? Lying?

26th May 2010, 07:36 AM
Regarding the 5th Column

...in the Middle Ages the Hebrew origin, recent or remote, of many false Christians was still remembered. This permitted the clergy, monarchs and aristocrats to trace the Jewish origin of these revolts and these sects. But, as centuries passed, the origin of these families was forgotten. They, for their part, did everything possible to erase the memory of their Jewish descent until one fine day nobody suspected that, under the appearance of a pious Christian, was concealed an undercover Jew who conspired constantly against Church and State. And who never missed an opportunity to organize revolts and conspiracies, which, in such circumstances appear to spring from the people themselves and to be internecine wars between members of the same nation, while being in fact real wars inflicted upon an people invaded in the worst manner, against disguised invaders, deliberately utilizing for this purpose a large portion of the same people caught in the nets of the fifth columns by clever revolutionary plans. Very fine programs with which they make their future victims believe that, by helping them, they are labouring for their own betterment and that they are fighting for the improvement of their political, social and religious institutions.

This has been the deception of all the crypto-Jewish subversive movements since the 11th Century and until our times; and this has also been the cause of the victories of the Israelite deceivers and swindlers, in guise of being sincere redeemers of the people, saviours of the nation or reformers of the churches. Initiating a revolution with the highest and noblest ends in view in order to take it later into the most perverse objectives, has been the traditional tactics of Judaism for nine hundred years. Naturally, these unwary people, entrapped by the deceitful leaders and by programs as fake as they are attractive, one day become aware of the criminal deceit, but sometimes this occurs when there is no longer any remedy and the betrayed ones are either annihilated or enslaved, suffering the consequences of their ingenuousness.

Please be careful, once a Jew sincerely converts to Christianity he/she is no longer a Jew (though they may relate to Jeiwsh "culture"). Remember who the apostles evangilized first (largely because of circumstance), and who they were (they were Jews previous to becoming Christians). Remember there is neither jew nor gentile, man nor woman, etc. I can see this becoming racist rather than a religious/theological issue.

E. Michael Jones writes a lot about the error of forced baptism in Spain which led to a lot of insincere Christians in his book on the Revolutionary Jew.

The key word being "Sincerely".

26th May 2010, 07:54 AM
Please be careful, once a Jew sincerely converts to Christianity he/she is no longer a Jew (though they may relate to Jeiwsh "culture"). Remember who the apostles evangilized first (largely because of circumstance), and who they were (they were Jews previous to becoming Christians). Remember there is neither jew nor gentile, man nor woman, etc. I can see this becoming racist rather than a religious/theological issue.

E. Michael Jones writes a lot about the error of forced baptism in Spain which led to a lot of insincere Christians in his book on the Revolutionary Jew.

What makes you think Jews stop being Jews when they believe in Jesus?

By that logic, using the same Scripture reference you quoted, since I believe in Jesus I am no longer a man? Are all believers hermaphrodites?

Paul self-identified as a Jew and a Pharisee till the end of the book of Acts. Was he confused? Mistaken? Lying?

The Catholic Church is the fullfillment of the Abrahamic covenant. The law has been superceded- we are no longer judged by the law. This is our salvation. So, yes, a jew becming a Chrisitan (having salvation though the new covenant) is no longer a jew (being judged by the law). As I said, some "jewish" Christians may still recognize some jewish cultural and/or "racial" considerations. But in a strict sense, the jewish religion ended with the loss of the priesthood. The jewish people can still exist (I know some claim otherwise).

26th May 2010, 08:09 AM
The already mentioned Jewish historian Cecil Roth confirms in his previously quoted work “Storia del Popolo Ebraico”, page 229, Milan 1962, that “... naturally the conversions were for the most part a pretence...” They were baptised and remained nevertheless just as much Jews in secret as before, although they have given themselves Christian names, went to Mass and frivolously received the sacraments. They then used their new position as seeming Christians to set up false teachings, which developed into underground movements. This would have brought about the dissolution of Christianity and secured the rule by Jewry over all peoples, as will be elaborated on later with irrefutable proofs.

