View Full Version : Temper tantrums and the circle girls

29th May 2010, 07:37 AM
Temper tantrums and the circle girls.
I happened to be at the local mall recently. I loathe malls and was only there to buy a belated birthday gift with a gift certificate I had gotten. As I’m sitting on a bench sipping coffee I noticed 2 or 3 women walking in a circle. They kept walking in a circle over and over again. I thought this is odd, is this some sort of workout routine? Then I realized it couldn’t be so I asked the local security guard.

I said are these women working out? They’re not dressed for working out, they’re dressed for show. He said no, I call them the circle girls. The circle girls I said? What is this? He said we have women and some men here every day who wonder around the mall. They don’t have any money left, their cards are maxxed out but they’re still conditioned to go to the mall and window shop. So they wander around a few hours and come home. He said it’s usually the same gang of about a dozen women.


So I’m thinking there is more to this phenomenon. Then I realized how angry many Americans are. Are they angry that they don’t have a job or are they angry that the credit card is dried up and there is no more money OR the men they’ve been leeching off of are broke as well or dumped their sorry gold digging ass?

Up until 3 years ago the malls here were full of people shopping and buying in an orgiastic pace. Ms. Shopaholic (who had the illegal alien nanny and gardener working on her McMansion) was at the mall on Saturdays, with or without the kidlets. First it was a stop at the Gap Store, followed by Nordy’s (for those of you who don’t know that the catch phrase for Nordstrom’s) and then lunch at a mall restaurant. Usually the server is white but many times they are from another country with the illegal alien busboys and dishwashers in the background. You usually had the Jews on Sunday since they go to the temple (yeah right) on Saturdays.

Then off to the Asian Star Nail salon to get their mani/pedi with Vietnamese women squeaking and squawking in their own language while they’re doing your bidding. I used to laugh at the irony of some of the women who came to that nail salon. While many were hot, many were NOT. It never ceased to amaze me how these obese white women would spend all this money on their toes and nails and bleached highlighted short hair. I guess they thought that no one would notice they were 300 pounds if they had those ghetto nails.

I stopped going to those nail salons many years ago. I realized as a single woman most straight men don’t care about mani/pedi. They like women with long hair and healthy looking bodies. Plus I think those Asian women talked about me when I came in, like they do everyone. I’m sure they said here comes that Annie sashaying around with her booty and boobs and lording it over the rest of us with flat chests and pancake asses.

All that money these white women were spending at the mall could have been used to stay at home, home school their kids and put money away so that the hubby didn’t have to kill himself working 80 hours a week. Now don’t get me wrong, the women aren’t the only ones to blame here, the men who wanted these trophy wives knew exactly what they were getting into to.

Up until about 2007 Californians were on a spending orgy. Bought houses they couldn’t afford hoping the price would continue to go up and up like my beautiful balloon. Once the house had equity in it, they would take out a home equity loan and pay off that $50K MasterCard. Spending $50K requires a lot of energy and work to spend. Energy that needs downtime relaxation in the form of a mani/pedi at the Me Love You Long Time nail salon. (I can barely stand the .99 store long enough to spend $5).

Slowly but surely the house started losing value and the cards began to fall. One doesn’t have to be an economist to see the handwriting on the wall, it’s simple math. You export jobs and import illegals; you have a disaster on your hands, pure and simple.

So now the anger I see in my city is not at the government, it’s a temper tantrum that the compulsive obsessive mall shopping has stopped and these ladies don’t know what to do with themselves.

I grew up in a different era. You didn’t buy things you couldn’t afford and you paid for most things in cash. You rarely dined out (my grandma’s cooking was better than Denny’s) and you made do with what you had. Instead of throwing something out, you either got it fixed or did without until you could buy another. Maybe I’m weird, but if I can’t afford something I don’t buy it. I cook (I rarely dine out), I sew and crochet, go to gun shows, tea party rallies and stab blow up dolls, that’s my form of fun.


29th May 2010, 07:52 AM
Yeah, I know these girls.

These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

29th May 2010, 09:24 AM
These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

Where in the article does it say that?
What are you talking about?

29th May 2010, 09:38 AM
These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

Where in the article does it say that?
What are you talking about?

I was making a colorful comparison between one phenomenological girl "type" and another.

Now, I realize these two "types" of girl aren't often compared, if ever, and that may make my observation a first, but I think it's a fair observation, don't you? :)

29th May 2010, 09:46 AM
These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

Where in the article does it say that?
What are you talking about?

That is what is called "Trolling". You see some people think that they are so much smarter and more clever than every one else so they go through threads making smart ass comments and other similar posts all in an effort to extract some sort of emotional response from other people.

Hope that helps.

29th May 2010, 09:49 AM
Yeah, I know these girls.

These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

You injected 'evil Jews' into this thread out of whole cloth.

