View Full Version : Do a search on.......UN paddy wagons in Jacksonville....

28th May 2010, 11:31 AM
I don'ttttttttttt believe it, about 5,000 white buses with the UN painted on the side, sorry if I don't know how to do the link..........is a sea of buses parked there.

28th May 2010, 11:41 AM
.................................. ::) Holee Shiat. Finding claims of 8,500 white buses with "UN" painted on the side...what the hell is going on!?



Large Sarge
28th May 2010, 11:43 AM
benzene threat is real

people are going to start getting sicker and sicker

28th May 2010, 11:45 AM
Hey Sarge? tell me what Ponce likes to say........hahahahahahahah.

Now then.....are the people going to the FEMA's camp to die in comfort? or to be taken care off?

Large Sarge
28th May 2010, 11:47 AM

28th May 2010, 11:53 AM
4000? that looked more like 10000... :o

Doesn't GM have anything else to do?

28th May 2010, 11:55 AM
The Google map data on my property is about +two years old. The map data in these links is prolly about the same.

Just sayin'.

28th May 2010, 12:11 PM
Crazy stuff.

Check out BING Maps and search for "Reynolds Airpark Green Cove, FL"


Someone posted that Bing Maps is newer satellite data and the trucks are NOT THERE ANYMORE.

28th May 2010, 12:14 PM
Why would they want to relocate anyone? They don't give a sh*t. And why would they be "UN" buses and not American buses? Is it because there are SO many foreigner living here?

Dave Thomas
28th May 2010, 12:15 PM
So summary, some random guy looks at stale satellite data and assumes said vehicles are UN Fema transport wagons.

The internet is so AWESOME!

28th May 2010, 12:25 PM
Dave's rowing the river in Egypt, again... ::)

I am me, I am free
28th May 2010, 12:46 PM
Crazy stuff.

Check out BING Maps and search for "Reynolds Airpark Green Cove, FL"


Someone posted that Bing Maps is newer satellite data and the trucks are NOT THERE ANYMORE.

I just checked the Bing map for my local area, and it is seriously out of date by 4-5 years.

28th May 2010, 01:02 PM
I just checked the Bing map for my local area, and it is seriously out of date by 4-5 years.


I got that info from a reply post on the YouTube video.

Either there are misinformed people posting or shills everywhere (probably BOTH).

Anyway, I'm listening to Patriot Radio today and they're talking about
Hillary is signing the Anti-Gun Treaty, NorthCom is a Private Corporation
that has signed with CANADA to come down and take our guns, etc.
[Mexicans will help I'm sure. Maybe even Chinese!!!]

And then you hear all the reports of military vehicles being trasported
around the country by rail, highway, etc.

Check this out...

I read something called "Fortress Americas" where they would
get all of our young strong pro-America men to go to wars overseas
AND DIE. And then the UN/Foreign Troops would SWOOP IN and
KICK OUR ASSES and take over.

I don't know if this is all true, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

We're in for some interesting times. :o

28th May 2010, 02:19 PM
[Someone posted that Bing Maps is newer satellite data and the trucks are NOT THERE ANYMORE.


Yes...the threat is gone...theyre all overseas now....were safe :oo-->

RED PILL: theyve just MOVED them...theyre STILL here somewhere....waiting to give you and I a one way ride...

28th May 2010, 02:26 PM
These UN vehicles were posted years ago. t has nothing to do with the oilcano in the Gulf.

JDRock...that is a HUGE signature pic dude!

Dave Thomas
28th May 2010, 02:44 PM
Dave's rowing the river in Egypt, again... ::)

Yep, in a raft fashioned out of compressed talmudic texts, and using a Molech horn gripped paddle!


Well good talking with you Horn, I better check my mailbox and see if that check from the ADL has arrived yet.

28th May 2010, 07:03 PM
I've been to that airport several times, and was there probably 2 years ago and no vehicles were there then. I've been out on the runways (really poor condition) It is nothing but a rundown airpark it isn't some secret AF base. (only 1 runway is good) Granted these trucks are quite suspicious. I wonder why they would get shipped there.

I have family in Green Cove and also work with people who are there on a daily basis, if they were transporting UN vehicles I would know about it.

If you notice the google map seen here


doesn't have as many shipping containers as the yahoo or bing maps



Well I've been able to put somewhat of a time frame on these using this website


According to that the cars were not there in 2006, but were there (at least some of them) from 1/1/2008 to 2/5/2009. So the most recent pic is more than a year old.

This has definitely pricked my curiosity so I'll report back with what I find. I might even do some on the ground reporting ;D

28th May 2010, 07:29 PM
Dave's rowing the river in Egypt, again... ::)

Yep, in a raft fashioned out of compressed talmudic texts, and using a Molech horn gripped paddle!


Well good talking with you Horn, I better check my mailbox and see if that check from the ADL has arrived yet.


1st June 2010, 02:17 PM
Well for those that are interested I have some developments.

Went out there this weekend and took a bunch of pictures, NO vehicles there whatsoever so within the last year they have all been moved.

Called the airpark today and asked them about it and they said they were Kia vans. She also said they had received a ton of calls about it.

1st June 2010, 06:06 PM
Way to go, Nordic Beserker. That's how you put a rumor to BED!

1st June 2010, 06:23 PM
yeah Good work NordicBerserker

1st June 2010, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the update.

2nd June 2010, 07:15 AM
No problem guys.

Here is the number for the airpark in case anyone else wants to call.

