View Full Version : 2010 Jupiter - Uranus Triple Align / T-Square Shot thru Space time

31st May 2010, 09:14 PM
2010 produces several significant planetary dynamics: Jupiter arrives on the scene to ally forces with Uranus, which is most significant, bringing its expansive and mobilizing force. Notice in the timeline snapshot below that Jupiter makes its first opposition out of three with Makemake just after the fourth Saturn-Uranus opposition of April 26, 2010. Jupiter then opposes Saturn on May 23 and then conjoins Uranus on June 8, right smack in the middle of the window created by the final fourth and fifth Saturn-Uranus oppositions (April 26 and July 26, 2010).

Jupiter then makes a sustained square with Pluto as Jupiter stations at the same time as the fifth Saturn-Uranus opposition of July 26, 2010. This immediately precedes a very powerful and catalyzing Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn T-square peaking on August 16 through August 21, 2010. This event creates a powerful opening for the Synodic Synchronization of Sept 2010 to follow. July and August will be intense to say the least, like being shot through a vast stretch in time. However, this opening should be quite catalytic to propel us into the "Mobilization of Radical Change" hallmarked by the Sept 2010 Earth-Jupiter-Uranus Synodic Synchronization. Jupiter's arrival on the scene will bring a welcomed movement and expansion toward later 2010; and an emergence from this intensity in early 2011


1st June 2010, 01:25 AM
arch crawford has noted that the astrological setup for this summer is the most challenging he's ever seen in his 30 years work in financial astrology, including looking at previous stuff like WW2. interesting that two separate divination systems (webbots too) are pointing to the second half of this year as, hmm, interesting times.

1st June 2010, 06:08 PM
I'll be pouring organite on each of those dates to try and snapshot the energy. Then we can compare the outcomes together.

1st June 2010, 06:11 PM
Financial astrology. Is that a new field?

2nd June 2010, 12:47 AM
MN, no, very old. crawford has won the market timer annual competition many times.

2nd June 2010, 08:31 PM
arch crawford has noted that the astrological setup for this summer is the most challenging he's ever seen in his 30 years work in financial astrology, including looking at previous stuff like WW2. interesting that two separate divination systems (webbots too) are pointing to the second half of this year as, hmm, interesting times.

Amazes me that this guy is even able to discover ways to bring the newest found planets into the mix.

Mars and newly discovered Makemake begin a new 1.9-year (synodic) cycle. Makemake continues to play a very prominent role in the ongoing global financial restructuring. In fact, it was just after the Last Quarter Moon of the previous lunar cycle when Jupiter made its first of three oppositions to Makemake. This was May 5-6, when Europe’s failure to contain Greece’s fiscal crisis triggered a 4.3 percent drop in the euro. This was the biggest weekly decline since October of 2008, when the long-standing aspects involving the Uranus opposition to Makemake and Saturn began. Mars and Saturn will also begin a new 2-year (synodic cycle) a bit later in this lunar cycle, with both cycles inspiring a new dynamic of responsible and administrative creative action.


Lotta work going on here.

2nd June 2010, 08:39 PM
Found this on youtube from your reference uranian. Haven't listened yet, but the graphic looked cool enough.

Two big boys opposed.


The only one that is out of sorts is the king of the sea, you can see the Earth & Pluto lining up in T fashion to the rest, except him.

2nd June 2010, 10:26 PM
If you put all the pieces together you can fairly easily predict when the Scheat will hit the fan... ;D

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus – Scheat 2010

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in June 2010 is on the fixed star Scheat. In astrology, Scheat has a nasty reputation and we need to understand it’s influence in 2010 because it is highlighted very strongly. Scheat is the beta star (second brightest) of the constellation Pegasus, the Winged Horse. This star is strong in our consciousness now for many reasons. I go into more detail about the actual conjunctions in Jupiter Conjunct Uranus – The Quickening.


