View Full Version : Finaly got my Riflemans badge at appleseed

30th May 2010, 04:46 PM
Shot a 219 on my last target of the day (just did the one day). Was in the 190's and low 200's for a few before that and was getting mad I was so close but so far away.

Anyways, just thought I'd share. K-Os was there again, but I'll let her post her own ;)

30th May 2010, 05:18 PM
Yeah !!!!!!! :sun: Good deal I don't even shoot rifles because I am such a bad shot, thats what shotguns are for, I shoot from the hip :D Hahahaha

30th May 2010, 05:54 PM
WTG Heimie !

30th May 2010, 06:15 PM
I am so proud of Heimdhal.

He passed me by in a snap. He only showed up for the second day (and late at that), and bam - Rifleman!

I, on the other hand, suffered through both days, at least one target in a downpour (they took picture of that - should be funny). I scored consistently in the "sharpshooter" range on both days, and on my very last AQT target of the last day, I scored 209 - one stinking point away.

I am proud and disappointed at the same time.

One point . . . but so far.

30th May 2010, 06:43 PM
I am so proud of Heimdhal.

He passed me by in a snap. He only showed up for the second day (and late at that), and bam - Rifleman!

I, on the other hand, suffered through both days, at least one target in a downpour (they took picture of that - should be funny). I scored consistently in the "sharpshooter" range on both days, and on my very last AQT target of the last day, I scored 209 - one stinking point away.

I am proud and disappointed at the same time.

One point . . . but so far.

Youll get it in Ft Lauderdale next month, I know you will. You did better this time around than last month, and you were pretty good last month too.

30th May 2010, 06:52 PM
Glad to hear you didn't go ulnk again.

30th May 2010, 07:16 PM
Shot a 219 on my last target of the day (just did the one day). Was in the 190's and low 200's for a few before that and was getting mad I was so close but so far away.

Anyways, just thought I'd share. K-Os was there again, but I'll let her post her own ;)

Two thumbs up and a great big CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!


30th May 2010, 07:40 PM
Shot a 219 on my last target of the day (just did the one day). Was in the 190's and low 200's for a few before that and was getting mad I was so close but so far away.

Anyways, just thought I'd share. K-Os was there again, but I'll let her post her own ;)

Two thumbs up and a great big CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!


And nothing for my "honorable mention"? Sheesh.

willie pete
30th May 2010, 07:43 PM
Congrats how does it work? can you shoot any caliber? and how far away? scoped or no? handguns too? do they have a knife-fighting challenge too?

30th May 2010, 07:44 PM
Anyways, just thought I'd share. K-Os was there again, but I'll let her post her own ;)

Two thumbs up and a great big CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!



I was waiting to congratulate you on your own thread. What you did was a personal accomplishment. Others can support you but you are the one doing the shooting.

Congratulations are in order and well deserved.


And nothing for my "honorable mention"? Sheesh.

30th May 2010, 08:00 PM
Congrats how does it work? can you shoot any caliber? and how far away? scoped or no? handguns too? do they have a knife-fighting challenge too?

Rifles only. Any caliber. 25 yards (but the targets are sized for 100, 200, 300, 400). At the end of the second day they do a 100 yard distance, but I didn't participate. I was too busy missing ONE POINT!

No knife fighting, but I wouldn't mind watching that from a distance. Maybe with binoculars.

30th May 2010, 08:10 PM
Well congratulations to you anyway, at least your out there doing it and damn that 1 point !!

30th May 2010, 08:12 PM
Well congratulations to you anyway, at least your out there doing it and damn that 1 point !!

Thank you, and I will get it next time! >:(

willie pete
30th May 2010, 08:13 PM
Thanks for that clarification ;D

30th May 2010, 08:16 PM
Thanks for that clarification ;D

You are very welcome. The level of instruction is outstanding. They can take a person who has only shot their rifle once, and turn them into an almost rifleman (minus one point) in two weekends.

I highly recommend it. Particularly for women, since it's free . . . free! Guys, it's $70 for a whole weekend, and that is damn near free if you ask me.