In his celebrated work “History of the Marranos”, Cecil Roth provides some very interesting details about how the Jews, thanks to their apparent but false conversions, entered Christianity and publicly acted as Christians, but all the while secretly held to their Jewish religion. He also shows us how this secret belief was passed on by parents to children, cloaked with the appearance of an outward Christian militancy.

In his “History of the Marranos”, published by Editorial Israel of Buenos Aires, 1946, Jewish Year 5706, he says:

“Introduction: The Early Life of Crypto-Jewry. Crypto-Jewry is in its various forms just as old as the Jews themselves. At the time of Greek rule in Palestine, those weak of character attempted to conceal their origin, in order to avoid arousing derision at athletic exercises. Likewise under Roman discipline the evasions increased so as to avoid payment of the special Jewish tax, the ‘Fiscus Judaicus’, which was introduced after the fall of Jerusalem. The historian Suetonius gives a lively report of the indignities that were exercised upon a ninety year old man to establish whether he was a Jew or not.

It is also evident that these false conversions of Jews in England, far from obtaining for the Church the expected salvation of souls, brought it instead the loss of millions of souls, when the descendants of these false proselytes promoted the Anglican schism.

There are still other very outstanding cases of false conversions of Jews to Christianity, among them that of the “neofiti” in the south of Italy, as recorded by Cecil Roth, who were persecuted by the Inquisition and of whom many were burned at the stake in Rome.

It is important to mention the fact that the Inquisition which functioned in Rome was, of course, the Holy Papal Inquisition whose serviceable activity was successful in the Middle Ages in holding up the progress of the apocalyptic beast of the Antichrist for three hundred years.

He observes how in Byzantium something similar had already happened in the times of Leo the Isaurian, in the year 723, and proves that even in the eighth century of the Christian calendar, i.e. more than two hundred years earlier, the infiltration of the Jews into the bosom of the Church, by means of false conversions had become universal practice from France to Constantinople, from one end of Christian Europe to the other. In this manner there arose alongside Jewry, which openly practised its religion, a subterranean Judaism, whose members were only Christian in appearance.

Just sayin...

26th May 2010, 08:46 AM
...Just sayin...

Was St. Paul a Crypto-Jew?

Are we to be suspicious of all Christians having any Jewish descent? Where do we draw the line? It is one thing if they are openly promoting Jewish ideas within Christianity (or verifiably in secret), but this can go too far (no I am not of Jewish descent). I'm not arguing against the idea thar there were and may still be crypo-Jews, but how do we distinguish, and how far do you take it?

26th May 2010, 09:37 AM
All good questions, and I appreciate the fact that you're open to discussion.

Since my studies have presented my with concrete evidence and created a trend that is hundreds (or thousands) of years old, and invariably consistant, I am suspect of all hebrews at first glance. It's not a "race" thing, it's an "ideology" thing.

Regarding St. Paul:

Saint Paul, in his First Epistle to the Thessalonians (Chapter II), says with reference to the Jews:
“15. Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men.”62

In this verse Saint Paul describes the Jews in convincing manner as “contrary to all men.” This is a truth that can be doubted by no one who has thoroughly studied the mode of thought and the illegal activities of the Jewish people.

However, it is very probable that, if Paul had lived today, he would have been condemned as an enemy of the Jews, since he publicly announced a truth that may never be announced to any one, owing to the Jews and their accomplices within the clergy. When, on his side, the protomartyr Saint Stephen turned to the Jews of the Synagogue of the Freedmen, the Cyreneans, the Alexandrians and then to those of Cilicia and Asia, i.e. to Jews from different parts of the world, he said to them in the presence of the high priest, the spiritual leader of Israel:

“51. Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost; as your fathers did, so do ye. 52. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers!”63

After Saint Paul was led before the deputy (governor), the Acts of the Apostles continues in Chapter XXV:

“2. Then the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him. 3. And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying wait on the way to kill him. 4. But Festus answered, that Paul should be kept at Caesarea, and that he himself would depart shortly thither. 5. Let them therefore, said he, which are able, go down with me, and accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him. 7. And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, and laid many and grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove. 8. While he answered for himself, ‘Neither against the law of the Jews, neither against the temple, nor yet against Caesar, have I offended any thing at all.’”86

