View Full Version : Al Gore to separate from wife Tipper after 40 years
1st June 2010, 10:30 AM
Former Vice President Al Gore to separate from wife Tipper after 40 years of marriage
ERIK SCHELZIG Associated Press Writer
11:15 AM CDT, June 1, 2010
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage.
According to an e-mailed statement obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday, the Gores said it was "a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration."
Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider confirmed the statement came from the Gores, but declined to comment further.
Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election to Republican George W. Bush. He has since campaigned worldwide to draw attention to climate change, which in 2007 led to a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."
Tipper Gore is known for her advocacy on mental health issues. She became interested partly because her mother suffered from depression.
The Gores have four adult children.
1st June 2010, 12:17 PM
Maybe she found out about his love affair with Rockefeller devils.
1st June 2010, 01:57 PM
Word is, Al caught Tipper in the basement backward masking Twisted Sister records...
1st June 2010, 03:17 PM
Seems like the ol GW debacle is putting a strain on el Goro's mojo.
1st June 2010, 03:55 PM
After 40 years a change is good. ;)
1st June 2010, 04:00 PM
Here's How Accidentally Published Al Gore's Private Email Address
Read more: Read More Here ( accidentally posted the private email address of newly-separated Al and Tipper Gore earlier today.
Alex Weprin over at WebNewser did a little digging into how the gaffe occurred:
So what happened? today posted a story about Al and Tipper Gore's separation. The story included a link to a PDF of the email the Gores sent to friends. While the email address was blacked out in the PDF, clicking on the black bar opened the user's preferred email client, revealing the address used to send the note.
As the spokesperson noted, CNN has since changed the article to remove the offending PDF, but it was still online for nearly two hours, likely attracting thousands of clicks.
So did any of you catch a glimpse of the address while it was still live?
UPDATE: This guy did.
via @Zellmo: "CNN didn't take out the link to Al and Tipper Gore's email address when posting their separation email."
Here's a shot of the email in question announcing their separation to friends:
Read more: Read More Here (
EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo
1st June 2010, 04:11 PM
in case you missed it :D
1st June 2010, 10:20 PM
More importantly, who is carthage group? Don't try to find out or you might exceed your authority and get placed in a gulag.
1st June 2010, 10:50 PM
The Carthage Group
2100 Westend Avenue, Suite 620
Nashville, TN 37203
No idea what it does as of yet need to d a bit more digging. Random info: Carthage, Tennessee is where the Al Gore family farm is located so might have something to do with the name.
2nd June 2010, 12:23 AM
My guess is Al Gore was a bore.
2nd June 2010, 12:46 AM
Love the comment left by one of the users on that ( site!
"I'm sure there's another man involved. Maybe Tipper has one, too?" ;D
3rd June 2010, 12:33 AM
Does this mean Tipper gets half of the Internet?
3rd June 2010, 01:16 AM
This is a strategic divorce guys. She will be protecting half of his assets. Word is he is about to get some major lawsuits slapped down on him.
3rd June 2010, 04:27 AM
This is a strategic divorce guys. She will be protecting half of his assets. Word is he is about to get some major lawsuits slapped down on him.
This makes sense to me, particularly if it is about the global warming hoax. We shall see . . .
3rd June 2010, 05:01 AM
This is a strategic divorce guys. She will be protecting half of his assets. Word is he is about to get some major lawsuits slapped down on him.
This makes sense to me, particularly if it is about the global warming hoax. We shall see . . .
Yeah it is. Read.
A seven-month-old baby girl survived three days alone with a bullet in her chest beside the bodies of her parents and toddler brother.
Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.
Their son Francisco, two, died instantly after being hit in the back. But their unnamed daughter cheated death after the bullet from her dad’s handgun missed her vital organs.
Paramedics rushed her to hospital covered in blood when police alerted by worried neighbours discovered the massacre three days later.
The youngster is recovering in hospital in the town of Goya in the northern Argentine province of Corrientes, where doctors say she is out of danger.
Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police.
That little one will never have to work a day in her life. Lawyers were breaking every speed limit posted in an attempt to beat other lawyers in filing the suit.
3rd June 2010, 08:34 AM
...just more evidence of globas COOLING :lol
30th June 2010, 03:25 AM (
...against my crotch, saying, 'You know you want to do it.'"
Finally she got away. Later, she talked to friends, liberals like herself, who advised against telling police. One asked her "to just suck it up; otherwise, the world's going to be destroyed from global warming."
She got a lawyer and made an appointment to talk with authorities. She canceled and did not tell police until January 2009 and even then did not press charges.
