View Full Version : Killing Hostages, Israels warning to the world

Large Sarge
29th May 2010, 02:17 AM
I’ll say up front that I–like most folks trying to earn an honest living these days–am no financial wizard. All someone need do is look at my house, car, bank account and wallet and in a microsecond it becomes crystal clear that what I know about making money would fit in an empty Coca Cola can. Having long ago recognized the wisdom in that old saying concerning the love of money being the root of all evil, words such as derivatives, junk bonds, selling short, credit-default swaps and the rest are all “Greek” to me, as the old saying goes.

Having said that however, and despite the fact I am not a Lloyd Blankfein, a Ben Shalom Bernanke or an Alan Greenspan, this doesn’t mean I (we) need an economics degree in arriving at certain obvious conclusions these days. In coming to terms with the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the current economic crisis the world faces, there is a “well, duuuhhhh” to all of this leaving little to the imagination as to who dunnit and why.

More to the point, having read virtually every book and watched virtually every movie out there dealing with organized crime, I recognize a professional hit when I see it, and with regards to the West and its economic situation, it has the unmistakable fingerprints of the mafia all over it, and I don’t mean the Eye-talians, but rather the other guys, meaning the wiseguys of La Kosher Nostra.

As we examine the body here looking for clues, let’s consider a few facts. First, the modern West–aka the “Free World”–is as much “free” as any dog on a long leash. We in the West may be able to go further than our other canine counterparts in other parts of the global yard, but in the end, anytime the arm holding that leash decides to yank us back it can.

And in no way is this “leashed” existence better typified than in looking at the economic systems that control every single aspect of our lives. With few exceptions, every creature in every nation in the West–both great and small, rich and poor, free and slave–is dependent upon “the system” in providing the basics of life. Those “basics” are dependent upon money, which is a managed, monopolized commodity jealously kept in the hands of a relative few.

And what this means is that anytime (and for whatever reason) these “relative few” want to effectively strangulate our modern society by stopping the flow of cash and credit (with the same ease that the infamous cyborg from The Terminator movies might break the neck of a kitten) they can. More devastating than a nuclear bomb being detonated, these “relative few”, with their collective hand on the monetary spigot (and depending on their mood at any given moment) can decide whether entire nations are swimming in cash and prosperity or plunged into joblessness, empty stomachs, homelessness and destitution. The economic systems of the West –with this kind of control over entire nations and civilizations–are a tyrant wannabe’s dream come true and certainly must have been what inspired Meyer Amschel Rothschild, Capo di tutti Capi of the banking system as we know it today and one of the founding fathers of the modern Jewish state to once quip that he did not care who made the laws of a particular nation, as long as he had control over that nation’s money.

That being said, let us then consider the latest crime scene involving the financial meltdown in Greece that–according to the “relative few” who advise (intimidate) us on such matters–threatens to completely unhinge the rest of the Western world.

Over the last month or so, the world (and particularly the West) has been inundated with minute-by-minute updates concerning the economic situation in Greece. Riots, protests, angry people pouring into the streets…Dire warnings–again, from the “relative few”–about how this wildfire could spread and engulf the entire Western world…The only thing missing has been the thundering hoofbeats of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The first thing worth noting is the hysteria surrounding it all. Why, with all the nail-biting and shrieking going on you’d think that Greece was, well AMERICA, and that her economic woes portend the arrival of plague and pestilence upon the rest of the world. Again, riots in the streets, people getting killed, Western Civilization teetering on the brink of collapse…

But the question no one thinks of asking is this–What is she, meaning Greece? Is she some economic/industrial powerhouse supporting the rest of the world’s economies, so vital to the big global financial picture that if she were to go down she could take the world with her?

Of course not. Other than good food and beautiful women, she has relatively little that the rest of the world wants, no offense intended. She doesn’t provide the world with cars, computers, armaments, oil or any other product to such an extent that her sneezing would cause the rest of us to catch a cold.

What she does have however is historical significance, and lots of it. She is the “birthplace of democracy” and the source from which the rest of the Western world supposedly took instruction and direction. In short, she can accurately be described as the foundation upon which the rest of the Western world was built.

Now to the average Joe, the significance of this will no doubt be lost. If they know anything about history, Greece elicits pictures of curly-headed people strolling around in sandals and togas discussing lofty philosophical ideas.

To others however, and particularly those living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and his counterparts holding executive offices within the various other governments of the West, the message being sent by the “relative few” is crystal clear–

“What we did to Greece, the foundation of the West, we will do to you all if you don’t get with the program…”

Out of all the countries in the West that could have been targeted for economic destruction, indeed there is method to the madness in picking Greece. Like gangsters kidnapping someone and demanding a hefty ransom, they know they stand a better chance of succeeding if that someone is famous. Better yet if they start sending pics of the kidnapped as he or she is being tortured or mailing body parts to her loved ones such as fingers or earlobes.

And then, in the midst of all this greasy business involving riots, economic meltdown in Europe and whatnot, from out of the blue and with no warning–BOOM!–Americans see the largest 1-day drop in the US Stock Market (1,000 points in only 30 minute’s time) later blamed on one guy–ONE GUY–with “fat fingers” accidentally pushing a “b” instead of an “m” on a computer keyboard, changing “millions” to “billions” and in the process causing a panic in the market. During the live news coverage of the crash, those “relative few” who also control what is seen, heard, read and discussed on the mainstream media also saw fit to simulcast the riots in Greece taking place at that very moment.

