View Full Version : The US CONstitution has been suspended

The Great Ag
31st May 2010, 06:10 AM
In general discussion, Ponce started a thread regarding how the gov't, might, in an extreme emergency suspend the US CON.

It is my contention, that it already is and I reproduce my post here, so that it may be read by more people. It is no longer a matter of debate whether the gov't can or cannot suspend the US CON, because it was done in 1861.
This is a definition from Black's Law Dictionary, 5th ed:

National Emergency: A state of national crisis; a situation demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal action. Congress has made little or no distinction between a "state of national emergency" and a "state of war."
We have been in a state of "national emergency" since 1933 and arguably since 1861.
The question is, does a "national emergency" OR a "state of war" demand the temporary suspension of the US CON?
First, the US CON does NOT provide for a different set of rules during an emergency. There are a few provisions for a mini-emergency, such as Art 1, Section 9

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended UNLESS when in cases of invasion or rebellion, the public safety my require it.
The Crafters of the US CON, did NOT permit the US CON to be suspended, regardless of the situation. Please note, several CONStitutions around the world do have "emergency" provisions in them. India and South Africa are two examples, and both clearly set what parts of the CONS are suspended and have placed limits on the length of suspension. In regards to the US CON, there is NO provision. This means the gov't CANNOT LEGALLY suspend the document. Ah, but when has the gov't cared about anything being legal? There is a legal maxim stating, necessity knows no laws. Can the gov't, in an effort to maintain its survival, do whatever is necessary? That is the crux of the situation! Which is paramount: survival of the law or gov't?
Let's examine history in the USA: Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus without Congress' approval. FDR interned hundreds of thousands of Americans with Japanese ancestry during WWII who had not committed any crime. Truman nationalized the steel mills during the Korean War to ensure enough steel for the war effort. What is interesting, is that after the necessity, the courts have ALWAYS stated, you can't do that. For example the US Supreme Court stated in Ex Parte Milligan in 1866, after the War between the States:

The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace. . .no doctrine, involving more pernicious consequences, was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government.
It seems, historically, Presidents and CONgress can bend the law in an emergency, but once it has passed, legal systems in place, remedy the breach.
HOWEVER, this assumes the US CON is in place and functioning. What if the US CON has been suspended? What if we currently exist under a war-time gov't of paramount force?
From Black's Law Dictionary 5th ed:[/u

Government de facto: A government of fact. A government actually exercising power and control, as opposed to the true and lawful government; a government not established according to the constitution of the nation, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy, but which has nevertheless supplanted or displaced the government du jure. [u]A government deemed unlawful, which, nevertheless, receives presently habitual obedience from the bulk of the community.

There are several degrees of what is called "de facto government.: Such a government, in its highest degree, assumes a character very closely resembling that of a lawful government. This is when the usurping government expels the regular authorities from their customary seats and functions, and establishes itself in their place, and so becomes the actual government of a country. The distinguishing characteristics of such a government is that adherents to it in war against the government de jure do not incur the penalties of treason; and , under certain limitation, obligations assumed by it in behalf of the country or otherwise will, in general be respected by the government de jure when restored. Such a government might be more aptly denominated a "government of paramount force," being maintained by active military power against the rightful authority of an established and lawful government; and obeyed in civil matters by private citizens. They are usually adminisitered directly my military authority, but they may be administered, also, by civil authority, supported more or less by military force. Thorington v. Smith, 75 U.S. (8 Wall.) 1, 19 L.Ed. 361.
This definition of government de facto comes from an actual court case in 1868 whereby the Court accurately described the US gov't. It is my opinion we still have a government de facto in place. As such, it "pretends" to adhere to the US CON, but in fact can do anything it wants, whenever it wants.

Can the US CON be suspended? I think it already is, but the gov't in place gives lip service to it to keep the citizens ignorant.

For support of my opinion here the definition for government de jure, also from Black's 5th ed.