8th June 2010, 11:26 PM
Tuesday 08 June at 11:27 am is Jupiter conjunct Uranus. As discussed in The Quickening, this conjunction is quincunx Mars will will create heightened tension and irritability. There are some malefic stars activated this day so we could see some unwelcome events around this time. As Jupiter is expansion, and Uranus is awareness, we can aim for “Realization on a massive scale about the interconnectedness of life on our planet, and also some insights into what is ahead for us.


Sweet dreams.

9th June 2010, 12:26 AM
I don't get how Astrology / Planets can affect
change with our Financial System, Politics, etc.

Is this "Tinfoil Hatter" stuff, or does it work? ???

9th June 2010, 01:52 AM
I don't get how Astrology / Planets can affect
change with our Financial System, Politics, etc.

Is this "Tinfoil Hatter" stuff, or does it work? ???

it's fair comment that if there really are psychics out there, they'd be rich, as they could apply their talents to the markets. so i'd say check out crawford, eh, it's the best proof i know that astrology works that he's won the market timer award many times. in my own experience too (i studied astrology quite extensively when i was younger), yes, it works. i have no idea how or why ;D

”Never mind the theory, feel the results. The [Hulbert’s Financial Digest] Has tracked Crawford (http://www.crawfordperspectives.com/record.html) since 1989... Crawford’s timing did reduce risk substantially. However, there have been five-year periods along the way when Crawford’s timing was at or near the top…”—Forbes Newsletter Watch, Forbes.com, January 25, 2002

9th June 2010, 01:53 AM
PS horn, jupiter/uranus aspects can be fun...expansion of new tech is one way of seeing it, e.g. we landed on the moon under an exact conjunction of these 2.

and PPS, that graphic of the t square is very good...i've never seen anything like that set up, i imagine centuries will pass before we have such a challenging astrological set up again. not that i forecast doom based on that, as it's been often my experience when looking at personal astrology that those with the most challenging charts end up the most remarkable people, while the converse is true too (exceptionally good charts, people often end up lazy).

9th June 2010, 08:59 AM
PPS, that graphic of the t square is very good...i've never seen anything like that set up, i imagine centuries will pass before we have such a challenging astrological set up again. not that i forecast doom based on that,

From a strictly scientific viewpoint, the position that Earth is rotating into within that picture portends to great stress even physically related to it.

With all the tribulations/instability occurring in the solar system & the planet at this time, the main focus on Earth at this period seems daunting, let alone the situation upon the rock itself.

9th June 2010, 09:06 AM
i dunno, i never bought the idea that astrology is somehow related to gravity, given that it drops off with the square of the distance. i think the "local fluff" plasma cloud that we're entering has much more to do with the geophysical stresses (and changes in consciousness) that earth and her inhabitants are experiencing now.

9th June 2010, 09:57 AM
i dunno, i never bought the idea that astrology is somehow related to gravity, given that it drops off with the square of the distance. i think the "local fluff" plasma cloud that we're entering has much more to do with the geophysical stresses (and changes in consciousness) that earth and her inhabitants are experiencing now.

Right, just as lacing the atmosphere with certain aerosols enhances communication with subs, even electrically speaking, along with a host of other mediums. It (the fluff) may have an effect of amplifying certain forces, while muting others...

Interesting subject, to say the least.


9th June 2010, 11:06 AM
given that barium is one of the metals used in chemtrails, and given that barium is highly reflective to radiation (that's why it's given internally to people with medical conditions, as it's obvious from an x-ray where the barium enema/whatever else is in the person's body), i think there's some possibility that one of the functions of the barium is to reflect this consciousness-changing little fluffy cloud.


9th June 2010, 11:57 AM
Here's my thoughts on the matter. If the little old moon can alter the position of every ocean on earth two times each day, I have no reason to conclude that the position of jupiter is "meaningless". I believe subtle differences on earth are presented by every celestial body.

9th June 2010, 12:13 PM
I don't get how Astrology / Planets can affect
change with our Financial System, Politics, etc.

