View Full Version : Astral projection

Nomen luni
30th May 2010, 09:25 AM
Ever tried it, any interesting tales, and what do you make of it? I was talking to an old friend last night about how I had been interested in the phenomena a few years back but had no success. Went to bed, decided to give it a whirl and blam... I rose out of my body. It was dark, so I couldn't see a massive amount, but I could make out the room. I rushed back into my body after a few seconds because I heard that you can lose consciousness if you stay out too long and you won't remember it in the morning. The jury's still out as to whether it was an O.B.E or just a lucid dream. More experimentation required.

General of Darkness
30th May 2010, 09:35 AM
I've also read that your body can be taken over while your "soul" is running around. I've known a few people that have "claimed" to AP but that just could have been a deep state of trance or something.

30th May 2010, 12:08 PM
I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and went back in time.

Does that count?

30th May 2010, 12:31 PM
I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and went back in time.

Does that count?

My body is my temple, I often return there for coffee breaks & sexercise. ;D


30th May 2010, 01:20 PM
I used to do it on occasion, I went to a place in Mexico I'd never been before and then went there in waking life a year later. Pretty wild actually seeing something I had only seen "in a dream."

If kids were told that this was possible (instead of "It's just a dream ignore it) there is no telling what humans could accomplish. Instead, we watch TV.

30th May 2010, 01:30 PM
A few times, inches outside the head. I consider it a welcome meditative state.

Empathy with the Universe. ;D


30th May 2010, 05:29 PM
AP is a real phenomenon and I've experienced it many times.

I have to go right now but I will be back later tonight to write some stories of my experiences. I've been meaning to do some serious writing on the time in my life that I used to play with it the most so this is a welcome opportunity to share.

Nomen luni
31st May 2010, 04:22 AM
Thanks for the replies. Keep 'em coming. For those that used to AP but don't now, how comes?

4th June 2010, 09:19 AM
I just got back from 1788 Egypt.

It was pretty warm.

4th June 2010, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the replies. Keep 'em coming. For those that used to AP but don't now, how comes?

I think AP is a natural occurrence. As a child I associated it as "swimming around" in my sleep. I don't remember sharing that with adults, but I did remember it during waking hours.

In a more relaxed time, as children, I think we are more open to it.

4th June 2010, 11:57 AM
Thanks for the replies. Keep 'em coming. For those that used to AP but don't now, how comes?

I think AP is a natural occurrence. As a child I associated it as "swimming around" in my sleep. I don't remember sharing that with adults, but I did remember it during waking hours.

In a more relaxed time, as children, I think we are more open to it.

I had some interesting things happen to me as a child also. I wonder if this has something to do with the pineal gland? Perhaps it doesn't get damaged until later on in life?

I'm looking forward to the posts from some of our members here about there personal experiences this type of thing is fascinating.

4th June 2010, 01:07 PM
I had some interesting things happen to me as a child also. I wonder if this has something to do with the pineal gland? Perhaps it doesn't get damaged until later on in life?

I'm looking forward to the posts from some of our members here about there personal experiences this type of thing is fascinating.

I'm pretty sure fluoride calcifies the pineal gland...