So, bringing this thing back into context–our fat-fingered “button man” (mafia lingo for hired assassin) accidentally causes the largest economy in the world to go into an unprecedented financial nosedive. With only a few minutes left, the pilots of our financial system manage to get behind the wheel and avoid a total crash…

There is something soooo familiar about this…Now, let’s see, where have we seen this kind of thing taking place before?…

Why yes, that’s right, this is virtually word for word and play for play exactly what took place just a few short years ago in mid-September when the US stood at the abyss of financial Armageddon, described as follows by Rep. Paul Kanjorski, (D, Pennsylvania) in a C-SPAN interview a few months after the fact–

“On Thursday at about 11 am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to the tune of 550 billion dollars, being drawn out in the matter of about an hour or 2. The Treasury opened up its window to help, pumped 105 billion dollars in the system and quickly realized they could not stem the tide…We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close down the money accounts so there wouldn’t be further panic out there. If they had not done this, their estimation was that by 2 o’clock that afternoon, 5.5 trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed…We talked about what would happen–it would have been the end of our economic and political system as we know it, and that’s why we had to act and do things quickly. Why? Because if you don’t have a banking system you don’t have an economy, and although we did that it wasn’t enough. The economy has been falling and we’re really no better off today than we were 3 months ago…Somebody threw us in the middle of the Atlantic ocean without a life raft and we’re trying to determine which is the closest shore and whether there’s any chance in the world to swim that far. We don’t know.”

In modern-day gangsterese, the message conveyed by visually pairing the riots in Greece with the crashing numbers was meant to be seen as a package deal…Not necessarily to Ma and Pa Kettle who have a few dollars of their butter-n-egg money invested in the markets, but again, to important folks in high places whose executive approval on certain projects must take place if these projects are to move forward.

Note that Kanjorski (who sat as the chairman of several committees dealing with money) said “someone” was responsible for this…It wasn’t an act of God…it wasn’t a “snafu”, but was a deliberate, premeditated act of war against the people of the United States.

…Now who, we wonder, has the motive and means for carrying something like this out? A bunch of 3rd world cave dwellers in Afghanistan? Naaah. The smart money says these were (are) folks with dual citizenship who can move about as freely in America as they can in a certain Middle Eastern country that is hell-bent upon getting WWIII, WWIV and WWV going at all costs, provided of course that we (not they) are stuck with the bill.

See, this is the language gangsters use. It is subtle and yet blunt, like the proverbial iron fist in the velvet glove…They don’t come up to an honest, hardworking shop-owner, stick a gun in his face and demand he empty his wallet right then and there. Rather, they come by, saying that if he wants to avoid any “accidents” in the future such as arson to his place of business than he needs to cough up a few grand a week in protection money. Greece falling into such economic chaos has more to do with symbolism than anything else. It is a way of intimidating the West, no different than some gangster taking pictures of someone’s kids as they walk home from school, drawing crosshairs over each of kids and then sending the pics to the parents.

And likewise with Greece. The Zionist interests responsible for this attack want it to be known that they have many goodies in their black bag of magic tricks, and with the same ease that they can maneuver terrorists into hijacking planes and flying them into buildings that the goons and goombahs from outfits such as Goldman Sachs know how to tweak and tinker with an economy to the point that anytime they want, “accidents“ can happen that throw the entire place into chaos.

In other words, what we have here is a classic case of gangsters and terrorists–in showing the authorities that they mean business– who have begun killing off hostages, one on the hour, every hour until they get what they want.

The next hostage to get the bullet? Take your pick. Spain? Portugal? Italy? They have so many possibilities from which to choose.

The demands of the made-guys in Kosher Nostra are clear–war with Iran, then Syria, then Pakistan, and on and on and on until Israel’s enemies exist no more. Not that any of us should be surprised. After all, we have been warned repeatedly about the Apocalyptic results of us in the West shirking our divinely-ordained duties of fighting Israel’s wars for her. Let’s revisit what was told to Bush during his first visit to Israel during the latter part of his term as Terrorist-in-Chief by the Men in Black–meaning the Rebbe of Eretz Y’Israel–about what would happen if he laid down on the job–

“Heaven forbid, you can choose to willfully aid in destruction…You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and to all Israel’s enemies from time immemorial. Do you imagine you can escape from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, by offering up the Jews who are slaughtered daily by their enemies? Remember our forefather Abraham, who pursued the world’s four greatest kings in order to redeem his nephew from captivity. We cannot forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides us through every generation…

…Understand this well–God ordained that the role of the nations of the world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. Therefore it behooves you to declare: “I, George Bush, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of America, will instruct all of my troops to protect the Divine rights of the nation of Israel, and remove from her any threat.” Before you is a choice: You can merit eternal life, or be inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate and that of all those with you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our land…’

And they were (are) not alone. Be it Netanyahu personally or his coterie of yes-bitches in the American mainstream media, we in the West are reminded constantly of our duty in shedding our blood and treasure as personal Secret Service agents to the apple of God’s eye, Israel, and that if the US doesn’t get busy with the business of fighting Israel’s wars there will be hell to pay.

Those who think that organized Jewish interests would never engage in such greasy business as plundering nations of their wealth need a reality check the way a drowning victim needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. This practice is as old as Moses and the Israelites pilfering all the gold and silver of Egypt before hauling ass out of there and heading to the “promised” land. In the same vein, we can forget about the modern-day ancestors of God’s chosen banditos harboring any regrets concerning what their ancestors did, as they nostalgically celebrate yearly this thing known as Passover.

In the final analysis, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that we know who did it and why. The bad news is that they can do this–and much worse–anytime they want, and more than likely WILL if we don’t “get with the program”. For the Jewish interests who control the economies of the West and who are determined by hook or by crook to see Western Civilization go down in flames through generations of bankrupting wars against Israel’s enemies, it is a case of “heads we win, tails you lose”.

