View Full Version : Rappoport:WHERE SHOULD THE POWER BE?

31st May 2010, 06:18 AM

May 29, 2010. There are various kinds of power. Perhaps you'll recognize the type I'm referring to in this article.

WHERE SHOULD THE POWER BE? This is a question that has been asked and answered for a hundred thousand years. Wars, death, destruction, deception, grand theft, heroism, manifestos have all provided evidence of the struggle.

We now have people behind the curtain and peeking out of the curtain claiming the answer, for our sake, is global governance. Call it anything you want to. New World Order. Globalism. Planetary management system.

They assert their motives are altruistic. That's right. They're not doing this to make a power grab, they're helping us. They're solving the problems of the world. They're maintaining order. They're bringing us into a new era of peace.

They're all liars.

There isn't an altruistic bone in their bodies.

And as far as we are concerned, we have a whole lot of self-deception going as well. Why? Because we keep falling into collectivist language and thought. We think we can't talk about power unless we address the great WE, the group, humanity, The People.

We're afraid of mentioning power in the context of the individual.

It has to be family, community, group, species.

It's we against them.

Well, it isn't.

That's just another delusion.

It is now, and always has been, the individual.

WE is about mystical religion. WE is about submerging the individual in some delusional fictitious Whole.

In that box, it's just the WE of the globalists versus the WE of the vague mystics. And the outcome, in the long run, will be the same.

The New Age people, no matter what disguise they are wearing, are afraid to make a proposition about individual power and back it up.

They cower behind pseudo-science and limp philosophy to create another WE.

Behind all the drugs and rebellion and music and so-called freedom of the 1960s, the real and lasting failure was the omission of the INDIVIDUAL. He was never spoken for. And the clear reason for it was fear, that's all. Fear of power for one person, and then another person, and so on.

Then and now, people say to themselves, "What power? How can I have power? What would that look like? What would that feel like? What would that be? I don't understand. I can only see power in a group."

It's as if a blind person believed he could only regain his sight as part of a collective. On his own, it would never work, but as a member of a group, a cipher, the rebirth might occur.

Notions of various Utopias are always about the group. History flows into a paradise where the species lives, and the individual is finally and miraculously submerged in the collective.

Yes, well, that's the definition of non-consciousness. It's a sketch of fascism.

The mystical WE says to the globalist We, "You want coercion and slavery. We want peace and love."

The truth is they are both heading to the same place.

The illusion of power rests in the group. The reality of power rests in the individual.


31st May 2010, 06:45 AM
I like it.

The power should be nowhere. Once there is power, there is corruption.