Why don't you scram and piss on someother forum, baiter.

29th May 2010, 10:14 AM
These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

Where in the article does it say that?
What are you talking about?

That is what is called "Trolling". You see some people think that they are so much smarter and more clever than every one else so they go through threads making smart ass comments and other similar posts all in an effort to extract some sort of emotional response from other people.

Hope that helps.

Nah, I'd call it bashing the twinks over at vnn...

Now, if I were actually posting these facts at vnn, then and only then would I be trolling. But I can't stand the scent of feminine hygiene deodorant, so I don't even go there.

I mean really, do you think all those threads and posts condemning GIM were nothing but trolling? No!

Not at all. They were venting perhaps. Letting off some very well deserved hate, but not trolling.

So, see Brent, you are wrong. I AM smarter and more clever than the prison system created receiver cupcakes at vnn.

Oh, and I'll add stormfront and KKK to my list of slurpers as well. KKK are just a tad more fashion conscious. ;D

Remember now, we are all believers in free speech, and my deeply held beliefs that vnn and KKK members smoke the white owl must be upheld here at GSUS, don't you agree? :)

29th May 2010, 10:21 AM
These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

Where in the article does it say that?
What are you talking about?

That is what is called "Trolling". You see some people think that they are so much smarter and more clever than every one else so they go through threads making smart ass comments and other similar posts all in an effort to extract some sort of emotional response from other people.

Hope that helps.

Nah, I'd call it bashing the twinks over at vnn...

Now, if I were actually posting these facts at vnn, then and only then would I be trolling. But I can't stand the scent of feminine hygiene deodorant, so I don't even go there.

I mean really, do you think all those threads and posts condemning GIM were nothing but trolling? No!

Not at all. They were venting perhaps. Letting off some very well deserved hate, but not trolling.

So, see Brent, you are wrong. I AM smarter and more clever than the prison system created receiver cupcakes at vnn.

Oh, and I'll add stormfront and KKK to my list of slurpers as well. KKK are just a tad more fashion conscious. ;D

Remember now, we are all believers in free speech, and my deeply held beliefs that vnn and KKK members smoke the white owl must be upheld here at GSUS, don't you agree? :)

I suppose that you enjoy eating your own vomit too. :yuk

This is another sterling example of why this forum desperately needs an ignore feature.

I'm posting less and less and this is a big reason why: life is too short to waste it dealing with trolls.

I'm outa' here, taking the family for a drive and out on the boat - see y'all tonite!

29th May 2010, 10:38 AM
I don't see stormfront, vnn, or the KKK mentioned in the article.

29th May 2010, 10:46 AM
Yeah, I know these girls.

These are the teen girls who smell heavily of feminine hygiene products, wear tight girl pants with Doc Martin boots and post on vnn.com all the time, whining about evil Jews and giant Negroes infesting the Malls and stealing their hard earned credit cards. ;D

You injected 'evil Jews' into this thread out of whole cloth.

Why don't you scram and piss on someother forum, baiter.

Aw come now Mamboni, it's not as though you're a virgin where it comes to cutting things from whole cloth.
I mean, it's pretty obvious that I'm bashing an ideologically united web front that has straight-up plans to infiltrate free speech sites like this one and pollute them with their CIA created Prison System induced divide and conquer psychological war tactics.

That's all I'm doing.

I don't think I'm wrong to believe the bulk of the Racial supremacy National Socialist bullshit that's growing world wide and especially here in the US is directly and covertly conditioned into and through the Prison System, which is just a subset of the MIC.

Although, I'm not sure why you're getting emotional about my vnn bashing.

You bagelize and nostrilize Jews, so why shouldn't I be able to emasculate and faggotize little vnn girl prison bitch wannabe's?

Fair is fair, don't you think? :)

I don't see stormfront, vnn, or the KKK mentioned in the article.

I think it's important enough to get the message out by making comparisons.

29th May 2010, 11:14 AM
So tptb, how much time did you spend in prison? You seem to know a lot about prison sissies and such.

29th May 2010, 11:16 AM
I don't see stormfront, vnn, or the KKK mentioned in the article.

The poster is a stroke, something "Ignore" was made for.

29th May 2010, 11:31 AM
You injected 'evil Jews' into this thread out of whole cloth.

Why don't you scram and piss on someother forum, baiter.

Here is how one does it correctly: Link to Post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/do-you-ever-call-the-cops-to-report-crime-or-other-activities/msg52645/#msg52645)

BTW I like the OP. People continue their habits, even when the former excuses for doing so (buying stuff) in this example, not longer exist. Or driving around in the car. Much like cargo-cults.

29th May 2010, 11:33 AM
Keep digging that hole "TPTB". Everyone can read what was said and determine for themselves if you are being a troll or not.