In order to understand this terrible tragedy, one must bear in mind that Saint Paul was a devout man and illuminated by the grace of God, to such an extent that he is worthy of being regarded as one of the greatest saints of Christianity. Nevertheless, the Jews, with their natural falsity and their insane tenacity, fell into a fury with him in the manner described in the preceding passages of the Holy Bible. The problem was sharpened still more as a result that not only the Jews from Palestine, but also those from the most different parts of the world, exposed their murderous and godless instincts, and that not only the sect of the Pharisees but also the Sadducees, who were opponents of the former. It was not individuals, isolated and without representation, who oozed such maliciousness, but the high priests, the scribes, the leading personages and most illustrious men of Israel; all cut from the same cloth.

It appears that Pauls' conversion to Christianity was real and true, although it did not happen until after he had persecuted the Christians with malice for a time. His conversion on the road to Damascus was a significant event that had a huge impact on the people around him at the time.

However, there is debate regarding the letters he wrote, with some students asserting that Paul did not pen all the epistles that are attributed to him, due to some contradictions in he messages.
Others suggest that these contradictions are due to the fact that when he wrote the epistles, they were meant for specific groups of people at specific times, dealing with certain specific issues that were specific to those groups - not for the entire Christian Church as a whole.

I'm no expert in this field and would never claim to be, so as I said - I'm learning as I go too.

That said, based on the history of their (the jew) actions throughout the last 2000 years at least, I have to say that it obviously has persuaded me to be cautious and study up on the subject. The studying is ongoing, and I'm learning when I have the time to read, etc, but it's a slow go with my busy personal life and the essentially endless amounts of text on the subject.

But to be clear, I don't preach or push hate, I push and preach caution and awareness.

28th May 2010, 08:06 AM
...Just sayin...

Was St. Paul a Crypto-Jew?

Are we to be suspicious of all Christians having any Jewish descent? Where do we draw the line? It is one thing if they are openly promoting Jewish ideas within Christianity (or verifiably in secret), but this can go too far (no I am not of Jewish descent). I'm not arguing against the idea thar there were and may still be crypo-Jews, but how do we distinguish, and how far do you take it?

Very good point....i would look at their ACTIONS and associations over a long period of time..

29th May 2010, 04:39 AM
After reading the above... The question arises, was John Paul II a cryptojew with the intent of destroying the Catholic church? Or was he a catholic christian at heart, possibly having some conflicting emotions due to his jewish ancestry?

I realize that it is really impossible to know this for certain, so we have to go with our opinions...

30th May 2010, 04:33 PM
After reading the above... The question arises, was John Paul II a cryptojew with the intent of destroying the Catholic church? Or was he a catholic christian at heart, possibly having some conflicting emotions due to his jewish ancestry?

I realize that it is really impossible to know this for certain, so we have to go with our opinions...

We can't know for sure....

But we can research:
http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/john_paul_ii_preached_the_gospel_of_the_antichrist .php

30th May 2010, 08:51 PM
After reading the above... The question arises, was John Paul II a cryptojew with the intent of destroying the Catholic church? Or was he a catholic christian at heart, possibly having some conflicting emotions due to his jewish ancestry?

I realize that it is really impossible to know this for certain, so we have to go with our opinions...

We can't know for sure....

But we can research:
http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/john_paul_ii_preached_the_gospel_of_the_antichrist .php

The Dimon brothers are a very questionable source.

31st May 2010, 04:26 AM
interesting site of quotes which iamthewitness links to today,

The Popes Against The Jews (http://www.romancatholicism.org/popes-jews.htm)

31st May 2010, 04:55 AM
After reading the above... The question arises, was John Paul II a cryptojew with the intent of destroying the Catholic church? Or was he a catholic christian at heart, possibly having some conflicting emotions due to his jewish ancestry?

I realize that it is really impossible to know this for certain, so we have to go with our opinions...

We can't know for sure....

But we can research:
http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/john_paul_ii_preached_the_gospel_of_the_antichrist .php

The Dimon brothers are a very questionable source.

What makes you say that? I'm just curious.
I don't agree with everything they say or write, but during research you have to pick the needles out of the haystacks.