Government de jure: A government of right; the true and lawful government; a government established according to the constitution of the nation, and lawfully entitled to cognition and supremacy and the administration of the nation, but which is actually cut off from power or control. A government deemed lawful, or deemed rightful or just, which nevertheless, has been supplanted or displaced; that is to say, which receives not presently (although it received formerly) habitual obedience from the bulk of the community.

See folks, we do NOT have a lawful government in place. In its stead is a military gov't of paramount force who closely resembles the de jure gov't.

My question is, why vote? You are voting for an unlawful gov't which is actively using you and stealing your labor for its benefit.

STOP VOTING for this. Withdraw your consent! Vote with your feet and do ANYTHING but vote.

The Great Ag

31st May 2010, 01:02 PM
Ag, I think you're correct, although I might rather call it "A Military Empire of Paramount Force."

31st May 2010, 05:02 PM
Sums it up nicely Ag. The blacks reference to De facto is also excellent. Looks like there are a lot of De Facto governments.

4th June 2010, 02:43 PM
Has the U.S. Constitution been suspended?
Have the elected officials appear to not comply with the terms?

HOWEVER, they are authorized by TWO facts:
[] Consent, and
[] State of Emergency.

In 1933, President Roosevelt declared a State of Emergency due to the inability of the U.S. government to redeem their notes (dollar bills) with lawful money. This emergency resulted in confiscation of all lawful gold coin, and substitution of repudiated notes (FRNs). Since 1933, no one has "paid their debts" pursuant to the Constitution, and as such, come under the bankruptcy protection power of the Federal government.

In 1935, via FICA, the vast majority of Americans surrendered their inalienable rights in exchange for entitlements (pauperization), as well as contracts for usury, with worthless notes.

In short, the United States of America transformed into the United Socialist States of America. . . by consent.

Unfortunately, that consent is not enough to sustain the necessary reorganization of the bankrupt government. Specifically, the value of the "human resources" has dropped below the outstanding obligation, necessitating the importation of more "human resources" of higher value (hard working "illegals").

Ergo, we will witness a collapse of the constitutionally bound, "voluntary" socialist system, for a "new compact", compulsory socialist democracy that may be referred to as the "People's Democratic Socialist Republic of America."

4th June 2010, 07:47 PM
Roosevelt eliminated gold from circulation. Nixon eliminated silver from circulation. The individual countries we know as "states" are required to make gold OR silver tender for debts. So states were eliminated in 1968 (in my state this milestone was the occasion of a state constitutional amendment to eliminate the office of county attorney ... by the way ... each county still has a county attorney ).

Nature hates a vacuum and that holds true for power vacuums. Either the People step up to the bat to reform a lawful government or an opportunity will be created for other forms of government to prevail (hint ... think Somalia here).


Could you elaborate more on the above post?

I find it terribly interesting how they did away with the states and would like to learn more.

Saul Mine
5th June 2010, 07:06 AM
It seems, historically, Presidents and CONgress can bend the law in an emergency, but once it has passed, legal systems in place, remedy the breach.

The message I get is that politicians will ignore the constitution any time they feel like it. The courts never remedy anything. What would they do, fine the government? Ignoring the law of the land is about the safest action available.

5th June 2010, 08:44 AM
My understanding is it was fully put to rest with the patriot act.

5th June 2010, 08:45 PM
Please do not be confused by disinformation, even from well meaning people.

The Constitution has NOT been abrogated by the Patriot Act or any number of suspicious laws, because of one simple fact: consent by persons liable.

If you are not a "person liable" the law does not apply to you.


Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans have surrendered their birthright and endowment, and become persons liable.

Restating, the constitutional governments have not impaired the natural and personal liberties of the American nationals, free inhabitants, domiciled within the boundaries of the U.S.A. They retain all inalienable rights, intact, and have no compulsory duties.

The same cannot be said for U.S. citizens / U.S. residents, residing at residences, duly enrolled and enumerated as socialists (paupers), engaging in contracts for usury with instrumentalities of the Federal Reserve corporation, and other immoral acts and deeds, proscribed by their religions and philosophies.

