View Full Version : Possible Impeachment?

27th May 2010, 03:01 PM
If the white house (obama) offered Joe Sestak a job for not running in the Democratic Senate primary. That is a crime. and it needs to be investaged. And not allowed to be sweep under the rug.

Are any of you following this?

.................................................. .................................................


Tons more story's about this on the web too.

mick silver
27th May 2010, 03:03 PM
they will just buy someone off and make it go away

27th May 2010, 03:04 PM
this is what happens when you let them off the plantation

Large Sarge
27th May 2010, 03:10 PM
as long as Obama follows the script, he is pretty safe.

the guy has a homosexual background, and is not even eligible to be president(birth cert), and he keeps on keeping on.

the fact that they showed their hand, shows how much they value Elder of Zion "Arlen spector"

27th May 2010, 03:12 PM
If the white house (obama) offered Joe Sestak a job for not running in the Democratic Senate primary. That is a crime. and it needs to be investaged. And not allowed to be sweep under the rug.

Are any of you following this?

.................................................. .................................................


Tons more story's about this on the web too.

Who is going to prosecute/investigate? The AG? Inspector General? Congress? The first two work under the President. You think Jumping Jack Pelosi will force an investigation.

I don't see many state AG's working on this. They need that fed tit more than Europe and the banks.

It's a damn shame too.

27th May 2010, 03:25 PM
I've been following it a little. I doubt anything will come of it but even if it does it will probably just be like Clinton who was impeached but still remained in office.

27th May 2010, 03:28 PM
I've been following it a little. I doubt anything will come of it but even if it does it will probably just be like Clinton who was impeached but still remained in office.

Your probably right Sunshine. Im glad you mentioned that....A lot of folks don't even realize that Clinton was impeached....I have mentioned it to folks...and they didn't believe me....

Messed up system we have going....needs to be corrected :-\

willie pete
27th May 2010, 04:18 PM
I've been following it a little. I doubt anything will come of it but even if it does it will probably just be like Clinton who was impeached but still remained in office.

I think Slick Willy WAS impeached by the House, but NOT by the Senate, that's why he dodged the impeachment bullet

27th May 2010, 04:51 PM
I've been following it a little. I doubt anything will come of it but even if it does it will probably just be like Clinton who was impeached but still remained in office.

I think Slick Willy WAS impeached by the House, but NOT by the Senate, that's why he dodged the impeachment bullet
Clinton was impeached. Only the House can impeach a President. The Senate tries the President on the impeachment charges. Slick Willy wasn't found guilty.

An analogy would be that "have you ever been charged with a crime?" vs "have you ever been convicted of a crime?" are similar sounding but very different questions.

27th May 2010, 04:58 PM
Will never happen.

27th May 2010, 05:04 PM
If the white house (obama) offered Joe Sestak a job for not running in the Democratic Senate primary. That is a crime. and it needs to be investaged. And not allowed to be sweep under the rug.

Fraud is also a crime, but Obama has gotten away with it so far.

Claiming to be a natural-born citizen when you are not is fraud.

27th May 2010, 05:32 PM
they will just buy someone off and make it go away

Or make the person "go away."

27th May 2010, 05:35 PM
this is what happens when you let them off the plantation

These dumb bast*rds in this country wanted a Nigra "president," and now they got one. Haiti wasn't evidence enough, Rhodesia wasn't evidence enough, South Africa wasn't evidence enough, nearly all of Africa wasn't evidence enough...they had to "give him a chance."

27th May 2010, 11:09 PM
this is what happens when you let them off the plantation

These dumb bast*rds in this country wanted a Nigra "president," and now they got one. Haiti wasn't evidence enough, Rhodesia wasn't evidence enough, South Africa wasn't evidence enough, nearly all of Africa wasn't evidence enough...they had to "give him a chance."

I don't think the examples fit. Barak is part of the establishment. In the African cases, the entire establishment of countries were changed over night. I think the concentration of melanine in the skin is not the issue here.

27th May 2010, 11:27 PM
I don't think the examples fit. Barak is part of the establishment. In the African cases, the entire establishment of countries were changed over night. I think the concentration of melanine in the skin is not the issue here.

If Obama were not a mulatto, he'd still be working for Baskin-Robbins. He's a Negro "post turtle." You know he doesn't belong where he is, and you know someone had to put him up there.

He was put forth because of his race, and nothing else. White women were swooning over the monkey-man, making sexualized videos, displaying an unbelievably disgusting orgiastic mass insanity at his rallies. White men were declaring him a "messiah." Without the White guilt and White infatuation of media-driven Negrophilia, Hillary Clinton would be president now (not that that would be much better).

The Protocols and other Jewish designs have discussed putting the Negro in positions of admiration and worship for a long time. They finally got to the point where it's possible at the highest level.

As horribly disastrous as it is for what was once my country, I laugh at the demonstration of Negro "leadership" of America.

28th May 2010, 12:38 AM
I don't think the examples fit. Barak is part of the establishment. In the African cases, the entire establishment of countries were changed over night. I think the concentration of melanine in the skin is not the issue here.

If Obama were not a mulatto, he'd still be working for Baskin-Robbins. He's a Negro "post turtle." You know he doesn't belong where he is, and you know someone had to put him up there.