The only way for this dog to truly be free is for him to either chew through the rope holding him back or else bite the hand that feeds him. Anything less is a declaration of surrender and a consignment to a lifetime of enslavement.

(c) 2010 Mark Glenn



29th May 2010, 03:40 AM
What does this person think should be done?
A one week siege...with the help of the military?

Day 1
Shut down the Zionist media, blow-up Hollywood, remove all duel citizens from government, burn the Federal Reserve, Goldman and JPM empires to the ground, 24 hour non-stop air strikes to the Rothschild empire and confiscate their gold, Hang Soros in town square for all to use as a pinata, Disarm the Israeli government, clear the land in Israel of all vermin and return the land to Palestine.
Day 2
Declare a debt jubilee, secure and distribute all food to the people. Dismantle the IRS and throw it's employees into a giant tree shredder.
Day 3
Sever all ties to communist oppressed slave trading countries and not allow corporations the unfair labor advantage again!
Day 4
Secure all borders and round up all found here illegally and deport them.
Day 5
End the welfare state. Remove all non essential government agencies, Change the definition of the word "Liberal Democrat" to "one who is a feltcher" or likes feltching
Day 6
Declare this day as freedom day with a celebration
Day 7
Rest restore the Republic and constitution and rebuild

Option B
Pass out Viagra to the masters, Vaseline to all citizens, and tell them to get used to whatever comes next.

29th May 2010, 05:26 AM
The good news is that we know who did it and why.
Really? I see 0 evidence of who did this in his analysis. He has lots of speculation but no facts. A perfect example of blaming a race for this when in fact theres no evidence to support it. The only thing he really has is his views on the matter.

The fact is there are a whole lot of money managers out there controlling a shitload of money. Much of it 401k's and pensions. Most of this trading is computerized, almost 70% of all trading is computerized nowadays. Once the selling started the programs kicked in and just added to it. No one person or one race was responsible but for the average layman out there who is clueless they can just point to the Jews and all the jew haters come out of the woodwork and say yep it was them..

29th May 2010, 07:03 AM
The good news is that we know who did it and why.
Really? I see 0 evidence of who did this in his analysis. He has lots of speculation but no facts. A perfect example of blaming a race for this when in fact theres no evidence to support it. The only thing he really has is his views on the matter.

The fact is there are a whole lot of money managers out there controlling a sh*tload of money. Much of it 401k's and pensions. Most of this trading is computerized, almost 70% of all trading is computerized nowadays. Once the selling started the programs kicked in and just added to it. No one person or one race was responsible but for the average layman out there who is clueless they can just point to the Jews and all the jew haters come out of the woodwork and say yep it was them..

Oh no! You used that bad "hate" word. You must be philo-semitic... :D

Hey, just kidding. I totally agree with your take here. What we have is a runaway financial banking system, among other systemic problems brought about by very complex sets of factors, some of which are the exponential expansion of the modern world, the transition to computers, Internetworks, quantitative mathematics and communications technology, just to name a few.

Achh!, what am I saying? THAT MAKES MY HEAD ACHE... let's just blame the Jews. ;D

Large Sarge
29th May 2010, 07:57 AM
I would like to see all the folks ridiculing this article (so called "philo-semitics", a name they coined themselves) to please report back after the freedom flotilla attempts to goto Gaza with humanitarian Aid

We will all get a good dose of what zionism is all about after that.

29th May 2010, 09:20 AM
I would like to see all the folks ridiculing this article (so called "philo-semitics", a name they coined themselves) to please report back after the freedom flotilla attempts to goto Gaza with humanitarian Aid

We will all get a good dose of what zionism is all about after that.

Nope, sorry LS, wrong! Awoke was the first to dish out the phrase, "philo-semetics" around here. Funny isn't it... ;)

Funny because he's using the exact same tactics the ADL uses when they call people anti-Semites.

What do you call a Christian who adopts the ideological tactics of his Jewish enemy anyway?

But enough of the fun and games.

I notice that you, as usual, completely overlook the very valid and logically debatable points made by cigarlover and myself, and instead choose to focus on your "ridicule" victim status, which of course is also an identical ideological tactic of that Jew enemy of yours.

As for Zionism? I wish you'd make up your mind. Is your enemy the Zionist or the Jew in general?

Awoke has at least taken his stand and I'm pretty sure, includes all Jews in his condemnation.

If you're really talking Zionists, then you're referring to perhaps three specific definitions. The broadest definition is anyone who advocates for the continuation of Israel as a legitimate State, and that could include any number of religio-cultural-ethnic individuals.
Another definition would be an organized political organization. The card carrying Zionists, so to speak.
Or a third definition might be a secretive cabal of elite Zionists who have gained control over the worlds economies through International Financial banking and the monopolization of the MSM.

Or is it simply the Rothschilds?

I wish you'd stop playing the Zionist/Jew shell game, though. Pick your poison pea and let's get on with the debate.... because in some ways I might agree with you. Semantics are clumsy.

Large Sarge
29th May 2010, 10:24 AM
who controls the IMF?
Who controls the central banks?
who controls the media?
Who controls wall street?
Who, until all the tungsten was put in, controlled the price of gold worldwide?
who started all the world wars?
Why is the nicest street in tel aviv "Rothschild Ave"?


Now I was banned from GIM for awhile, before coming here, so some of you folks I do not know

I do not know how much you have researched anything, etc (perhaps you have been stuck at alex jones for years on end, "Germanic Death Cult")???

but I would suggest everyone here needs to listen to ben freedman, listen to myron fagan, read the protocols, etc

I will say this again

once you listen to ben freedman, all your history books makes sense (finally)

who controls the money/ currency in Europe? who sets the interest rates? who establishes the auctions? Who finances the debt? Who speculates on derivatives?