13th July 2010, 09:43 AM
Bumping this thread with a letter written by the jew, for the jew. It was written at a time when the jew was facing expulsion from France due to their insidious and usurping ways. The option at the time was "Embrace Christ and reject jewry, or leave".

The first paragraph is background. The rest is the actual jewish instructions.

The aims of the infiltration of the Jewish mock-Christians in the clergy are clearly laid down in an interesting document which the Abbé Chabauty had published, and which is also mentioned by the archbishop of Port Louis, Monsignore Leon Meurin, S.J. This concerns a letter from the secret leader of the international Jews, who lived towards end of the 15th century in Constantinople, to the Jews in France. As answer to an earlier letter to him from Chamor Rabino de Arles, he gives them in this the desired instructions. This document fell into the hands of the French authorities and Abbé Chabauty had it published. The letter runs literally:

“Beloved brother in Moses, we have received your letter, in which you report of your anxieties of soul and the misfortune which you must bear. We suffer this sorrow with you. The advice of the Grand Rabbis and Satraps of our laws runs as follows:

“You say that the King of France compels you to become Christians. Well then, do his will, but preserve the law of Moses in your hearts.

“You say that they wish to seize your goods with violence. Let you children become merchants, so that through trade they may rob the Christians of their property.

“You say that there is a striving after your life. Let your sons become doctors and chemists, so that they can take life from the Christians without having to fear punishment.

“You say that your synagogues are destroyed. Let your sons become priests and abbots, so that they can destroy the Christian Church.

“You say that you are oppressed in other ways. Let your sons become lawyers or notaries or undertake some other profession which has usually to do with public affairs. Thus you will rule the Christians, you will gain control of their land and avenge yourselves upon them.

“Follow the commands which we give you and experience will so teach you that, although you are now downtrodden, you attain the high point of power.”

Signed V.S.S.V.E.F. Prince of the Jews of Constantinople to the leader of Casleo, 1489.223

Taken from "The Plot against the church."

13th July 2010, 09:48 AM
I've been waiting for this subject to be broached. This could get interesting.


13th July 2010, 10:46 AM
I have a pile of new books on the subject that are headed my way. I will be learning as much as I can about this infiltration, which is only one small portion of the global conspiracy, yet is constantly focused on with vehemence.

13th July 2010, 11:02 AM
One of the deepest rabbit holes there is. I myself have contemplated rolling up my sleeves and diving in. What I do know, though...
let's just say that this could get very interesting.


I have a pile of new books on the subject that are headed my way. I will be learning as much as I can about this infiltration, which is only one small portion of the global conspiracy, yet is constantly focused on with vehemence.

26th July 2010, 07:47 PM
So then as some people here know, the schiszm in the Christian (Catholic and origial) Church was due to the rebellion of Martin Luther, a German (Bavaria) whom founded the Protestant church by splintering away from the Catholic Church and incepting the Lutheran Church.

His council advisors consisted of a high number of documented crypto jews who whispered dissention and division and glory in his ear. This is documented in a number of sources which are compiled in "The Plot against the Church".

He was, for a long time, philosemetic. After being mislead and victimized by the jews, and decieved into causing the great schiszm, his opinion changed on the jew, and he became so "anti-semetic" that he would be jailed in these current times.

He published a number of books and manuscripts on the jew, and one of them is call "The jews and their lies".

From that book I quote the following:

A bitter, poisonous enemy

Therefore know, my dear Christian, that next to the devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy that a real jew who earnestly desires to be a jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision.

In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wills, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weiszensee, etc. Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the full, ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. Know this for a certainty and act accordingly!

Luther's last sermon ever:

Besides, you also have many jews living in the country, who do much harm... You should know that the jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Saviour day for day... for that reason you, milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them.

They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, the call the blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changlings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians- the Borgians and Medicis- who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or a month.

Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excrucuatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honour and belongings... For that reason I cannot have patience nor carry on an intercourse with these deliberate blasphemers and violators of our Beloved Savior.

As a good patriot I wanted to give you this warning for the very last time to deter you from participating in alien sins. You must know I only desire the best for you all, rulers and subjects.