6th June 2010, 12:14 AM
What s a person paying child support to the state considered, jetgraphics?

Is there some binding agreement there?

6th June 2010, 10:34 AM
The US CON is a fictional document. It represents an idea. It is paper. Can an idea be suspended? Well, they want you to think so....

If you think your rights are on paper, you are a paper slave.

(this is not meant rude, as i am one too)

Maybe there's a reason the Founders said our rights came from the Creator? IMO, It is because it would ABSOLUTELY force you to defend those rights, as the Creator isnt here to defend them for you.


I have swallowed down the fact that if i want to enjoy any of my Creator endowed rights, it is ME who will have to defend them, and LETHALLY if needed. Not an elected official, not a piece of paper, and certainly not the Creator. For he/she will not intervene to help me, until i have PROVEN i will defend and help myself.


6th June 2010, 08:03 PM
What s a person paying child support to the state considered, jetgraphics?

Is there some binding agreement there?

Non-custodial Child support is authorized by SocSec - and since there is no law compelling participation, it is 100% voluntary servitude.

Title 18 USC § 228. Failure to pay legal child support obligations
(a) Offense.-- Any person who--
(1) willfully fails to pay a support obligation with respect to a child who resides in another State, if such obligation has remained unpaid for a period longer than 1 year, or is greater than $5,000

BTW, I am one of the few people who were NOT prosecuted for violation of this section, once I informed the proper court of my status at law.

7th June 2010, 03:28 AM
To handle the deception (and the difference) between the federal territorial state and the constitutional state each state uses a code phrase in their legislation: "this state". It means the federal zone WITHIN THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE STATE. Jurisdiction is OVER the land and water where the laws of THIS STATE apply.

The 14th amendment creates this affair. You have to go back to what a definition of "state" actually is. It is nothing more than a body politic, a group of people. Has nothing at all to do with territory or domain.

Ok, I read Adask's work, but I am a bit lost. The Land, who has dominion over the Land? The entity called this State, or who?

7th June 2010, 03:33 AM
What s a person paying child support to the state considered, jetgraphics?

Is there some binding agreement there?

Non-custodial Child support is authorized by SocSec - and since there is no law compelling participation, it is 100% voluntary servitude.

Title 18 USC § 228. Failure to pay legal child support obligations
(a) Offense.-- Any person who--
(1) willfully fails to pay a support obligation with respect to a child who resides in another State, if such obligation has remained unpaid for a period longer than 1 year, or is greater than $5,000

BTW, I am one of the few people who were NOT prosecuted for violation of this section, once I informed the proper court of my status at law.

So you served Notice to the court. What was the content of such Notice, Jet? Can you give us a rough sample?

10th June 2010, 04:53 PM
What s a person paying child support to the state considered, jetgraphics?

Is there some binding agreement there?

Non-custodial Child support is authorized by SocSec - and since there is no law compelling participation, it is 100% voluntary servitude.

Title 18 USC § 228. Failure to pay legal child support obligations
(a) Offense.-- Any person who--
(1) willfully fails to pay a support obligation with respect to a child who resides in another State, if such obligation has remained unpaid for a period longer than 1 year, or is greater than $5,000

BTW, I am one of the few people who were NOT prosecuted for violation of this section, once I informed the proper court of my status at law.

So you served Notice to the court. What was the content of such Notice, Jet? Can you give us a rough sample?

Writ of Error Coram Nobis

Recited three facts:
1. Their authority to compel was the Socialist InSecurity Act of 1935 (attached doc in support)
2. It was against my religious beliefs to participate in their abomination
3. As a religious man, I was civilly dead.

Within 48 hours of the timestamp, PA court dropped their contempt and charges, which triggered the Federal court to drop all charges - and release me - one day before the trial. On July 2, 1996. Which I celebrated by watching "Independence Day".