The answer boys and girls is not "The Germanic Death cult"

read the book economic hitman, he talks about working for the IMF(rothschilds), and getting loans for countries that do not really need it, with absurd profit projections, (lies)etc

it was a tactic to get said countries to give up something when they default (resources, sovereignty, etc)

I know exactly of what I speak, I guess at times I get tired of explaining and re-explaining it all

29th May 2010, 10:55 AM
who controls the money/ currency in Europe? who sets the interest rates? who establishes the auctions? Who finances the debt? Who speculates on derivatives?

Relevant point, centralized fiat banking, and it's coop. entity allies the world over.

The battle, is for people to reclaim their governments somehow, then reclaim their banks.

Breaking ranks with their collective security associations.

Unless of course living under an oligarchic hoof is more preferable, which very well seems to be the case.

They will continue to suffer further.

29th May 2010, 12:23 PM
What does this person think should be done?
A one week siege...with the help of the military?

Day 1
Shut down the Zionist media, blow-up Hollywood, remove all duel citizens from government, burn the Federal Reserve, Goldman and JPM empires to the ground, 24 hour non-stop air strikes to the Rothschild empire and confiscate their gold, Hang Soros in town square for all to use as a pinata, Disarm the Israeli government, clear the land in Israel of all vermin and return the land to Palestine.
Day 2
Declare a debt jubilee, secure and distribute all food to the people. Dismantle the IRS and throw it's employees into a giant tree shredder.
Day 3
Sever all ties to communist oppressed slave trading countries and not allow corporations the unfair labor advantage again!
Day 4
Secure all borders and round up all found here illegally and deport them.
Day 5
End the welfare state. Remove all non essential government agencies, Change the definition of the word "Liberal Democrat" to "one who is a feltcher" or likes feltching
Day 6
Declare this day as freedom day with a celebration
Day 7
Rest restore the Republic and constitution and rebuild


29th May 2010, 12:56 PM
I do not know how much you have researched anything, etc (perhaps you have been stuck at alex jones for years on end, "Germanic Death Cult")???

Judaism is more like a Worldwide Death Cult/ White Supremacist group.

given the history of Blood Passover

as illustrated in the case of St. Simon of Trent

i would have to say that "Death Cult" is an accurate description of Judaism, historically.

29th May 2010, 01:28 PM
The good news is that we know who did it and why.

You may or may not be right. but again, this guy makes a statement as if its a conclusion of what he just wrote in his article and his article is filled with a bunch of fluff and no real facts.

who controls the IMF?
Who controls the central banks?
who controls the media?
Who controls wall street?

Since you already know this why not just post the info with names and links to their bio? Would add a lot of credibility to your post.

For instance
Citibank CEO Mr. Vikram S. Pandit


Pretty large bank here in the US and CEO is an indian dude.

Or we can look at GE which is probably one of the worlds largest companies. GE is the parent company of CNBC which is probably the most influential money channel in the world.

CEO Mr. Jeffrey R. Immelt

Looks like he was born in Cinci OH...

I have friends who are Jews and I have friends who hate Jews LOL. My Jewish friends have all been great people. Some were rich, some were poor, never have any of them had some zionist agenda to control the world LOL.

Again, you may be right about some of your thinking and to be honest it bothers me a lot to see the US support Israel so much, however articles like this with no factual basis do not help your argument. Thats all I'm saying. If you remove your bias from the equation you will see the same thing I do.

29th May 2010, 01:42 PM
who controls the IMF?

Some French Dude is the Managing director
Dominique Strauss-Kahn


OK so here we have 3 major corporations. One controls a whole lot of money, another controls a whole lot of everything including a whole lot of money and the 3rd controls a whole lot of sovereign debt.. well money and then lends a lot of sovereigns money at interest..

Not one of them a JEW

29th May 2010, 09:50 PM
What about these pricks?


Who does #2 work for?

29th May 2010, 10:29 PM
cigarlover, get a clue.

for starters. here's a book, a good read. book:
"Two Rothschilds and the land of Israel (http://www.amazon.com/Rothschilds-land-Israel-Simon-Schama/dp/0394501373)", by Simon Shama, jewish professorof Columbia University, about how two generations of Roschilds COMPLETELY financed, bought land and built Israel over 50 years before 1948. Pictures, illustrations, everything you need, well researched.

Two. Suggest you start reading on Khazarian Kaganat (wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars) and our forum (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/khazarian-kaganat/)). That's a good description on how these people operate. They usually never put their own kind as CEO, it is always a puppet (obama).

Dominique Strauss-Khan - since you don't know a first thing about last names, I gotta clue you on that you don't get a LESS JEWISH last name than that, Khan being a khazarian jew, and strauss being from levi strauss, I thing they have hungarian jewish blood if I'm not mistaken, can be easily confirmed though.

Citibank's CEO is a puppet, company is owned by Rockfellers.

GE is completely controlled by globalists, CEO is a puppet.

Here's one more for ya. JP Morgan, largest bank after Goldman Sachs (you don't doubt that Goldman Sachs is from top to bottom a jewish bank, do you?) - well JP Morgan, the largest derivatives casino on earth - one of its top bosses is no other but Rothschild (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/usa-after-all-is-owned-by-rothschild/).

try harder.