As a preface, Dr. Luther opens with this statement:

"I had decided not to write anymore, neither of the jews, nor against the jews. Because I have learned, however that those miserable, wicked people do not cease in trying to win over to themselves us, that is, the Christians also, I have permitted this booklet to go forth that I might be found among those who have resisted such poisonous undertaking of the jews, and have warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have thought that a Christian would permit himself to be fooled by the jews to share their exile and misery. But the devil is god of the world, and where God's word is not, he has easy sailing, not only among the weak, but also among the strong. God help us. Amen."

All this, from the founder of the Protestant Church.
All this, from the man who was the instrument/tool used by the jew to divide the Christians and their Church.

26th July 2010, 08:09 PM
Also another notable jewish attack on the Christian Church, the founding of the satanic church by Anton LeVay, crypto jew.

On october 29th Edmond de Rothschild dies in Geneva.
On the exact same day, American Anton Szandor LaVey (Real name Levy - a crypto jew), the founder of the Church of Satan, also dies, who in his book, "Satan Speaks", states in relation to the jewish blueprint for world domination, "The protocols of the elders of zion";

"The first time I read the Protocols of the elders of Zion, my instinctive reaction was so what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way a master plan should work? Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?"

13th November 2010, 02:46 PM
So then as some people here know, the schiszm in the Christian (Catholic and origial) Church was due to the rebellion of Martin Luther, a German (Bavaria) whom founded the Protestant church by splintering away from the Catholic Church and incepting the Lutheran Church.

His council advisors consisted of a high number of documented crypto jews who whispered dissention and division and glory in his ear. This is documented in a number of sources which are compiled in "The Plot against the Church".

He was, for a long time, philosemetic. After being mislead and victimized by the jews, and decieved into causing the great schiszm, his opinion changed on the jew, and he became so "anti-semetic" that he would be jailed in these current times.

He published a number of books and manuscripts on the jew, and one of them is call "The jews and their lies".

From that book I quote the following:

A bitter, poisonous enemy

Therefore know, my dear Christian, that next to the devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy that a real jew who earnestly desires to be a jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision.

In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wills, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weiszensee, etc. Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the full, ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. Know this for a certainty and act accordingly!

Luther's last sermon ever:

Besides, you also have many jews living in the country, who do much harm... You should know that the jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Saviour day for day... for that reason you, milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them.

They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, the call the blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changlings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians- the Borgians and Medicis- who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or a month.

Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excrucuatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honour and belongings... For that reason I cannot have patience nor carry on an intercourse with these deliberate blasphemers and violators of our Beloved Savior.

As a good patriot I wanted to give you this warning for the very last time to deter you from participating in alien sins. You must know I only desire the best for you all, rulers and subjects.

As a preface, Dr. Luther opens with this statement:

"I had decided not to write anymore, neither of the jews, nor against the jews. Because I have learned, however that those miserable, wicked people do not cease in trying to win over to themselves us, that is, the Christians also, I have permitted this booklet to go forth that I might be found among those who have resisted such poisonous undertaking of the jews, and have warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have thought that a Christian would permit himself to be fooled by the jews to share their exile and misery. But the devil is god of the world, and where God's word is not, he has easy sailing, not only among the weak, but also among the strong. God help us. Amen."

All this, from the founder of the Protestant Church.
All this, from the man who was the instrument/tool used by the jew to divide the Christians and their Church.

Gluing the New Testament onto the Old Testament just encourages that poisonous phrase: Judeo-Christian. Seems to me that the New Testament should always be a physically separate book to prevent this Awoke.


14th November 2010, 02:16 PM
I have had that thought cross my mind in the past too, Book.

14th November 2010, 04:34 PM
The Catholic Church has always done a fine job of subverting Christianity all on its own without any zionist assistance, thank you.

21st November 2010, 03:21 PM
The Catholic Church has always done a fine job of subverting Christianity all on its own without any zionist assistance, thank you.

I just think you underestimate how long it has been controlled.

Pope Benedict endorses condom use for male prostitutes only


21st November 2010, 08:28 PM
The Catholic Church has always done a fine job of subverting Christianity all on its own without any zionist assistance, thank you.