He was put forth because of his race, and nothing else. White women were swooning over the monkey-man, making sexualized videos, displaying an unbelievably disgusting orgiastic mass insanity at his rallies. White men were declaring him a "messiah." Without the White guilt and White infatuation of media-driven Negrophilia, Hillary Clinton would be president now (not that that would be much better).

The Protocols and other Jewish designs have discussed putting the Negro in positions of admiration and worship for a long time. They finally got to the point where it's possible at the highest level.

As horribly disastrous as it is for what was once my country, I laugh at the demonstration of Negro "leadership" of America.

I agree that his race was a big part of the equation, but I am saying that it does not prove that a man who is black cannot be a competent leader. (I am not sure you are saying otherwise, but it is implied). And I am saying that your selection of examples are not completely relevant. In the African cases, the entire establishment was changed all at once. There was basically a revolution. In the case of Barak, mainly the leadership was changed (and the incompetent establishment largely stayed in power). Most of the establishment stayed benhind (CONgress, beauracracy , courts, etc.). There was a revolution in the case of the US, but it occured at least decades ago. Granted Barak represents the culmination of that revolution, but I would put forth that his blackness is not the cause of the failure of our government, but rather a symptom of it (and a political tool). If the "right" black man were elected for the right reasons, he could probably govern (these right reasons would include a governed that would freely and knowingly accept a black man's leadership).

28th May 2010, 01:04 AM
I am saying that it does not prove that a man who is black cannot be a competent leader. (I am not sure you are saying otherwise, but it is implied).

I really don't want to argue over the issue, but, can you name some "competent black leaders"? I'm not making a statement from "ignorance" or sheer bigotry, but I honestly don't know of any. The only ones that come close are mulattoes surrounded by lots of White people (or Jews), and usually given a strong religious education/upbringing.

And I am saying that your selection of examples are not completely relevant. In the African cases, the entire establishment was changed all at once. There was basically a revolution.

Again, I don't want to argue...but there is no such thing as a stable & successful independent Negro regime. If you disagree, please cite examples.

If the "right" black man were elected for the right reasons, he could probably govern (these right reasons would include a governed that would freely and knowingly accept a black man's leadership).

The only guy that comes to mind who could fit the bill is Alan Keyes (who, despite being fairly dark, is largely genetically White). Even then, the only thing he's done is third-level functionary tasks (diplomat to third-rate countries & the JN). I like the guy, and could see him as, say, a Senator, but as President? I just don't have the confidence he's really got what it takes.

28th May 2010, 06:21 AM
Quantum, it's funny you should mention Alan Keyes... I was thinking of him before I noticed your mention of him at the bottom of your post.

Keyes is black and would make a much better Senator/President than many white men.

What do you mean he is largely "genetically white"?

LOL... looks pretty damn black to me...

28th May 2010, 12:34 PM
Quantum, it's funny you should mention Alan Keyes... I was thinking of him before I noticed your mention of him at the bottom of your post.

Keyes is black and would make a much better Senator/President than many white men.

What do you mean he is largely "genetically white"?

LOL... looks pretty damn black to me...

That is because you equate race = skin color.

The entire "African-American" population is mixed-race, regardless of whether they're coal-black or a "high yeller." Large infusions of White and American Indian genes into the Black population over the centuries. And ability is correlated with this non-Negroid ancestry.

28th May 2010, 12:39 PM
Quantum, it's funny you should mention Alan Keyes... I was thinking of him before I noticed your mention of him at the bottom of your post.

Keyes is black and would make a much better Senator/President than many white men.

What do you mean he is largely "genetically white"?

LOL... looks pretty damn black to me...

That is because you equate race = skin color.

The entire "African-American" population is mixed-race, regardless of whether they're coal-black or a "high yeller." Large infusions of White and American Indian genes into the Black population over the centuries. And ability is correlated with this non-Negroid ancestry.

I don't necessarily equate race = skin color... But (pardon the pun) I do call a spade a spade.
So that dude is "genetically white"?

Are you saying this because just Alan Keyes is intelligent or something? Because he looks pretty damn black to me.

28th May 2010, 12:40 PM
I just saw a bumper sticker:

"If I knew then what I know now I would have picked my own damn cotton!"

28th May 2010, 01:09 PM
Impeach Obama & you'd have riots in every American city.

Bankers dream.

28th May 2010, 01:12 PM
Quantum, it's funny you should mention Alan Keyes... I was thinking of him before I noticed your mention of him at the bottom of your post.

Keyes is black and would make a much better Senator/President than many white men.

What do you mean he is largely "genetically white"?

LOL... looks pretty damn black to me...

That is because you equate race = skin color.

The entire "African-American" population is mixed-race, regardless of whether they're coal-black or a "high yeller." Large infusions of White and American Indian genes into the Black population over the centuries. And ability is correlated with this non-Negroid ancestry.

I don't necessarily equate race = skin color... But (pardon the pun) I do call a spade a spade.
So that dude is "genetically white"?

Are you saying this because just Alan Keyes is intelligent or something? Because he looks pretty damn black to me.

I estimate his DNA is at least 20% Adamic. His lower face, especially the lack of prognathism, is solid evidence, just on physiognomy alone. No Homo erectus browridge, either (seen in the lowest varieties of Negroids). And yes, cognitive abilities are correlated to Adamic ancestry.

28th May 2010, 01:15 PM
Impeach Obama & you'd have riots in every American city.

Bankers dream.

If it was a banker's dream, they'd impeach him.

More like the (White) American's dream.