View Full Version : Caesareans take toll on babies

29th May 2010, 11:45 PM
BABIES born by caesarean section are more vulnerable to asthma, allergies and infection because they miss out on receiving their mothers' good bacteria during birth.

Professor Patricia Conway of the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of New South Wales, said babies delivered vaginally received protective bacteria as they passed through the birth canal during delivery.

This bacteria, left on the baby's skin, could then colonise the intestine and help inoculate newborns against hospital bugs. Gut flora was crucial for developing a balanced immune system. "With a c-section, the newborn baby misses an opportunity to pick up a lot of Mum's good bacteria,'' Professor Conway said.

"This can have long-term health implications, as the development of a good intestinal ecosystem is necessary for health and immunity to allergies, from childhood right through to adulthood."

Professor Conway said emergency caesareans, performed after labour had already begun, meant babies did receive some of the beneficial bacteria, particularly if the waters had broken.

However, elective caesareans were ''sterile'' and gave babies no chance to pick up any of the good bacteria.

link....... (http://www.theage.com.au/national/caesareans-take-toll-on-babies-20100529-wmlv.html)

30th May 2010, 05:58 AM
why can't you just smear vaginal mucus (containing the good bacteria) on the baby a few days after it's born, when the mother is ready for another medical procedure ?