I just think you underestimate how long it has been controlled.

Pope Benedict endorses condom use for male prostitutes only


I'd have to agree with both Kregener and you on the point of inconsistancy of the RC Church (the establishment, not necessarily the laity) with regards to sound doctrine. However, I would not attribute the problem to the jews. On that point I would definitely side with K. I'll try and address my comments on doctrine and the supposition of crypto-jewish infiltration at the same time.

Jews and moslems have apparently found themselves in quite diametric opposition, wouldn't we agree? Why then would the rc church hold moslems in high esteem and endorse the validity of the god they worship? Is it just because they claim to worship in a monothestic fashion? Isn't the fact that belief in Jesus is essential to the core of Christianity important? Even the scriptures testify that belief in God is of no avail, unless it is accompanied by faith in Christ, which produces good works through genuine faith...... "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devil also believes and trembles." James 2:19

So several things in my view raise redflags......endorsing ideas contrary to scripture, and then the issue of jewish infiltration being in condradiction to the church's position on the moslem faith.

See item 3 for the Papacy's position on the moslem faith. Imo, it's quite heretical. In fact the whole document goes completely against the teachings of Christ. He did not come to appease others, quite the contrary....."I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" (Gospel of Matthew 10:34).


22nd November 2010, 06:09 AM
This is not meant as a personal attack.
You miss too much. The Christian churches are fully subverted by they jews, sayanim and the rest of the lucies.

All sects of the Christian faith are teaching philo-semetism rampantly. The Muslim faith may be getting some recognition in the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church is subverted anyways.
...as are all other Christian Churches, imo.

However, there is now denying crypto-jewish destruction in the Christian faith, Bellevue Bully. Whether a person is comfortable admitting it or not, it is real and true, and documented and admitted by jews themselves all throughout the jewish history encyclopedia and other jewish history books.

Stating that crypto-jewry doesn't exist is akin to stating gravity doesn't exist.

In sevice to satan, one of the main goals of the Lucies is to take people away from faith in Christ. If that means they have to introduce muslim-friendly doctrines, they will. If that means the have to introduce pagan-friendly doctrines, they will. Lucifer will do whatever it takes to take people's focus away from Christ.

The works and confessions of luciferian crypto jews are well documented. Not acknowledging a specific reality does not make that reality "go away" or cease to exist.

22nd November 2010, 10:12 AM
This is not meant as a personal attack.
You miss too much. The Christian churches are fully subverted by they jews, sayanim and the rest of the lucies.

All sects of the Christian faith are teaching philo-semetism rampantly. The Muslim faith may be getting some recognition in the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church is subverted anyways.
...as are all other Christian Churches, imo.

However, there is now denying crypto-jewish destruction in the Christian faith, Bellevue Bully. Whether a person is comfortable admitting it or not, it is real and true, and documented and admitted by jews themselves all throughout the jewish history encyclopedia and other jewish history books.

Stating that crypto-jewry doesn't exist is akin to stating gravity doesn't exist.

In sevice to satan, one of the main goals of the Lucies is to take people away from faith in Christ. If that means they have to introduce muslim-friendly doctrines, they will. If that means the have to introduce pagan-friendly doctrines, they will. Lucifer will do whatever it takes to take people's focus away from Christ.

The works and confessions of luciferian crypto jews are well documented. Not acknowledging a specific reality does not make that reality "go away" or cease to exist.

I didn't, and won't take anything as a personal attack. :) We are talking about the things of God, let us do it in love.