30th May 2010, 02:14 AM
And herein lies the problem. Your mind is already made up so you refuse to look at any of the info I just posted.
Lets hash this out once and for all. We can do it here for all to see. Theres a lot of Jew bashing on the boards and very little real info.
Let me put it this way.. You can point me in the direction of all your Jewish hatred books that you want. I'm sure they will all confirm what you believe. How much of that info have you looked up yourself? My guess is none, its in a book so you believe it.

I'll make my point just in these few posts. You have made some serious claims that should be very easy to substantiate. Should take you less than 30 minutes to find this info you believe is out there. So lets do it.

Dominique Strauss-Khan - since you don't know a first thing about last names, I gotta clue you on that you don't get a LESS JEWISH last name than that, Khan being a khazarian jew, and strauss being from levi strauss, I thing they have hungarian jewish blood if I'm not mistaken, can be easily confirmed though.
Show me where he has some allegiance to Israel. He is French since he was born in France. Is anyone with a Jewish last name automatically a zionist Jew? I'm not saying he doesnt have some warmth of Israel but I cant find it. Can you? My ancestry is Italian yet I hold no allegiance to Italy. I was born in America and thats where my allegiance is.. for now anyway.

Citibank's CEO is a puppet, company is owned by Rockfellers.

Ok this one should be an easy one for you. I have already looked at the top execs. None are Rockefellers.
I also looked at the top institutional holders and the largest only owns 2.43% of the stock. I also looked at the top private holders and all insider trades and still no Rockefellers.

You made the claim you back it up.

Here's one more for ya. JP Morgan, largest bank after Goldman Sachs (you don't doubt that Goldman Sachs is from top to bottom a jewish bank, do you?) - well JP Morgan, the largest derivatives casino on earth - one of its top bosses is no other but Rothschild.

try harder.

You want me to try harder? I am trying really hard to find any credibility to your posts at all and here is another one that should be easy. I have a very open mind on stuff and am willing to admit when I'm wrong. Yet here we have another example of you say it so it must be true yet theres no evidence anywhere either insider transactions or institutional holdings that would suggest that what you claim is even remotely true. Again the largest institutional holder is holding 3% of the stock. Even if that institution was controlled by Rothschild he would still only have a 3% holding max..

For the time being I will assume you will come back with your facts and prove me wrong and just so we are clear, just because someone says its true on a website doesnt make it true, show me the facts. Obviously I am willing to do the research and look at the facts but present me some so I can do just that.

GE is completely controlled by globalists, CEO is a puppet. Maybe but so far the first 2 are a fail in my mind until I see some evidence that you have to the contrary. Ge is a big company and will take awhile to dig through all the info on it.. I'll wait till you confirm some other things before wasting my time digging for info.

"Two Rothschilds and the land of Israel", by Simon Shama, jewish professorof Columbia University, about how two generations of Roschilds COMPLETELY financed, bought land and built Israel over 50 years before 1948. Pictures, illustrations, everything you need, well researched.

And this proves what? That the Rothschilds are Jewish? That they planned to put the Jews in Israel so they could be at war perpetually with everyone else in the region forever and ultimately destroy their entire race? Why didnt they buy Ca or Fl? Seems the Jewish race could have lived there in peace. I'm not sure what the point of the book would be. Can you provide a little more detail please? The Rothschilds were real estate investors and did really well?

30th May 2010, 02:29 AM
What about these pricks?


Who does #2 work for?

Not sure what your asking.
Heres the executive commitee thats works directly for the CEO

Heres the Board of directors.
Mostly finnish, Dutch and British


Seems like lots of corruption in that company but does this surprise me? No. From the top down in DC to all the multinationals, theres curruption everywhere and they have all sold out for the dollar in the bank accounts.

As far as who's working for who or who owns what, this is a more difficult company to find info on since they arent a US company. They are listed on the NYSE though but still no detailed info that I have found yet..

30th May 2010, 07:51 AM

Large Sarge
30th May 2010, 08:34 AM
ownership of the federal reserve


30th May 2010, 08:40 AM

Hard evidence is a bit harder to come by than speculation and innuendo.

Oh sure, we all might agree that there are plenty of Jews in high places who are doing and have done their share of killing people and wrecking the place, no one has yet or ever will prove that Jews are the wellspring of evil and that seems to be the not so underlying point that's being pushed around here.

Large Sarge
30th May 2010, 09:08 AM

Hard evidence is a bit harder to come by than speculation and innuendo.

Oh sure, we all might agree that there are plenty of Jews in high places who are doing and have done their share of killing people and wrecking the place, no one has yet or ever will prove that Jews are the wellspring of evil and that seems to be the not so underlying point that's being pushed around here.

actually it is the zionists

marcus samuel (founder of shell)

was partners with Rothschild


marcus samuel was jewish


Samuel was born into a Jewish family in Whitechapel, London. His father, also Marcus Samuel, ran a successful import-export business, M. Samuel & Co., trading with the Far East, which Marcus carried on with his brother,

30th May 2010, 09:10 AM
Heres the Board of directors.
Mostly finnish, Dutch and British


After looking at that page,, it's obvious who "the creator" is.

Jim Henson.


30th May 2010, 09:37 AM
I see, so evil fell to earth in a murmur of angels' wings in 1896? :oo-->

actually it is the zionists

Theodor Herzl, a Viennese journalist who wrote The Jewish State (Der Judenstaat) (1896), called for the formation of a Jewish nation state as a solution to the Diaspora and to anti-Semitism. Herzl had been the Paris correspondent of a Viennese newspaper, sent to cover the Dreyfus trial, and was energized by the virulent anti-Semitism he witnessed. In his room in the hotel close to the Place de la Concorde, he wrote feverishly, and as he described in his diary, he felt as if where was a murmur of angels’ wings in the room.