30th May 2010, 08:16 PM
Thanks for that clarification ;D

Are you a knife fighter Willie Pete? I have never heard of that.

willie pete
30th May 2010, 08:42 PM
No, not me Zap ;D

30th May 2010, 09:42 PM
Good Job K-os

31st May 2010, 07:13 AM
Way to go man. I will be trying again in a couple of weeks. Great job.

31st May 2010, 07:32 AM
Good Job K-os

Thanks StackerKen, you are very sweet.

31st May 2010, 11:02 AM
k-os Good job. 1 point away. I wouldn't want to get in a rifle fight with you 1 point away or not. If you're that close your a good rifleman.

1st June 2010, 06:33 PM
Here's my favorite excerpt from the summary of the event. He has a certain southern style of writing/storytelling:

As we were finishing the second AQT on Saturday Afternoon, the skies began to darken - Lady Liberty had held off the rain as long as she could and it was about to pour. The shoot boss could be seen scurrying about like a squirrel before a winter storm!

ItsanSKS was driving the line hard. He had the shooters post their Redcoats in a medium rain and just when it began to pour cats and dogs called "Shooters! Your prep period begins now! The shooters looked at their line boss with disbelief. He's joking right? No, he's not! He expects us to shoot in the rain! Of the eleven brave souls on the line, only two would get down into full prone position and suffer the ravages of Mother Nature's full fury. Were they hairy-legged men? Were they battle-hardened veterans or X-Special Forces soldiers, well accustomed to adversity?

No, they were both women - Mizzy and k-os. Both very lady-like women actually. I rather doubt that they could even see their targets clearly in that rain, but they were in prone - soaking wet and not a complaint from either of them. In the words of "Bama", an Applseeds instructor from, well, you know where he's from: "I'm proud as a game rooster to have rode with ya". Ya'll have grit and I'll never say diffrnt.

Now all of them shot their Redcoats mind ya, but they did so in standing to stay as much out of the rain as they could. They still got wet, but Mizzy and k-os got a lot wetter. I was proud to offer my shooting jacket to Mizzy as she began to shiver. Could the line boss have let up and called a break - sure, but would our ancestors have done so - no way! In the end, the shooters survived the challenge and as we all know - adversity breeds character - something Appleseeders seem to have in spades!

Good times.

I think I should have earned one extra credit point, darn it!

1st June 2010, 06:38 PM
I think I should have earned one extra credit point, darn it!

I think so too.

1st June 2010, 06:41 PM
Aw, thanks. Maybe if I get enough GSUS support, they'll give me one point. ;D

2nd June 2010, 05:14 PM
Pictures! As unflattering as they may be after two days of shooting and (sort of) camping . . .

I'll give one extra credit point if you can guess why everyone is laughing.

2nd June 2010, 05:18 PM
This is the redcoat that I shot right after the last AQT. I muffed the 300 yard one, but I nailed the 400 yard and the head shot.

2nd June 2010, 05:19 PM
Yeah !! you finally got it congratulations are in order !!! :sun: :banrasta

2nd June 2010, 05:19 PM
And my favorite . . . although I kinda look like a dude . . .

2nd June 2010, 05:22 PM
Congratulations to another American Rifleman.

Two thumbs up.

You must be more proud than your pictures show-----


2nd June 2010, 05:25 PM
Congratulations to you & Heimdhal both! Way to go!

2nd June 2010, 05:25 PM
Oh, no, I didn't make Rifleman. Heimdhal did. I just commandeered his thread.

Hold your congratulations for me for another month or so (fingers crossed).

2nd June 2010, 05:28 PM
Oh, no, I didn't make Rifleman. Heimdhal did. I just commandeered his thread.

Hold your congratulations for me for another month or so (fingers crossed).

OK-So I'm premature.

That makes me toward the top of the list for congrats when you DO!


2nd June 2010, 05:39 PM
And my favorite . . . although I kinda look like a dude . . .

Great posture - you look very relaxed there. Way to go.

Amazing work on the redcoat too - awesome shooting. Is that 300-400 yards ? What ammo are you using ?