The Church, being the genuine body of Christ will not be corrupted. Period. I don't equate the Roman Catholic institution, the Pentacostal Assemblies, the Southern Baptists Assemblies, the Anglican Church, or any other institution as the Church. If the 'crypto-jewish infiltration' is corrupting from within these institutions, and the laity sitting in the pews can not rightly divide the Word of God and recognize the falsities being thrust upon them, but chose to sit tight and accept false doctrine as an individual or as a group, then imo, they are not seeking truth, but religion or something else, and they are in no real danger of being corrupted, because by their fruits, it is obvious that ".....the truth is not in him" 1 Jn 2:4. They have already chosen a lie......."in accordance to the work of Satan, displayed....in every kind of evil that deceives those who are parishing. They parish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

We have the Word of God as a yardstick. At the end of the day, it is the only measure of Truth that counts. So doctrines, traditions and anything else that can be corrupted are of no consequence, because our salvation is based on what the Word of God says, which will not be corrupted..."For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God." 1 Peter 1:23

In light of this, I fail to see how any man or group of men can endanger or destroy something that rightfully belongs to God. Jesus taught us plainly not to be anxious about things that we can not control....they only serve as a distraction from more important things in life, namely,trusting in God to maintain his church.....which is in and of itself exemplified over and over and over in the Old Testement. That, imo, is, as you say, something that must not be missed. :)

22nd November 2010, 12:10 PM
As always, fantastic post, BB.
Thank you.

22nd November 2010, 12:58 PM
As always, fantastic post, BB.
Thank you.

Thanks also, all of this makes for excellent discussion.

26th November 2010, 03:15 PM
we have a local Lutheran church where the pastor is a Jewish woman (last name Lebbert) and it's run by another Jewish woman, who manages it & does the paperwork.

...since the lutheran church was founded by martin luther who wrote "On jews and their lies" (and other books), how can it come to pass that a local lutheran church can have a jewish pastor, and a jewish manager?
this seems rather conflicting....
...or maybe i'm just a little confused...anyone able to clarify this for me?

26th November 2010, 03:52 PM
we have a local Lutheran church where the pastor is a Jewish woman (last name Lebbert) and it's run by another Jewish woman, who manages it & does the paperwork.

...since the lutheran church was founded by martin luther who wrote "On jews and their lies" (and other books), how can it come to pass that a local lutheran church can have a jewish pastor, and a jewish manager?
this seems rather conflicting....
...or maybe i'm just a little confused...anyone able to clarify this for me?

Luther, in the beginning, was worried about the jews and their souls because they reject Christ, so he spent the majority of his life proselytizing them. Only after he spent most of his life trying to save them did he see their ways and realize that they are beyond the help of human hands. After a lifetime of trying to convert them, he came to know the truth.
Before he realized the truth about the ways of the jew, back when the jews in his counsel convinced him to initiate the protestant schism, his church and he himself were philo-semetic. That changed over time.

That is a separate issue from the churches of today, which are 95% (or more) compromised, and corrupted. If you are surprised that the Lutheran Church mentioned above has a jew running it and a jew as the pastor (surprise!), you shouldn't be. Consider that the Catholic Church has essentially been at war with the jews since the inception of the Church, and yet this Catholic Church has had countless jewish cardinals, bishops, priests and popes. The number of excommunicated jewish imposters is beyond count off hand.

The jews deliberately raise children outwardly as Christians, but at home they secretly practice the black arts of the kabbala. I mean this literally.They make more of a concerted effort at the infiltration and destruction of the Christian faith than any other group makes effort at any other thing. There are accounts of this tactic being admitted by jewish authors and "The plot against the Church" covers the documentation meticulously.
(Order it at www.omnicbc.com for 20 bucks.)

The amount of Canon laws and Papal decrees that have been overturned because a crypto-jew was in power while the Bulls and Laws were decreed makes the Church look indecisive and contradictory/hypocritical. The battle within the Church walls is largely unknown to most people, and most people just see the "vatican" changing it's mind back and forth, and assume that the Catholic Church can't stick to a decision. That is not the case. They are at war internally, and have been since the Church was founded.

Understand that I am not defending the institution of the Catholic Church, as I know it is corrupted itself, and I am seeing trends of heresy in the "rituals and traditions" thanks to a best friend who is impartial to any Church Institution and is only focused on Jesus Christ and the truth as Christ wants us to know it. I am on a learning curve, again.

However the war that the jews are waging on the Catholic Church is irrefutable, whether the Church is injecting paganism into the Sunday services or not.

