View Full Version : The essence of the matter is there is really nowhere to hide, except gold.

1st June 2010, 12:46 PM
Mish is usually a good read - today was raw meat for Goldbugs.


No Good Currency Choice Except Gold

It's hard to have a real love affair with dollars, especially at this level. However, it is harder (for the time being) to have a love affair with the Euro.

With property bubbles in Canada, Australia, and China it sure is hard to like the Loonie, the Australian dollar, or the Renminbi (Yuan).

The essence of the matter is there is really nowhere to hide, except gold.

1st June 2010, 12:52 PM

Twisted Titan
1st June 2010, 01:01 PM
Dont forget the other precious metals........

1st June 2010, 01:03 PM
Your image it entitled "Gun Glock hollowpoint.jpg" - but it isn't a Glock. It's a Sig Sauer. Something only a gun nut would notice, I'm sure! ;D

1st June 2010, 01:05 PM
see, that inverted pyramid really means that all paper is based on two real things - property and small business. Not gold.

So there's 2 semi-safe assets: ownership of something real like land or property, and an income-generating business.

I did say "ownership" of real property, not some "real estate" fantasy mortgage rent, which is what 75 million mortgages are (x3 people in the house ~ 220 million people out of 300, ~73% of population)

diamonds and gemstones :)) ha-ha-ha, useless bright rocks...

Twisted Titan
1st June 2010, 02:09 PM
see, that inverted pyramid really means that all paper is based on two real things - property and small business. Not gold.

So there's 2 semi-safe assets: ownership of something real like land or property, and an income-generating business.

I did say "ownership" of real property, not some "real estate" fantasy mortgage rent, which is what 75 million mortgages are (x3 people in the house ~ 220 million people out of 300, ~73% of population)

diamonds and gemstones :)) ha-ha-ha, useless bright rocks...

The only way you can "own" land is if you are ready willing and able to kill any and all invaders attemping to force you off said land or extort revenue from it.

The only business in which you keep 100% of the profits is in the Black market