I feel sorry for anyone that dares cross swords with you gal, even in the thunderdome (although I did miss what that was all about .. haha)

willie pete
2nd June 2010, 06:10 PM
Well deserved congratulations, ya did real good, NOW you can start thinking about moving up to a 5.56 :D Then a vinerable old 7.62 By the way, how far away from the 300 yd target are you shooting at it?

2nd June 2010, 06:28 PM
Amazing work on the redcoat too - awesome shooting. Is that 300-400 yards ? What ammo are you using ?

Thanks! On the redcoat, clockwise from the top, it's a man's body at 100 yards, 200 yards, 300 yards, 400 yards, and the left rectangle is a head shot at 250 yards. The targets are sized for simulation of these distances when placed at 25 yards.

Ammo - .22

willie pete
2nd June 2010, 06:34 PM
Amazing work on the redcoat too - awesome shooting. Is that 300-400 yards ? What ammo are you using ?

Thanks! On the redcoat, clockwise from the top, it's a man's body at 100 yards, 200 yards, 300 yards, 400 yards, and the left rectangle is a head shot at 250 yards. The targets are sized for simulation of these distances when placed at 25 yards.

Ammo - .22

OK, got it now, thank you kindly, what power scope ya using?.. ;D It's good practice, but it's still a lot different when shooting at distance, lots more to think about, ...windage and elevation

2nd June 2010, 06:48 PM
OK, got it now, thank you kindly, what power scope ya using?.. ;D It's good practice, but it's still a lot different when shooting at distance, lots more to think about, ...windage and elevation

I know, I know. Appleseed teaches that too, as well as the need for a higher caliber rifle. But I haven't mastered the things I already have to think about, like changing mags, breathing, natural point of aim . . . counting. Quite a few AQT targets I flubbed because I shot three rounds into a place where there should only be two. After I get Rifleman, I'll shoot at a distance target and focus on windage and elevation, when my brain has room for more variables.

Scope is 32x, I think. Not sure if you were really asking or just messing with me. :D

2nd June 2010, 07:05 PM
Well deserved congratulations, ya did real good, NOW you can start thinking about moving up to a 5.56 :D Then a vinerable old 7.62 By the way, how far away from the 300 yd target are you shooting at it?

I used my AK the first time out (first day anyways) and was getting into the 180's. Not great, but it was the 400 yard ones that were killing me since I was using stock Irons with that crap sight radius and wolf ammo. Im sure with some good yugo stuff I could have done better.

I use the .22 now cause its cheaper and the scope helped things a bit. I can effectivley shoot out to 200+ yards with my Ak at distance, and I am fairly satsified with that for that gun. I can use a 5.56 a little better, but its not my most favorite round. I havent used a .308 at distance, so I cant say much there, but I'd really like to get an m1a in the future.

Now that I've qualed at least once though, Im gonna use my .30 cals from here on out till I qualify with those, then I might go back to the .22. Gonna get some tech sights though.

Appleseed also does a week long " riflemans boot camp" where they shoot out to an actual 500 yards.

willie pete
2nd June 2010, 07:21 PM
OK, got it now, thank you kindly, what power scope ya using?.. ;D It's good practice, but it's still a lot different when shooting at distance, lots more to think about, ...windage and elevation

I know, I know. Appleseed teaches that too, as well as the need for a higher caliber rifle. But I haven't mastered the things I already have to think about, like changing mags, breathing, natural point of aim . . . counting. Quite a few AQT targets I flubbed because I shot three rounds into a place where there should only be two. After I get Rifleman, I'll shoot at a distance target and focus on windage and elevation, when my brain has room for more variables.

Scope is 32x, I think. Not sure if you were really asking or just messing with me. :D

I'm askin', I aint messing with you ellie-may.. :D it's great you have an interest, I meant that sometime in the future, you'll have to graduate up in power and caliber....I don't think that scope was a 32X, you wouldn't have been able to see that target at 25 yds, it'd been a blur Fantastic Shootin' though ;D

2nd June 2010, 07:29 PM
Sounds like a lot of fun :)