In 1897 Herzl called the first World Zionist Congress at Basel, which brought together diverse proto-Zionist groups into one movement. The meeting helped found Zionist organizations in most countries with large Jewish populations. The term Zionism was coined in 1893 by Nathan Birnbaum who played a prominent part at the First Zionist Congress. At the Congress, the Zionist platform was formulated with this mission statement: "Zionism aspires to establish a homeland for the Jewish people, guaranteed by international law, in the land of Israel."

30th May 2010, 09:40 AM
Yep... There's always subjective belief to bolster ones' argument. :)

30th May 2010, 09:40 AM
ownership of the federal reserve


Like there was an actual decision by the U.S. for World War...the relationship is that of slave & owner.

30th May 2010, 12:14 PM
That's a great chart and may have been relevant 30-40 years ago but it isn't today.. Sorry

I've already posted info on JPM and City. Citi is formerly the national bank of NY...

Can anyone make a connection to these banks that isnt 35 years old?

All of this information is in the public domain. By law any major shareholders must be listed. This info is readily available even on yahoo. Just go to finance, type in JPM and Citi and you can see the institutional investors and the percentages that they own. You can also see who the top execs are and how much stock they own and even the insider transactions for the last year or so.

Back in 76 when this chart was made I am sure it was accurate. Lehman brothers was another big player, obviously they didnt fare so well LOL.

If this chart was accurate back then then I agree that at one time they were large players in the federal reserve system. However, public records of todays holdings in the same companies show no connection. Did they sell out and retire?

Looks like the only company still around is J. Henry Schroder Banking Company. They arent listed so I cant get much info on them other than a public financial statement.

30th May 2010, 12:27 PM
who controls the IMF?

Some French Dude is the Managing director
Dominique Strauss-Kahn


OK so here we have 3 major corporations. One controls a whole lot of money, another controls a whole lot of everything including a whole lot of money and the 3rd controls a whole lot of sovereign debt.. well money and then lends a lot of sovereigns money at interest..

Not one of them a JEW

Actually according to Wikipedia Dominique is a Jew.


Might want to google stuff first.

Also just because someone is Finnish, British, Dutch, American, French, ect doesn't mean they can't also be Jewish. Seriously, this is basic stuff.

Also many of you don't seem to realize that Jews have been hated for thousands of years. When they would get kicked out of whatever country they would often times come back after changing their names or pretending to convert to Christianity. This is well documented fact that is on exhibit today in the form of the many Jews with very "White" sounding names.

30th May 2010, 12:35 PM
How many of the detractors here have read either of Dr. David Dukes books?

Are you aware of the definition of libel? It is a crime.

So if what he wrote in his books was untrue, wouldn't there be tons of links to the many lawsuits put forth by the great men he so mercilessly defamed?

Don't you think they would want to crush this person that was speaking lies about them?

So where are the lawsuits?

30th May 2010, 12:44 PM
For instance
Citibank CEO Mr. Vikram S. Pandit


Pretty large bank here in the US and CEO is an indian dude.


The former CEO of Citibank was Jewish.

Left in 2006.

Large Sarge
30th May 2010, 12:44 PM
That's a great chart and may have been relevant 30-40 years ago but it isn't today.. Sorry

I've already posted info on JPM and City. Citi is formerly the national bank of NY...

Can anyone make a connection to these banks that isnt 35 years old?

All of this information is in the public domain. By law any major shareholders must be listed. This info is readily available even on yahoo. Just go to finance, type in JPM and Citi and you can see the institutional investors and the percentages that they own. You can also see who the top execs are and how much stock they own and even the insider transactions for the last year or so.

Back in 76 when this chart was made I am sure it was accurate. Lehman brothers was another big player, obviously they didnt fare so well LOL.

If this chart was accurate back then then I agree that at one time they were large players in the federal reserve system. However, public records of todays holdings in the same companies show no connection. Did they sell out and retire?

Looks like the only company still around is J. Henry Schroder Banking Company. They arent listed so I cant get much info on them other than a public financial statement.

actually one of the tenants of ownership for the federal reserve, is that the shares do not change hands (no private sales)

so even though the chart is 35 years old, it is still valid

there might be a few new members on the list, I imagine that is a nice incentive to get someone to join "the crime gang"

but all the folks from 35 years ago are still owners today.

its kind of like being a freemason, once you join, your in for life.

30th May 2010, 12:51 PM
One last post and then I am done in this thread for now.


Henry Ford knew there was a pervasive power trying to steal his company so he hired a team of investigators to get to the bottom of it. This book is the result.

30th May 2010, 12:57 PM
Ok he has a Jewish name. I have a french name but I'm Italian but I was born in the US. In my mind that makes me an American. No I didnt google his name my bad.

The man has a Jewish name is he guilty of something because of that? Has he committed any crimes? His parents were rich jews. Some would call them successful. Good for them.

Brent you and I have debated this subject for a long time and you more than anyone have presented me with lots of information. Some of it was good. Opened my eyes to just how many companies are run by the Jewish people.
On the other hand, I also pointed out that these same Jews were ones who wouldnt even donate to Jewish charities back in the homeland which kind of contradicts the fact that they have some evil plan for the state of Israel.
Maddoff was Jewish too, how many Jews did he screw out of money? He made it to their inner circle and completely screwed them.

Sometimes you just have to face the facts. There are greedy Jews who have no other interest other than becoming rich. I've known some very wealthy Jews and can tell you first hand they couldnt give a rats ass about the homeland.

As I also pointed out, if I wanted to write a book about anything and capture someone interest I am most certainly going to write it with my slant on things to capture the interest of the intended group. I'll also present the facts as I see fit. Facts that dont fit will be omitted. Pretty easy to do and its done everyday.