Is this "Tinfoil Hatter" stuff, or does it work? ???

it's fair comment that if there really are psychics out there, they'd be rich, as they could apply their talents to the markets. so i'd say check out crawford, eh, it's the best proof i know that astrology works that he's won the market timer award many times. in my own experience too (i studied astrology quite extensively when i was younger), yes, it works. i have no idea how or why ;D

I listened to the Arch Crawford interview. MOOD.

Planets / Astrology affects people MOODS as well as our Planet itself.

9th June 2010, 12:38 PM
I listened to the Arch Crawford interview. MOOD.

Planets / Astrology affects people MOODS as well as our Planet itself.

Gotta remember also, that many of the market creators follow this particular vein very closely.

9th June 2010, 12:55 PM
given that barium is one of the metals used in chemtrails, and given that barium is highly reflective to radiation (that's why it's given internally to people with medical conditions, as it's obvious from an x-ray where the barium enema/whatever else is in the person's body), i think there's some possibility that one of the functions of the barium is to reflect this consciousness-changing little fluffy cloud.

You obviously know too much, along with your location, only leads me to conclude that you must be a barium dealer/broker yourself... :o

I still have yet to find any trusted evidence that your "little fluffy clouds" even exist... ;)

2010<----even looks like a year of clouds...though still not convincing enough.


22nd June 2010, 04:17 PM

A partial lunar eclipse will take place on June 26, 2010, the first of two lunar eclipses in 2010. The second will be a total eclipse on December 21, 2010.


23rd June 2010, 07:10 AM
Financial astrology. Is that a new field?

i believe it was jp morgan who said " millionaires dont believe in astrology....BILLIONARES do"

maybe it was j jacob astor.

23rd June 2010, 08:30 AM
Financial astrology. Is that a new field?

i believe it was jp morgan who said " millionaires dont believe in astrology....BILLIONARES do"

maybe it was j jacob astor.

“Millionaires don’t have astrologers, billionaires do.”
JP Morgan (in a court deposition!)

23rd June 2010, 01:30 PM
“Millionaires don’t have astrologers, billionaires do.”

JP Morgan (in a court deposition!)

got a link? i always assumed that was just astrologers blowin' their own trumpets, but apparently not if it's in a court deposition!

23rd June 2010, 01:40 PM
“Millionaires don’t have astrologers, billionaires do.”

JP Morgan (in a court deposition!)

got a link? i always assumed that was just astrologers blowin' their own trumpets, but apparently not if it's in a court deposition!

No link, looks like a tough one to source though recognized as a factual statement from what I see online. Maybe the person I saw it quoted was talking out of his arse regarding the deposition.

Morgan did have a relationship with Evangeline Adams, a prominent astrologer back in the day.


23rd June 2010, 02:30 PM
cheers DMac, had never heard of her (aquarian of course!):

Adams was arrested twice in New York for fortune telling, in 1908 and May 1914. Although practicing astrology was not legalized at that time, Adams was later acquitted in 1914 after she gave the judge an accurate astrology reading describing the character of his son- just from a birthdate. Newspapers quoted the judge as saying that Adams "had raised astrology to the dignity of an exact science."

23rd June 2010, 02:35 PM
hmmmmm ......

Wondering aloud about the accuracy of astrology, as in the 'position' of the planets having a measurable effect on things happening right here right now in front of us.

Some interesting things to ponder, tie together, and maybe one day connect the dots with :

- That all 3 dimensional forms we perceive before us are generated by interference patterns based on certain harmonic frequencies :

- That the moon and the sun may be the same object, offset in time.

- That observations of the sun, measuring coronal mass ejections and sunspots, has a symmetric relationship to disturbances on the earth - even down to measuring the exact latitude of of earthquake events witnessed on earth only a short time after measuring them on the sun.

To understand the Copernican model of the Solar system, its worth going back to the source and reading about the various dialogs that took place surrounding the various models. A lot of the information previously bought to light about the effects of harmonic vibrations that were part of these original dialogs have been 'watered down' in the dumbed down models that persist in the mainstream today.

There may be much more than meets the eye with these models if you care to dig into it .....