By the way, this,

I don't think I'm wrong to believe the bulk of the Racial supremacy National Socialist bullsh*t that's growing world wide and especially here in the US is directly and covertly conditioned into and through the Prison System, which is just a subset of the MIC.
Is just priceless. Thanks for the laughs.

29th May 2010, 11:45 AM
There is an ignore feature, it's called not responding or giving creedance to something that deserves neither. Just my .02

29th May 2010, 11:57 AM
There is an ignore feature, it's called not responding or giving creedance to something that deserves neither. Just my .02

Yes, there's that and also a real forum ignore feature: http://gold-silver.us/forum/board-communications/ignore-user/

29th May 2010, 03:00 PM
Keep digging that hole "TPTB". Everyone can read what was said and determine for themselves if you are being a troll or not.

By the way, this,

I don't think I'm wrong to believe the bulk of the Racial supremacy National Socialist bullsh*t that's growing world wide and especially here in the US is directly and covertly conditioned into and through the Prison System, which is just a subset of the MIC.
Is just priceless. Thanks for the laughs.

Lol... Your welcome Brent. Glad I was able to make you laugh.

Now, if you could explain to me how National Socialism is so much different than the Military Socialist System or the National Prison Socialist System, I'd appreciate it, because they look pretty similar to me.

And I do get a kick out of how you lovely folks buddy up against a poster that offers some spicy alternative views toward a non kosherized group. You're all so cute and precious. Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone. :D

29th May 2010, 03:01 PM
You injected 'evil Jews' into this thread out of whole cloth.

Why don't you scram and piss on someother forum, baiter.

Here is how one does it correctly: Link to Post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/do-you-ever-call-the-cops-to-report-crime-or-other-activities/msg52645/#msg52645)

BTW I like the OP. People continue their habits, even when the former excuses for doing so (buying stuff) in this example, not longer exist. Or driving around in the car. Much like cargo-cults.

I wonder what Pavlov would think of these people, the circle girls.

They were trained to shop, but alas, cannot.

29th May 2010, 03:06 PM
They may do OK. The Dog Whisperer says the aggressive ones are easier to retrain.

29th May 2010, 03:37 PM
They may do OK. The Dog Whisperer says the aggressive ones are easier to retrain.


What are the cargo cults you spoke of earlier?

29th May 2010, 05:11 PM
What are the cargo cults you spoke of earlier?

Since he hasn't answered, I'll try my best on memory.

In the war the US wanted runways in several out-of-the-way places to drop off and pick up supplies. Some runways were built in areas of the jungle where 'modern man' had never traveled before, and so this was the first time they met with the tribes there. The tribes were impressed by the airplanes and the cool things the people had.

After the war everything was abandoned and left to get swallowed back up by the jungle. But the tribes, missing the airplanes and fun people that had all kinds of crazy shit (some would say they saw us as gods... I haven't looked into it enough to have an opinion), took it upon themselves to build new runways as best as they could. They thought it would bring the planes back. They'd try to rebuild other things they had seen us with, using sticks and stones. Hence "cargo cult" because they were idolizing cargo.

30th May 2010, 02:46 AM
What are the cargo cults you spoke of earlier?

Since he hasn't answered, I'll try my best on memory.

In the war the US wanted runways in several out-of-the-way places to drop off and pick up supplies. Some runways were built in areas of the jungle where 'modern man' had never traveled before, and so this was the first time they met with the tribes there. The tribes were impressed by the airplanes and the cool things the people had.

After the war everything was abandoned and left to get swallowed back up by the jungle. But the tribes, missing the airplanes and fun people that had all kinds of crazy sh*t (some would say they saw us as gods... I haven't looked into it enough to have an opinion), took it upon themselves to build new runways as best as they could. They thought it would bring the planes back. They'd try to rebuild other things they had seen us with, using sticks and stones. Hence "cargo cult" because they were idolizing cargo.

Thanks Ash, I had forgotten about those.

Grand Master Melon
30th May 2010, 02:57 AM
I suppose that you enjoy eating your own vomit too. :yuk

This is another sterling example of why this forum desperately needs an ignore feature.

I'm posting less and less and this is a big reason why: life is too short to waste it dealing with trolls.

I'm outa' here, taking the family for a drive and out on the boat - see y'all tonite!

We've got these things called brains which we use in concert with our eyes to make decisions about what we do and do not want to read. Of course we could be like racoons and just pretend things weren't really happening but that would just be silly.

Grand Master Melon
30th May 2010, 03:05 AM
I go to malls and I've never noticed such behavior. Of course I don't spend hours at malls so I'm probably missing them. I have however witnessed the silver helmet brigade early in the morning making their rounds doing their walking thing.

30th May 2010, 05:11 AM
I saw a guy wearing parachute pants and sporting a mullet the other day.

But then, I did put instant coffee in a microwave oven, so I might have accidentally gone back in time...