Look at all the biographies on our presidents. Do you think any of them paint them in negative light? Of course not, only the facts that show a positive spin or a positive spin is put on the facts. However you want to look at it, its a distortion of history. However we see it everyday. We see it in the propaganda on the TV, in our politics, in our advertising.

As I stated in person and on these boards, there's no doubt in my mind that there are some of Jewish decent that have evil intentions however there are far more of them who have no clue about it.

30th May 2010, 01:01 PM
But the chart shows ownership by JPM and National city bank of NY. so is this inaccurate and then doesnt show true shareholders of the fed? I'm honestly not trying to be a pain in the ass here just trying to find the facts and make the connection. I appreciate the information your posting though.

That's a great chart and may have been relevant 30-40 years ago but it isn't today.. Sorry

I've already posted info on JPM and City. Citi is formerly the national bank of NY...

Can anyone make a connection to these banks that isnt 35 years old?

All of this information is in the public domain. By law any major shareholders must be listed. This info is readily available even on yahoo. Just go to finance, type in JPM and Citi and you can see the institutional investors and the percentages that they own. You can also see who the top execs are and how much stock they own and even the insider transactions for the last year or so.

Back in 76 when this chart was made I am sure it was accurate. Lehman brothers was another big player, obviously they didnt fare so well LOL.

If this chart was accurate back then then I agree that at one time they were large players in the federal reserve system. However, public records of todays holdings in the same companies show no connection. Did they sell out and retire?

Looks like the only company still around is J. Henry Schroder Banking Company. They arent listed so I cant get much info on them other than a public financial statement.

actually one of the tenants of ownership for the federal reserve, is that the shares do not change hands (no private sales)

so even though the chart is 35 years old, it is still valid

there might be a few new members on the list, I imagine that is a nice incentive to get someone to join "the crime gang"

but all the folks from 35 years ago are still owners today.

its kind of like being a freemason, once you join, your in for life.

30th May 2010, 01:03 PM
One last post and then I am done in this thread for now.


Henry Ford knew there was a pervasive power trying to steal his company so he hired a team of investigators to get to the bottom of it. This book is the result.

Only because I consider you a friend will I take the time to read that Brent :).. Hope your having a great weekend :)..

30th May 2010, 01:10 PM
Ok he has a Jewish name. I have a french name but I'm Italian but I was born in the US. In my mind that makes me an American. No I didnt google his name my bad.
It's not about his name, its about his race.
The man has a Jewish name is he guilty of something because of that? Has he committed any crimes? His parents were rich jews. Some would call them successful. Good for them.
Of course not.
Brent you and I have debated this subject for a long time and you more than anyone have presented me with lots of information. Some of it was good. Opened my eyes to just how many companies are run by the Jewish people.
On the other hand, I also pointed out that these same Jews were ones who wouldnt even donate to Jewish charities back in the homeland which kind of contradicts the fact that they have some evil plan for the state of Israel.
I don't give two hoots what they donate to Israel. Their support of the destruction of the White race is what concerns me.
Maddoff was Jewish too, how many Jews did he screw out of money? He made it to their inner circle and completely screwed them.
A few. There was also a lot of money that just plain disappear. There were also a ton of Jews who made money off his ponzi scheme. If you make 20 Million over a few years and then lose 5 is it really a big deal?
Sometimes you just have to face the facts. There are greedy Jews who have no other interest other than becoming rich. I've known some very wealthy Jews and can tell you first hand they couldnt give a rats ass about the homeland.

As I also pointed out, if I wanted to write a book about anything and capture someone interest I am most certainly going to write it with my slant on things to capture the interest of the intended group. I'll also present the facts as I see fit. Facts that dont fit will be omitted. Pretty easy to do and its done everyday.
Unless you have read the books I am talking about you are not able to say whether they have omitted facts or not but your basic premise is true. For example our history books omit the fact that Marx was a big fat Jew and that communisms roots are by and large Jewish.
Look at all the biographies on our presidents. Do you think any of them paint them in negative light? Of course not, only the facts that show a positive spin or a positive spin is put on the facts. However you want to look at it, its a distortion of history. However we see it everyday. We see it in the propaganda on the TV, in our politics, in our advertising.
Of course history is distorted. That is why you don't know about so much of the history of the Jews, because it is hugely distorted.
As I stated in person and on these boards, there's no doubt in my mind that there are some of Jewish decent that have evil intentions however there are far more of them who have no clue about it.

No doubt the amount who are directly involved in the conspiracy is small but the amount of Jews who support other Jews above all others (A Trait I think is very admirable) is very large and through this they support those "evil" ones. I am sure that the biggest victim of this Jewish conspiracy is the average Jew because it will most likely be them that feel the full brunt of goy fury.

30th May 2010, 01:11 PM
One last post and then I am done in this thread for now.


Henry Ford knew there was a pervasive power trying to steal his company so he hired a team of investigators to get to the bottom of it. This book is the result.

Only because I consider you a friend will I take the time to read that Brent :).. Hope your having a great weekend :)..

And it is because I consider you one as well that I even care enough to respond so much in this thread. Same to you buddy. Hope you know that I can disagree with someones politics and still consider them a good friend.

30th May 2010, 01:25 PM
David Dukes book, My Awakening, Chapter 14. Entitled, The Jewish Question.


Free audio reading by the author.

30th May 2010, 01:32 PM
No doubt the amount who are directly involved in the conspiracy is small but the amount of Jews who support other Jews above all others (A Trait I think is very admirable) is very large and through this they support those "evil" ones. I am sure that the biggest victim of this Jewish conspiracy is the average Jew because it will most likely be them that feel the full brunt of goy fury.

