View Full Version : Zionist Racist Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul

29th May 2010, 05:12 PM

29th May 2010, 05:19 PM
please don't make me watch it !

does Rachel Maddow support Israel ?

29th May 2010, 06:00 PM
What do you think?

29th May 2010, 10:58 PM
Thank you and forwarded.

30th May 2010, 07:02 AM
She's the classic progressive hypocrite. She gladly accepted a Rhodes Scholarship to attend Oxford University; Never mind, that the founder, Cecil Rhodes, funded that trust with the money that was raped and exploited from Africa.

30th May 2010, 08:04 AM
Well, I cranked out another one. After I got so disgusted watching Rand Paul interviewed by radical lesbo Rachel Maddow, I just had to make this video.

I think you will find it one of the hardest hitting videos exposing the Zionist hypocrisy in the media.

This video really lays it out.

It also does not spare Rand Paul after his really craven appearance.


And of course, my website http://www.davidduke.com

Please watch this video right away. It is bit different style for me, but the views are going crazy, so we are reaching a big audience.

30th May 2010, 08:51 AM
Bigjon outstanding video. Rand Paul is kind of new to this game, hopefully he will have a short and fast learning curve on such matters and stand-up for himself in future sleeze ball interviews. Or perhaps he is blinded by the entire Neocon Zionist agenda ..... that would suck.

I have a real disconnect between the senior and junior Dr. Paul's. On the one hand, I love some of the things Ron Paul has said concerning Zionist influence in this country. Yet he hasn't passed on any of this knowledge to junior??? This is odd!

30th May 2010, 10:56 AM
The Ugly Truth Podcast May 29, 2010 (http://theuglytruth.podbean.com/) (host is Mark Glenn)

"The one and only Dr. David Duke joins us for a discussion of Rand Paul’s win in the recent primaries and his apparent love-affair with Israel. "

(I just started listening, so no comments yet)