Edited for typos

21st April 2011, 07:44 AM
@ Makow, guest writer, also see the reader comments which are always excellent @ Makow:

How the Catholic Church Was Hijacked (http://www.henrymakow.com/coup_in_cathholic_church.html)

April 18, 2011
http://www.henrymakow.com/54e57bd535be.jpgCardinal Giuseppe Siri, left, was duly elected Pope in 1958 and took the name Gregory XVII. However he was forced to step aside in a coup d'etat.

Popes John XXIII and Paul VI "were not simply "bad popes". They were enemy agents who set the Church on a carefully designed plan to destruction."

by Thomas Carter
(for henrymakow.com)

There was coup d'etat in the Catholic Church on October 26th, 1958 and the Church has been governed by impostors since that time.

more: http://www.henrymakow.com/coup_in_cathholic_church.html

separately, INCOG notes (http://incogman.net/04/2011/how-the-catholic-church-was-hijacked/):


The above author cant bring himself to say the Jew word and falls back on blaming the usual suspects, Commies and Masons, like so many others cowed by Jewry. But we know the Jews ran the Commies and have their own Masonic operations, like the Bnai Brith and Jew-only lodges.

Its plain to see that diabolical Talmudic Jewry has long usurped the Catholic church and stopped defending true Catholics from the forces of Jewry ever since. The current pope today may even be Jewish himself, regardless of all the business about him being a member of the Nazi youth.

This fully backs up the revelations of Bella Dodd, reformed Commie Union top honcho, expelled by the Communist party and who spilled the beans in the early 1950′s. She said Communism was a hoax perpetrated by the financiers (International Jewry) to control the common man and advance world tyranny.

Dodd also said the Communist Party infested the Catholic priesthood with hidden homo recruits back in the 1930′s to subvert the church from within. No wonder so many priests were later exposed as pedophiles!

Folks, we got ourselves some seriously satanic Jew stuff going down!

More videos to watch:

Why Pope Paul VI was an Anti-Pope

Pope Paul VI wearing the Jewish Ephod

Pope Paul VI was a Satanic Jewish Infiltrator

18th May 2018, 08:38 PM
Haven't listened to this yet, but will. Recall SSPX is the sect Bishop Richard Williamson was in.

vlogger TradCatKnight (https://www.youtube.com/user/tradcatknights/videos?disable_polymer=1),

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NJ1VsZsXChI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLB6NGtrBfRUWIwICMByVvB9qfynuQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ1VsZsXChI) 49:13
"Zionist-NeoSSPX (False Right) Connection" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ1VsZsXChI)

6 hours ago

10th January 2019, 12:20 PM
1h 55m:

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2019.01.09 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/01/our-interesting-times-with-timothy_10.html)

Jesse Russell on the Catholic Left

Jesse Russell returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss a series of articles he wrote concerning the links between many Catholic leftist organizations and globalist think tanks and NGOs.

Timothy's Podcasts (http://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/)

Download (https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/enclosure/2019-01-09T05_12_54-08_00.mp3)

10th January 2019, 12:39 PM
1h 55m:

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2019.01.09 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/01/our-interesting-times-with-timothy_10.html)

Jesse Russell on the Catholic Left

Jesse Russell returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss a series of articles he wrote concerning the links between many Catholic leftist organizations and globalist think tanks and NGOs.

Timothy's Podcasts (http://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/)

Download (https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/enclosure/2019-01-09T05_12_54-08_00.mp3)

Pat, you introduced me to Tim Kelley's podcasts. I've thanked you before and here, I'll thank you again. I listen to him regularly.

10th January 2019, 04:32 PM
Pat, you introduced me to Tim Kelley's podcasts. I've thanked you before and here, I'll thank you again. I listen to him regularly.

thx, & yeah, not even sure I've ever heard a 'bad' show. Always nice flow, & we find host Tim's encyclopedic knowledge, + sense of humor & lightness despite dark topics-- top notch

the handful of TradCatKnight (https://www.youtube.com/user/tradcatknights/videos) shows I've heard have also been good; he's joo wise, at least.

10th January 2019, 04:58 PM
Sarah Westall with that ret NY vice copper; haven't listened yet. Part 2 isn't posted at her channel yet.

Vatican Infiltration, Watergate Pedo Book, Franklin Coverup w/Det. Rothstein (1of2) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K92YGTOX3-w)