Ya know thats a great point. One I also mentioned somewhere else. They have a very tight network and they do a lot of business with each other. Not saying you cant do business with them. I had a temple that I did a lot of work for. I also had another one that I did some work for. A referral from a Jewish friend actually.

You will see specific industries loaded with Jews. Not because its a conspiracy but because they have the connections to other Jews and prefer to help other Jews with jobs.

The Italians used to do this as well in the last generation or maybe 2.. Seems to have been lost now.. However I can remember growing up and hearing things like there's a guy just opened a new restaurant, Italian guy, good food.. There was a lot more reference to what nationality a person was back then.. Nowadays not so much. I agree with you, maybe we should do this a lot more.

And yea I know we disagree on shit but it sparks healthy debate :) Dont mind it a bit.. Say hi to the family for me, I'm guessing your gonna be there over the weekend :)..

30th May 2010, 01:33 PM
Hey Brent, do you still have that video on racism? Not sure if that was online or if it was yours. If its online though you should post that. That was a good one.

I am me, I am free
30th May 2010, 01:38 PM
There was a lot more reference to what nationality a person was back then.. Nowadays not so much.

Very accurate observation. And this is the real deal. One 'ethnic group' (which just happens to have a very strong supremacist bend) is intent upon destroying all other groups via homogenization/immigration/etc. while diligently and continuously working to preserve their own.

The motivation behind this is that once races/tribes/nations/cultures are destroyed, then those people have lost their identity and cohesion and are much more easily manipulated.

Their goals are right out there in the open, and have been for years (this issue of Time was from '96 IIRC) -


30th May 2010, 01:59 PM
For all its successes part of the problem with America is we have no national identity. Who are we? What are we? What are we about? We have no real history, we are a melting pot and have been since day one.

At one point we were the beacon of freedom. Not anymore. Heavily taxed and enslaved and apparently loving every minute of it LOL.

30th May 2010, 02:08 PM
For all its successes part of the problem with America is we have no national identity. Who are we? What are we? What are we about? We have no real history, we are a melting pot and have been since day one.

At one point we were the beacon of freedom. Not anymore. Heavily taxed and enslaved and apparently loving every minute of it LOL.

I would give you a cigar......but since applauds are so much easier, I'll do that instead ;D

30th May 2010, 03:38 PM
That's a great chart and may have been relevant 30-40 years ago but it isn't today.. Sorry

Who could buy the title and deed to the planet, anyway?

Chart remains true to this day.

I am me, I am free
30th May 2010, 03:48 PM
That's a great chart and may have been relevant 30-40 years ago but it isn't today.. Sorry

Who could con the title and deed to the planet from those who lawfully hold it, anyway?

Chart remains true to this day.

Fixed it for ya.

30th May 2010, 08:03 PM
For all its successes part of the problem with America is we have no national identity. Who are we? What are we? What are we about? We have no real history, we are a melting pot and have been since day one.

At one point we were the beacon of freedom. Not anymore. Heavily taxed and enslaved and apparently loving every minute of it LOL.


31st May 2010, 10:00 PM
cigarlover, here's Citigroup (who owns Citibank and a few other properties). Whoever owns publicly traded shares is a sucker, these are typically (more or less almost always) useless pieces of paper, good for playing casino called "stock market". The real shares a few, they are not sold, they are controlling shares, typically of a different type - just fyi.

A paternal grandson of William Rockefeller, his maternal grandfather James Stillman and uncle James Alexander Stillman served as president of the National City Bank of New York, now Citibank.

Rockefeller joined the National City Bank in 1930 after working at Brown Brothers Harriman and served as president from 1952 to 1959 and chairman from 1959 to 1967


In 1960, William Rockefeller's second cousin, David Rockefeller, became president of Chase Manhattan Bank
William Rockefeller

Board of Directors of Citigroup:

Judith Rodin
Rockefeller Foundation


Richard D. Parsons
Chairman of the Board
Citigroup Inc.
Board of Trustees of Rockefeller foundation


1st June 2010, 01:02 AM

1st June 2010, 04:47 AM
Excellent video. I agree with Finkelstein. Israel is a lunatic State with 2 to 3 hundred nukes...

1st June 2010, 06:34 AM
cigarlover, here's Citigroup (who owns Citibank and a few other properties). Whoever owns publicly traded shares is a sucker, these are typically (more or less almost always) useless pieces of paper, good for playing casino called "stock market". The real shares a few, they are not sold, they are controlling shares, typically of a different type - just fyi.

A paternal grandson of William Rockefeller, his maternal grandfather James Stillman and uncle James Alexander Stillman served as president of the National City Bank of New York, now Citibank.

Rockefeller joined the National City Bank in 1930 after working at Brown Brothers Harriman and served as president from 1952 to 1959 and chairman from 1959 to 1967


In 1960, William Rockefeller's second cousin, David Rockefeller, became president of Chase Manhattan Bank
William Rockefeller

Board of Directors of Citigroup:

Judith Rodin
Rockefeller Foundation


Richard D. Parsons
Chairman of the Board
Citigroup Inc.
Board of Trustees of Rockefeller foundation


+1 FreeEnergy.

Thinking Vikram Pandit controls Citigroup is really ignorant, same as if claiming Jamie Dimon is the brains behind JPMorgan.

This thread reads like a lot of folks don't understand how mega-conglomerated banks operate, let alone finance that deals with the top levels of government.

Many of you need to read The Creature from Jekyll Island - and that is just the tip of the iceberg in understanding why the name of the game is bailout.