In 2007, a Portland paper learned what had happened. Gore's lawyers called the story "absolutely false," and it wasn't published.
Now the National Enquirer has made the police report public. And Gore's family-man image will never be the same.
30th June 2010, 05:12 AM
It was because of his obsession with catching the MANBEARPIG!
30th June 2010, 09:20 AM
Excuse the sordid details but this may not of helped.............. ;D
Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
June 29, 2010
(AP File)
The allegation that Al Gore sexually assaulted a woman in a Portland, Ore., hotel room nearly four years ago has dealt a serious blow to the former vice president's story that he and wife Tipper simply "grew apart" after 40 years of marriage.
The police report of the masseuse's complaint is 73 pages long and extremely detailed. According to the document, she got a call from the front desk of the trendy Hotel Lucia on the night of Oct. 24, 2006. The hotel had a special guest. Could she come at 10:30 p.m.?
She went to Gore's room carrying a folding massage table and other equipment. Gore, whom she had never met, greeted her with a warm embrace. "The hug went on a bit long, and I was taken just a bit aback by it," the masseuse told police. But she went along because Gore "was a VIP and a powerful individual and the Hotel Lucia had made it clear to me by inference that they were giving him 'the royal treatment.'"
Gore said he was tired from travel and described in detail the massage he wanted. It included work on the adductor muscles, which are on the inside of the thighs. "I mentally noted that a request for adductor work is a bit unusual," the masseuse told police, because it can be "a precursor to inappropriate behavior by a male client."
Gore also requested work on his abdomen. When that began, "He became somewhat vocal with muffled moans, etc.," the masseuse recounted. Gore then "demand[ed] that I go lower." When she remained focused on a "safe, nonsexual" area, Gore grew "angry, becoming verbally sharp and loud."
The masseuse asked Gore what he wanted. "He grabbed my right hand, shoved it down under the sheet to his pubic hair area, my fingers brushing against his penis," she recalled, "and said to me, 'There!' in a very sharp, loud, angry-sounding tone." When she pulled back, Gore "angrily raged" and "bellowed" at her.
Then, abruptly, the former vice president changed tone. It was "as though he had very suddenly switched personalities," she recalled, "and began in a pleading tone, pleading for release of his second chakra there."
"Chakra," in Gore's new-agey jargon, refers to the body's "energy centers," which the masseuse interpreted as having a specific meaning. "This was yet another euphemism for sexual activity he was requesting," she told police, "put cleverly as though it were a spiritual request or something."
She wanted to end the session, but Gore "wrapped me in an inescapable embrace" and "caressed my back and buttocks and breasts." She tried to get away -- in the process calling Gore a "crazed sex poodle" -- but the former vice president was too strong for her.
A little later, she said, Gore produced a bottle of brandy and mentioned there were condoms in the "treat box" provided by the hotel. "He then forced an open mouth kiss on me," she said.
At that moment, the masseuse brought up Gore's long marriage. "How do you rectify this with your wife?" she asked. That brought on another "quick shift" in Gore's mood. "I never saw anybody's moods just go like this," the masseuse told police, snapping her fingers.
The accuser said Gore maneuvered her into the bedroom. His iPod docking station was there, he told her, and he wanted her to listen to "Dear Mr. President," a lachrymose attack on George W. Bush by the singer Pink.
"As soon as he had it playing, he turned to me and immediately flipped me flat on my back and threw his whole body face down over atop of me," she said. "I was just shocked at his craziness."
"He pleaded, grabbed me, engulfed me in embrace, tongue kissed me, massaged me, groped by breasts and painfully squeezed my nipples through my clothing, pressed his pelvis against mine, rubbed my buttocks with his hands and fingers and rubbed himself against my crotch, saying, 'You know you want to do it.'"
Finally she got away. Later, she talked to friends, liberals like herself, who advised against telling police. One asked her "to just suck it up; otherwise, the world's going to be destroyed from global warming."
She got a lawyer and made an appointment to talk with authorities. She canceled and did not tell police until January 2009 and even then did not press charges.
In 2007, a Portland paper learned what had happened. Gore's lawyers called the story "absolutely false," and it wasn't published.
Now the National Enquirer has made the police report public. And Gore's family-man image will never be the same.
30th June 2010, 11:27 AM
I wonder how many favors he's received from masseuses over the years...
I don't know anything about his wife... but Tipper sucks for a name...
30th June 2010, 01:53 PM
I wonder how many favors he's received from masseuses over the years...
I don't know anything about his wife... but Tipper sucks for a name...
Yes it rhymes with.........(starts with S)
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